The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 297 Greatness and Extermination

Sure enough, the growing uneasiness in Ye Zhiyu's heart made her realize that it was not right.

Ye Jun's phone can't get through.

Ye Jundian, who promised that she could contact at any time, disappeared again.

At this time, what Ye Zhiyu didn't know was that not only Ye Jun's Hall, but also Harajuku Xi had disappeared for a long time.

Outside the old house of the Qu family, the Red Blade troops are gathering. For the operational command of the large 100-person regiment of the army, the commander-in-chief is the largest head of the Dijing Armed Military Region, Qu Xiangtian, who is called "Yandi" by the dark world.

"The chief! It's ready!"

"Team A is in place!"

"Team B is in place!"

"The sniper team is in place!"

"Okay, all departments are ready to wait for orders at any time."

Yes! Chief!"

When the soldiers responded in unison, the momentum was like a rainbow, but the atmosphere inside the military region compound was as solemn as the battlefield.

"I'll go in and have a look. You wait here for my order." The man's dark eyes were thick, and he said coldly to the evil-looking young man beside him. The latter's military uniform is straight, and his overly feminine face shows a little murderous look at this moment. It is Li Chen.

" boss, you really don't have to let a few people go in with you?" Li Chen was a little worried.

"No need." The lips of the knife opened gently, with two simple words, but with arrogance emanating from the inside out.

Seeing this, Li Chen exchanged a look with Gu Junmo. Finally, he didn't say anything and quietly stood back to the front of the team.

Qu Xiangtian stood at the door before knocking on the door. Someone over there opened the door.

is the old housekeeper of the Qu family.

The old man has served the Qu family for more than three generations, and it is said that he was accompanied by the old man Qu. Since he is accompanied by reading, his body is naturally not as tough as Mr. Qu. Now, although he is the same age as the old man, he is a little older.

"Young master." The old man retreated and respectfully gave way: "The old man has been waiting for you."

Qu Xiangtian's eyes did not stay on the old man's body and went straight in.

The Qu family has always been diligent and thrifty. Although the family has been in the ranks of military for generations and has been strong for ten years, which can be said to be deeply rooted, such as the day. However, the decoration style of the home is simple log color, and there is no excessive flashy decoration, but it has a temperament precipitated from the Republic of China.

Mr. Qu, who was personally picked up from the hospital by Qu Xiangtian, is now sitting on a shell carving chair made of red sandalwood. His eyes are still burning and sharp as if he can see through everything. No one will doubt that with such the same eyes, enough to shock people's hearts, Qu Xiangtian and this person have a blood relationship.

For a while, no one spoke, and the living room was filled with strange pressure.

"Xiang Tian, you--

"No!!! You are all crazy! They are all crazy!!!"

Suddenly, a woman's hysterical voice came from the side hall, and the sound was getting closer and closer. After a while, a woman with loose hair and messy clothes rushed out, with bare feet and several scars on her face.

The woman was followed by several men, all of whom were servants of the Qu family.

"Master, I'm sorry, we didn't notice this crazy woman for a moment--" The leading servant tried to explain, but he didn't expect to see a tall man with a dark look on the side. His face suddenly turned white and he immediately lowered his head: "Young Master!"

Qu Xiangtian didn't say anything, but there was a faint mockery in his eyes. The pressure made the servant's face whiter and whiter, and he lowered his head and dared not look at Qu Xiangtian's direction.

"You crazy people! Hahaha! And you! You! You are all crazy!"

When the woman saw that no one stopped her, she became more and more fierce, and her facial features were twisted because of madness.

It is Mei Yanhua, the continuation of the deceased young master of the Qu family, Qu Xiangtian's aunt.

"Ahua, take people down."

The living room was so quiet that there was no breathing sound. For a long time, only Mr. Qu opened his mouth in a low voice, as if he didn't care, but his spine became more and more straight.

"Why don't you do it quickly?" Mr. Qu scolded coldly. Ah Hua was also shocked and quickly asked to continue to arrest him back.

"Qu Weimin! You are not a good thing! You old madman! Haha! Hahahaha! You are delusional, but it's all empty! An empty!!"

Mei Yanhua didn't know where her strength came from. Ahua couldn't catch a crazy woman's forehead with cold sweat on her forehead. Finally, she simply did nothing and knocked her unconscious and took her away.

The living room is finally quiet. However, the calm at this time is different, as if the storm is condensed.

For a long time, Qu Xiangtian spoke coldly and mocked, "Is it still meaningful for you to control her now?"

Previously, he and Ye Zhiyu bumped into Mei Yanhua crying out of Mr. Qu's ward in the military region hospital, not because of Mei Yanhua's wayward or greed, but because she and Mr. Qu really had differences.

He has long wondered why a strict person like the old man can tolerate a woman with a personality like Mei Yanhua in his eyes, and how can he let such a woman enter the house? Now, he doesn't expect that the truth will be like this.

Now that I think about it, his father, who has never met, may marry this woman, is the arrangement of the old man in front of him. Just thinking like this, how can you not make people cold?

Mr. Qu didn't say anything, but his eyes were still stern, "Don't you have anything else to ask?"


"Why did you do this?"

"Because," the old man stood up from the chair, and there was a rare trace of ridiculity in his always righteous eyes: "Xiang Tian, look at me, I'm so old."

Jianmei frowned slightly when he heard the words, but his tone was still undulating: "You care so much about this kind of thing that you have always cared about how to continue your life, but you have forgotten your current life."

"Hahaha!" Mr. Qu smiled cheerfully when he heard the words, and then his eyes were a little fierce: "Originally, it shouldn't have been like this. It's all because of your evil!"

"You're wrong." Qu Xiangtian put his hands around his chest, raised his lower jaw slightly, and looked down at Mr. Qu, who trembled with anger. "The cycle of heavenly principles, this is just karma, and it has been tried many times."



When Li Chen and others, who were waiting anxiously outside, saw the open door again, their already alert expression suddenly became more serious. However, when everyone found that it was an old man who looked up to the sky and laughed but showed a decadent face, they instantly felt a little strange.

The sniper's warrant had aimed and waited for an order from Qu Xiangtian. However, the next moment, the man who came out behind the old man just glanced at the crowd coldly and ordered in a low voice: "Take it away."

A group of armed soldiers immediately gathered around and tied people and threw them into the car without saying a word.

Although Ye Zhiyu's body was special, it only recovered faster than ordinary people. This shot made her feel empty. She remembered Ye Jundian and Harajuxi in her heart. She woke up in the afternoon and couldn't sleep. When she woke up, her head seemed to be filled with lead. However, she saw the man sitting by her bed. In the twilight, the axe-like face seems to be coated with a halo.

"When did you come?"

"Just arrived."

"Well," she nodded, "how's it going?"

"Everything is going well."

She naturally understood his answer and immediately looked happy: "Have you found my brother and Xiaoxi?"

"...not yet."

Ye Zhiyu was stunned and didn't say anything more.

Although Ye Zhiyu doesn't know what Qu Xiangtian is going to do, she can vaguely guess from the evil spirit in the other party's eyebrows.

If this assassination is aimed at Harajuku, then unlike the previous kidnapping, it can be regarded as a big move. In this case, if you don't succeed, you will become benevolent.

Thinking about this, Ye Zhiyu suddenly became a little worried: "...has he been arrested?"

"Hmm." He stretched out his hand and tangled her back.

"So... Qujia...?" In the latter words, she didn't know how to speak.

After all, the Qu family has been established by Mr. Qu alone for so many years. Now that Mr. Qu has fallen, there is no one to protect the Qu family. Whether it is a clan or a branch, I'm afraid it will be affected, let alone what the political enemies of the Qu family have been doing here.

This time, the pressure to destroy relatives is not a simple thing. If it is not handled well, even Qu Xiangtian's current status may be affected.

Mo's eyes just glanced through her concerns. Qu Xiangtian said, "If the situation gets out of control next, I may take the blame and resign."


Ye Zhiyu's face turned pale. Before he could speak, he heard the other party say quietly: "Resign the blame. Go back and support me."

This was said without any shame or embarrassment. He looked like a natural overlord. Ye Zhiyu was stunned, and then snorted coldly: "If you are not the leader, who do you think can stand your arrogant and arrogant bad character?"

"Tsk..." Ye Zhiyu's complaint did not seem to have any impact on men. The latter even pondered for a moment as if he was seriously considering it. It took a long time to say quietly, "So in order to let you continue to worship, I will deal with it anyway."


Ye Zhiyu felt that she really didn't need to worry about him at all.

The old man of the Qu family was directly imprisoned in the torture room. There are many ways to deal with this matter, but Qu Xiangtian chose the most popular one. In this way, even if the people in the system want to suppress the matter, it is too late.

In Qu Xiangtian's hands, the evidence is complete, including those he obtained during the previous secret agreement with Ye Jundian. However, because Ye Jundian and Hara Suxi's whereabouts are still unknown, Qu Weimin has not been held in court so far. The guards in the torture room are still trying to force the whereabouts of Ye and Yuan, but the other party has never spoken.

Finally, the interrogation was handed over to Qu Xiangtian himself.