Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

66 Find the green-blooded man

Liu Xiao didn't expect that Huo Qingqing, who had a careless personality, would cry like this.

After a hurried comfort, Huo Qingqing finally stopped crying. Liu Xiao breathed a long sigh of relief like a protracted war.

Huo Qingqing looked at Liu Xiao with embarrassment and said, "Well, I'll go back and come to you tomorrow."

After saying that, he got into the car without looking back and drove away.

Liu Xiao shook his head and returned to his residence. At this time, the search had been completed.

"Let me see, this is the god." Having said that, Liu Xiao's psychological side has actually had a guess for a long time.

This Linzi is the nest of the Wang family. The matter is here, and the ten * is done by the Wang family.

As for the blame, it is also possible, but if so, why hasn't the Wang family moved at all? This is really not very similar to their character.

Moreover, except for the puzzling thing that happened in the bar, the whole thing seems very clear.

Sure enough, when he saw the information on the notebook, Liu Xiao had completely connected the whole matter with the Wang family.

"Wang Shuang, the secretary of the mayor of Linzi City, died of her parents since childhood, for the Wang family*. Ha ha, sure enough, it seems that things are very clear. Although Liu Xiao said so, he didn't know why, there was always a strange psychological feeling that it was not as simple as it seemed.

The next morning, as soon as Liu Xiao got up, he heard a rapid knock on the door.

Huo Qingqing? Why did you come here so early?" Liu Xiao asked doubtfully and looked up and down at Huo Qingqing.

Unlike the hot clothes worn yesterday, today Huo Qingqing wears skinny jeans and a light pink cartoon T-shirt, which looks both young and beautiful, lively and cute.

Huo Qingqing entered the room rudely and said, "I thought for a long time after I went back yesterday. It was hard to meet you here, so I will always follow you."

"No, I'm here to do something." Liu Xiao refused mercilessly.

Huo Qingqing was not annoyed at all, as if he had thought of this situation in advance, so he said, "There are many benefits for me to follow you.

First of all, I drove here. It's much easier for you to do things.

Secondly, I came from a criminal police background. For some things, I am much more professional than you.

Liu Xiao thought for a moment, but felt that what Huo Qingqing said was not unreasonable, and he also knew that with the reputation of the Huo family, there were some things that Huo Qingqing knew.

Since it came to this, Liu Xiao agreed, but still made an appointment with Huo Qingqing: "You can take it, but if you want to say it, you are not allowed to fool around or cause trouble. In addition, once there is a battle, you have to protect yourself.

Huo Qingqing knew that Liu Xiao was not out of the concern of men and women, but her heart was still sweet and promised, "Don't worry, I'll listen to you."

"So where are we going first?" Although Huo Qingqing didn't know what Liu Xiao was investigating, he was extremely happy to be with him.

Liu Xiao thought for a moment and said, "Let's check Wang Shuang's call record."

"Wang Shuang? Liu Da Shao, should you tell me first what you are investigating? Huo Qingqing has been holding this problem in his heart since he saw Liu Xiao yesterday. Now that he has seized the opportunity, he will naturally not let it go.

Liu Xiao did not hide it, told him about the Green-blooded man and told Huo Qingqing about his discovery of an alien base in Hawaii. Of course, he did not tell her about those circumstances.

Is it really an alien? I thought that the report was grandstanding. I didn't expect that such an inconspicuous report would hide such an amazing fact. Huo Qingqing also saw the report, but what she didn't expect was that a report that could not attract people's attention at all hides such an amazing truth.

Liu Xiao felt normal and said, "It's nothing. If it hadn't happened to Hawaii, maybe I wouldn't have noticed it. I can't help it. There have been so many reports about aliens over the years that people don't believe it at all.

"Do you think it is possible that aliens related to some governments deliberately release true and false alien information, which gradually reduces the public's interest and reduces the credibility of this information, so that they can safely hide in the dark?" Out of the instinct of the police, Huo Qingqing immediately made a shocking assumption.

Knowing the existence of the Tal people, and also knowing that they were hidden behind the United States, Liu Xiao couldn't help but make a loud noise in his mind and frowned and kept walking around the room.

The United States has the most news about aliens, and everyone in the world knows that there is a mysterious 51st district in the United States.

Even, many rumors say that 51 District is a secret research institution that studies alien technology, and what makes Liu Xiao feel most interesting is that the United States neither deny nor admits it. Even if it comes forward to clarify, what it says is ambiguous, giving people a sense of fog.

At this point, Liu Xiao has to admit that the United States is really smart. If they admit it, they will definitely become the target of the world.

But if they deny it directly, their suspicion will be greater.

On the contrary, the attitude of neither admitting nor denying is like today. Although it makes people somewhat suspicious, this suspicion is gradually dissipating over time.

smart, indeed smart, in true and false information, most people gradually lose interest, thus greatly reducing the risk of alien information leakage.

After stopping, Liu Xiao took a long breath and thought to himself, "Sure enough, a professional criminal investigator suddenly grasped the key to the problem. Although it was only a hypothesis, it hit the point. What a great woman."

Liu Xiao's original views on Huo Qingqing were mostly careless, hot-tempered, coupled with a prominent family background and a young lady's temper, but now it seems that this girl really has her own strength to become the captain of the criminal police.

Because of a conversation, Huo Qingqing's image in Liu Xiao's mind has greatly improved. If this girl knows, she may be happy.

Liu Xiao sat down and was not in a hurry to check Wang Shuang's call record. He asked, "Thust you about it. It's not good to stay in Shencheng and come to Linzi?"

Huo Qingqing put her hair close, threw it behind her beautifully, and said, "To be honest, I don't know why I came to Zi, but the task assigned by the above is to investigate the drug case.

But the problem is that we have been in Linzi for more than a week and haven't received any news about * at all.

Drugs? Suddenly, Liu Xiao thought of the bar. Isn't the boss surnamed Xu because of the conflict between drugs and the foreigner?

Strangely, more than a week ago, when the conflict occurred, it coincided with the time when Huo Qingqing came?

Is it just a coincidence? Or is there some kind of special connection?

Liu Xiao didn't dare to neglect and quickly said what he thought.

Huo Qingqing sighed: "We never thought that when we got the news the day before yesterday, we knew that this was a trap.

Some people want to catch out the members of our task force. Although I don't know what they thought at that time, judging from yesterday's incident, I'm afraid it's not simple.

Liu Xiao gently tapped her thigh with her finger joint, pondering for a while, and said, "Is your order officially issued or secretly issued?"

Huo Qingqing looked at Liu Xiao strangely and replied, "Of course it's secret..."

Suddenly, Huo Qingqing suddenly realized, stood up and walked and said, "You mean that someone in our task force is informing Linzi?

Wait, let me think about it from the beginning.

First of all, the first doubt is that there are only three possibilities for mobilizing police from Shencheng to investigate drug cases. The first is that the public security team in Linzi is unreliable, the second is that the police force is not enough, and the third is that for some purposes, our criminal police in Shencheng must come to Linzi.

The second point is unreliable. If the police are not enough, it can be mobilized from the surrounding cities. There is no need for our Shencheng at all. After all, it can't quench our thirst.

Although the first point seems to be true, it is also untenable after analysis at this time. If it is really because the Linzi police are unreliable, then it should not only mobilize the police force in Shencheng, but also form a joint task force in several cities, including the procureate and other institutions, so the first point is also unreliable.

So, is it possible that the purpose of this operation is not to investigate the drug case, but for another purpose?

Liu Xiao listened to Huo Qingqing's analysis one by one, couldn't help but admire it again, and then asked, "Who gave you the order?"

"It is the deputy director of the municipal bureau..."

Before Huo Qingqing finished speaking, Liu Xiao waved his hand to interrupt him and said with a smile, "It seems that you don't know that several deputy directors of the Municipal Bureau of Shencheng's Public Security Bureau are already in prison at this time."

Ah? No way?" Because Huo Qingqing has been in Linzi and focused on the detection of the case during this period, he did not know much about Shencheng's officialdom earthquake. In addition, Shencheng's officialdom earthquake was deliberately controlled by the state. Except for the local people who knew some gossip, other cities did not even set off a wave at all.

Liu Xiao told the cause and effect and the intention of the country, and finally said, "You didn't see it. At least hundreds of officials were arrested this time. That scene is really spectacular."

"Well, let these guys eat one by one and don't do anything. They should be arrested like this." Huo Qingqing waved his little fist and looked relieved.

After saying that, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Liu Xiao and asked, "Do you think it's the bastard of Hong Mingguo who did it behind?"

In fact, Liu Xiao also thought so, but he didn't understand the other party's intention of doing this, so he asked, "Do you have a grudge against the Wang family?"

Huo Qingqing slowly sat down and said, "It's not enough to say hatred, but when the Wang family wanted to take power in the army, it was said a word by our old man, and the opportunity for the Wang family to enter the army was ruined."

"I...isn't that hatred? This may be nothing for your Huo family, but the Wang family will definitely hate it for a lifetime. It seems that the Wang family wants to take the opportunity to kill you this time to attack Mr. Huo. Liu Xiao's mind was very clear, and he suddenly grasped the key to the problem.

Huo Qingqing was silent for a while and said, "The Wang family may not kill me, which is not good for them. I think Wang Hai may return to Linzi. If they catch me, they may rape me and force me to marry Wang Hai.

"Why do you think so?" Liu Xiao was a little surprised by Huo Qingqing's answer, because he couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the Wang family.

Huo Qingqing sighed: "Although my old man is neither in politics nor the army, the senior officials still attach great importance to what he said.

One is because of the identity of the descendant of the old man Huo Yuanjia, which is very respected. The other is that the old man once saved the lives of the boss Li and the old chairman, and at the same time he is a public and private person, so the senior management has always attached great importance to him.

Some time ago, the Wang family suddenly proposed marriage to the old man. Grandpa asked me for my opinion, and I refused on the spot, and then the matter was over.

At that time, I thought they had died, but I didn't expect that they were planning such a bad thing.

Liu Xiao understood that now the Wang family may feel a sense of crisis, so they want to pull up Huo Lao. One is to improve political chips, and the other is to have an amulet at a special moment.

Although Mr. Huo's face is not the same as Danshu's iron coupon, it can at least save the Wang family from extinction.

It's a good calculation, but it's a pity that people's calculations are not as good as God's calculation. They happened to come to Linzi by themselves. Naturally, it is impossible for the old pair Wang family to get benefits. Even if there is a chance, they should have a good diaphragm to respond to them.

"Yes, why didn't I think of it?" Suddenly, Liu Xiao stood up, with a dazzling light in his eyes, and kept walking around the room, while muttering to himself.

Looking at Liu Xiao, who was a little nagging, Huo Qingqing pulled his sleeve and asked, "What are you muttering about? What didn't you think of?"

Liu Xiao pulled Huo Qingqing down and said, "Look, are you investigating drugs? I can investigate the green-blooded man.

These two things are not related at all on the surface, but in fact, they are more connected.

In fact, all of this is related to the Wang family, so we might as well make a counterattack on the Wang family and let him steal chickens and rice.

As soon as he heard that it could make the Wang family suffer, Huo Qingqing immediately became energetic and asked, "Tell me, I support you in everything."

Liu Xiao poured two cups of juice, handed it to Huo Qingqing, and said, "Whether there is really a drug trade in Linzi, we have the right to think he has it, so what?

I joined your task force, but now this task force needs to mobilize new personnel, because there must be people from the Wang family here.

At that time, we will get Wang Shuang out in the name of investigating drugs. Don't we ask whatever we want?

The Wang family? Ha ha, the crime of looking for their property is to hide poison. I think they really said it.

"Hidden poison?" Huo Qingqing has never done anything to frame the goods. Naturally, he doesn't understand the way out of it, so he is very confused.

Liu smiled and felt how sinister it was: "No? It doesn't matter. Let's stuff some for him. Wait, my contact."

In fact, Liu Xiao's ability to come up with this plan also stems from the dissatisfaction and disappointment of the national senior management with the Jiangwang family, so it is actually a good choice to take this opportunity to cooperate with the country to crack down on the industry and arrogance of the Wang family.

Liu Xiao directly dialed Niu Ren's phone: "Are you awesome? Are you still bullish recently?

The other end of the phone seems weak: "What a cow? I've been idle recently. Come on, what's the matter with you boy?

Liu Xiao smiled, talked about his own affairs and Huo Qingqing's affairs, and briefly explained his plan, and then asked, "How about it? Do you want to come and play with it?"

Niu Renxu was really too idle and immediately promised, "Wait, I'll take my brother there immediately. Ah, by the way, we have to report this matter first, otherwise there will be trouble.

"Hey, Wang family, there is something good to see this time." Liu Xiao hung up the phone and kept laughing.

Huo Qingqing was full of excitement and slapped Liu Xiao: "Ok, Liu Da Shao, I didn't see that you have the potential of a yin people. It's really admired by the little woman."

"Where, where, concession, concession." For a moment, Liu Xiao was quite proud and also joked with Huo Qingqing.

More than half an hour later, Niu Ren really called, changed his previous weak tone and said excitedly, "The chairman agreed, and specially approved this case, asking us to investigate the drug problem in Linzi."

After saying that, there was a burst of laughter from the other end of the phone, which made Liu Xiao even more chilling. It seemed that there were still many people around Niu Ren, who were also laughing, making the already cooler guest room as cold as the cold winter for a time.

Niu Ren and these guys are obviously really idle recently. On the morning of the third day, they arrived in Linzi.

"Haha, Brother Liu, I didn't expect you and I to have a chance to work together." With that, he handed a certificate to Liu Xiao.

"Oh, this thing is really good. Where did you do it?" Liu Xiao opened the certificate and looked left and right, and finally asked.

Niu Ren looked black and said, "This is true. * sent it, but it was registered on the intranet."

"Oh, it's true. I thought it was a fake certificate for me." After saying that, he rudely put the certificate in his pocket.

After the joke, Liu Xiao introduced: "Huo Qingqing, captain of Shencheng Criminal Police Brigade, Huo Lao's granddaughter. Niu Ren, benevolent and righteous, is not a good person. Special position. Anyway, it's quite special. Don't care what he does. He is now a member of the joint investigation team.

Niu Ren was also a black line. He stretched out his hand and shook hands with Huo Qingqing and said, "Huo Qingqing, like thunder, Shencheng's famous thunderous baby, is a female hero who shocked the bull ghost * snake god in a city that can't raise her head."

Although Liu Xiao only said that Niu Ren was a special department, Huo Qingqing could more or less guess some and said, "Mr. Niu is flattered. I think Mr. Niu must be a real master."

"Oki, come on, you're welcome, they are all our own people. I said awesome, how many people did you bring this time? Liu Xiao saw that the two were too polite, so he interrupted both sides and asked.

The awesome man handed over a list: "A total of 12 people, including me, came. According to what you said before, except Huo Qingqing, all the members of the task force who came with her were transferred back to Shencheng."

Twelve people? Are you kidding? So many?" What kind of people did Niu Ren bring? Liu Xiao was very clear that they were all really awesome people. Originally, according to his intention, it was enough to bring two or three people. Unexpectedly, Niu Ren was really awesome enough. His group actually brought them all.

"A lot? Not much. In such a big case, it's good not to have 20 or 30 people. Niu Ren is really good enough.

Liu smiled and sighed, "Forget it, you can come as much as you love. Anyway, you are the ones who cause trouble."

In the afternoon, after lunch, a group of people divided their troops and went all the way to the bars and nightclubs under the name of the Wang family, while Liu Xiao, Niu Ren and Huo Qingqing drove to the Linzi Municipal Government.

"Brother Liu, are you really so sure that the alien has something to do with the submarine base you found?" Niu Ren knew about it, but he didn't believe that it would be such a coincidence.

Liu Xiao said confidently, "You don't even think that not long after we found the base, there was a green-blooded man here. How can there be such a coincidence?

And you see, this green-blooded man obviously came to contact the Wang family. If there is nothing special about a person, why would he conflict with the boss surnamed Xu and deliberately leave green blood for so many people to see?

"What are you talking about? Did he deliberately let the other party break it? But what is this for?" Huo Qingqing didn't know the specific details, and even if he knew, he couldn't figure out why the other party did this.

Liu Xiao sneered and analyzed, "First of all, we need to know what the purpose of their contact with the Wang family is.

I'm afraid the awesome man knows that it is for the sake of rich resources, and it may also be to penetrate the country and control a powerful force.

So no matter what you want to achieve, the first thing the other party should do is to establish a long-term cooperative relationship.

If you want to achieve this, you have to show your strength, so how to show your strength?

Exposing yourself as an alien is undoubtedly the best and easiest way.

I think that when the green-blooded people and the Wang family met for the first time, their men must have planned to lure Huo Qingqing, who came to Zi, into the trap by exposing the poisonous information of the bar.

When he heard about this plan, the green-blooded man volunteered to take on such a role. At the same time, he must have said that he was a stranger and a foreigner, and he cheated the Wang family.

After that, as he expected, there was a conflict, and then the conflict was injured by the other party. The green blood shocked everyone.

In this way, the green-blooded man will have a showdown in front of the representative of the Wang family and tie the two sides together with the powerful weight of aliens.

Niu Ren looked at Liu Xiao and asked, "What if the Wang family is fierce and ties up this green-blooded man?"

Liu smiled and said, "If I were the Wang family, I would never be so stupid. At the beginning of the contact, the other party must have emphasized that they were a group, not a person, which is why they dared to swagger through the market.

If you want to detain my people, okay, what if I give you an alien? At that time, I will sell weapons to the empire, sell technology to your enemies, or simply unite your political enemies to destroy you and kill you. At that time, the green-blooded man who will be caught will not be released obediently?

"This makes sense. As the saying goes, this green-blooded man is just a cannon fodder. I'm afraid that the people behind him will not care about him at all, but they also express an attitude that the Wang family is not the only partner." Niu Ren's words pointed directly to the core of the problem and broke the delicate relationship between the two sides.

"Okay, we're there. Let's meet Wang Shuang of the Wang family." Liu Xiao finished speaking and got out of the car first.

According to the previous plan, the three, led by Huo Qingqing, showed their certificates and entered the municipal office building.

"Wang Shuang, isn't it?" Huo Qingqing had already seen Wang Shuang's photo, so he recognized it at a glance.

Wang Shuang, who was in the corridor, was obviously stunned and asked, "I am, are you?"

The three presented their documents separately. Huo Qingqing said, "There is a case that needs Secretary Wang's assistance in the investigation. Please come with us."

Of course, Wang Shuang would not expect to attack him, the Wang family, in Linzi, so she just thought it would assist in the investigation, so she explained to the people around her and followed the three people downstairs.

"Where is this going? Aren't we going to the Public Security Bureau? Seeing that the walking route seemed wrong, Wang Shuang immediately questioned it.

Niu Ren is very calm: "We are the joint investigation team that secretly entered Linzi, and our office is located in Hengdu Hotel."

According to the plan, the interrogation was set in Room 507 of the Hengdu Hotel, and the reason why he chose this room that Wang Shuang once stayed was to put some pressure on the other party at the psychological level.

-Sure enough, when Wang Shuang saw the brand 507 for the first time, her heart thumped, and then asked calmly, "Three comrades, let me ask, what is the case?"

Liu Xiao glanced and said, "You will know what the case is right away. Go in."

Wang Shuang, who was furred by Liu's smile, entered the guest room tremblingly, sat on the sofa, waiting for the other party's inquiry.

About the green-blooded man, among the three, Liu Xiao was the leader, so he sat opposite Wang Shuang, took out his notebook and pen, and pretended to ask, "Secretary Wang, tell me, what is the transaction between you and the green-blooded man?"


In panic, Wang Shuang knocked the water cup beside him to the ground and stood up and said in shock: "Green...Green-blooded man? What are you talking about? I don't know."

"Ha ha, Secretary Wang, don't panic. You have a bad memory. You can recall it slowly. If you really can't remember it, we will help you remember it." Liu Xiao looked relaxed, but in Wang Shuang's view, this undoubtedly added more pressure.

Wang Shuang took a deep breath, sat down again and said, "I don't know what you're talking about. I'd like to ask you, what department are you in? Why interrogating me private?"

Niu Ren sat next to Liu Xiao and said, "Ha ha, what department? In our department, your little secretary is not qualified to know. As long as you know a little, you will fall into our hands and don't explain the problem. Not to mention your little mayor's secretary, even the master behind you, can't protect you.

"Are you from the Security Bureau? I think what I have done has not endangered national security. It is illegal for you to interrogate me without evidence. Wang Shuang looked at Liu Xiao and blamed Liu Xiao unkindly.

Liu Xiao looked at his upright and arrogant look and couldn't help laughing, "Ha ha, is there no harm to national security? Just a few days ago, in section 42 of the suburbs, you made a deal with the Green Blood Man. The state suspected that you not only bought and sold dangerous goods without permission, but also may also commit the crime of selling national interests. I don't know how you explain this?"

"I didn't, you are slander, ** naked slander." Wang Shuang stood up excitedly, but then he was pressed down by Huo Qingqing, who was standing behind him.

Niu Ren took out an official forged record and said, "We have six witnesses who said that they saw you trade with this person on the suburban car. I don't think you will deny this, will you?"

-Wang Shuang saw the seal of Guoan on the record at a glance. This is not a fake, but a real product, so she said eagerly: "I am a member of the Wang family. Our Wang family will not harm national interests. We just buy weapon design drawings and various scientific and technological theories from this person, and Nothing has been done to harm the country.

"Oh? Is that right? Although we really want to believe you, what evidence do you have to prove that what you said is true? Liu Xiao stared at Wang Shuang's eyes and asked softly.

Wang Shuang fell into meditation without saying a word. He was hesitant because he didn't know the true origin of these people. What the other party showed was *, but their behavior was not like the police, or their behavior was far more arrogant than that of the police.

If this is the political enemy of the Wang family takes the opportunity to attack, then the things in their hands cannot be handed over under any circumstances. Although these things can't make the other party hurt the Wang family, they can make the other party's strength soar and stabilize the Wang family. This is why the Wang family will The reason for such a desperate choice to trust that organization.

Huo Qingqing knew that the other party was hesitating. At this time, she needed to appear by herself. She took out a small notebook and said, "According to our understanding, this organization seems to be the United States*. Compared with the relationship between China and the United States, you also know that such an organization, whether he is an alien or Whatever else, if it is not politically beneficial, will you believe that they can give us the principles of science and technology and advanced weapons manufacturing technology for free?

Huo Qingqing's words are very skillful. First of all, the other party must know its truth* because of cooperation. In this way, Wang Shuang not only believes in the shadow of the United States behind this so-called organization, but also knows it in detail.

Another point, as a politician, although he is only a mayor's secretary, I believe he also understands that whether it is politics or something, as long as the transactions of state forces are involved, they must be mixed with mutual interests.

And this just makes Wang Shuang suspicious, thinking about whether the Wang family has bypassed any secret agreement with the other party and sold national interests or other things to improve his political reputation in China.

If this is the case, then you have been pushed out for this errand that originally seemed to be a beautiful job, and it seems to have become an abandoned son and cannon fodder in a blink of an eye.

Although Wang Shuang was raised by the Wang family and is very loyal to the Wang family, when his infinite loyalty is suddenly used by others, on the contrary, it will become infinite resentment.

If the Wang family said that they wanted him to sacrifice his life for the Wang family as cannon fodder and sacrifice for the Wang family, then Wang Shuang would not hesitate to do this.

But now, I am encouraged to treat the Wang family as a waste and take advantage of an abandoned son. This kind of mood is difficult for others to understand.

Looking at Wang Shuang with a pale face, Liu Xiao looked at each other and did not rush to force him, but waited quietly.

Ten minutes later, Wang Shuang finally sighed and said fiercely, "I said that the thing is under the floor under my bed. Starting from the wall at the head of the bed, one of the floors in the third row is shorter than the others. After lifting the boards on both sides can be removed.

Under the floor, there is a small safe. The password is S9***, which is what you want.

Niu Ren glanced at Liu Xiao and then dialed the phone: "Xiao Bai, you should immediately take someone to Wang Shuang's house and bring things back. Don't fool around with me. I'll tell you how to do it... Do you remember? Well, go ahead and go back quickly."

Liu Xiao winped at Huo Qingqing. When Huo Qingqing poured a glass of water for Wang Shuang and put it in front of him, he asked again, "Where is the address of the green-blooded man, do you know?"

Wang Shuang took a sip of water and said without hesitation, "I know, XX Road, the house he rented."

"He didn't leave Linzi?" Niu Ren lit a cigarette, handed it to Wang Shuang and asked.

Wang Shuang took a cigarette and took a sip: "Thank you. I don't think so. They haven't received the first transaction yet. I don't think they will leave. Oh, by the way, the goods I know are a batch of gold mine companion organisms and gold mine smelting waste.

"Sure enough, it seems that the supply of Europe and the United States can no longer satisfy the Tal people, so they reached out to China." Liu Xiao said to himself in his heart and nodded to Niu Ren at the same time.

Niu Ren was understanding and said, "Well, since you have been used, it's nothing to do with you. You can go."

When Wang Shuang left, the three immediately rushed to the green-blooded man's residence. At the same time, Niu Ren called his men. Except for the three people who copied the store and the two who went to Wang Shuang's house, the other six people also drove to the destination to meet.

"How about it? Can you determine the relationship between the Green-blooded Man and those aliens?" Niu Ren didn't know the content of the notepad that Liu Xiao took back, so he asked this question.

Liu smiled and said, "A few days ago, the president sent me the contents of the notepad and mentioned a very important message. These aliens should be making something called Stargate, which has been making since before World War I and after the end of World War II.

And one of the main materials for making this thing is the gold mine companion creature, and this substance can also be extracted from the waste after refining gold.

So, I'm sure that this green-blooded man and that group of aliens must be in the same group.

This news was not unexpected by Niu Ren and Huo Qingqing, but they were more shocked by the Stargate mentioned by Liu Xiao.

As modern people, most of them like to play games or read some science fiction online novels, which can naturally think of the general role of the Stargate.

But the more I could guess, the more shocked I was. At the same time, an unprecedented pressure instantly pressed on the shoulders of the two.

"Hey, Master Liu, don't say it's so scary." Huo Qingqing said with a sad face.

Niu Ren sighed and said, "I thought it was just a simple alien incident, but I didn't expect that there were so many things in it. No wonder you came here in a hurry. I really can't afford to delay it.

Soon, the three arrived at their destination, and the other six people had also arrived in a small restaurant opposite waiting for the three people.

How's it going? Is there any movement?" Niu Ren grabbed a handful of peanuts from the plate and asked while eating.

The old man with rosacea took a big sip of wine, burped full of wine, and said, "No, I'll do things for the old drunkard. Don't worry."

Niu Ren nodded and pointed to the old drunkard and said, "Old drunkard, innate drunken boxing master. With alcohol conversion power, it can be transformed into internal force. It is precisely because of this that the internal strength he plays is full of the end. Generally, most of the people who are recruited will have a hangover.

After introducing them one by one, Niu Ren said, "Old drunkard, you take the two to the back of the building to prevent them from jumping off the building. Water girl, take the two of you to protect Miss Huo, and Feidao, you go up with me and Liu to deal with that guy.

The Green-blooded Man lived on the second floor of Unit One. The three came to the door, took out a delicate flying knife and inserted it in the lock, and the door opened.

"Lee Garros?" To deal with such a special enemy, you can't go up and hold it like an ordinary policeman. You must determine the other party's ability before you can take action, otherwise it is easy to die before you succeed.

"Who are you? Why did you break into my room? Although Garros roared angrily in American, Liu Xiao and the other two clearly noticed that the muscles of this guy were mobilized in an instant.


With a sound, the twelve flying knives drew a beautiful arc and attacked Garros. Two of them suddenly collided with each other not far from Garros, and then changed their trajectory to draw an arc and flew to the temples on both sides of the other side.