Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

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Two people can understand part of the first document, which depicts the most advanced weapons and equipment at that time during World War I and World War II.

However, what I don't understand in another notepad is that the text recorded above is a strange text that has never been seen before.

"This is..." Premier Wen looked at Liu Xiao in shock.

Liu Xiao said, "This was found from a submarine base near Hawaii."

"Undersea base?" Yu Lao asked doubtfully.

Liu Xiao took out a pen and drew a sketch on a piece of white paper: "At that time, I sensed a strong spiritual fluctuation through the instrument, so I dived into the sea under curiosity.

This is 1,800 meters from the bottom of the sea, and at this time, a huge trench, which I found the entrance deep enough.

This is an undersea artificial tunnel, in which the sea water is isolated, forming an independent world under the seabed.

Going along this tunnel is what I call the base, a base built by aliens.

These text materials, as well as this iron plate, are taken from the base.

"Aren base?" The Prime Minister frowned and fell into meditation.

Yu Lao obviously understood the Prime Minister's doubts, so he asked, "How can you be sure that this must be an alien technology?"

Liu Xiao knew that there would be this question, so he had been ready to say: "Actually, it is very simple to judge. There are only two situations that can build such a base at the seabed. One is a branch left by the ancient race, and the other is aliens.

First of all, let me analyze the possibility of the branch of the ancient race. First of all, if this is the case, it is inevitable to form a society, and such a large base can obviously accommodate hundreds of people, but from the traces of Liu Xiao, there are less than 100 people living there, which is one of the suspicious points.

Secondly, I found many refrigerated canned meat from World War II in their warehouses. If they were really ancient people to avoid disaster on the seabed, then after long evolution, they should be more adapted to using food in the sea than canned meat on land.

I think at this point, you two should understand why I judged that it is an alien base, right?

Yu Lao and the Premier looked at each other, nodded, and agreed with Liu Xiao's statement, but the Prime Minister was even more confused: "Since it is an alien base, why did they store canned meat, and it was also a canned food of the German army during World War II?"

Liu Xiao picked up the weapon design drawings, patted them with their hands and said, "I have a guess. Although I don't know whether it's right or wrong, I still want to talk to you two.

When I saw the design drawings of these weapons and these cans, my first idea was that they were exchanging technology for food, and they lacked the source of food.

But the following exploration made me have a new guess on this basis.

First of all, I consider why this base is vacant now. Most importantly, all the functions of this base are intact, and even the energy has not been used up.

If the person in it is dead, where will the body go?

If they are not dead, why did they give up such a fully functional and undamaged base?

This kind of question gives me a bold assumption that they lack the resources to build more advanced bases.

With this assumption, all problems will be solved.

When alien design weapons drawings, the main exchange is not food, but resources. Food is only an incidental condition.

The reason why they gave up that base was because they had enough resources to build a more complete and advanced base elsewhere.

Speaking of this, Liu Xiao stopped and looked at the two dedicated and dignified old men, and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

After taking a sip of water, Liu Xiao continued to analyze: "If the above analysis is true, then we must consider what their purpose is.

You should know that since they can safely contact each other's earthlings, it shows their ability to fully integrate into the society.

But they are not, but are collecting resources and establishing a better base.

On the other hand, they are exchanging resources and can fully meet the requirements by using civil technology, but they still do not, but use military technology to trade.

If I guess correctly, the reason why the other party provides military technology is probably because he wants to make a long-term transaction. What does this mean? I don't think you two can completely guess it.

Yes, speaking of this, the Prime Minister and Yu Lao can naturally understand the meaning of Liu's joke. These aliens are scheming.

"Whether Xiaoliu's guess is right or not, we must prepare for the worst." Mr. Yu looked at the Prime Minister who was still some doubts and took the lead in putting forward his own opinions.

The Premier thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Then I took this notebook. As for how to deal with it, I can't give the right solution now.

Without further ado, Premier Wen left T Energy as soon as possible with an expert group and rushed back to the capital with bad news about aliens.

Liu Xiao looked at the leaving convoy and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the words I made up are seamless and reasonable, it is inevitable that I am a little uneasy. After all, the real situation is more or less different.

But now I can be completely relieved. I believe that with the strength of the country, I can quickly interpret the contents of the notebook and understand the transaction records.

At that time, the wolf ambition of the Tal people naturally surfaced. I'm afraid it won't work if the country doesn't pay attention to it.

After finishing all this, Liu Xiao immediately entered the T Research Institute and asked about the progress of the ice crystal blood worm.

"Xiao Liu is back? How's it going? Have you had a good time in Hawaii? Mr. He looked at Liu Xiao with a smile and asked, he knew how hard this young man was when he was researching, so he fully agreed with him to travel with his girlfriend.

Liu Xiao said while changing his clothes, "It's good. I've gained a lot."

His words are a pun, that is, he talked about his emotional gains, as well as the gains in cultivation and progress.

Of course, Mr. He didn't know this. He thought it was about the relationship with his girlfriend, so he joked, "Ha ha, then hurry up and give birth to a few big fat guys for your parents while you are young."

"Well, Mr. He, why did you say that?" Liu Xiao looked helpless. This had been said over and over by Liu's mother, but he didn't expect that when he arrived here, Mr. He also told him to do so.

He Lao patted Liu Xiao on the shoulder and said with emotion, "I can't help it. It's all like this. When you reach your parents' age, you will know.

The old man, one is looking forward to the life of his children and a happy marriage. The other is to find some grandchildren to enjoy the joy of family.

Looking at Liu Xiao's puzzled and indifferent look, he smiled and said, "At your age, your parents are no longer young. They always want to help you young people take care of children when they can move.

Don't say anything about nannies. Most of the elderly who really love their children are disgusted with hiring nannies. They always think that it's better for outsiders to take care of them.

Young people, don't move to deprive the elderly of a little power.

"Uh... Mr. He, what you said makes sense." Liu Xiao has nothing to say, because he has never experienced it, and what Mr. He said does have his reason.

What's more, how many cases of baby-abuse nanny abuse have been reported on TV news, which has gradually made many young people, including Liu Xiao, gradually have a skeptical attitude.

"Let's not talk about me. Mr. He, let's talk about the progress of the ice crystal blood worm." On this topic, Liu Xiaogan bowed down and quickly changed the topic and hit Mr. He's attention to the research.

Speaking of the research project, Mr. He's attention was suddenly diverted and said excitedly, "The research of the ice crystal blood worm has been successful, and the living parasitization has been carried out on the voluntary former. Now the situation is very good. The State Council has approved batch parasitization of super warriors to enhance me. The combat effectiveness of the country.

"Wow, it finally succeeded. To be honest, when I left, I was worried about something wrong, but now it seems that these worries are superfluous. In addition, I think the researchers in the institute have also benefited a lot from this research, right? Liu Xiao gently exhaled a cloudy breath and asked about the last little worry.

Mr. He nodded: "Well, to be honest, it's really the right choice for you to leave this time. Through this exploration and the cultivation of mutation, there are really a few talented young people in our institute.

I have applied from the above to extend the working period of those talented young people at the T Research Institute and try to cultivate more biochemical aspects for the country.

Liu Xiao agrees with Mr. He's idea. After all, the sustainable development of a country cannot be maintained by just one or two scientists.

Liu Xiao came to the laboratory with He Lao and looked at the recorded data of the parasitic process of ice crystal blood worms and various reactions after parasitization. He found that the effect of modern people's parasitic ice crystal blood worms was far better than those in the future.

If the power exerted by future human parasitic ice crystal blood worms is 100%, then the power exerted by modern super warriors is 120 percent.

Don't underestimate this 20% gap. If it is on the battlefield, it is the relationship between second kill and being killed in seconds.

Liu Xiao took out the relevant data of the biochemical chip prepared before leaving, and at the same time, he just remembered some principles about the solid-state energy compressor.

Looking at Liu Xiao who came out not far away, He Lao suddenly patted his forehead and shouted, "Xiao Liu, wait a minute. It has been a long time since the press conference on the successful development of new active auxiliary energy. Do we apply for commercial operation?

Liu Xiao also patted his forehead and blamed himself for being too forgetful, so he said shyly, "Look at me. If it hadn't been for Mr. He's reminder, I'm afraid I really can't remember it.

Well, we will call you later and send a representative. We will study the prices of various models. After the price is set, we will officially sell them in two days.

When they got home, the three girls who were bored watching TV immediately jumped up and ran to Liu Xiao and said the first strengthening feeling.

Liu Xiao did not feel any trouble. Instead, he looked at the three women with a smile and said, "How is it? Is it much different from what you imagined?"

Nie Lan shook: "There is not much difference, but there is no pain, which is quite unexpected."

Ding Hong's idea was not the same: "I thought I was going to implant something strange into my body, but I didn't expect it to be like taking a bath. It's too simple."

Ding Xia's words are shocking: "It's just a little sticky and annoying. It would be better if it could be like a toner."

"I still have a facial cleanser, when this is a shower?" Liu Xiao slandered in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

Liu Xiao waited for the three women to finish their words, and finally told the three women in detail about the precautions for long-term biochemical strengthening, and explained some places that were more prone to mistakes, so she rested with the three women.

Half a month later, the new active auxiliary energy in China, which had caused a sensation but had no news after that, was sold to the outside world in an uproar.

The first to take action is the Huaxia government, which requires domestic mechanical oil manufacturers to produce mixed high-efficiency oil with a ratio of 1 to 9 oil and active auxiliary energy.

Due to the relatively low price of industrial active auxiliary energy, it directly leads to a general large reduction in domestic oil prices, with the highest price reduction of 60% and the lowest price reduction of 45 percent.

However, such a low oil price makes the country's happy dreams.

Due to the sharp drop in oil prices in the market, taxi prices in various places have fallen relatively significantly, but drivers are competing to celebrate.

The reason is very simple. The price has come down, but the profit has increased slightly. At the same time, due to the price reduction, more and more citizens are willing to take taxis. If there are more guests, there will naturally be more tickets. How can drivers be unhappy?

At the same time, bosses and white-collar workers who often fly in the sky suddenly found that the price of air tickets has been reduced, but the quality of service has improved.

What surprises people more is that the prices and quality of the products exported by China have been lower, and their competitiveness in the international market has improved a lot. Therefore, Europe and the United States have once again put forward an anti-dumping investigation.

However, what disappoints these foreigners is that they want to investigate now, which is a little uncertain.

Why? Because now you want to investigate, you have to look at the face of China, otherwise, do you still want the active auxiliary energy?

All countries understand that although the emergence of this new energy auxiliary material cannot break the world's energy pattern, it has slowed down the energy crisis and also exposed the conspiracy of Europe and the United States to take advantage of the so-called energy crisis to control the world.

This is a silent soft knife, which cuts a large piece of meat from the scientific and technological powers in Europe and the United States silently, but makes them unable to speak at all. They can only eat yellow and suffer by themselves.

And for the emergence of this new energy in China, the White House has already quarreled.

The hawkish attitude is very clear. They take advantage of the pressure of international public opinion and even threaten to use force to let the Chinese hand over this technology.

The attitude of the pigeon faction is also very clear. Nowadays, the international status of China is increasing day by day. Instead of confrontation, it is better to unite, and the East-West confrontation is better than East-West alliance.

President Rom watched coldly and contemptuated: "Well, whether it's hawks or doves, they are a group of idiots full of shit. The power of China is not dealt with by the United States, otherwise we have to deploy such a huge game of chess in Southeast Asia for decades?

Peace? East-West Union? This is pure fart. Not to mention the state system, it is impossible to fully unite the East and the East alone.

President Rom stood up gracefully and stopped everyone's quarrel: "Let's go back for the time being. I'm going to District 51 to give some information to our respectable scientists."

When I heard the word "51 District", the conference room suddenly quieted down.

"Ms. Secretary of State, do you know what District 51 does?"

"Well, I'm very sorry, Mr. Senator, District 51 has always been directly responsible to the President. As the Secretary of State, I have no right to ask."

"Is it that the general doesn't know anything about District 51?"

"For District 51, the only thing I know is the core of science and technology of the United States of America. Most of the high-tech comes from this. I believe that the world's top scientists must be gathered there.

It was the gathering place of top scientists in the mouth of General Wei. President Rom passed through the checkpoints and finally entered a green house.

"Dear Mr. X, I believe you already know the intention of my trip." President Rom has great respect for Mr. X, because Mr. X holds the powerful secrets of the United States.

Mr. X elegantly put down the newspaper, took a sip of coffee, and said in a local New York accent: "Mr. President, I have consulted the senior management of the organization about this matter. The organization's answer is no."

President Rom can't believe his ears. This auxiliary energy should be just a piece of cake for the mysterious X organization. Why is their answer so sure?

Looking at President Rom with a shocked face, Mr. X put down his coffee cup and said, "The organization explained that this time is not simple, and the time that happened is really a coincidence, so we must be careful."

Huh? What does this mean? President Roma doesn't understand what the other party is talking about.

Mr. X pointed to Hawaii on the map and said, "Here, there is an abandoned small device organized by our X. Not long ago, we found that its signal had disappeared.

According to our calculations, it will take at least 130 years for the energy supply of the abandoned equipment to consume a light, so we are sure that someone found it and took away its energy.

In other words, our organization is likely to have been exposed, so we must be careful from now on. We will not release any technology that will promote the progress of the times in a short time.

"However, how should we deal with the new auxiliary energy in China?" President Roma is somewhat godless. Organization X will not provide high technology in a short time. In other words, scientific research in the United States will be greatly restrained.

Mr. X knocked on the newspaper on the table and said, "You pay close attention to the person named Liu Xiao. I'm afraid his identity is not simple. The senior management of our organization suspects that he may also be the spokesperson of a mysterious organization.

Speaking of this, Mr. X stopped and then said, "But remember, don't use extreme means. We suspect that this organization is not weaker than our Organization X, and we must not act rashly without accurate news.

Looking at President Rom who left disappointed, Mr. X slowly opened the notebook placed not far away and entered a string of mysterious text, and then a figure hidden in the cloak appeared on the screen.

"Boss, everything is as you expected." Mr. X seemed extremely respectful. He knew that everything about himself was given by these mysterious people, the former glory, and the comfort now.

There was a sound like metal friction in the computer: "Well done."

Mr. X was extremely happy to be appreciated by the boss, but he also asked doubtfully, "Boss, why don't we help the United States this time?"

"Hmm, the value of the United States has almost been squeezed, and now our goal should shift to China." The unpleasant sound of metal friction sounds dark and deep, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Mr. X was even more puzzled when he heard the other party's words: "However, didn't the organization say that we can't directly enter China, where there are many cultivation factions, which can't be played well?"

The other party obviously trusted Mr. X and explained, "We will not have direct contact with China, let alone enter China. We are in direct contact with Huaxia through the Internet.

By the way, I remember you said before that there is a royal family in Huaxia who is pro-American. You can contact it in person... No, you'd better not go. You can let your men contact it and see if there is a possibility of controlling it.

"Yes, boss, I'll arrange it right away." X responded respectfully and then turned off the notebook.

At the same time, President Rom once again held a secret meeting at the White House and held another discussion on Sino-US relations.

"Mr. President's face doesn't seem to be good. It seems that even District 51 can do nothing."

"So what is the president's opinion? Is it a war? Or with?"

"The opinions of the big consortium are not consistent, which is really a nerve-wracking thing."

"I can't help it. Huaxia has too many interests."


At the conference table, everyone whispered, but no one could come up with a truly meaningful plan.

President Roma's eyebrows were deeply locked, and his heart was actually very uneasy, because although the information revealed by Mr. X seemed peaceful, he saw a terrible shadow from it. Organization X seemed to want to give up the United States and look for other allies, just like giving up Germany and cooperating with the United States.

I don't know the strength of the X organization. I wouldn't have thought that behind the First World War and World War II, there was a shadow promoted by this organization. What's more terrible is that many high-tech and epoch-making science and technology in the world came from this X organization.

It is no exaggeration to say that Organization X is the promoter of the world. They stand high and look down on all sentient beings.

Before President Roma came to power, the former President Mr. Bama took out a book with a black cover and gave it to President Roma.

This book is made entirely of metal, which records all transactions and conversations between the United States and Organization X.

He didn't think so at that time, but when he secretly read all the content, his heart could no longer calm down.

Organization X, a huge organization hidden behind history, they promoted the First World War but were not in it.

They intervened in World War II, and even Adolf, who has been talked about so far, was created and pushed to the front by this organization.

Although Adolf is a war maniac, it has to be denied that he is an outstanding politician and a powerful ruler.

But such a person is at his own fingertips like the servant of Organization X.

Seeing this, President Rom finally understood why on the first page of the book, it was engraved in such large words: "Organization X can only make friends, not evil."

Yes, since the other party's strength can launch an Adolf in Germany, can't he recommend a second Adolf or a third Adolf in the United States?

Thinking of this, President Roma was in a cold sweat at that time and couldn't help calling the former President Mr. Bama.

Mr. Bama's opinion is very simple. Try your best to pull it in. If it's really impossible, he will start with X's next goal.

In fact, this practice has been followed by American presidents since World War II.

In the past few decades, Organization X has not been unnoticed by other countries, but its cooperation has been undermined by the United States for various reasons.

Although X expressed disgust with the practice of the United States, because the other party did provide a lot of scarce resources, the cooperation between them is still pleasant.

Yes, Organization X still can't let go of the United States. Because of the strength of the United States, he can grab many other resources and things and buy them.

But it is different now. What the United States has to face is a Chinese country that even dares not set foot in its own organization.

This is not to say that Organization X is afraid of the government of China, but to the many powerful monks hidden behind this country.

You should know that there are so many schools of practice on the land of China, which can be said to be as numerous as stars.

Not to mention anything else, Buddhism, which once flourished in India, is now not only declining in India, but also the real Buddhist cultivation has been hidden one after another.

On the contrary, in the land of China, Buddhism and Taoism are flourishing and flourishing, and there are many Buddha cultivation.

It can be seen how inclusive the land of China is, and it is this inclusiveness that makes the hidden monks of China, far stronger than the West.

But the current situation is a little different. It seems that a powerful force began to intervene in the land of China and began to stir up the wind and clouds, trying to make the trapped dragon of the shallows take advantage of the wind and clouds to fly in the sky and be proud of the world.

This is the last thing Organization X wants to see. At least the people who stir up the storm should also be them. Otherwise, how can those resources of Huaxia flow into their own hands? When can they complete what they want to build?

Different from the entanglement of the United States and the secret arrangement of the X organization, China ushered in the first batch of orders after implementing new energy auxiliary materials.

First came the major Arab oil countries. This auxiliary material does reduce the price of oil to some extent, but in the same way, if this material can be used well, it can completely improve the profit margin.

Then, many Western countries who were watching appeared one after another, and brought a lot of foreign exchange for China.

"The situation is similar to what was expected, but I didn't expect Western countries to react so quickly." The chairman sat on the sofa and said happily.

Things have developed much better than the country expected, and the response of various countries is also very rapid, which has laid a solid foundation for the country's economic stability and rapid development.

Premier Wen nodded, took out a thick report and said, "This is the list of problematic officials we are investigating. By the way, this is only a small part."

"Oh, I'm ashamed of the people, I'm ashamed of the people. Since the development of the country, the contradictions between the government and the people have mainly focused on the relationship between officials and the people. Looking at a list, Chairman Gu sighed deeply.

"Chairman, what is our next step, a drastic reform or quietly?" Premier Wen looked at the list and asked with a bit of teeth.

Hao* snorted coldly: "Although Lao Hao, I don't care about politics, what I want to say will be pulled out one by one to kill the house one to see if they dare."

Chairman Gu shook his head, stretched out his finger and pointed to Hao*: "You, you still can't change your temper. But yes, if you have a good temper, it's not your turn to be a general.

To be honest, from a personal point of view, I agree with Lao Hao's opinion.

But I am the president of the country and there are too many things to consider, so we must use a milder approach.

Boiling frogs in warm water, take your time and let those who are hidden behind the scenes notice that they can't escape if they want to escape.

"Boiled frog in warm water?" Premier Wen thought about something and obviously thought of something.

Put down the thick list, and the chairman took out another document and put it on the table: "Look at this. It must surprise you."

After about ten minutes, Premier Wen handed the document to Hao* with a very ugly face and said, "Is this the content of the notebook and transaction record?"

"Yes, it seems that Xiaoliu is right. These aliens are really too dangerous." The chairman sighed and had to admit that Liu Xiao's guess was correct.

"It's really hateful, his heart can be killed, and his heart can be killed. Who is this, and what is that Stargate? Hao* didn't know about Liu Xiao's finding the alien base, so he thought that these records were done by a conspirators.

Premier Wen patted Hao* on the shoulder and told the story, and then said, "It seems that Xiaoliu's speculation is very correct. Although there is no specific plan in this record, it is not difficult to analyze from it. The wolf's ambition is obvious."

"Did we send someone to check that alien base?" Hao* put forward his own opinions.

The chairman waved his hand: "No, I have been checked. The people sent by the Dragon Group have come back a long time ago."

"How's it going?" Hao* asked with concern.

The chairman took a sip of water and introduced: "What Xiao Liu said is not different. There is indeed a metal base isolated from the sea, and it is very large.

According to the people of the dragon group, the tunnel and the space where the base are located are artificially excavated, and the layout in the base is also completely different, which is completely certain that it is not created by the ancient civilization in the record.

Most importantly, in the center of the base, they arrived at the central control room early. Their energy system is very special. It is a metalized tree.

According to the final analysis, the trees are transformed from ordinary trees, and it is worth mentioning that although the cells of the trees begin to decline when they reach the dragon group, they are still living.

"It's incredible that such a powerful biochemical technology can turn a whole tree into metal and maintain the activity of trees at the same time." Hao* couldn't help marveling.

Premier Wen thought differently from Hao*. He considered any information that might be analyzed, so he said, "So, the other party's technology seems to be mainly based on biochemical technology?"

"Yes, after the analysis of the expert group, it was agreed that the aliens finally moved out of the seabed because the materials and equipment needed to build the new base were complete, so they left the base that lagged behind them.

It is also worth mentioning that many biochemical equipment and materials are clearly recorded in this transaction record.

"What on earth is this Stargate? Why is this name so familiar?" Hao* pointed to the construction of the Stargate mentioned above and couldn't help but be quite puzzled.

The chairman looked at the secretary beside him and waved his hand: "You come to explain to Lao Hao."

Stargate, which mostly appears in science fiction and games, is used to establish space channels at two different space points to achieve the purpose of folding space and quickly shuttle through the universe.

According to the opinion of the expert group, the most likely purpose of the other party to establish the Stargate is to send a large number of troops.

"Forces? No way? Can't it be built to return to your own planet?" Premier Wen also heard this for the first time. After all, as Prime Minister, there is no leisure to watch any science fiction movies.

The secretary turned to another page and said, "The expert group took this problem into account, so it made a detailed analysis, but quickly rejected this statement.

First of all, the amount of materials exchanged by these aliens is too large, and from the analysis of the waste residue formed after the acquisition of gold mines and alchemy in recent years, the other party is still collecting a large amount of materials, and even through a door installation as big as an aircraft carrier, it can be fully made. Five or six were created.

Therefore, the other party's creation of the Stargate must be for a large number of troops to send space to Earth, and it is likely to include weapons and equipment such as large warships.

"It seems that the matter is unexpectedly serious. The state must list this matter as an SSS-level incident. By the way, do you want to unite with other countries..."

Before Premier Wen finished speaking, Hao* immediately interrupted him: "No, although the enemy is in the United States, we don't know whether he has penetrated his forces into other countries. If we leak the news so blindly, I'm afraid the enemy will jump over the wall.

If we want to deal with such an enemy now, we must buy time. The enemy will not give us much time, so we must keep this secret and buy more time.

The only thing we can do now is to strive to become the last fortress of mankind in the worst case.

Hao*'s analysis is very correct and rational, but he ignores a problem, that is, the enemy's intentional infiltration of the domestic environment, which can be said to be extremely important.

For good, Premier Wen, who is engaged in politics, found the problem in time, so he added, "Lao Hao, you are right. I think too naively. However, I would like to add that we must pay attention to the infiltration of foreign forces.

I think you should also have found that since the new auxiliary energy is the public sale, all forces have become active. So far, there are no more than a few thousand commercial spies. You can imagine what the spies hidden inside us or the spies who are about to sneak into our country will be like. ."

"It's just a moth to fight the fire, but Lao Wen's opinion reminds us that it seems that T Energy should also strengthen protective measures and rectify Shencheng's officialdom." The chairman's momentum suddenly spread out, and then issued a series of orders about T energy and the rectification of Shencheng's officialdom.

Speaking of T Energy, it is a great company nowadays. In order to enter this potential company, many people have sharpened their heads and want to drill in.

It's a pity that Liu, the boss of T Energy, said with a smile. No matter who you are, as long as you have the ability, you can come to work. If you don't have the ability, get out of here immediately.

It can be said that Liu Xiao's words are really rude, but what can they do? They can't stand other people's fists, * hard.

Of course, there are also those who do not believe in evil. Hong Mingguo, vice mayor of Shencheng, is one of them, for nothing else, because Hong Mingguo is the spokesperson jointly promoted by the Wang family and the Jiang family. No matter how powerful the Liu family is, can you withstand half of the sky?