The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 241 Walker, catch!

When Qu Xiangtian came back at 1:30 p.m., the little ice cube had fallen asleep early. As soon as he opened the door, he found that there was still a floor lamp on at the entrance of his home. The warm yellow light was quiet and peaceful.

There seemed to be a trace of surprise in the man's eyebrows, and his ink-dyed eyes sank slightly. He took off his coat very carefully and walked into the hall. Sure enough, he saw the woman curled up on the sofa wrapped in a thin blanket.

Ye Zhiyu had something on her mind and slept lightly. Even if the man was very careful, she was still woken up. Her misty eyes looked at the person in front of her, as if she had not been focused for a long time.

The soft black hair was lazily scattered on the thin quilt shoulder, and the big moist eyes were the most charming at this half-sleeping and half-awake confused moment. Qu Xiangtian quietly approached her and sat down, stretched out his long arm to pick her up from the sofa.

At this time, Ye Zhiyu was completely awakened. The sleepy bug flew nowhere. He grabbed the material on the man's chest with his fingers, frowned and said, "How's it going? Have you caught anyone?"

In the past month, Gu Junmo risked his life to stage a good drama of a flight accident. If she hadn't successfully deceived those painstaking old foxes, she would really feel that she would meet the monsters of thousands of years of Taoism.

He looked at her nervous appearance, with thin lips like a knife, and silent sharp eyebrows. Ye Zhiyu couldn't see the reason, and his heart was inexplicably flustered.

Finally, seeing enough of her nervous look, the corners of the man's lips finally bent gently, and his eyes rubbed into the first smile of these days.

"I got it."

"What about the plane that went for the test flight?"

"The missile was successfully intercepted before the launch, and the pilot has been arrested. When the evidence is collected, they can be directly referred to the military court together." He spoke unhurdenly and gently put her on the soft bed.

When Ye Zhiyu heard the words, he couldn't help frowning worriedly: "I'm afraid it's going to move to the people of the Military Commission this time. It doesn't matter."

"The old man has been preparing for a long time, and the back hand of the people on the side of the Military Commission is almost broken." Moreover... Many people in the Military Commission are comrades-in-arms of the old man, and the old man always has to worry about his past feelings no matter what he does. And he doesn't have this factor. If he starts, he will let those people see what destruction is...

Covering the anger in his eyes, Qu Xiangtian took the person in his arms back to the master bedroom, but the latter was not sleepy.

Ye Zhiyu still frowned and thought about what had happened these days.

After they realized that Bai political commissar was Walker, they carefully sorted out all kinds of previous riots, from the genetic modification plan 20 years ago, to the A-TM action, to what happened in Hong Kong and the power of Hongliantang in the mainland, they agreed that if Walker is only a senior political leader, then there must be The forces of the three parties are involved, otherwise he alone can't make such a big wave.

Although it is not clear who cooperates with political commissar Bai, it is certain that it should be an organization similar to armed gangs that can cover people's ears. At least this member of the General Political Bureau can't run away.

By investigating the capital savings of the Bai family, she found that the other party circled several short accounts and finally contacted a huge account of the Swiss bank.

Ye Zhiyu was almost shocked by the savings in this small vault. How dare this old man's political career for more than 40 years to betray the country?!

Through the infiltration of national policies and intelligence collection, it is enough to control 40% of the rise and fall of domestic stocks, but the control of the financial market is not complete. This fat-hearted member of the General Political Bureau has changed his way to make a fortune by taking advantage of his position.

If you provoke a war, or war warning, then there is only one person who benefits the most from it, that is, an arms dealer.

The orientation of national policies and diplomatic intelligence can be sold to the arms dealers who cooperate with him to hear the information in advance, and the latter can hoard arms in advance in countries where civil strife is about to break out and dump them at a high price. Especially in third world countries, many armed guerrilla organizations need to obtain sources of arms in this way.

However, this old man is not satisfied. After all, the real news is too limited, and gradually became bold, and I actually thought of making money by making fake news. It's just that once this kind of thing is done, it will affect the accuracy of the intelligence source, and the buyer may not be willing to do business with him again in the future. Therefore, for this fake news, Ye Zhiyu estimated that it should be the only and last time he did this kind of business. Those who don't do it will not send a large number of confidants to send a pair of confidants abroad in advance in order to plan the future.

Before, the purchase of large-scale weapons in Hongliantang was also Bingling. They misunderstood the intention. The other party did not intend to cause any civil strife in China and was hoarding goods. After this military exercise, it will be a huge amount of money to dump it at a high price.

The reason why Ye Zhiyu saw through this is still A Yue's point.

Generally speaking, the shot bombs of fighters are made of linthate metal materials, which can ensure the concentration of the scope of the explosion, thus ensuring the power and effectiveness of the bombing. However, the scattered cores of these new fighters are very strange. The raw materials used are highly scattered metals, that is to say, this kind of scattered missiles focus on the impact area rather than the effectiveness of the attack.

This is really a stupid low-level mistake for a stealth fighter born for national defense and war. Since A Yue said that looking at the design drawings, the designer should have a very high level, it is not difficult to explain this imperceptible but extremely unreasonable scattering setting - some people did it on purpose.

After Ye Zhiyu returned home, he immediately discussed with Qu Xiangtian and investigated the way of these designers. He found that one of them had not returned home for more than three months, but this person had not reported the case to the police station. He still went to work normally as if nothing had happened.

This threat seemed to be an old drama for Qu Xiangtian. Ye Zhiyu quickly followed the vines and found out that it was the people who kidnapped Hongliantang. At a glance, the purpose of this white* is obvious.

Small lethality but large destructive scattered bombs. If it is really launched near Zengmu's dark sand, the South China Sea, which has already been disputed, will now make the situation even more tense. If there is some further sound at this time that the country is about to take tough measures, then the business of arms dealers will definitely be easy to do.

Therefore, in order to avoid other conspiracies, she and Qu Xiangtian simply made Li Chen, who were going to drive in person, and another driver pretend to be dead in the explosion, so that there will be more vacancies. Political Commissar Bai has been struggling in politics for so many years. Bai seized the opportunity, and he would not let go of this gap and put his people in. But if a country launches a unilateral attack is not enough to incite domestic public opinion, what if terrorists or extremist politicians from other countries carry out terrorist activities on China's National Day tour? What if a performance plane during the tour suddenly crashed and was later found to be done by terrorists from other countries?

In this way, both sides are in a state of excitement, and it is not impossible for a war to break out at that time.

Therefore, Ye Zhiyu deliberately left a loophole to make it easier for the performance aircraft. The old fox saw it and took the bait.

The evidence in their hands is that the other party's holding a huge amount of money is enough to spend the lower body of the old fox in prison. It's just that she needs to know the way of the foreign organization that cooperates with political commissar Bai. These people are likely to have something to do with previous human experiments. Sure enough, they lived up to their careful plan. The old fox found that the plan had failed. Her first reaction was to call the other person with a traceable phone. Thanks to this phone call, she had successfully tracked the location of the man.

It's just that to her surprise, it turned out to be an Ethiopian gangster.

She has hardly heard of this armed group, arms and poison from third world countries. Product trafficking has always been the most important in the world, but human experiments and genetic research projects that require extremely complex technology and high-quality research teams, she thought would be in other more developed European and American countries.


This organization may be just a puppet.

Ye Zhiyu thought, and the shadow of his eyes became darker and darker.

It was not until something warm gently touched the corners of her eyes that Ye Zhiyu was slightly stunned and came back from his thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?"

He just kissed her gently and let go, and began to take off the military jacket he was wearing, revealing the white shirt inside.

She watched with some obsessiveness as he pulled off his tie, and her slightly narrowed black eyes were full of coldness and a little defiance, which made people't help but beat faster just by looking at their hearts.

Ye Zhiyu felt a little dry, but he still said seriously, "I'm thinking that we should get a lot of useful things from the mouth of political commissar Bai." There are still too many doubts that have not been solved...

How did he connect with foreign organizations? Why did they study human experiments? How much does Political Commissar Bai know about her? And she vaguely felt that her brother should have some pity with these people... and... most importantly... who her biological parents are.

"I will pry open that mouth sooner or later." When he said this, a cold light suddenly appeared in the man's eyes, and Sensen showed undisguised cruelty.

Then, Ye Zhiyu only felt that the figure in front of him shook, and he had been trapped into the bed. The man's handsome face was close at hand, and the ink-dyed black eyes grabbed her for a moment, with a soft smile in his eyes, as if feathers gently touched her heart.

"Xiao Yu, but what you need now is rest."