The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 258 Routine

When Anthony came back, Bing Ling was doing push-ups with one hand, and there was a slight red ooze on his shoulder blade due to tear and strain.

The man was shocked and ran over with what he threw in his hand: "What are you doing?"

Due to mental concentration, Bingling was shocked by such a roar from the other party. Her men were so angry that they almost lay on the ground.

Before she could exert herself, she felt that her waist was buckled by a hot palm, and her body was pulled up from the ground.

He clamped her waist tightly. Because he didn't pay attention to her anger, he subconsciously held her directly in his arms, and Bingling felt that the other party's anger was inexplicable and was a little stunned for a moment.

"Are you just not able to listen to the words for your good on October 11th?! I said you need to rest. Your shoulders are like this. Look, won't you feel sorry for yourself at all? Always like this! This woman really wants to drive him crazy!

His angry eyes reflected her stunned eyes. In a momentary illusion, she felt in a trance that she had returned to Hong Kong, surrounded by the mist from the hot springs, and everything was hazy.

That man, too, is extremely serious in his eyes and faintly beating anger.

He said, "If you don't cherish yourself, I'll help you."

He said, "If you don't care about yourself, I'll help you care."

He said, "Your life is not only yours. From today on, I will protect it."

With a bewitching smell in his deep voice, the man actually showed such an expression in front of her...

That night, she found that it was just a simple touch between lips that could make her heart tremble...

It was almost a momentary, but inadvertently, the bottom of his eyes was damp, and something cold scratched his cheeks and hit his feet.


Bingling was stunned, just making a single tone, reached out and touched her cheek in a daze, but found that tears could not stop at all, and fell out of control.

Anthony obviously panicked when he saw her suddenly crying. He was stunned for a long time, but he quickly stretched out his hand to help her wipe it. "Eleven I'm not... I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry, I just saw that you don't care about yourself so much... Don't cry, boo..." He simply stretched out his hand and pressed her head into his chest with his long arms and wrapped her with his body temperature.

"Shh... don't cry... I'm..."


Bingling bit her lips and didn't let herself make a sound, but she couldn't control the trembling of her body, especially the irresistible warmth at hand. She almost subconsciously reached out and held the other party's collar tightly.

Gu Junmo...

Why do you still have ghosts at this time...

Looking at the fingers and joints that grabbed his clothes turning white because of excessive force, Anthony's eyes drew a strange light. Looking into the eyes of the person in his arms, in addition to gentleness and guilt, there was more unspeakable pain. The puppet around the other party's arm tightened a little, as if hoping to convey more power.

Maybe it's because the calm and powerful heartbeat in my ear is reassuring. It hasn't been too long, and Bing Ling has recovered a little.

The first thing to do after coming back was to push away the man who hugged him very familiarly.

"I don't need your comfort."

His arms suddenly fell empty, as if he could float into a few wisps of cold wind. Anthony looked at the cold look of the woman in front of him who armed himself again and couldn't help laughing.

This woman... dares to say.

Do you dare to take advantage of him?

Thinking of this, the man's eyes changed and deepened a little. "It will take some time for your injury to recover. During this period, in order to avoid crying you again, I think you have to tell me what happened just now." He said it seriously, but he was curious to death.

Every time she is in front of her, even when she is emotional, her expression does not fluctuate too much, let alone bicker. She almost doesn't let him chop him directly with a word. The sniper is also the first. He is at a good level. He is too good at hand-to-hand combat. Even when his arms are healthy, he can only fight with her. Flat hands... So that sometimes he will have the illusion that she is just a precision assembled machine, without blood and tears... Who knows that today...

Anthony couldn't help looking down at his chest, and the dark marks on it showed undry tears, especially the tremor she had been lying on his chest before seemed to remain in his chest, which made him stunned.

When Bingling Yuguang saw Anthony's expression, he frowned slightly, cleared his throat, and said unnaturally, "You said before that I'm like a person you know. It's good for you to forget those things just now, but your words also remind me of an old friend.

She said this so that he didn't think too much?

Anthony couldn't help laughing. It seemed that the image of herself taking advantage of people's danger in her eyes was really deeply rooted in people's hearts for a while...

He smiled bitterly, but on the surface, he was very handsome. The man shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "Who doesn't have such an old friend or two, but..." He paused, his eyes were slightly deep, and he half jokingly said, "Is Eleven also like me, who has an unforgettable secret lover?"

A eye knife came over coldly, and the cold female voice sounded: "Less nonsense, or I will cut your tongue."

The coldness in the words made the man understand that he had stepped on her minefield, but her reaction made him more curious. He couldn't help moving a few steps closer and smiled ambiguously: "It must be very special to make Eleven cry like such a man at the thought of it."

After he said this, he was originally going to accept the other party's eye knife sanctions, but the person in front of him seemed to be attracted by his thoughts. His eyes were far away and he nodded gently.

"It's a stupid man."

She almost laughed when she said this, but she didn't want to be so disgusted. Her whole body seemed to be immersed in a soft halo, which made Anthony a little distracted.

"Because of work, I have cared about that man for a long time, but he always looks like a piece of wood." Speaking of these thoughts, she has never told anyone. She doesn't know why. Maybe it was because Anthony was just a stranger who met by chance and would never see him again in the future, so she suddenly couldn't control the feelings that surged in her heart.

seemed to think of some interesting picture. He saw the smile on the corners of her lips getting deeper and deeper, and he was confused...

She said that she had been paying attention to him for a long time...


He felt a little excited about the results he thought of. The center of his chest and lungs was surging but suppressed the throbbing mood, and said without a trace, "Since you care, why don't you chase it?"


She thinks this question is a little ridiculous.

"Not everything you want to do is what you should do. If the pursuit brings unnecessary trouble to the other party, why do you still do this? She is a killer. He is a soldier. The two of them can't even go through legal procedures. Such love is too fragile.

"But what if, in his opinion, you are not troublesome? Sometimes, the feeling of not getting it will drive a person crazy. Love is a matter of two people, and you can't make a decision alone.

For a moment, Bingling almost felt that she was arguing with Gu Junmo. However, when she thought of the matter between Anthony and his fruitless lover, she suddenly felt that his excitement at this moment was not unreasonable. Maybe it was just the tip of the fellow patient.

"No, in my opinion, love is a person's thing. One person's wayward feelings for another person is just a level of liking. And love..." Bing Ling frowned slightly. No one knew what it was, but she vaguely felt that love should not be an obstacle.

"What's more..." Speaking of this, he seemed to notice that her voice was a little choked, and he didn't have time to recall whether it was his illusion. Bingling's next sentence was like a heavy punch, which made his heart ache.

"...He asked me to leave... He didn't want to see me again."

She stood there with her head down, her long hair covering most of her face. He couldn't see her expression clearly, but felt that the sound seemed to float in the empty air, with a trace of fatigue and helplessness... almost tore his heart.

At that moment, he suddenly felt that he understood the reason why she had just cried.

She probably thinks...

He doesn't want her anymore...

If you want to hold her tightly, at this moment, you have to press her into your arms and tell her that he misses her. He wants her. The flesh and blood he wants her to hurt, and there is a pain between his heart and lungs.

But in the end, the man still held his fingers tightly without a trace, because his fingers were almost trapped in the meat, and only the pain could stabilize his reason and let him stabilize his trembling voice to say the next problem.

"Eleven, if that man comes all the way to pick you up, will you still accept him?"

His tone was flat, as if he had just mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally, but it made Bingling's heart tremble slightly and he couldn't help looking up at him.

Anthony looked as usual in front of him, and even his eyebrows smiled easily.

Bingling's eyebrows moved, and finally lowered her eyes and whispered, "It doesn't matter whether he comes or not. Anyway, I'm about to die."

"You won't die!"

Suddenly, a few harsh sounds shocked her, and her thoughts turned around. Bing Ling slightly hooked her lips, revealing a light smile, and her voice was a little soft: "Sorry, I'm afraid my body is... wasting your hard work to collect medicine."

It seems that as long as it comes to death, many things can be avoided.

It doesn't seem to matter who this man named Anthony is and what his purpose is. Even in the last month of her life, he made her understand that she missed Gu Junmo so much. What could she do?

She didn't see him after all.

Think back, what can you do even if you see it?

"My medicine will cure you." The deep voice was tough and firm, which made Bingling's heart tremble and look up at him again.

She took a deep breath, but she was a little relieved.

"No, I'm very clear about my physical condition."

"My medicine will cure you." He repeated, his jaw tightening, as if he were really nervous.

Bing Ling finally laughed: "But life and death, who is not - er."

There was something cold on his lips, and the man in front of him suddenly enlarged his face.

She was so stared that she forgot how to react for a moment.