Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

51 Forest Night Battle 4

The hands of the gray-clothed ninja's hands flashed quickly, and a series of fingerprints were formed in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, three gray-clothed ninjas who touched the same as him stood at the four corners in a gust of smoke and surrounded Liu Xiao in the center.

According to the research of future science and technology, it is suspected that it is likely to be similar to Taoist mirroring, which is a pseudo-entity condensed by free energy between heaven and earth.

The so-called pseudo-entity is an entity that can act instinctively in addition to not being able to think on its own, which is a very common energy skill in battle.

According to future literature, the really powerful split skills are probably Laozi's gasification, which really condenses energy into a real entity, has its own personality and thinking, and has its own memory and temper. In a word, it is no different from an independent person.

The memory flashed in his mind in an instant, and a trace of unprecedented solemnity appeared in Liu Xiao's heart.

Although this kind of ninja split has no self-meaning at all, it can achieve a perfect joint attack.

Sure enough, the ninja in front of the left immediately released a water escape, a mass of ice fog shining with cold light.

The ninja in front of the right cooperated closely, with the continuous change of fingerprints of both hands, and a stream of water swept over.

Although he can't see it in the rear, with his perception of energy, he clearly sensed that the two people in the right rear and the left rear tried to trap himself.

In a hurry, Liu Xiao immediately used the movement method he had just learned and escaped from the attack range in the blink of an eye.

However, to his surprise, although he avoided the sand technique, the ice fog and water flow followed closely behind him.

He frowned and told him to pedal again. However, after avoiding it several times, he had no choice but to find that this thing could not be thrown away at all.

It's strange. Liu Xiao felt that his brain seemed to be a little insufficient at this time. He felt very strange about why the water flow and ice fog could chase him.

While Liu Xiao dodged left and right, the two splits released a variety of ninja methods to try to trap Liu Xiao, and the other ninja would not hesitate to attack Liu Xiao.

And the last ninja was directly close to the melee, and various melee ninja skills frequently appeared, which made Liu Xiao even more confused.

However, the development of things also has a positive side. With the continuous use of newly learned movement methods, Liu Xiao's movement distance has gradually extended from the first half a meter to 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 and even now can move a distance of one meter smoothly.

While Liu Xiao was anxious and happy, the ninja in gray was even more anxious. He saw the progress of his opponent and was shocked in his heart. It was not that he had never seen the genius, nor had he seen the evil, but the evil to such an extent, not to mention that he had never heard of it.

The more genius and evil he is, the stronger the mortal heart of the gray ninja will be. If this person is an imperial man, then he will be extremely happy to be. However, this person is the biggest enemy of the empire, the people of China, so he has to kill him to eliminate future troubles.

At this time, Liu Xiao naturally saw the other party's murderous intention, but on the one hand, he really couldn't help the other party and couldn't escape.

On the other hand, he has super confidence in his defense and wants to hone his newly learned skills, so he is not too anxious to fight with all his strength.

Ice cone, ice mirror, ice knife, etc., a series of ice ninjutsu kept attacking Liu Xiao. Among the many ninjutsu, Liu Xiao's figure flashed frequently and dodged all the spells one by one. During this period, he even launched several hidden weapon attacks. Although it still failed, according to the previous lack of counterattack ability, Still making great progress.

With the passage of time, a trace of cold sweat gradually appeared on the forehead of the ninja in gray.

It's terrible. The Chinese named Liu Xiao opposite can not only completely keep up with his speed, but also gradually catch his own trajectory and gradually attack.

Speed, defense and strength, how can such a monster appear in China and stand alive in front of you?

In fact, how can the ninja in gray understand that today's Liu Xiao's physical quality itself has reached more than ten times that of the normal human body. Even compared with him, it is only high but not low.

What he really lacks is only the skills that can be applied and rich practical experience.

But it was precisely him who showed Liu Xiao a new way to move, and at the same time with a hostile idea of killing against the enemy, which caused Liu Xiao to deal with his attack with the greatest enthusiasm and energy, and fully exert the movement method he had just learned, and at the same time let his body gradually Adapt to this method.

It can be said that it is not Liu Xiao's pervert, but that he learned the appropriate skills that are most suitable for him at the most appropriate time and received sufficient training in front of the right enemy. So many accidents have created this inevitable result of this seemingly evil pervert.

I don't know how long he has been fighting, Liu Xiao finally reached the bottleneck of skill improvement, and through the life-and-death training during this period, he can still move six meters away, which has exceeded the whole ninja in gray.

At the same time, because his speed has far exceeded that of the gray ninja, he has completely seen the movement traces of the other party when he moves.

In fact, when he just reached five meters, that is, at the same speed as the enemy, he could fully see the movement traces of the other party, but as the saying goes, with such good conditions, he naturally wants to train more. After all, the opportunity is rare and there is no danger at the same time (originally, except for speed, defense and power). The quantity is very powerful. Now the speed is no longer a problem, and naturally it is also in the heart).

But now, since there is no room for progress, it is time to solve it.

The laser light in both eyes suddenly flashed continuously, and a blue smoke suddenly appeared in the void, and a split body was immediately hit and disappeared.

Then, the second, third and fourth were all hit one by one. However, to Liu Xiao's surprise, all four were splits, and none of them were ninjas in gray.

Suddenly, Liu Xiao's heart tightened, and his body instinctively moved six meters away with the help of new skills. In the original place, a huge poisonous snake nine meters long and a big head rushed out of the ground.

Liu Xiao looked at the bitten boulders around the expenditure and the trees that had already been shattered, and a chill arose.

Obviously, the other party is waiting for his momentary relaxation, and indeed successfully took advantage of the opportunity to carry out a sneak attack. If it hadn't been for his six knowledge far beyond ordinary people, I'm afraid that he would have become the dead soul of the viper at this time.

Although his body is already metal, looking at the poisonous teeth of the giant snake and the strong and corrosive poison, Liu Xiao believes that as long as he gets so little, this metal may not be able to resist the attack of the other party at all.

"What on earth is this? How can there be such a huge poisonous snake?" Liu Xiao was puzzled and was on guard against the attack of the poisonous snake, looking around for the disappeared gray-clothed ninja. He believed that all this was caused by the gray-clothed ninja. As long as the other party was destroyed in one fell swoop, the poisonous snake would never become his threat.

Psychic art, a kind of ninjutsu that can be seen by a few people and uses ninja pets to fight. This ninjutsu is very similar to the ghost exorcism in Maoshan Taoism in China and the beast control skills of Wanlingmen.

Of course, Liu Xiao does not know what the relationship is between them, but he also draws the correct corresponding method from Dr. T's information about the art of exorcism and beast control.

But now, it is obviously not feasible to rely on himself to deal with the ninja in gray, but he is not in a hurry, because at this time when he and the giant snake are fighting, Heiyi and Hei San are coming here as fast as possible.

As for the black two who were here at the beginning, they had already run away because of the pursuit of other ninjas in the room, but Liu Xiao believes that after completing the pursuit, it will naturally return here.

Three minutes later, a dark shadow suddenly appeared around, taking advantage of Liu Xiao to attract the attention of the giant snake and bit the snake's tail.

It turned out that it was the closest black three here. At this time, I saw it biting the tail of the giant snake, and its hind legs kept working hard, and its body rotated quickly. It threw the giant snake up and rotated like a windmill in the air.

As one of the three giants of biochemical dogs that became the first biochemical dogs, Black San has even reached seven times the strength of ordinary wolf dogs. At this time, although this giant snake is very huge, its weight can be called nothing in today's eyes.

Suddenly, it seemed that he felt something. Hei San's huge mouth loosened, and the giant snake that had already turned around did not know the southeast and northwest was thrown out dizzy.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly flew out and bit the seven inches of the giant snake. The snake's body suddenly twisted several times, and finally died motionless.

Heiyi, who bit the giant snake to death, put down the body, and his nose moved slightly. Suddenly, his body moved up, like a black meteor, rushed to a very ordinary small tree and stretched out his claws and fan it.

And Hei San, as if discussed with Hei Yi, rushed forward at the moment when Hei Yi started, opened his mouth and bit the little tree.

Although Liu Xiao's understanding of his two biochemical dogs is not as good as the roundworms in their stomachs, they are also quite considerable, so he understood at the first time that a piece of metal also flew out like an arrow.