The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 207 I'm no longer human

When she was in Mexico, Yu told her that she had a special base code sequence. Later, when she was kidnapped to the secret community of the Yi people, she met A Xun. The teenager who claimed to be her brother and claimed to have omnipotent ability, but carried a secret on his back and finally almost assassinated him. She. Later, Qu Xiangtian captured Xun away, and Ye Zhiyu vaguely guessed that the other party should be locked here, but did not ask much.

In fact, at that time, with the teenager's skills, it was not difficult to get a fatal blow, but in the end, he let her go, but unexpectedly, he almost died on Walker's means of eradicating useless chess pieces.

Later, she occasionally saw him in her dreams. She still looked slender and green, but her eyes had too much maturity that did not match that age.

What's more, she has always had a hunch... When she first saw the teenager, the familiar feeling was beyond his control. Is there a possibility that he was really her own brother?

The way to prove it is very simple. With the help of modern medicine, I want to know if there is a blood relationship between two people. I just need to test DNA, but she has not asked for such a long time. The reason is nothing else, but I don't know what she should do with the teenager if the results prove her conjecture.

Without thinking about it, it has been put on hold. By the time she came back from Hong Kong and gave birth to a child, it has been more than half a year since the last meeting.

"What's wrong with Xun?" Ye Zhiyu looked at the usual expression of the young man and frowned slightly. When the latter saw Ye Zhiyu's post, he naturally knew all about it and said seriously, "It was the boy who was caught by the boss. When he first-degree burns when he first came in, he miraculously recovered. But it has always been that weak appearance. We were all very relieved. Who knew that one night, he was like a crazy wild dog, so crazy that he bit a guard to death, and the other almost died in his hands.

Speaking of that night, he was really shocked. This was not the eyes and behavior that human beings should have. It looked like he had been possessed by something.

Ye Zhiyu frowned and listened to the young man's description. The latter seemed to be so impressed by what happened at that time that he talked endlessly: "Later, I don't know what happened. This child is like this every night, so we simply locked him up."

When Qu Xiangtian heard the words, he immediately twisted his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Why haven't you reported it?"

seemed to be shouted by the deep and powerful voice, and the young man's eyes flashed: "There is a human life here, which is our dereliction of duty, but this child's identity is special. Report it to the Red Blade, and you will be unnecessarily implicated."

Unexpectedly, the other party thought so much. Qu Xiangtian pondered for a moment, and then pulled out a sneer with a little madness in his eyebrows: "Just such a thing, it won't do anything to me. If you don't report your dereliction of duty, you will reduce your salary by three months, and hand in an inspection to Captain Ling.

"Yes, chief."

Ye Zhiyu looked at the young man in front of her and seemed to be a guard working here, but she seemed to have never seen this person in her impression. She can't understand Qu Xiangtian's meaning. Since Gu Junmo went to Hong Kong to meet Bingling, Ling Yaoyang has been managing here, but he has not reported anything to Qu Xiangtian. There are only two possibilities. The first is true as the guard said, and the second is that Ling Yaoyang himself intends to hide it. The big white goose seemed to be punishing the little guard, but in fact, it still killed the chicken as an example for Ling Yaoyang.

However, this little guard's calm reaction has long expected Qu Xiangtian to make such a decision? Thinking of this, Ye Zhiyu couldn't help looking at the young man in front of him. He was not high, which made people feel clever and powerful, but there was no evil spirit.

Ye Zhiyu squeezed his lips and was silent for a long time, and finally opened his mouth faintly.

"That child is there now. I want to see him."

The little guard turned pale when he heard the words: "No, madam! That child is too dangerous. What if something happens to your identity?"

Ye Zhiyu pulled his lips and smiled disapprovingly: "Didn't you lock him up? Why can he break free from the chain to bite me?

"This..." The little guard looked at the silent man beside him with embarrassment, but the latter nodded and had to salute: "Yes! Take the chief and his wife there!"

Through the long corridor, she took the elevator to the bottom floor. Ye Zhiyu was still imprisoned here when she came here last time. She couldn't help worrying and didn't know how Bingling and Gu Junmo were doing in Hong Kong. Why hasn't there been any news for so long?

In the wandering time, the little guards had taken them to Ah Xun's room. The roar came from the room, and the suppressed air seemed to drain the last trace of support in the chest and lungs, making Ye Zhiyu frown: "In such a deep place, the sound can actually reach the ground."

"Isn't it? I always shouted loudly the first few times before I went crazy, which made people panic, and I couldn't help worrying about whether he would run out."

"Have you asked someone to see him?"

"Captain Ling..." The young man suddenly stopped here and looked a little hesitant. It was not until the man's sword-like sight came that he said, "He usually goes to bed during the day after going crazy at night. Captain Ling said not to find someone to see him for fear that he will hurt people."

Ye Zhiyu frowned and suddenly remembered what Su Jin told her about Duan Muyu before. That man also seemed to have some hidden diseases and would attack at night... If he was really related to the affairs of the Yi clan, then Ah Xun's body...

At the moment when Ye Zhiyu was distracted, a faint hoarse voice suddenly floated out through the door. The tone was very light, but the content was only two words, which clearly fell into Ye Zhiyu's ears.


She trembled and was stunned there.

" that you..."

"What nonsense is he talking about?" The young man looked at Ye Zhiyu doubtfully. Fortunately, the light was dim, covering the latter's slightly white face. Qu Xiangtian stepped forward and stood in front of Ye Zhiyu and ordered, "You go up first and ask Captain Ling to prepare for it. I'll see her later."

"Yes!" The young man left without doubt about him and trained him.

Ye Zhiyu froze in place and tried to open his mouth, but found that his throat was tight, but at this time he heard a sound coming out of the door: "Sister... I hurt so much... It hurts all over..."

He is using her... The teenager has taken advantage of her indulgence several times and calculated. Ye Zhiyu warned herself, but her heart couldn't help twitching slightly, as if through a door, she could clearly feel the pain suffered by the teenager just by the ethereal voice.

"Sister... won't my health get better..."

"Sister, you are talking... Are you still blaming Xun...?"

"I'm not blaming you, and I'm not your sister." Finally, Ye Zhiyu replied in a hard voice, but there seemed to be an imperceptible smile on the other side of the door: "Self-deception, sister, you know, our blood is connected."

"The blood is connected, so you still plan to kill me?"

"The master's words will not be wrong. He said that even if I kill you, you will be fine, but I'm worried that you are pregnant with a child, otherwise... otherwise..."

Ye Zhiyu was a little confused when he heard the words, but he still sneered and said, "Your master wants to get rid of you together, but you still protect him. Do you know why your body became like this? I think your great master must know.

Originally, I thought that the teenager would waver by saying this sentence, but the other party suddenly replied, "I know... The master said that I was cursed, and this is a spiritual manifestation."

Ye Zhiyu frowned when he heard the words, and it was a curse again?

"What's going on with your body?"

Ye Zhiyu finished asking this time, but there was no sound at the other end of the door. It took him a long time to reply, "Sister, do you want to know whether my body cares about me or for intelligence?"

Ye Zhiyu raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "Naturally it's for intelligence."

At that end, there was suddenly no sound.

Ye Zhiyu gritted her teeth, and she still had the last card: "It doesn't matter if you don't say it. I know a person who has the same symptoms as you and is in pain every night. This is a hidden disease, not a curse. If you don't want to tell me, I can ask him. It's just that that man's mouth is not easy to pry. Ye Zhiyu didn't say the last sentence.

And Ye Zhiyu understood that she bet on the card. Ah Xun heard her words and obviously made a movement again. He only heard the iron chain in the door make a loud noise, accompanied by a hoarse roar, which made people tremble. If she doesn't know that there are people inside, she may think that there is a beast inside.

"What are you talking about! Do you know someone like me? Impossible, it can't be like this. The adult said that I'm special... I'm a special adult who can't lie to me!"

"I don't know that. You don't say anything, and I can't prove it to you."

The people at the other end of the door seemed to be still struggling, but in the end, Ye Zhiyu heard a long sigh. The voice seemed to have finally made some kind of determination, "Okay, A Xun told Sister, but this is because A Xun believes in the power of adults."

Ye Zhiyu squeezed his lips and said nothing. He only heard the person at the other end of the door say, "The adult said a long time ago that A Xun's body would have such a change one day, but he didn't expect it happen on the day when he was abandoned by the adult. This must also be the will of adults.

"My body hurts like tearing every night, with sharp nails growing on my hands, thirsty throat, and my sense of smell and hearing are several times sharper than normal." Ah Xun seemed to be a little difficult to say this. He gasped and adjusted for a long time before he continued, "Sister, my current appearance is no longer human..."