The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 201 Who is Duanmuyu?

When the expressionless young man appeared in the ward, he was almost instantly hit by three pairs of eyes.

The young man was silent and calmly glanced at everyone in the ward, with emotions in his eyes that he couldn't understand.

Open his lips and said coldly, "There is only one person Ye Jun Hall asked me to save. In this case, there will be no more."

The young man's words shocked Ye Zhiyu slightly. He squeezed his lips and didn't say anything, and his thoughts in his mind had been turned thousands of times. Yu really knew everything. Even the news of Li Chen's injury and coma was under control. It can be seen that the other party did pay attention to her situation secretly, and as long as he arrived in time, he should have been in Dijing for a period of time.

"I just want to thank you for saving me." Ye Zhiyu smiled quietly, but Su Jin, who was beside him, had turned pale.

The young man glanced at Ye Zhiyu's direction and said coldly, "No." Turning around and about to leave, Ye Zhiyu hurriedly said, "Don't you want to challenge it? The best doctors in China say that they can't cure him!"

The young man's footsteps did not mean to stop, but a faint voice floated along: "Since it has been said that it is the best doctor, it can't be cured."


When the young man heard the words, he turned his eyes and looked at her. His eyes were a little stunned. The calmness in his eyes seemed to have been torn open, which made his eyes suddenly cold. Ye Zhiyu thought he was going to be angry, but the other party just popped up a few words: " have the wrong person."

That is his reaction at this moment, but Ye Zhiyu caught the loophole, and his eager expression turned into an unpredictable smile at the corners of his mouth: "If it weren't for Duan Muyu himself, I'll shout, what did you stop for?"

The young man opened his mouth, but swallowed his words again, and his eyes were as cold as the ice from Siberia.

Ye Zhiyu didn't care, but just smiled and said, "Speaking of which, I went to Hong Kong before and found a fake brother. The child seemed to have the same base sequence as me in his body. Are you interested in studying it?"

The young man didn't say anything, just turned around and left, looking completely uninterested.

"He is locked in the most secret torture room of the Red Blade. If you challenge successfully, we can give you permission."

This time, the young man finally turned around again, but there was a little anger in his eyes: "No one can threaten me."

"Threat? What kind of threat is this? Is this an invitation? At most, it's a sincere negotiation. Miss Ye shrugged her shoulders, but the young man stared at her for a moment. The sharp blade-like sight made Qu Xiangtian sword beside Ye Zhiyu frown slightly, and her tall body stood beside Ye Zhiyu again, blocking the other party's sight.

Yu looked at Qu Xiangtian lightly. First, he was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth. There was something more unconcealed in his tone. He gritted his teeth and sarcasm: "I originally thought that the Ye family was a scourge in Ye Jundian."

Miss Ye smiled when she heard the words: "Thank you for your praise."

So the transaction was concluded so smoothly. Su Jin only felt that she was so nervous that she even became careful to breathe during the whole process, but she didn't expect Ye Zhiyu to finish it so easily.

"I'm going to prepare something and start the operation tomorrow afternoon."

Su Jin looked at the young man brushing his sleeves and leaving with a staring eye. After a long time, he said, "Who is Duan Muyu?"

"There is a very secret file in British Mi6. Because of the danger of its secrets, very few inside the government call it a 'small black box'. Until one day, because there was an agent mutiny in the organization, some of the information in the small black box leaked to the Internet and was inadvertently intercepted by a hacker who wandered around. There are some people who want to erase the existence of the CIA, and one of them is called Duanmuyu.

Su Jin looked at her friend's smiling expression, and the unbelievable in her eyes became more and more obvious: " do you know this kind of information?"

Ye Zhiyu was stunned, and then felt the eyes of the men around him raising their eyebrows and staring at him. The smile on his face immediately froze on the corners of his lips, and he began to laugh for a long time: "Ah ha, I'm posting, in the post bar, the fastest place where gossip spreads, you don't you know?"

The man's playful eyes are like a light on his back, Miss Ye's teeth are a little itchy, and her temples jump "bruptly". Su Jin looked at her with obvious suspicion, but did not expose her meaning.

Ye Zhiyu coughed and then said, "Dan Muyu used to be a genius teenager in China. It is said that he happened to encounter a car accident when he was 12 years old and had a thoracic surgery on a dying victim in order to give first aid. The specific name is too complicated. In short, it is a miracle that the man survived. The medical community caused a sensation. They wanted to find the teenager who had just arrived, and the teenager disappeared mysteriously, and he became fascinated by his background. Later, this matter was gradually forgotten.

Ye Zhiyu paused here and thought about what she wanted to say later. She couldn't help but feel that the sensation caused by Duanmuyu in China was deliberately suppressed by people with intentions.

"In the data of British Mi6, Duanmuyu was hijacked to assist in a genetic modification plan. Later, the laboratory exploded, and Duan Muyu died there." After saying that, Ye Zhiyu found that there was silence in the ward. He couldn't help but be stunned and said with a smile, "Oh, it's a post bar. Where do you think British MI6 is? How can you notice a fashionable and unknown 12-year-old teenager in China!"


Ye Zhiyu's heart sank slightly. That was a few years ago. She also felt that the information was too exaggerated, and the information source could not be proved, so she thought it was someone's prank and didn't pay attention to it. However, as soon as Duanmuyu's special name was mentioned today, she still suddenly remembered this matter.

If Duanmuyu is not dead, then the laboratory incident in those years should not be an accident. In addition, a man with such a tough style that no one can control his heart will actually come to Dijing for his brother's words to abandon the life of seclusion. It can only be said that he and his brother must have a life-and-death friendship.

So today she made a test, a disguised human experiment like Britain and a genetic modification program. She doesn't believe that these are coincidences. And now recalling what Yu said to her in Mexico, he said that the reason why he knew that the base sequence on her belonged to an ancient bloodline was because he knew such a friend. However, the Yi clan has been active in the dark all year round. How did he, a person who is also live in seclusion, have a chance to meet such a friend? Besides, at the age of this man, he is only about the same age as her brother. Of course, his words are even more suspicious. The experiment of the Yi people is also genetically modified. The technical team behind the advanced technology must be unimaginably powerful. If this is the action plan that Duan Muyu participated in that year, and she has an inextricable relationship with the Yi people...

Somehow, Ye Zhiyu had a hunch that the more they found Walker's true face hidden in the dark, the farther away they would be from the truth.

When she was wandering around, Miss Ye suddenly felt a pain in her forehead. When she came to her senses, she saw the man's face, which was more cloudy than the day when it was about to rain. She was immediately stunned. Then she smiled and quickly opened her mouth to change the topic: "What about the later generations of Bai Shuiqing?"

Unexpectedly, when she opened her mouth, Lord Yan's expression became more and more ugly. After a long time, he held out a sentence: "The lawyer of the Bai family submitted a hospital examination sheet for Bai Shuiqing's neurological condition, saying that he had mental problems and could not be investigated for legal responsibility."

Ye Zhiyu sneered when he heard the words, and there was a little ridiculing in his eyes: ... It really looks like the style of the Bai family.

"She has a certificate of my origin. Did you find that kind of thing from her at that time?"

Qu Xiang's divine face darkened and frowned, "What are you talking about?"

Ye Zhiyu was stagnant at first, and then said his idea of quietly finding his biological parents without bothering him. The latter's face was really unexpectedly worse and worse. However, when she thought he would say a few words, she heard the other party say coldly, "I haven't found that kind of thing."

Ye Zhiyu smiled carelessly when he heard the words, "It's really a lie to me... Why do you think I'm so easy to lie?" He did not ignore the flashing loneliness behind her pretentious relaxed expression, and his eyes were slightly dark and he was speechless for a long time.

Su Jin didn't understand what the two of them were talking about. She only felt that the atmosphere between the two was not right. She immediately smiled and said, "Xiao Yu, I'll go with Li Chen first and come back to see you later." After saying that, he left, leaving a room with a strange atmosphere.

Ye Zhiyu only felt that the men around her kept venting, and she was guilty, so she had to yawn very pompfully and pretended to be sleepy, "I'm tired, sleep for a while," and then she looked at him flatteringly, with seven points of flattery and coquettishness in her eyes: "You will accompany me, right?"

However, this time, Qu Xiangtian didn't eat this set. He stood straight by the bed and looked at her. The emotions in his eyes were clearly extinguished, which made Ye Zhiyu feel that there was no panic in his heart.

"You go to bed first. I'll go to the room outside to deal with things."

She pressed his back and inexplicably tightened her heart, saying, "Wait a minute, big white goose!" Almost blurted out. It's just that when he really looked back at her, the cold and lonely light in his bottomless eyes seemed to burn her fiercely. Ye Zhiyu squeezed his lips, smiled a little, and said, "Big white goose... Please help me pour a glass of water before you leave... I'm afraid that if you're not by my side for a while, I'll be thirsty and say you. Do you have to feel sorry for me and then--"

"Ye Zhiyu."

He called her in a low voice and interrupted her chatter. She couldn't help but be stunned. No matter how he pulled his face, how long has it been since this man called her full name like this?

A little cold rose from the bottom of his heart, and the man's eyes were a little helpless and complicated, and he was not sharp and bright as usual.

"Ye Zhiyu, do you know what I hate most about you? Even today, you still can't learn to trust me and rely on me... I thought I was already your family." He opened his mouth and seemed to blurt out something, but in Ye Zhiyu's stunned look, he squeezed his lips and his eyes were silent.

"Forget... have a good rest."