The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 285 is actually a novice

"Feng Nan, I took one of the people sent to your police station yesterday."

Chu Fengnan was stunned at first, and then reacted, crying and laughing: "Then why didn't you say..."

Fortunately, he is the leader over there. If he is a little worse, for example, if he happened to meet some leader inspection yesterday, he will have a big head.

Ye Zhiyu smiled, with some dog legs, but put it in those wise eyes, which made people angry.

"You know, there was someone who wanted to flirt with me yesterday. After that, when I knew about this, everyone had been taken away by Dabai and Brother Ketian."

Miss Ye simply put all the responsibility on Qu Xiangtian. Anyway, other officials are not afraid of bullying. Besides, she is not doing this to avenge privately. The ultimate goal is to find out the truth.

Chu Fengnan looked at Ye Zhiyu staring at Ye Zhiyu carefully, as if he wanted to see whether it was true or not through the other party's expression. After a long time, he finally sighed and said very acceptably, "Auntie, you are awesome. Come on, I'll go back to the police station first. In case anyone comes out the matter without eyesight, I will still have a headache."

"Hard work!" Ye Zhiyu smiled and saw Chu Fengnan leave, and finally took a long breath - he was sent away in the way. So now--

Ye Zhiyu pulled his attention back to Harajuku, who was sitting opposite him. The other party was drinking lemon black tea in front of him, as if he was a little absent-minded.

"Xiaoxi," Ye Zhiyu made some sense in his heart and then said, "I saw your award-winning photo of Carmelite on the Internet yesterday. It's really beautiful."

This is a sincere praise, and Harayuki, who has been praised by major media at home and abroad, is still very useful. The little girl's smile is charming and cute: "In fact, it is also a coincidence. At that time, I happened to be in the valley on the border of Yunnan. A long time ago, it was said that because of a particularly drought, the dense forest was struck by lightning and caused a forest fire. A big fire burned the whole mountain to be bare, and later gradually became a no man's land. Up to now, it has become more and more serious. There is no grass, and the main peak of the mountain has simply turned into a stone mountain. "


Because Ye Zhiyu was thinking about the matter of the Military Commission this time, his first reaction was Chen Yali's seller. In the early days, drug groups also had large strongholds in Yunnan, but later moved abroad.

The word Yunnan inevitably made Ye Zhiyu's forehead jump slightly, and he couldn't help saying carefully: "Have you taken anything else besides that photo?"

"Yes." Harajuku nodded: "I originally wanted to see if there were any white-headed wolls used to domesticate in that area, but I bumped into a great beautiful scenery. So I squatted there, took pictures from the day until it was dark, and stayed there all night before leaving at dawn.

Ye Zhiyu remembered after her reminder that Chu Fengnan did say that Harajuku Xi had obtained a trainer license and once led a jaguar home so that the bodyguard at home almost shot the innocent jaguar with a gun.

Stay overnight in that place where there is no grass... Such a thing is almost unimaginable by Ye Zhiyu. If you really want to say it, from this point of view, the girl in front of him is very tough.

By the way, if it's a photo...

Ye Zhiyu suddenly became excited: "Has your photo been post-processed?"

Harajuku was stunned by the sudden increase in volume because of excitement, and then shook his head: "No, mine are all film photography, and there are negatives at home."

"Nedging..." Ye Zhiyu suddenly understood, that is to say, if Harajuku really accidentally took something that she didn't even find, once the photo was exposed, she still had a negative in her hand, which was simply a fixed fact, and even the other party's power was too powerful to argue. This is also the reason why Ye Jundian decided that those people did not dare to touch Harajukuxi last night - their ultimate goal was to get those negatives from Harajuku.

What exactly...

"Xiaoxi," Ye Zhiyu coughed and said seriously, "How did my brother know you?"

Obviously, I didn't expect Ye Zhiyu to ask this question. Harajuku was also stunned for a moment and did not hide it: "It's because of these photos. At that time, it was about a month after I won the award.

Harajuku took another sip of lemon tea and said slowly, "Because the media bombarded me up every day, I had to leave Austria and live in a small city in southern Western Europe, which is a bit like a domestic youth hostel. As a result, when I came back one night, I was robbed. The other party asked me to hand over all the photo negatives taken by Yungui Valley before.

Harajukuhi seemed to be recalling this. He paused and frowned slightly: "At first, I thought I was a fan and was scared, but I didn't want to hand over the negatives. Who knows that the other party still has a knife in his hand, and grab it when he comes up--"

"And then?"

The little face was slightly red because of the thrilling memories, but it was not until Harajuku said the following words that Ye Zhiyu realized that the other party's face was not blushing because of nervousness.

"Then Ye Jundian suddenly appeared and saved me."

"..." This heroic trick of saving beauty is really suitable for his brother's incomparable inner temperament. Ye Zhiyu unconsciously nodded and then asked, "Do you know why my brother is there?"

"Ah, he said it was because he knew that there were bad people who wanted to rob my negatives and came to save me."

"So you believe it?"


"..." Ye Zhiyu's forehead twitched again and couldn't help guiding: "Don't you wonder who he is?"

Harajuku frowned when he heard the words, and then looked at Ye Zhiyu with a serious face: "I didn't know before, but now I know."


"Your brother."

"..." Miss Ye almost fell off the chair. Damn girl, you are too white, okay! So you still spend the night alone in the wilderness? It's awesome...

Looking at Ye Zhiyu's angry appearance, Harajuku Xi, who was still distressed, actually laughed and said seriously, "I'm kidding. I didn't know who he was before, but I always felt that he should not be a bad guy. I often get along with animals, and my intuition is very accurate. I think he should be similar to a personal bodyguard! I happened to meet a bad person following me, and I solved it!"


Ye Zhiyu suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

The ruler of the first black-related forces in China, the sharp blade of the country, Joker, who can raise big waves with any finger, is a personal bodyguard?

Girl, you are not intuitive, but your brain tonic ability is really domineering!

After drinking weakly, Ye Zhiyu suddenly realized a serious problem - wait, didn't Ye Jundian say that the chip in his heart has a monitoring function... Then he personally went out to solve the people sent by the black hands behind the scenes, and he was not afraid of being known?

Ye Zhiyu's thinking has always been active, and this question has not troubled her for too long. Contact quickly got an answer to her understanding of Ye Jundian.

It's very simple, but it's quite annoying to bite her teeth - Ye Jundian lied to her.

That's right, the chip may really have a life-threatening function, but monitoring or something is just a cover for Ye Jundian's fox's casual nonsense in order to hide his unwillingness to tell her the truth before.

Maybe he didn't want her to worry, or maybe he had his own ideas. In short, he didn't tell her all the facts and had nothing to do with objective reasons. Maybe he just thought it was more interesting to tease her.

"Xiaoxi." Pressing down the restless mood in his heart, Ye Zhiyu said seriously, "Can I go back with you and look at those negatives?"

Harajuku was a little surprised to hear this: "Sister Zhiyuyu, didn't you say yesterday that those things that I would be in danger to be targeted by bad people were all nonsense by Ye Jundian?"

Ye Zhiyu was stunned, and then he remembered that he did say so bluntly yesterday.

Yesterday, it was because Chu Fengnan was present. He was not as simple as the little girl in front of him. What's more, once Chu Fengnan aroused suspicion, it was necessary to investigate. It's hard to find out who Joker is. But if it is locked to investigate whether Ye Jundian is Joker, the difficulty of this task is obviously much lower.

Ye Zhiyu smiled easily and said seriously, "Can't I go to see it because of my simple interest?"

"Eh...?" Hara Suxi also seemed to notice that he was overnervous, and immediately nodded: "Yes, but the negatives are now in Ye Jun's Hall and are not in my hands."

"What...?" This answer made Ye Zhiyu feel a little incredible, "Did you give it to him?"

"Yes, he said he would keep it safe. As a result, it disappeared like this. Yesterday you said he was back, and I thought that I would ask you to help me get those negatives back today.

"..." Ye Zhiyu came back...

So, Chu Fengnan anly helped Harajuku say those annoying words in front of her yesterday, simply because she thought that her brother had lied to her?

Looking forward to gossip and adultery. The mood suddenly fell empty, and Ye Zhiyu was suddenly a little frustrated. But it doesn't matter.

is Ye Zhiyu's solemn package: "Don't worry! I'll help you get the negative back!"

"Thank you, Sister Zhiyu!" Harajuku's eyes lit up when he heard the words. Obviously, he was very excited, which made Ye Zhiyu, who did not tell the truth to the other party, feel inexplicably guilty.

Although she is not very clear about the whereabouts of Ye Jundian, the other party promised to keep the phone open and stayed in Dijing for some "reasons".

is not clear, but this "reason" must be related to the so-called "final work".

Ye Zhiyu and Hara Suxi didn't talk for too long, so Chu Fengnan dealt with the affairs of the police station and came to pick up people conscientiously. Now that he had asked what he wanted to know, Ye Zhiyu did not delay any more. The three of them exchanged a few words and said goodbye. Ye Zhiyu almost couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed Ye Jun's hall's number after greeting Harajuku.