Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

36 Pain

The physical quality of the super warrior is indeed not as good as Liu Xiao, or even far worse, but with his efforts and excellent equipment, he actually suppressed these ninjas.

Gloves that release lightning, soft whips made of lava and firearms that can shoot elemental bullets. These weapons that integrate technology and non-secular forces greatly make up the gap between the two sides, which makes Liu Xiao can't help but think of a sentence. If you want to do a good job, you must first use sharp weapons.

Although Liu Xiao was very embarrassed and angry before, he is like a fish in water now.

After all, there is a super warrior in front of him. The role he wants to play is just a sneak attack, which Liu Xiao is best at.

The two sides fought for about six or seven minutes, and the whole battle came to an end.

One of the two physical ninjas was rolled up by a lava whip and turned into a pile of ashes, while the other was hit by the strong current released by lightning. He instantly lost consciousness and was put on a black, strange-looking metal handcuffs by the super warrior, and found more than ten pills of wax in various parts of his body. Sealed poison pills.

After that, the two super warriors and Liu Xiao surrounded Shuren at the same time. As for the other sniper, he had already been shot by both sides and was frozen in a huge ice cube by an ice bomb.

Seeing the complete failure of the plan, Shuren immediately gave up resistance and cast his hand into the ground, accompanied by a white smoke, which disappeared from everyone's sight.

The super warrior with a lava whip looked at another warrior who had fought with Shuren before. Seeing that the other party shook his head helplessly, he had to sigh with regret and give up tracking.

The art of earth escape · earth travel thousands of miles is a simple spell that evolved from the earth escape in the Chinese world of cultivation. Although it is not as exaggerated as earth escape, it can also allow the caster to travel freely in the land and come and go unimpeded.

Super warriors don't know powers, let alone spells, so they have to give up. However, although this trip is intended to protect Liu Xiao, they have caught two lives, which is undoubtedly an unexpected gain for the government.

"Thank you very much!" As the saying goes, great kindness does not say thank you, not to mention the kindness of saving life, so Liu Xiao naturally won't say more words of gratitude.

At this time, a man in black with a strange-looking sniper rifle came from afar and couldn't help laughing when he heard Liu Xiao's words: "Thank you, our duty."

Liu Xiao naturally understands what the other party is saying. Obviously, these super warriors themselves are to protect him. As for why they came so late, he doesn't know, but he has no complaints. After all, no one has the obligation to stay by your side and watch you all the time, and even so, I'm afraid he will be the first to quit. Yes, it's Liu Xiao himself.

When he got home, Liu Xiao locked himself in the room and thought carefully.

The lesson this time is so profound that even Liu Xiao can feel it himself. This is likely to be an opportunity for his future direction or self-cognition.

I am still very vulnerable, which is the conclusion drawn by Liu Xiao through this incident, and it is obtained after analysis from various angles.

I have the biochemical technology in my mind ten thousand years later, but I move forward cautiously and slowly. I think I am powerful, but for the first time I realize that in the eyes of a real master, I am simply an ant, and even in front of an opponent of the same strength, I am extremely weak.

There is nothing wrong with the genetic calcination itself. Anyone can feel the changes in the body, but it can't be used to the greatest extent. It's like having a peerless sword and can't play it. It's simply a violent thing.

Liu Xiao was not depressed, but alone in the room, thinking quietly.

His strength is the strength and speed of his strong body. How can he carry out diversified battles by giving full play to these advantages is what he needs most at present.

First of all, Xiuzhen and ancient martial arts must be the first to be excluded by Liu Xiao. This is not to say that he looks down on Xiuzhen and ancient martial artists, but wants the secrets in this regard, which is simply difficult to ascend to the sky.

So the rest still needs to rely on the advantages of biochemical technology to make yourself strong, and a large part of this idea comes from the inspiration given to him by super warriors in today's battle.

In fact, in Dr. T's memory, there are many biological and chemical weapons and the biochemical equipment of super soldiers.

However, Liu Xiao himself is not willing to come into contact with weapons. After all, young masters living in peaceful times can fight and pick up girls, drink and fart, but weapons used for war will more or less have a sense of rejection in the subconscious.

Because of this, Liu Xiao usually avoids these memories as much as possible, but this incident told him that some things can't be avoided even if you don't want to.

In this case, Liu Xiao naturally accepted it passively, so he was constantly turning over the memory of various biological and chemical weapons and equipment in his mind.

The lava jet is strong, using the cystic lava hair organ of the lava beetle as the energy generator weapon.

This is so powerful that it only takes one shot to turn a 20-meter radius of the hit area into a piece of scorched earth.

In this era, it is believed that even most superpowers or monks can't stand the danger of this shot.

This thing is very powerful, but now Liu Xiao can't make it at all.

However, he is not discouraged. Although this thing will not work for the time being, he will develop biochemical technology in the future. Lava beetles are nothing at all. After all, we have the ancestors of lava beetles, golden turtles.

There are also many powerful weapons, such as space ray warships, which are made of space rays that can swim in space after genetic evolution.

Among the more conventional mobile equipment, there seems to be biochemical mecha, which is a kind of single-person armament that can be deformed in multiple stages and can be suitable for various conditions.

According to the current level of science and technology, it is not difficult to make a little effort.

But the question is, can you wear this thing? After all, Dr. T has never dabbled in the technology of space technology, and rarely uses organisms with space capabilities at night in biochemical technology, because once organisms die, the spatial organs of organisms themselves will completely disappear, and even if they are retained, the space capabilities are extremely unstable or even dangerous. Extremely dangerous.

All kinds of strange and even chilling equipment and weapons are displayed in your mind one by one, and then they are excluded by Liu Xiao one by one, or listed as weapons and equipment for future development.

Finally, Liu Xiao found two biological and chemical weapons that were very suitable for him.

Laser parasite, an energy-type parasite that can parasitize the human body.

The prototype of this parasite is a tiny parasite in the intestine. Later, in the process of fighting against Tal people, it was stimulated by the earth's biochemical scientists to mutate DNA through special agents and become a special parasite that can provide laser energy for the host.

However, in the early stage, this parasite was not perfect. While providing laser energy, it consumed a lot of human life, so it was regarded as a secret weapon and allowed to be used as a last resort.

However, with the continuous progress of science and technology, this malpractice has completely disappeared. Although a large number of lasers will still cause the host to consume a lot of energy, this amount of consumption can be quickly replenished by eating a small bowl of rice, so it is not a drawback for human beings.

Liu Xiao excitedly opened the computer, wrote his idea into an encrypted folder, and then began to think about another biochemical equipment.

Compared with the laser parasite, another biochemical equipment that is also a parasite is not an offensive biochemical equipment, but a defensive energy armor, ice crystal blood worm.

This is a gregarious parasite that parasitizes in blood vessels and produces a thick layer of frost armor through excessive stimulation.

Another advantage is that the host of the parasitic ice crystal bloodworm is immune to cold due to the special constitution of this parasite.

Of course, the so-called immunity here has a certain limit, and this limit depends on the host's constitution and the content of special energy in the body.

And the prototype of this ice crystal blood worm is actually an unexpected schistosomiasis.

I think everyone should know a lot about this schistosomiasis, which is a small thing that once gave countless people a headache and even today.

However, with the progress of biochemical technology, biochemists have developed an extremely strong interest in this disgusting and frightening little thing.

This is thanks to the great biochemical weapons research expert who proposed a new biochemical applied science of parasitic immunity.

The purpose of this science is to use the characteristics of the parasite itself to make the host immune to this property.

Through a large number of studies, parasites must be parasitized in the blood of the human body to achieve this effect.

So, biochemists set their eyes on a little guy like schistosomiasis.

And what is gratifying is that through the efforts of several generations, scientists have finally developed the first parasitic immune parasite.

Although the side effects of this parasite applied to animals were very obvious at that time, it opened a door to the future.

With the continuous improvement and research of a large number of biochemists, the special parasite of ice crystal bloodworm was finally born in this world.

Recalling the development history of the ice crystal bloodworm, Liu Xiao sighed and recorded it in the document, and then began to write and draw on paper in detail, constantly considering the ratio of biochemical agents and the differences between modern and future worms.

It was not until the next morning that Liu Xiao finally finalized the first experimental plan. Then, before he had time to sleep, he immediately began to buy equipment and raw materials, and sent an email to the country in his own name, and it was this email that caused a There was no less than a Category 16 typhoon.