Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

7 The beginning of revenge

For Liu Xiao, this day is destined to be a painful and happy day.

Nie Lan didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. As long as Liu Xiao left a certain distance, she was suddenly shocked. In this way, Liu Xiao stayed in the guest room, and finally had to lie in the same ** with Nie Lan and fall asleep.

It was not until two o'clock in the afternoon that Liu Xiao and Nie Lan woke up one after another, and Nie Lan, who woke up, not only had no shyness, but also hugged Liu Xiao's waist tightly and buried his blushing face deep in the other party's chest.

"A Xiao, can we start all over again?" Nie Lan's voice was soft, but Liu Xiao could hear it clearly.

Liu Xiao's body stiffened: "Alan, don't you...don't you like me?"

Nie Lan shook her head: "At the beginning, I actually hated you very much. Who forced me to marry you? But when I get married, I gradually don't hate you much. People, after all, are emotional animals. I have already lived with you. Besides, it is useless to hate or not. Besides, my parents are very kind to me, so I can't hate it.

It's just that you are always not at home after marriage and often lose your temper with me, which makes me feel very wronged.

Think about it, you kept saying how much you loved me before, but after getting me, you not only didn't touch me, but also often scolded me. Can I not be wronged and angry?

I originally thought that I would live like this with you, and I will be like this all my life.

But...but I didn't expect that you...woo, you got such a serious illness.

You know, when I learned that you were in the late stage of cancer, I didn't feel any happiness. I don't know what I thought at that time. I only thought about what my parents should do and what should I do.

Later, on the day you were critically ill, Xiao Saner couldn't help telling you the truth about your forced marriage. The resentment in my heart suddenly disappeared, and the rest was just a stream of sweetness and sadness.

It's too difficult for a girl to find a man who loves herself and pays for herself so much.

However, I found it. Do you think I'm lucky and should I be happy?

But I never knew this luck and happiness. When I knew that it would leave me, I really caught it.

So, when you get better, tell me about the divorce and give me the company, I accept it. Because I want to break with the past, and I want to make us a new one.

After the divorce, I made up my mind that I must come back to you, and I want to chase you, and I want to be your wife again, the real wife.

Do you know what I thought at that time when I was kidnapped and sold to that Japanese by Wei Dong today?

At that time, I thought that as long as I was stained by the damn Japanese devil, I would definitely bite my tongue and kill myself. I don't want to be sentenced to you, even if I am forced.

But fortunately, you arrived in time.

A Xiao, we have been here again, okay?"

Nie Lan asked again, and her voice trembled a little. Liu Xiao understood that Nie Lan felt afraid, and she was probably afraid of getting a negative answer from herself.

Liu Xiao's arms tightened: "Alan, you know, I have always loved you. I also want to come back with you, but what about the Ding sisters? They have done a lot for me, and I can't let them down. If you follow me, you will be wronged."

After listening to the first half of the words, Nie Lan's body trembled very much, but after listening to the words, she realized that Liu Xiao did not want herself, but was afraid of wronging herself.

Nie Lan raised her head bravely and smiled with rain: "No, laughs. Don't worry, I will get along well with the two sisters of the Ding family.

Since you can give your life for me and add two sisters to your family, what's the point?

Liu Xiao was speechless for a while. This girl used to be a feminist and had always opposed men's affair, but now she hasn't done much yet. She has given sex first.

Nie Lan is a smart woman. Naturally, she saw some ideas from the other party's expression, so she smiled and said, "What do you think? Do you think, why did I, a feminist, suddenly change sex?

In fact, it's not that I have changed my sex, but that I know that you really love me, so I naturally have to be considerate of you. I'm very jealous that you have other women. This is the truth, but I don't want to let you go because of this, and I don't want to embarrass you, so I have to do it.

However, you have to compensate me in the future, and you are not allowed to leave me alone.

Nie Lan's words are surprisingly many these days. She believes that she is not as much as what she has said these days over the years.

Liu Xiao did not give any answer, but Nie Lan was not disappointed. As long as he did not refuse, he would still have a chance. Moreover, she could see that her ex-husband had no affection for herself at all. As long as she worked hard, it would not be a problem to come back to him again.

Liu Xiao also wants to agree, but now the cultivation of "Gene calcining" has just been a little clear, and he naturally has to put more experience on it.

Moreover, in order to support the practice of Gene calcination, you have to make as much money as possible. After all, the cultivation of this thing is simply burning money.

Another and most important point is the indelible shadow that has been lingering in his heart, Tal.

According to Dr. T's memory, the earliest record of Tal's arrival on Earth can be traced back to before World War I, and through subsequent excavations, there are Tal's behind the First, Second and Third World Wars.

The reason why the Tal people encourage war behind is to obtain enough resources, and their purpose is to use resources to create the Stargate, continuously transport troops from Tal to the earth, occupy the earth and make it a colonial star of Tal.

According to Dr. T's memory, with the end of World War III in 2315, a very small number of Tal people on Earth finally completed the Star Gate and made contact with their parent star Tal.

Subsequently, a war of control launched by the Tal people broke out.

Facing the powerful Tal people, the original intrigued countries on the earth united to form the first global federation, an alliance in history.

However, the establishment of the consortium did not free the earth from the fate of slavery.

The flame of war lasted for hundreds of years and finally ended with the victory of the Tal people on June 3, 2773. From then on, more than 2,000 years of colonial rule began, and the earth's people were enslaved and the earth's resources were plundered.

However, as the biochemical technology learned from Tal became more and more mature, human beings began to fight back. On October 1, 5113, a new global resistance alliance, the republic was established.

With the establishment of the republic and the beginning of the global resistance war, human beings began to expel the Tal people and recover their lost land.

Because the gravity of Tal is only one-tenth of that of the earth, its potential in biochemical strengthening is far less powerful than that of earthling. Therefore, as the biochemical technology gap between the two sides narrows, the earthlings began to show their advantages and gradually drove the Tal people out of the earth.

However, because the earth people aimed to develop biochemical technology, resulting in the backwardness of space technology, it is a pity that although the republic recaptured the earth, it could not counterattack Tal Star, which also led to a war that lasted for more than 8,000 years, and even 13857 where Dr. T was assassinated. This protracted war is still not over.

Liu Xiao did not want to be a savior, but the memory of Dr. T, a nationalist (nationalism 10,000 years later, which believes that earth people are a whole nation), led to Liu Xiao's extreme hatred of the Tal people.

And anyway, these guys will attack their descendants sooner or later, so no matter from which point of view, it is necessary for them to find these guys in front of the other party's establishment of the Stargate and then kill them.

Of course, this is not the main thing. The most important thing is that you should gradually and correctly guide the development of the world's biochemical technology according to the biochemical science in your memory. In this way, even if the Stargate is successfully established, the threat to the earth will be minimized.

It is for various reasons that Liu Xiao will not think too much about emotional issues for the time being. Unfortunately, the interference of Liu Xiao's memory caused him to have no resistance to Nie Lan's confession.

The two were tired of being together all afternoon. Knowing that they had had dinner in the evening, Liu Xiao sent Nie Lan home.

When he got home, Liu Xiao's face suddenly became gloomy.

Wei Dong wanted to provoke a dispute between himself and the Yamaguchi Group and kill himself with the hands of the Yamaguchi Group. How could this little trick be hidden from Liu Xiao's eyes?

However, even if they know this is a trap, so what, whether it is the mountain group or the Yamaguchi group, since they dare to do it manually Nie Lan, they should be prepared to accept their own revenge.

At 11 p.m., Liu Xiao changed into a black casual suit and left the villa with a cap and a peace mirror.

In the cherry blossom bar, the bald Li Zheng hugged the newly caught little sister and admired **, and the little brother next to him nodded and reported the income of the bar this month.

The bald Li hugged the little sister, drank red wine, and listened to the report with a smile on his face. This month's income is more than 5 million yuan, and the income of alcohol and the lady, which can be put on the surface, accounted for 800,000 yuan. The drug and arms trade, which cannot be put on the surface, accounted for a full share of 1.2 million.

"Fuck, it's still fast to get money with fans and guns. Otherwise, it's very important to choose the boss. How can you make money if you make a small fight like other gangs?" With that, the bald Li grabbed a red ticket, stuffed it into the little sister's cleavage, and pinched it fiercely.

The little sister happily put away the red ticket and kissed the bald head of Li Qian's bright bald head.

However, the bald Li's smile did not last long, and he was interrupted by the brother who suddenly broke in.

"Brother Li, no... It's not good. Someone is making trouble in the bar." The younger brother said breathlessly.

The bald Li loosened his hand holding the little sister and suddenly stood up: "What's going on?"

No one knows that the underground forces in Shencheng are behind the Sakura Bar is the Mountain Council, and behind the Mountain Council is the Yamaguchi Group, so it will more or less give some face to the bald Li. At least his bald Li is sure that several bigwigs of the underground forces will never send people to the Sakura Bar.

That's exactly why I was shocked to hear that someone went to the bar to make trouble.

However, before the younger brother could answer, the door of the manager's office was broken, and a man in black and a cap came in.

Liu Xiao didn't look at the bald Li at all and asked in a low voice, "The distribution of power of the mountain group, all its industries will be handed over, and I will spare your life."

The bald Li frowned and said, "Mr. Park, this man is up to you. One million dead, two million alive.

As the bald Li's words fell, the two Koreans who sat next to him and had always closed their eyes suddenly opened their eyes, and the two lights suddenly flashed, and then stood up.

The older Korean looked at Liu Xiao coldly and said in blunt Chinese, "Give you a chance. As long as you surrender, I will plead with Mr. Li to spare your life."


With a cold hum, Liu Xiao, who was standing at the door, suddenly lost his trace, followed by the Korean's sudden round eyes and did not dare to stare in front of him confidently.

After about two or three seconds, the Korean suddenly opened his mouth and vomited crazily.

At first, the bald Lee and the young Korean didn't care, but when they saw what the man vomited, their hearts were suddenly eroded by a chill.

Pieces of blood and internal organs vomited out of the elderly Korean population like garbage, and then lost his little vitality.


With the cessation of vomiting, the elderly Korean fell to the ground, with their eyes wide open and staring at the front.

It happened in the blink of an eye, but Liu Xiao's action was not simple. First, he rushed to the side of the Koreans at a very fast speed and hit several jabs at a very fast speed, hitting the lungs, liver, spleen, gallbladder and stomach respectively.

If it is hit by an ordinary person's jab, at most Koreans, that is, the internal organs are broken. If you are sent to the hospital in time, it will not be life-threatening at all.

However, Liu Xiao's jab is different. The explosive force produced by quietly compressing the explosive force of the whole arm muscles and sending it into the body directly shakes the Korean internal organs into a pile of minced meat in the body.

When bald Li and another Korean saw this scene, they naturally knew that those standing in front of them were by no ordinary masters, but the kind of master level, or even beyond the master level.

"Big...big brother, I... I say everything, around my life, I say everything." The bald Li was absolutely single enough. In the face of this situation, he knelt down without hesitation, kowtowed and begged for mercy.

Liu Xiao killed the last Korean in one fell swoop as quickly as possible, and then looked at him: "Say, all the strongholds of the Shenchengshan Group, the list of high-level personnel, and the distribution of its industries."

At this point, the bald Li didn't dare to resist. He immediately poured a bamboo tube and said what he knew.

Liu Xiao looked at Li, suddenly stretched out his finger and gently touched the back of his neck.

The bald Li felt a burst of numbness from the tail vertebra along the spine to the brain, and then fainted unconsciously.

This is the first time Liu Xiao has used cutting magic, and what he has just done is to cut off part of the spinal nerves and brain nerves of the bald Li.

The bald Li, who was amputated from the nerve, can be said to be the first artificial vegetable made by Liu Xiao, and he is the most thorough vegetable man who has lost all five senses and thoughts.

Looking at Liu Xiao, who got the information and left, the little brother of bald Li * immediately notified the boss of the mountain discussion group: "Big...Big brother, it's not good. The Sakura Bar was picked, Brother Li was also abandoned, and the two taekwondo masters were also killed.

The news spread, and all the senior officials of the mountain group gathered together in the shortest time.

"Shanzi, what's going on? It's so late, we old bones can't stand the tossing." The elder of the Shanyi Group narrowed one eye and asked with great dissatisfaction. After all, not everyone will have a good temper when good things are disturbed.

"Master, am I the kind of person who shoots casually? If something big happened, would I have come here for a meeting in the middle of the night? Shanzi is also very angry, and it doesn't matter that his boss is a puppet, but this elder known as the eye master who knows wine and sex also lost his temper with him, which he can never bear.

The second elder Jiu Ye frowned: "Okay, okay. Shanzi, just say what's going on.

Brother Chunsheng, the third elder, gave his eyes a winp at the same time, signaling him to turn off the flames temporarily. After listening to the reason, it is not too late to get angry.

There are four elders in this mountain group, including the eldest elder, the ninth elder and the third elder Chunsheng, who are the descendants of traitors in World War II and are more or less related to the Japanese underworld. Therefore, the Yamaguchi group safely gathered these people together and worked for the mountain group.

However, after all, if a large organization is managed by the Chinese people, it will be more or less reassuring. Therefore, there is still a four elder in the mountain council group, and this four elders are Liu Shengzuemon, who is directly appointed by the Yamaguchi Group.

Although the four elders usually do not manage people and affairs, all the senior officials of the mountain council group know that in this mountain council group, the most powerful is neither the boss Bai Qingshan, nor the eyes, nor the ninth master and Chunsheng brother, but this little Japanese devil, Yangyu Saweimen.

What makes the senior officials of these mountain councils most worry about is another identity of Liusheng Saemon, the direct bloodline of the Liusheng family in Japan.

Although it is said that the strength of this Liusheng Zuoweimen is not ranked in the Liusheng family at all, there is one thing that everyone tacit that this Liusheng Zuoweimen can at least rank in the top 30 in the Shencheng martial arts world.

Therefore, as long as there is such a master sitting in the mountain council, a group of elders think that the matter may be big, but they are not anxious.