Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

42 Gene calcinomy second-order

Liu Xiao's words are not aimless. Nowadays, although his relationship with the government is not intimate, at least the country needs him. To be precise, it is the technology in his hand.

As long as they can maintain a good relationship with the country, the Liu family will not say anything else, at least at the political level, no one dares to move.

As for secretly wanting to do something evil, Liu Xiao has naturally already figured out a countermeasure.

Biochemical dogs must be developed vigorously. Now I'm afraid it is not realistic to develop biochemical warriors, but biochemical dogs are very easy.

And more importantly, now the original body of the laser parasite in hand can produce the model used by the birth dog after special mutation, which is also part of Liu Xiao's plan.

Think about it, when a large number of biochemical dogs that can release high-temperature laser light appear in front of the enemy, hey hey, I'm afraid it's impossible not to make people tremble.

Go home to say hello, and at the same time tell Nie Lan and Ding's sisters that the decoration of the new villa fell on them, and then rushed back to the Joint Research Institute the next morning.

The results of the laser parasite were reported to the central government on the same day. Although the two super warriors could not control it freely, their powerful power still shocked the central bosses.

As a military, Hao* arrived at the Joint Research Institute again by plane that day and watched the demonstration of two super warriors in person.

The adaptability of the two super warriors is relatively strong, and the parasitic fusion is also relatively complete. One's laser light can reach more than 570 degrees Celsius, and the other can reach more than 700 points. It can be said that it is very ideal at present.

When Hao* saw the red-burned and cut metal plate, he scratched his ears and cheeks excitedly and wanted to try it himself.

Thanks to Mr. He's presence, he stopped him at that time and seriously warned the old general that this thing must meet the standard of three times the physique of ordinary people before it can parasitize, otherwise it can directly drain the energy of the human body.

Hao* had to listen to Mr. He's words, and finally had to give up his unrealistic plan, but turned his head and seriously discussed with Lao Lao to fully use the possibility of laser parasites in super warriors.

Mr. He cautiously told Hao* that it should not be a big problem from the current results, but as Liu Xiao said, everything will take some time to determine whether it is suitable for promotion in Super Warriors.

Although Mr. He was very cautious, he also told Hao* that he personally thought that the possibility of success was very high.

The next morning, when he saw Liu Xiao returning to the research institute, Hao* talked with him enthusiastically.

The main content of the conversation naturally revolves around the new type of biological and chemical weapon of laser parasite.

Liu Xiao answered the old general's questions responsibly. When the other party mentioned whether it could be used by people with different constitutions, Liu Xiao replied: "Those below three times the normal constitution must not be able to use it, because their body's energy conversion rate to food is not high, and the energy they carry is also Not high.

As for people who are more than three times their physique, they can use it completely, but this is completely a waste. I suggest that they parasitize after more advanced mutagenesis, so that the weapon will be more powerful.

Because he has been dealing with super warriors in recent days, and the country also wants to fight for Liu Xiao, so naturally some secrets are not hidden, so he also knows that the country's super warrior constitution is roughly divided into two types, one is a super with three times the normal human constitution. Warrior, the other is the kind of elite super warrior that I saw for the first time around my little uncle.

After a chat, Hao* called Liu Xiao aside and whispered, "Xiao Liu, there is one thing I must remind you, which is also one of the purposes of my coming to Shencheng this time.

According to the information held by our senior management, the Wang family and the Jiang family are likely to know the forces of the secular world to deal with you. We don't know the specific information, but it is likely to come from Kunlun Mountain or one of Mount Emei, and I'm afraid the government can't directly intervene in this matter, so we can only send people from the dragon group to protect your family, but we can't do anything about you.

Liu Xiao was a little speechless, but he naturally understood that it was not that the country was unwilling, but could not.

Prativators also pay attention to interests and say that they pursue the road is actually the road of the strong. They say that they have no desire. In fact, they attach far more importance to interests than secular people, but the interests they see are different.

Moreover, Liu Xiao is even sure that the ninja who attacked him before must also be related to the Wang family and the Jiang family, or one of them.

Liu Xiao has reason to believe that the senior officials of the country must know about these, but why the other party colluded with ninjas still can't shake each other. Some of the hidden things are confusing and unreasonable.

However, something can be analyzed from Hao*'s conversation just now that the senior officials of the state seem to be afraid of some cultivation forces, and these cultivations seem to be more or less related to the Jiang family and the Wang family.

Kunlun and Emei, these two schools can be said to have a long history in the history of cultivation.

Dr. T's memory seems to have some impression of these two schools. I remember that biochemists found that Xiuzhen itself is actually a special super-self-evolutionary process of human beings, but this evolution is a conscious and purposeful evolution.

And in the land of China, which is lined with Xiuzhen sects, Kunlun and Emei are undoubtedly among the most prestigious sects.

However, Liu Xiao did not think that Emei would participate in this matter, because in Dr. T's memory, although Emei took care of secular things, she did not compete for secular interests and was rarely involved in secular struggles.

Unlike Emei, Kunlun has a lot of industries in the secular world, and the tentacles of power have been completely extended, and it has become the first helm of the secular world.

At the same time, it was also for this reason that Kunlun, which was originally ranked first in China, almost became a second-rate sect after thousands of years.

From the analysis of these situations, maybe the Jiangwang family has some business dealings with Emei, but I'm afraid it won't be so to say that Emei will plead guilty. On the contrary, the possibility of Kunlun is far greater than Emei.

Although Kunlun has become the tail of a first-class cultivation sect, you should know that a thin camel is bigger than a horse, and it may be difficult for him to fight against a sect.

Looking at Liu Xiao with a sad face, Hao*'s big hand slapped him fiercely: "Kid, are you getting into the tip of the bull? You don't even think about it. Can the other party have a golden elixir or even a Yuanying period at once?

Although I don't know what you rely on to improve your strength to the foundation period, I heard from my subordinates that in addition to your poor combat experience, your strength is not bad.

So, you can take this opportunity to accumulate combat experience.

Pure comforting words, but it is just right for Liu Xiao, because he improves his strength quickly, and he also lacks combat experience, especially the newly obtained laser ability.

nodded, and then Liu Xiao found He Lao. After nearly a year of scientific research plans and steps, he handed over to the other party, and he asked for leave and returned to the villa.

He Lao can't say anything about Liu Xiao's irresponsible behavior, and with this ice crystal bloodworm mutasis manual, even without his guidance, it can go on completely smoothly.

Take a step back, even if there is any problem, now the communication is sent like this, and a phone call can fully contact the other party.

The day after leaving the research institute, Liu Xiao finally continued to interrupt the three-month strengthening.

What he never thought was that he didn't know whether it was because of the parasitization of biological and chemical weapons or because of a long rest. The original completion rate of 188 yuan actually exceeded 100% in one breath, which was the second stage of Genetic calcination.

Entering the second stage, the first thing to do is to control the gene mutation.

Liu Xiao's first stage of strengthening genes is muscle strength, so this genetic mutation will inevitably fall on muscles.

Fortunately, at the beginning of choosing this gene enhancement, the direction of the genetic mutation has been determined to soften the metal variation.

Soft metal variation, which is very common among future soldiers. The so-called softened metal variation refers to the essential change of the mutant's muscle and become a metal muscle with extremely high flexibility through mutation.

So how flexible is this soft metal mutated muscle? According to the experimental data of later generations, to what extent can a mutant's muscle mutate before, and to what extent will it reach after mutation?

After breaking through the first stage, Liu Xiao's overall quality has reached 12 times that of ordinary people's physique, so strictly speaking, his muscle toughness is also 12 times that of ordinary people.

Of course, the softening and metallization of muscles is not the real terrible thing about the gene calcination. The real reason why the Tal people of future generations assassinate Dr. T is that with the continuous improvement of the cultivation of gene calcination, the power obtained by mutation in the cultivation process will also increase.

In other words, the power obtained by this cultivation method will become more and more terrible with the enhancement of Gene calcining.

It is for this reason that Talxing's spies even did not hesitate to expose and sacrifice the spy hidden in the republic and kill Dr. T in one fell swoop after learning this information.

Now, as Liu Xiao enters the second stage, the mutation and evolution of genes has officially begun.