The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 300 This is the life of my mother and little love

"Well, now I know about this. What do you think I should do?" The man asked in a low voice, and his tone did not match the smile in his eyes, which was rarely severe.

"This..." Su Jin was stunned and didn't expect things to develop like this.

At this time, Ye Zhiyu also looked careless. He could even say that his eyes were provocative and said slowly: "It would be better to pretend that you don't know. After all, you are too busy now."

"Oh..." The man stroked his jaw and showed a thoughtful expression, as if considering the value of this suggestion.

"Wait a minute!"

Just when Su Jin's forehead was a little sweating because of the current situation, A Xun, who had been unable to find a chance to interrupt, finally said, "Sister, I'm here to say goodbye."


A Xun's words finally diverted everyone's attention from the strange joke. In terms of lethality, it is obviously much more powerful than Ye Zhiyu's previous remarks about raising the harem.

Ye Zhiyu's reaction was expected by Ah Xun. The latter had already thought about the words in his heart and naturally dealt with it smoothly: "Sister, I'm going to Africa."

"Go to Africa?"

"Hmm." A Xun nodded in a serious tone. Obviously, he had been fully considered: "Dr. Duanmu said that in a situation like me, there are many children in Africa who do not have a difficult life with their parents. Although there is a special organization, there are not enough people. I think it would be great if I could help a little. After all, you know, sister... I..."

When the teenager said this, his eyes flashed and he didn't go on.

Ye Zhiyu naturally knew what those words he didn't say.

As a tool, and the memory of being raised as a tool for killing, although he didn't say it, he still understood it in his heart. Understanding what you have done, naturally, after you can really distinguish right from wrong, you will also have a sense of guilt and regret at this age.

Even if he had been thinking about it for a long time and felt that this plan was feasible, he really said what he said in his heart at this moment. The teenager was still a little nervous. He looked at Ye Zhiyu carefully and secretly speculated about her thoughts.

Ye Zhiyu seemed to be intentional and did not speak until the teenager's eyes had become a little uneasy. Without warning, Ye Zhiyu suddenly withdrew a smile.

"Even if I stop you, it's useless."

"Eh...?" Ah Xun was stunned for a moment, and then nodded solemnly.

Ye Zhiyu seemed to be satisfied with his reply, and the smile on his lips became brighter and brighter: "Then go!" Freely, go to see the wider world.

"Good!" When A Xun heard the words, surprise and excitement appeared on his face in an instant. He almost subconsciously rushed to Ye Zhiyu's arms, but just hit the wound on Ye Zhiyu's abdomen that had not completely healed. Ye Zhiyu grinned for a while. The man standing at the door who had been speechless immediately darkened his face. He strode to Ye Zhiyu's bedside, grabbed Xun's collar, and took it out.

Some inexplicable A Xun was not clear at the beginning, until he saw Ye Zhiyu's pale face and the fine sweat on his forehead this time and realized that he had made trouble, and he was at a loss in an instant.

"Hey hey..." Ye Zhiyu didn't know how to comfort each other, and the eyes of someone around her were so oppressing that she was only laughing.

"...So, is he really your brother?" Su Jin finally reacted.


"Cousin?" Su Jin still felt strange.

Ye Zhiyu heard the words, looked at the teenager beside him, and laughed inexplicably: "My own brother." After a pause, he added, "My mother secretly lived with Xiaoqing behind my father's back."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

A sudden awkward cough came from the door, and Ye Zhiyu and others looked at the door--

There is no middle-aged man standing at the door with an extremely embarrassed face, except Ye's father.

Ye Zhiyu was shocked when he saw the situation. His first reaction was to search for Ye's mother and found no one. He was both surprised and relieved.

Naturally, he knew what his daughter was thinking. Father Ye still came forward with an embarrassed face and looked at Ye Zhiyu with a helpless smile in his eyes: "Ghost girl, do you still know how to be afraid? Your mother will buy you some fruit downstairs and let me accompany you first. It's your girl's luck."


Another burst of laughter. But this time, it has gained the contempt of a room.

"Dad, there are sentries at the door. How did you get in?" Miss Ye tried to find a reason for her character today. Unexpectedly, it was Qu Xiangtian who spoke beside him: "I received a phone call from my father before and explained it to the sentry."

"..." It's like God is going to die T____T...

"Well, uncle, let's talk first, and I'll go back first?"

"Well, okay, let's go."

"Sister, I will also go to Dr. Duanmu for the procedures in Africa. I'll ask about the progress." With that, Ah Xun also stood up.

All of a sudden, there were only Ye Zhiyu, Qu Xiangtian and Ye Dad left in the room. Ye's mother bought fruit and came up. When they entered the room, the father and daughter were greeting each other. Ye's mother took out a pear and cut it. Instead, she was sighted by Ye Zhiyu's afterglow, and the latter quickly stopped it: "Mom, I just ate it. An apple can't be eaten.

Mother Ye didn't force it when she heard the words, but she didn't put down the planer in her hand: "Who said it was for you? I gave it to your father."

"Yes, yes..."

"Mom, why are you and Dad here?" Ye Zhiyu finally remembered and asked this question.

"It's not because of your brother that I haven't heard from you for such a long time. I was wondering if you and Xiang Tian know something. It's not clear on the phone, and the media is spreading that you were admitted to the hospital like crazy again. I'm your mother!"

When Ye Zhiyu heard the words, he subconsciously glanced at Qu Xiangtian beside him, but the latter's expression changed slightly in an instant. Although it was only the slightest change, it was still caught by Ye Zhiyu from the other party's face.

Almost at that moment, she could feel her heart sinking fiercely and suddenly cold.

Sure enough, as she expected, he knew.

Knowing Ye Zhiyu's situation, but he didn't want to hide it.

"Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu?" Ye Zhiyu's distracted made Ye's mother call her twice worriedly. Ye Zhiyu was stunned and the smile on her face was a little reluctant.

"Mom, my brother did come to Dijing to find me before. But later, I went back to N City. I went to his pet hospital to find him, but later... I couldn't get in touch with him..." Ye Zhiyu told the truth, but his daughter Mo Ruo's mother, Ye Zhiyu's previous distraction and now flashing words were as smart as Ye's mother, and naturally saw the clues.

With a "pop", the planer knife in Ye's mother's hand fell off her hand and fell to the ground.

Huh? What?" Father Ye looked at his wife with strange eyes.

Ye's mother glanced at Ye Zhiyu and immediately laughed: "It's okay, it's just slippery. Well, by the way, why don't you buy some porridge? You see, Xiaoyu has a wound now. It's good to eat something light. We don't live here, and we can't bring it here.

"Well, that's fine." Ye's father thought so. He turned around and told Ye Zhiyu, "You are here, talk to your mother well, and Dad will come as soon as he goes." What kind of porridge do you want?

"All is OK!"

When he got a reply, Ye's father also quickly put on his coat and went out.

The room returned to the state of only three people again, but it was much more silent than before.

Ye Zhiyu naturally heard that his mother deliberately broke away from her father, and the answer to what she wanted to ask was naturally come out.

"Mom..." frowned and stopped talking.

"You don't have to say it." Unexpectedly, Mother Ye refused and looked at the man standing silently beside her, with a little sharpness in her beautiful eyes: "Xiang Tian, tell me. Where on earth is the small hall now?"

The man squeezed his lips, his dark eyes were thick, and he still didn't say a word. Ye's mother felt that her fingertips began to tremble a little, as if it took a lot of effort to calm herself down and say the following words: "Xiang Tian, then tell me... Xiaodian now... can you know life and death?"

Ye's voice has not fallen, but the room is even more silent.

After a long time, I finally heard the man's hoarse voice: "The confession claims that Ye Jundian is dead, but our people are still searching, and their life and death are still unknown."

"What?! Who said that? Qu Weimin?!" Ye Zhiyu was obviously a little excited when he heard the words. Instead, his shoulder was pressed by Ye's mother beside him. The latter looked much calmer and even ordered in a low voice, "... When there is news, you must inform us as soon as possible."


When Ye Zhiyu heard the words, he also gritted his teeth. His originally pale lips were bitten out a little blood, but the redness was like snow blooming plums, which looked a little thrilling.

"Xiao Yu, trust your brother." But Ye's mother's words could not appease Ye Zhiyu's panic.

Father Ye came back quickly after buying porridge. Seeing that the atmosphere in the ward was not right, he didn't say much. He stuffed up the bowls and chopsticks and put out a bowl of cold for Ye Zhiyu first.

For the rest of the time, no one mentioned anything about Ye Jun's Hall, but the family was happy and looked very warm. It was not until Ye's parents left that Ye Zhiyu finally fell silent, and the smile on his face also restrained. He stared at his fingers with empty eyes and said in a daze, "You already knew it, didn't you?"

"Hmm." Qu Xiangtian did not hide it.

"You haven't found him yet?"


"What should I do... Even you can't find him..." Finally, his voice trembled and cried: "If you can't find him, where will he go... My brother..."

Tears hit the naked. The exposed arm is hot and hot.

Ye Zhiyu seemed to be ignorant and unconscious, and his eyes were still stunned.

The tall man stood aside in silence, still expressionless, with his fingers hanging on his side, but clenching his fist tightly.