The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 280 Behind the scenes

"I was going to explain to you after I completely closed the network. Unfortunately, my Xiaoyu is so powerful that he has a way to counter my confidant. When Ye Jundian said this, there was no blame in his eyes, but an undisguised approval.

Ye Zhiyu didn't think it was a glorious thing. When she thought that Ye Jundian had a bitter heart and she was cruel on her side, she had an indescribable sense of guilt.

"The customs are almost sold, and we fully understand your grievances." Qu Xiangtian opened his mouth coldly, and his sharp eyes looked straight at the man who was smiling like a spring breeze, with an undisguised mockery in his tone.

Ye Jundian just shrugged his shoulders, and his eyes did not fall on the other party. He still stared at Ye Zhiyu, who stared at him for a moment, and his eyes were soft.

"Xiao Yu, the predecessor of FBK is the first terrorist organization in China. Your mother inherited it from Grandpa, as you know."

When Ye Zhiyu heard the words, he nodded stunned and knew that Ye Jundian was going to talk about business.

"When the organization was passed on to her mother, she didn't pay much attention to it. Later, in order to chase her father, she simply left the organization aside. Grandpa was very angry. You know his temper. He was instructed to do it all his life. He didn't listen to anyone except grandma's words. His mother's behavior annoyed him, and he was so angry that he almost broke off his father-daughter relationship with his mother.

Ye Zhiyu frowned and listened. The story of plagiarising a tough mother's past vigorous pestering women and chasing men is regarded by the other party as a positive textbook for the courage to pursue true love. She has heard it since she was a child. As for Grandpa, because she always runs around the world and often goes to the world with her grandmother, she hasn't come back for many years. She can't even remember the other party's appearance. She only remembers that she is indeed a very majestic old man, and her beard is very prickly when she hugs her.

Ye Jundian looked at Ye Zhiyu's trance appearance, and the smile on his lips became softer and softer: "What I just said is just forging, not the point."

"Then talk about the key points quickly." The cold voice is very face-threinful.

Fengyan glanced at Qu Xiangtian with a black face, and his eyes were very disapproving, but he still smiled gently: "Xiao Yu, I said that those are going to tell you that FBK was entrusted by his mother to be managed by his former grandfather's subordinates for a period of time. Grandpa also seemed to close his eyes to this. At that time Both of them were very relieved, but they didn't expect that they had trusted the wrong person.

"That..." Ye Zhiyu was shocked.

"This is what the world is like, and the law of the jungle is the essence. Especially for some things, you can't get out if you want to. The meaning behind the word 'involun't help' is not as simple as you think.

Speaking of this, the cool light in Ye Jun's hall's eyes became a little awe-inspiring, but it still had a glazed color, shining, which made people unable to see clearly, but his back inexplicably oozed a coolness.

"The trustee is one of Grandpa's most trusted subordinates, Nangong Zhe. But no one expected that he would secretly follow the government. The government joined hands to become a private mercenary. He cleverly revealed his grandfather's identity and wanted to gain the trust of the other party, but he was still too stupid. How much power can an agent have in such a huge organization, and can he really swallow all the control? Speaking of this, Ye Jundian's tone was stained with a little mockery. And when he said this, the people present were all smart people, and there was no need to say how things would develop.

Joker, who is still old, is old. His own organization would rather watch his mother entrust others to act as an agent than take over in person, and his mother has no intention to do so. Then there is only one way - in the stage of trading with Nangong Tetsu, find a way to control the next successor.

So... they arrested Ye Jundian, who was only 12 years old, and tried to control him when he was still young.

"To what extent can that chip do it?" Ye Zhiyu asked, but did not find that her voice was trembling faintly.

Ye Jundian seemed to hear it and subconsciously looked at Duanmuyu sitting opposite him. His thin lips gently lifted: "Track the position at any time and monitor it in real time. Most importantly, the other party has a detonator in his hand. If you want my life, you can take it at any time. They deliberately explained that no one should know.

Duan Muyu's hand subconsciously tightened into a fist, and his joint bones turned slightly white. And Ye Zhiyu almost didn't know what kind of expression to show. He went to see Ye Jun Hall with a calm face saying this.

No matter how talented a 12-year-old child is, how panicked it is to be pressed on such a thing inexplicably in his heart. Your life is not your own. Every time you close your eyes, you may never wake up again. In the shadow of death, survival is more painful than death.

And brother, he has been smiling calmly, silent and planning. He can't make a step wrong. If he makes a mistake, he will lose his life.

Ye Zhiyu doesn't know how she would feel if she put this matter on herself, but she couldn't imagine the pressure.

"Why..." Her voice was hoarse, and the scenery in front of her began to blur again: "Why don't you tell me or my mother... write a note, or use a way that doesn't make a sound... why don't you say..."

Her eyes were red, and Qu Xiangtian frowned and reached out to wipe her tears, but more ** gushed out, and she couldn't stop. He simply put his hand around the other party's waist and directly put her in his arms, but Ye Zhiyu seemed unmoved, but just stared at Ye Jundian and clung to the other party's answer.

Ye Jundian knows what she is angry about... After all, they are all family members. As a family member, they will like their families and not rely on themselves in pain, which is no different from betrayal.

It's just that at that time, they had not only his life, but also hers.

When he first saw the baby who was still in his baby, he made up his mind to protect it. That "happy sunshine" is more important than his own life.

She doesn't need anything, because he will hold up a barrier for her to block everything dirty. Blood only needs to be stained with his hands alone.

But even if he designed it step by step, he still had to make her suffer so many sad things. If the person she married was not this man, she would not have had to bear these pains.

He had planned it... but who knew that fate would never let the opportunity to show its malice.

"Xiaoyu," Ye Jundian's voice is very light, ethereal and unpredictable, and the light in his eyes is even more dark and unclear, as if it takes great determination to say the next words.

"The girl you lost, my brother may not be able to return it to you."

Ye Zhiyu felt that she understood what Ye Jundian said. Every word can be understood, but putting these words together confuses her...

"What do you mean..." She chopped a moment and her face turned pale in an instant: "My child... Did you do your sister's thing?"

There seemed to be floating ice and snow in the man's gentle eyes, and at that moment it seemed to be a layer of ice fog, which made people unable to see clearly.

Ye Zhiyu heard the familiar voice sound again, which was shallow and fluttering, but what she said was enough to make her hands and feet cold for a moment.

"At least my brother doesn't have to lose you."


In an instant, the whole room fell silent, and no one made a sound. The bottom of Qu Xiangtian's eyes was cloudy, and the tightened ten fingers even made the sound of friction between the bones.

"What did you do?"

"They need a previous research result as an experimental body, but 20 years ago, the only complete carrier of the surviving virus base pair was taken away by Ayu. Now that they know the whereabouts of the only surviving child, they will naturally do everything they can to get it. No one can stop it, at least not hard." Speaking of this, his expression became more and more calm, and his eyes narrowed slightly, with an intoxicating smile: "So, I promise them that I will give them a better one for a while."

A baby with a high talent that is born to coexist with those constantly mutating viruses.

"For good that you have two children, otherwise my brother is worried that you won't survive this."

The shock in her heart has left Ye Zhiyu's mind blank, and the most unacceptable thing for her is Ye Jundian's indifferent attitude.

She knew that he had always loved her the most, and her life was very important to him. Brother..." She trembled and said, "But my child is my life. Do you know how painful it is for you to take half my life..." She is willing to exchange herself for her life, even if she handed it over! But! Why is it a child... She has just been born, and she even has time to listen carefully to her crying...

"Where is she now..."

Ye Zhiyu felt as if he had been drained of all his strength, leaned softly in the arms of the man around him, and his eyes were out of focus.

It's a little painful. You feel that time has taken them away, but this is not the case. Every time the wound is removed, it hurts once.

Qu Xiangtian was silent, and there was a storm in his eyes. He looked down at Ye Zhiyu's pale face and said word by word, "You deserve to die."

One word, the word is clear.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the meaningless smile on his lips in front of Ye Jun's hall suddenly heard the words, and his eyes were full of sharpness. At that moment, the sharpness burst into the air with pressure, making the complex look of watching the play slightly shocked.

"My good brother-in-law," the smile on his lips can even be called demonic: "You are not curious at all who is behind all this? Who made the already difficult choice more cruel? How do you think those people found out that Xiaoyu was the child back then?

Ye Jundian's words refer to something, which made Qu Xiangtian slightly stunned and frowned.

"You don't need to ask me about these things. Your old man knows a lot of things."