The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 204 The Secret of Duanmuyu

When Li Chen woke up, he saw the face with tears in his eyes but forced him not to fall.

I want to make a sound, but my throat is so dry that I can't make any sound; I want to give her a smile, but the corners of my lips are dry and torn apart to make my lips taste the smell of blood.

She chopped her throat and quickly helped him get a wet cotton swab to moisten his lips slightly. The white color of the cracks finally regained a little blood color.

He subconsciously looked at her lower abdomen, but the flat appearance there surprised him. For a while, he couldn't speak.


She immediately agreed, but deliberately bit her lip. That appearance made his heart cool. The first reaction of her body was to hug her. Su Jin saw that the man lying in the bed for nearly five months suddenly struggled violently. She was stunned and quickly said, "Don't move. The child was born safely. It's a girl and very healthy."

"...female..." He was stunned, and the peach blossom eyes were full of disbelief. He stared at her with a deliberate smile for a long time, as if he finally believed that she was not comforting him. He almost suddenly bounced up from **, but his back was less than a centimeter away from the bed, and his whole body fell back to **.

Su Jin was shocked by his more fierce behavior than before and quickly came forward to comfort her. Unexpectedly, before she could move, her cold voice sounded from the doorside with a little pastime: "I originally wanted to follow up on your recovery, but now it seems that I really can't die."

Li Chen was stunned when he heard the words. The young man outside the door looked clean and refreshing in white clothes, but his light eyes were undisguised indifference, with the sharpness he was familiar with that could be transformed into killing people at any time, especially the extremely strong man behind him, for last week. The anger made Li Chen frown slightly, and his eyes were immediately mixed with a little vigilance.

The young man seemed to be used to such a look and didn't care about it. Instead, Su Jin hurriedly explained, "This is Dr. Duanmu. He saved you."

"I said, you have identified the wrong person."

The youth's denial made Su Jin suddenly a little embarrassed. She opened her lips and didn't know what to say for a moment. The atmosphere in the room suddenly fell into a moment of silence.

Li Chen stared at the other party quietly, and his head was a little dull because he had just woken up. The aura emitted by the man's whole body was destined to be that the other party was not a thing in the pool. When he took a closer look, he felt that the man's appearance was quite familiar. After thinking for a moment, he realized that the other party had had several relationships and even healed himself when he was in Mexico. He immediately sighed with emotion. It seems that now because of the marriage of the boss A great woman came to be the head of the family and was destined to have a closer relationship between Red Blade and FBK than at any time in history.

In addition to ice, there are naturally hidden dragons and crouching tigers in FBK, and there are many powerful figures hidden there.

Li Chen squeezed his lips, and there was a trace of play in his eyes. At the time when Su Jin hadn't spoken, he pulled his hoarse voice and smiled quite cynically.

"I don't know what to call this?"

Yu naturally saw from Li Chen's eyes that the other party still recognized him. His eyes narrowed slightly, and his face was slightly mixed with a little disgust.

"I'm going to draw blood now and do DHP to check the fusion of blood styrin in your body. I hope you can cooperate."

"OK, absolutely 100% cooperation."

Li Chen looked at the other party's face that had never changed, and his heart was slightly sunburned. The place where the blood was drawn hurt as if his nerves were twitching. However, from the appearance, the amount of bleeding was much less than usual. Li Chen had to laugh carelessly in order to appease his daughter-in-law, but he had already GRindered his back teeth and greeted the black-hearted doctor who took private revenge to the whole family.

The woman in front of him looks as usual, as if he has never been in danger of not being able to sleep for so long. Even for a long time after that, Li Chen often thought that if he really couldn't wake up, she would really live alone, taking care of the daily life of a vegetable while taking care of her child with such a slender skeleton. Every time I think about it, I think about it.

"Do you know what was the most fortunate thing in my heart when I lost consciousness?" He looked at her deeply, with the same unscrupulous smile in his eyes. The latter was slightly stunned, and the next moment, his hand had been grabbed and gently put into the palm of his hand.

Su Jin shook her head, saying that she couldn't guess. At that moment, she saw the chagrin in the eyes of the peach blossoms that she had never seen before.

"I'm glad I didn't marry you." He said half jokingly, "In this way, you can find a good man to marry."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he spoke, he obviously felt that the body of the people around him was stiff, and his little face immediately appeared a little pale. The next second he would notice that her face had changed, Su Jin had pulled out his hand from his hand. The emotions in his eyes were a little disappointed and somewhat complicated that Li Chen could not understand, but he was still there. While exploring, she said word by word, "But I regret it. I have been regretting it for the five months when you were in a coma." She looked at him, with a shiny luster in her eyes, and the scorching temperature almost burned him.

"I regret and blame myself why I was so stubborn and unwilling to marry you at the beginning."

She said a word, and he was speechless and stared at her.

Su Jin didn't say much to him, but just stood up. "Xiaoyu's situation is not very good. I'll go to see her first and bring you food in the evening."

Li Chen was about to open his mouth when the other party had walked to the door. He happened to meet the young man who was about to enter the door. Su Jin nodded slightly to the other party and walked sideways out of the door.

"It seems that you really can't stop." There was a little sarcastic in his voice, which stunned Li Chen, but this time he had no intention to refute the other party, but he sneered coldly from the tip of his nose with a little disdain.

The young man glanced at each other lightly and said nothing. He walked into the ward and put the report sheet in his hand by Li Chen's bedside. "The degree of fusion reached 93 percent, which was unexpected. In the next time, if you still feel any discomfort, press the button at the head of your bed and ask the nurse to give you painkillers.

Since Li Chen was stabbed by that powerful technique, his natural alertness made him realize the unusualness in the other party's words in an instant and immediately asked, "What is 93 percent of the degree of integration? What on earth have you done to my body?"

But the young man did not mean to answer. He put down the report form and left, leaving Li Chen alone and fell into a deep silence.

The young man in white turned into the empty corner, and the strong man who had been following him said without warning: "Master, that man's blood is unexpectedly suitable. Are you going to let go so simple?" The man's voice is as low as a bell, and the oppression and hoarse smell in his voice can't help but make people feel a little creepy.

However, the young man just turned around, his eyes glanced at the other side lightly, and the corners of his lips were slightly upturned: "Why do you suddenly think of interfering in my affairs?"

"It's not!" A tall man's face suddenly appeared with a look of fear that was inappropriate for his body shape. When he bent his knees, he actually knelt on the ground fiercely: "I dare not interfere with the master. I just feel that the master has given up the good opportunity he has been looking for so many years for a simple agreement. It's really too What a pity. My subordinates feel that it is not worth it for the master!"

Hearing this, the young man finally turned around and looked condescendingly at the man kneeling in front of him. A shallow fold appeared between his eyebrows, but his tone could not hear the ups and downs of emotions.

"I know what happened to me."

"But I'm afraid your body can't wait that long!"

As soon as the strong man said, he touched the sharp eyes of the man, he only felt that his throat was tight and he quickly lowered his head, but his eyes were full of forbearance. He still lowered his voice and said, "I hope the master will put your body first. If I can help you, my subordinates will not hesitate to give their lives. But my blood is powerless, and I really don't want to see my master disturbed by the pain of heart-breaking bones every night... My subordinate--


The strong man was stunned and looked at the young man's eyes. He immediately glanced at the corner. His eyes suddenly turned fierce. He got up and was about to chase in that direction, but was stopped by the hand stretched out in front of him.

The young man shook his head, and the strong man's expression did not agree, but the master and servant still walked in the opposite direction.

The footsteps were getting farther and farther away. At that end, Su Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the doubt in her eyes was even more.

Who is that doctor...? And is the person they just talked about Li Chen? What did they want to do to Li Chen, or what could have been done?

Xiao Yu seems to be very clear about the origin of the doctor. If he had really served the British Mi6 and even participated in the genetic modification project, why did he appear in such a place now...

She must ask Xiaoyu about her current mental situation...

Thinking of Ye Zhiyu, Su Jin's eyebrows sank slightly, and the sudden pain in her heart almost drowned her.

She thought that all the suffering Xiaoyu had survived. From then on, fate would treat them well. There would be no death of relatives, no painful torture, and everything would be on a normal track.

But who would have thought that at this time, someone would steal a child from the baby room in broad daylight. The other party didn't know what the purpose was. He took away the girl and left the boy behind. It was said that Xiaoyu seemed to have guessed it for a long time, but it was still a step late. Now the whole hospital is under martial law, and people outside can't get in and people inside can't get out. Everyone knows that Emperor Yan was furious, and the armed forces directly made the hospital a drain.

But more than 24 hours have passed, but the child still has no news...