The spoiled hacker bride

Chapter 311 Finale!

On the first day of the New Year, Ye Zhiyu took his son and husband back to N City. Ye's father and mother were particularly happy to see their grandson, which made Ye's mother finally find an opportunity to go to the community park with Xiao Shuohan with great interest.

So, Qu Ye, who originally came back to accompany his parents, were left behind. They looked at each other for a while and couldn't help laughing at each other. They were helpless.

"Let's go." Ye Zhiyu looked at Qu Xiangtiandi's coat and was surprised. I took a look at him. The latter squeezed his lips tightly and did not seem to intend to explain. She didn't ask, put on her clothes and followed her out.

Along the way, the tall and handsome man exuded an aura that was difficult to ignore, and he was in such a civilian community, so it seemed particularly eye-catching that Ye Zhiyu, who thought he was used to being watched, felt a little embarrassed. Although he also walked along, he was a distance away from the other party.

From time to time, the sound of firecrackers came from time to my ears. Even during the day, the property management in the community made the trees red on the lights, which smelled like the New Year.

Ye Zhiyu stepped on the snow, and the sound of the snow being stepped on was mixed with the sound of firecrackers, which made her move her mind and her thoughts drifted away.

Last Spring Festival, my brother was also...

As soon as the idea jumped into her mind, she vaguely sensed what seemed to be in front of her. But at that time, she didn't have time to look up and hit the meat wall directly.

"Well." She covered her nose and took a step back, and the feeling of soreness at the tip of her nose made her eyes slightly hot and almost shed tears. However, a clear and powerful male palm appeared in front of her, and the owner was the originator who hit her.

Qu Xiangtian faced Ye Zhiyu on three-quarters of the side he turned, and both sides of the tall nose bridge were shadowed by the backlight eyelashes. For the man in front of him who is so handsome that people are angry, even if Ye Zhiyu has been prepared for a long time, his heartbeat is still slowed down by the other party. When she came to her senses, her right hand had been strongly grasped by the other party. The big palm wrapped her little hand, which was involutely domineering, but it was so warm.

Ye Zhiyu suddenly felt a little angry and funny. The man suddenly stopped and inexplicably wanted to pull her?

So, the tall man pulled a slender woman and walked side by side on the white snow. The woman wore a red dress, like a burning flame. One part of her black hair was wrapped under the scarf, and the other part made her beautiful face more and more attractive.

The combination of such handsome men and beautiful women is destined to be eye-catching all the way. So finally, when the two of them swaggered through the market to make Miss Ye feel tired and numb, Qu Xiangtian suddenly stopped.

Ye Zhiyu came to his senses and was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

Qu Xiangtian actually took her around the community like an ancient emperor, and finally returned to the doorstep. However, to be precise, this is not her door, but the person's house next door.

In that memory, she can no longer remember the man she looks like.

With the most gentle and beautiful smile in the world, a sunny teenager.

Gu Yi.

When she was 5 years old, the man who left because of a car accident made her aspire to become a traffic policeman and changed her life.

Gu Yi's parents sent him away that year, and all three of them had a car accident. This ownerless house has been inhabited one after another, but I don't know why something bad always seems to happen. Gradually, strange rumors spread in the community and among the neighbors, saying that the house was attached to the resentment of the former owner.

So, this house became the only empty house in their community, because it has been uninhabited all year round and the courtyard has been dilapidated. She and Qu Xiangtian came here once before, but Qu Xiangtian looked very strange. She didn't tell him the story about the house.

What's more, she has always vaguely felt that the man around her is likely to be the person who should have died in the car accident. Although he has never admitted it positively, these things are no longer so persistent for her now. Especially after witnessing countless life and death separations, she suddenly felt that there was really nothing more important than living in the present.


Ye Zhiyu couldn't help looking at Qu Xiangtian beside him. The other party stared at the house. His dark eyes were dark and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Why did you bring me here?" She still asked. Although the tone is calm, the frequency of the heart beating is violent.

Why, is he going to say something to her...

Originally, Ye Zhiyu, who thought he had to go through several exchanges, heard the man's deep voice in his ear, with clear words: "I once thought I had lost you. Together with what is here, forget it with your memories..."

Ye Zhiyu only felt that his heart suddenly beat wildly, and the blood all over his body seemed to surge towards the position of the left ventricle.

"Xiao Yu, thank you for finding me again."

The wind sent the low-mellow man into Ye Zhiyu's ear. She only felt that her throat was stiff and her eyes were hot.

"Thank you, Xiaoyu."

It seems that there was another sound of firecrackers somewhere, but this time, it echoed for a long time.

The slender woman stand on tiptoe and hugged the neck of a man taller than her. The latter smiled and hugged her back. The woman's red skirt and the man's long black windbreaker are glued to the wind, and the white snow is blown up, reflecting the transparent warm color of the sun and shining the world brightly.

When passing passers-by saw this scene, they all subconsciously stopped, held their breath and did not recognize the disturbance.

The two people who were surrounded by were completely trapped in their own world this time. The woman cried and laughed, and her arms were very hard and hard. It's hard enough to fuse each other's shadows forever...

The wind rose again, and the wind seemed to carry whispers from afar. They were rolled up 3,000 feet high and scattered into the clouds without anyone noticing...

Brother Gu Yi, welcome back.


Since today is the first day of junior high school, everyone goes to visit relatives and friends, so that there is no one in the community park. Although the Ye parents had fun with their grandchildren, they came back soon. It took about an hour to see Qu Xiangtian lead Ye Zhiyu back. Ye's mother poked her head out at the sound of the hallway. Originally, she subconsciously wanted to ask where they had gone, but when she saw that the two were unaware of her and only stood stupidly at the hallway, Ye's mother showed an ambiguous smile this time, went back to the kitchen to cook, and pulled it up without knowing the situation. I want to find my husband in Quxiang Tianqi.

Father Ye was puzzled, and he caught a glimpse of standing directly at the door. The two people who hugged and kissed each other, and their old faces also turned red. The next second, they followed Mother Ye and left the living room.

The New Year will pass soon. Then, the warmth of early spring melted the snow on the ground, and as the pure white disappeared, it seemed to take away all the filth in the world.

Because the red blade absorbed FBK into the dark part, Qu Xiangtian suddenly became busy again. In terms of FBK, Dieyin was appointed as a temporary manager, and Ye Zhiyu was stunned by the excellent management ability shown by the other party. Duan Muyu unexpectedly left the laboratory of the Military Region Hospital for the first time, followed Dieyin to live in the FBK headquarters, and A Gutai went back to Mexico. Dieyin had to report the task to Qu Xiangtian, so that Ye Zhiyu could see him almost every day. It's Duan Muyu, but she misses his ice face a little.

Su Jin was diagnosed and pregnant with a second child. The doctor said that this child was still a daughter. Su Jin was very unhappy. In order to coax his wife, Li Chen can also be said to racked his brains to use all the 18 martial arts that Mr. Li had used in his life and had never been used to make women happy. In Ye Zhiyu's opinion, Li Meiren is very happy about it. Gu Junmo retired from the army with the help of Qu Xiangtian. It is said that he finally agreed to go to Hong Kong to take over Jiang Huanyu's Huanyu's Huanyu International, but before that, he seemed to be busy traveling around the world with Bingling. The two really traveled around the world without a mission. Ye Zhiyu occasionally receives postcards from Bing Ling, but Bing Ling, who has always been silent, seems to be particularly active in sending postcards. She felt that it was about the first time that the other party was thinking about people far away when she traveled, and she found a new and interesting thing, which was gaining interest. Ye Zhiyu is also willing to accept it. Those postcards are often full of words, saying that the two did not kill or be hunted down, but occasionally became righteous thieves to rob the rich and help the poor.

"I also want to play with ice cream." Ye Zhiyu will also make such a feeling. Qu Xiangtian has heard from her, and his face will obviously sink, and then the sinister latter will quietly call Gu Junmo to threaten him to rejoin the national defense construction and stop his woman's postcard.

So a few weeks later, there were obviously fewer postcards than before. Seeing that Ye Zhiyu also seemed to calm down, Lord Yan was very satisfied.

On this day, when he came back from the army, Qu Xiangtian saw his little woman nesting on the sofa, holding something like a postcard in her hand. He immediately twisted his sword eyebrows and asked casually, "What are you looking at?" With that, he took the opportunity to sit next to her, held her in his arms, and habitually bowed his head and smelled her hair.

Ye Zhiyu didn't pay much attention, and his eyelids were not raised, but his tone could hear her excitement: "It was sent by Xun. He said that he met A Yue in Africa. Do you think the world is small?

"Axun?" Qu Xiangtian frowned when he heard the words and quickly scanned the postcard in Ye Zhiyu's hand. The font on it was beautiful, and there were several hearts and simple strokes to make a "flying kiss" villain. Seeing this, the man's face immediately sank a little.

was not aware of it, but happily pointed to the little man behind him and told him, "Look, this is painted by A Yue."

Hearing her explanation, his face softened.

"Nah, everyone is living a good life. Every day, when I get their news, I always have a real feeling that I am alive. Ye Zhiyu suddenly put down the postcard in his hand, leaned on the man's chest, and said very seriously.

Qu Xiangtian was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes became softer, but a pair of big hands had already reached into her pajamas.

Ye Zhiyu immediately exclaimed, "What are you doing!" She looked at him in disbelief.

"This is also a real feeling of living." He replied seriously, and most of her clothes had been removed.

"Qu Xiangtian--you--"

"Good boy, we'll have dinner later tonight."

"Damn! How many times is this? You can't--uh...qu..."

"Call me husband."


Ye Zhiyu jumped up with an indignant face: "Big white goose! You are a beast!!"