Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

69 Development

In response to the joint espionage operation of Japan and Southeast Asian countries, many police forces have been drawn in China.

Of course, this is only the superficial reason. In fact, the real reason is to prepare for the sale of biochemical chips in the next big move.

T-core, an excessive product that combines biochemical genes with current chip technology.


is an over-product, it is far from comparable to modern chips in terms of computing speed and image processing.

According to the laboratory report, the first T-core test version uses single-core computing, which has completely surpassed the modern most advanced chips, and because of its low cost, it completely abandons the characteristics of the graphics card, which greatly reduces the entry threshold of the computer.

According to the conclusion after the graphic image test, the single-core chip can fully reach the mid-range graphics card, which will greatly improve the penetration rate of computers in China.

In addition, there is a second version of the T-core, which uses dual-core. The price of this chip will be much higher than that of a single core, but its performance far exceeds that of the existing CPU. It can be said that a small T-core II completely replaces the combination of top CPU and top graphics card.

As for the three-type T-core intended for internal use, it is completely designed by the array group, and its computing speed will reach more than ten times the speed of the world's first supercomputer under study.

How's it going? What is the response of the major laboratories? Liu Xiao sat in the office and listened to the report of his men like a boss for the first time.

Ding Xia put the report on her desk: "According to your instructions, the major experiments have sent relevant data monitoring very cooperatively, believing that this chip will make the efficiency of large computer groups leap into the next era.

And the laboratories that have been tried have placed orders and requested to reserve a batch of three-type T-cores for them as soon as they are released.

"Well, according to the scheduled plan, reserve a batch of three-type T-cores for them. As for the price, give them a 20% discount. Thank them for their assistance, and we can also improve the overall strength of the domestic laboratory." After saying that, Liu smiled and sighed.

Although the matter has been talked about and the country is very supportive of him, things still have to be done step by step. Otherwise, once people do not adapt to the change, it is easy to have such problems in China.

According to the plan of the country, the first launch is this biochemical chip improved on the basis of modern chips, and the next step is to develop a photoelectric biochemical chip, and the next is a pure gene chip.

In this way, biochemical chip technology has gradually entered people's lives, gradually making people realize that biochemical technology brings convenience and benefits to people, and will gradually receive and rely on it. At this time, various plans to strengthen the people will follow.

In fact, not to mention this chip, the biochemical auxiliary energy released today has made the majority of car buyers feel affordable.

The advantage of this is that the name of T technology has become well-known in China. Even when the major news media reported that the T chip came out a few days ago, the people in China felt refreshed.

You should know that computer chips have always been a pain for Chinese people. China urgently needs its own computer chip technology. However, it is the so-called domestic chips of important large computers used by the country. Many of the accessories are also provided by foreign manufacturers, which also makes Chinese people increasingly unable to trust the national chip. Looking forward to it.

However, T technology is different. Not to mention that the supply on the market now exceeds the demand, and even various traditional Chinese medicine drugs that the country has explicitly ordered to purchase, that is, the well-known auxiliary energy, has also made the Chinese people's confidence in the technical strength of T technology, reaching an unreachable high. Degree.

Among them, what the majority of citizens value most is the complete localization, which not only goes from the production of accessories and the output of raw materials to China, but also has applied for patents in various countries at the first time.

Qi Tao, a second computer department in the university, is interested in making 3D animation, but he has been unable to realize his ideals because of the price of high-end configurations.

"Hey, Brother Tao, your luck is coming." As soon as the fat man in the dormitory entered the dormitory, even before he could close the door, he shouted at everyone, and even the buddies in the dormitory next door ran over one after another.

"What's wrong? Fat man? Is it possible that our brother Tao has an affair? Royal sister? Lori or the princess?" The otaku next door asked curiously by holding the door frame.

The fat man waved his hand: "Go, don't make trouble. I'm talking about Brother Tao's special computer for 3D animation production, which has been completed.

"Ouch, fat man. Don't comfort me. I can see now that my hobby is played by a nobleman. I want to continue. Let's talk about it when I work and make money in the future. Qi Tao is very depressed and even has the idea of not having any illusions.

The fat man excitedly took out the newspaper, pointed to the report about the T-core, and said, "Brother Tao, have you seen this T-core? It can fully make your dream come true. Tomorrow is the pre-sales trial meeting of T-core. I finally asked my father K to come to the ticket. How about going to see it together?

"T-core? I know that the advertisement is now overwhelming and everywhere. It's false to say that you don't expect it, but I don't dare to expect too much. Don't make another Hanxin incident at that time. Qi Tao turned off his notebook and sighed.

The old man at the door is also very worried: "Isn't it too mysterious to say that the single-core surpasses the second generation of I7 and completely abandons the high-end graphics card?"

"If there is such an awesome 13 CPU, I will directly set up a mid-to-high-end notebook and play games in my quilt every day." At first glance, this person is a game fan.

Xiao Pang smiled and said, "Old and young men, you have guessed all wrong this time. This time's T-core is absolutely a good thing."

When everyone heard this, they suddenly came to their senses. They knew that Fatty's father seemed to be a researcher in a laboratory specializing in testing chip performance in China. Since he said this, there might be some internal information.

The fat man didn't wait for others to ask, but said directly, "You all know what my old man does, right?" Let me tell you that T Technology sent various models of chips to major domestic laboratories for testing and evaluation a week ago.

I told you that the single-core CPU is three times faster than the second generation of I7, and the image processing reaches the level of the first-line mid-range graphics card.

More importantly, it is cheap. According to the initial price at the time of declaration, it seems to be called a type 1 T-core, and the retail price is set at 299 yuan, which belongs to the national mass core.


Shock, absolutely shocked.

The current I7 second generation plus intermediate graphics card, how can it be a few thousand? But what about now? One CPU is all solved, and more importantly, it only costs 300 yuan.

"Hey, fat man, tell me quickly, how much is the high-end T-core?" Qi Tao's enthusiasm has been mobilized at this time. After all, it is related to his interest and future, so he should naturally be more anxious.

The fat man laughed and said, "The high-end chip is much more expensive than the Volkswagen model, about more than 1,700. It is a dual-core CPU. The computing speed is ten times that of the most advanced top home computer CPU, and the graphics processing also comprehensively surpasses the top graphics card. It can really be said that there is a core in hand. Don't worry about the end."

"Damn it, fat man, you just scared me to death. How expensive it is? It's only 1,700 yuan. What's the difference between this and picking it up on the street for nothing?"

"Damn it, did you pick up such an awesome 13 CPU for my brother?"

"Hey, if I have that ability, won't I make a family soon?"

"Let me calculate, this top CPU and top graphics card, break 10,000, right? Isn't it more than 8,000 yuan left to buy a chip?

I don't know. It's shocking. If you buy a CPU, you can leave a computer, which is scary enough.

"Hey, fat man, do you have any extra tickets? Give one to my buddy, and I'll ask my daughter-in-law to introduce you to a girl.

"Don't listen to him. Give me a ticket. I'll introduce my sister to you. That guy is so smart."


The fat man was very proud and laughed and said, "No need to quarrel, no need to quarrel, you can go up. I, the fat man, brought it, but it was a group ticket.

"Damn it, fat man, it's the group ticket. If you don't say it earlier, you have to be careful and still jump around now."


Looking at everyone gradually dispersing, Qi Tao took his bank card and said, "Oh, I thought I couldn't spend this little money, but I didn't expect there would be such an opportunity."

The fat man sat down and said, "Brother Tao, take advantage of this opportunity. It's rare."

Early the next morning, more than a dozen people killed the venue. Everyone who thought they had come early was stunned as soon as they arrived at the venue.

"No way? Is there still an hour left to start? Why are there so many people?" At this time, there were already a sea of people outside the venue, and there were even many blonde foreigners.

After more than an hour, Qi Tao and others finally saw a computer with a T-core.

An uncle happened to stand in front of the booth, looked at a configuration list and asked, "Can't your second-type T-core be installed in the notebook?"

The commentator said patiently, "I'm really sorry, the type 2 T-core cannot be installed in the notebook, because our T-core uses biochemical technology, which dominates the biochemical genome in the chip.

For the dual-core biochemical genome, the advanced notebook configuration cannot provide the corresponding computing environment. Please forgive me.

"Oh... biochemical technology." The middle-aged man obviously didn't expect that there was such an amazing secret hidden in this small chip.

"Ah, didn't you see the advertisement of our T-core? The advertisement clearly states that the T-core is dominated by new biochemical technology and a new generation of computer chips. The commentator is also very strange. Since this middle-aged uncle can come in, he obviously has a certain understanding.

The middle-aged man scratched his head and laughed and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know anything about computers. My child wants to buy a chip, but because of extracurricular tutoring, I can only come as a father."

"So, my husband is really a good father who cares about his children. So is Mr. here to buy a notebook CPU? At the experience meeting, T Technology will sell some CPUs accordingly. Although most of these parts will not be discounted, it is said that they can get a mysterious gift.

"I don't understand. My child said he wanted to buy a laptop CPU, so I came. Ha ha, originally I thought that since I have come, it's good to buy it, haha..." The middle-aged uncle was quite cheerful and kept laughing.

After waiting for a while, the uncle left the venue contentedly with a T-core, and finally it was Qi Tao's turn to appear.

"Is this a T-core notebook?" With that, Qi Tao took out a USB flash drive, inserted it into the notebook, and opened the test software in the USB flash drive.

A group of people gathered in front of the notebook and looked at the data carefully. Qi Tao nodded: "It seems that it's really worth it, as you said to the fat man. Although this value is a little different, after all, this is a software test, which is not very accurate, and it doesn't matter.

Then, a group of people experienced the power of the T-core on computers with different configurations, while Qi Tao mainly asked about 3D animation production.

3D production? Then it is recommended that you use the second-type T-core, and please install two hard disks when configuring, one of which can be smaller, and about 20 G.

A software that comes with our T-core is very powerful and specially made for 3D designers, which can replace the memory of a separate empty hard disk to store and release the 3D cache.

Of course, memory must still exist, but with this software, the existence of memory will become an intermediary, which is very practical. The commentator said, taking out the test instrument and the software while explaining, running the 3D production software, and showing the whole test process and results to everyone present.

"This...isn't this too powerful?" Everyone was stunned and said in disbelief.

The fat man scratched his head and said, "My father didn't say that they had this function when they were tested in the laboratory."

The commentator took a look at the fat man and smiled, "This classmate's father wants to participate in the first sample test. In fact, this function was proposed by a recent employee and was just completed two days ago through the hard work of many staff.

This software can only be used for 3D production at present, so it is specifically mentioned in the description that non-3D producers should not use it.

However, we believe that with the continuous improvement of T-core technology and the continuous improvement of this software, the memory of super-large space is not just a dream.

"Buy it, you must buy one, and buy it now." This is the only voice in Qi Tao's heart at this time.

"Please bring me a Type 2 T-core." Qi Tao finally made up his mind to take out his own continuation and buy this small CPU chip.

"Please follow me. Since this event is sold in advance and there is no discount, we will give special gifts to buyers. Please look forward to it." As soon as the commentator said, she motioned to the staff not far away to replace her, and then she led Qi Tao and others into the luxurious conference room.

"Please fill in your name and ID card here, please be sure to fill in*, because we will enter your information into our T technology special membership file to thank you for your strong support for this activity." With that, the commentator handed a form to Qi Tao and knew how to fill it out.

"No way, the so-called gift, what kind of special member is this? Isn't that ridiculous?" Fatty and others are slandered, and they really can't figure out what the hell T technology is doing.

Obviously, the commentator also understood the thoughts of these students, so he explained with a smile, "Don't underestimate this stunt member. For special members, not only will we sell new products in the future, but the special members registered for this event will also get our next small product for free."

As the commentator explained, he scanned Qi Tao's form into the computer and handed over a two-type T-core with exquisite packaging to Qi Tao. At the same time, he said, "Mr. Qi, inside this box, there is a metal card with your number on it. This number is unique, so please keep it properly. If you lose it, please call our service number to report the loss and make up for it.

Qi Tao was very lucky to become a super member of T Technology, and this incident also became a lifelong pain for the students present at that time. They sighed: "There was a God-given opportunity in front of me. I didn't cherish it. I didn't regret it until I lost it. There is no more pain in the world. If God can give me another chance, I will not hesitate to shout three words, I want to buy it.

Yes, the release of the T-core means the arrival of a new era, but correspondingly, it is also a great pity for the T-core that there is no system that can give full play to the efficiency of the chip.

Of course, this is also the common voice of all computer users, especially game players.

And at a time when the voice is getting more and more enthusiastic, Company T released a new response product, the U system.

What is a system? It is a system pre-installed in a high-speed USB flash drive.

This system is a whole system. Its biggest feature is its speed. Under the auspices of the T-core, even the game with the highest picture quality, the most demanding configuration requirements and the slowest running speed can basically reach the second.

This U system is a mobile system. After it runs, it can read the system files installed by the computer and then run any files under the system.

And the system itself also comes with a conversion software, which can convert the format of the software at will in order to achieve the purpose of operation in any environment.

Of course, this U system is also divided into three levels of sales, one is the home version of 300 yuan 200G space, the other is the enterprise version of 900 yuan 500G space, and the professional version of 1T of 1,800 yuan.

Qi Tao was very lucky. When he was contacting 3D modeling that day, he suddenly received an indirect express phone call: "Hello, is this Mr. Qi Tao?"

"Well, yes, who are you?"

"We are XX Express Company. We have your package and the address is XXX. Is the location correct?"

Since Qi Tao is from Shencheng, what he filled in at the beginning was not the address of the school, but the home address. At this time, what the other party said was his home address.

"Well, it's correct. Can you tell me who sent me what?" Qi Tao was very worried. After all, it was silent and suspicious.

The other party quickly replied, "No problem, it was mailed to you by T Technology Company, and it was a gift bag, which was very beautiful."

"Wait, is your XX company the one on XX Road?" Suddenly, Qi Tao remembered that he seemed to be very close to the express company.

Sure enough, the other party replied, "Yes."

Then, Liu Xiao quickly asked the other party not to deliver the goods first and pick it up in person.

Ten minutes later, Liu Xiao returned to the dormitory with a beautifully packaged gift bag, opened it layer by layer, and took out a beautifully packaged U system professional version.

"U system?" Qi Tao was very surprised. He didn't expect that the mysterious gift of this inconspicuous special member was actually a genuine professional U system.

In fact, he likes the U system, but the price of 1,800 made Qi Tao, who had finished configuring the computer, suddenly shy, so he could only be deterred.

But now it's all right. T Technology actually gave itself a pillow as a doze.

Looking at the running WIN system, Qi Tao inserted the USB disk into the computer, and then a beautiful T-shaped icon appeared on the surface of the computer. This icon wrapped around this silver dragon from bottom to top. The dragon's front paws were only pressed on both sides of the upper part of the T word, and a big mouth was straight. Fire is constantly spewing everywhere.

Yes, this icon is a dynamic icon, which is beautiful and domineering, very beautiful.

Qi Tao double-clicked the icon, and suddenly the computer turned black. The advanced computer entered a brand-new desktop. The desktop and Win's desktop were completely different. It was a dark universe. In the middle of the screen, it was a vortex-shaped universe that was slowly rotating.

"Well, how to operate this?" Qi Tao looked at the painful picture depressingly.

At this moment, a cartoon scientist suddenly appeared on the edge of the screen and said, "Ah, welcome to use the U system. I'm Dr. T as the system commentator. Please take care of me."

Then, Dr. T introduced the use of the system in detail.

"Is there anything wrong with the voice operation system?" I don't know when the fat man and other roommates looked at Dr. T on the screen and asked doubtfully.

Just as Qi Tao's computer was connected to Mike, Dr. T immediately stretched out his finger and shook it when he received the fat man's question: "Don't underestimate the U system. This system is designed according to the arrangement of genes, but the owner is semi-intelligent.

So far, in addition to the languages of all ethnic groups in China, our U system can also recognize dialect slang from various places, and the recognition rate is as high as 99.999.

"Damn, is it such an exaggeration? I asked, and he answered so much?" The fat man was shocked, his roommate was shocked, and Qi Tao was even more shocked.

"Open the hard disk." Qi Tao tried to give the order.

As soon as the voice fell, the system disk was opened instantly. It was a very beautiful galaxy, including five planets, two of which were red, which were the two system disks of the computer itself and the U system.

"Isn't this too beautiful?" Qi Tao and his classmates sighed one after another.

Then, many experiments were carried out, and everyone present was extremely shocked by this powerful and unparalleled system, and asserted, "Microsoft's era has passed, and it can no longer be hardened."

At this time, under the new version of the U system forum of T Technology, it has already been discussed.

Someone was really itchy and posted the video of the system on the Internet.

"The thread starter is the Wumao Party. There is no such an unnatural system in the world. The identification has been completed."

"The upstairs is brain-damaged. Brother, I'm using this system now. It's a home version, super beautiful."

"Sisters, I'm also using it. The company's is quite good, much harder than Microsoft."

"There is a lustful woman upstairs, please QQ."

"I have to say that the synthesis level of Chinese people is high now. I don't know where I got such a synthetic video to fool people. I despise you."

"The thread starter is the support of T Technology. After the identification, continue downstairs."


In a word, there are people who believe, doubt, admire, and curse.

"Liu Shao, what should we do next?" The people under him are now really convinced by the young master Liu. Soon after getting a T-core, he got the U system.

To talk about the research and development of this U system, it has to be said to be a refreshing one.

Why? The anti-theft technology is invincible in the world.

Why? Because the principle of encryption lies in the biochemical gene sequence. If you want to crack it, you can first unlock the hardware gene sequence of the U system, then unlock the hidden gene lock in the gene sequence, and finally you can crack it hard.

Oh, I forgot to say that the so-called hard crack is that you still have to use the U disk of the U system itself, but you don't need to pass the genetic code verification. In other words, even if you enjoy the cracked version, you have to buy me a genuine version.

So taking off your pants and farting, I don't think many people are willing to do it.

However, even if they are willing to do this kind of thing, they can't invite a group of biochemical experts to do research. That's not the case.

The U system forum has been noisy for half a month, and the U system, which has been unusually popular, has begun to imitate goods on a large scale. Unlike the initial limit, the supply this time is very sufficient, and even foreign Chinese are rushing to order online, hoping to experience this so-called cosmic system as soon as possible.

Because of the continuous strong intervention of T technology, the computer industry can't help shouting "the wolf is coming", and some people even pessimistically believe that a new round of reshuffle is about to begin, and Western computer technology has been fully overtaken by the East.

Different from the Western debate and discussion, major domestic computer manufacturers contacted T Technology at the first time to ask if they could provide a special version of the brand machine.

At the beginning of Liu Xiao's redesign, it was actually taken into account, so he immediately replied: "Company T provides a special computer CPU for brand machine manufacturers, which is a combination of T-core and U system.

Of course, this CPU itself provides limited storage, only 40G space used by the system, but it does not affect performance at all.

The only difference is that because it is an integrated version, it is relatively more than 20 yuan more expensive than a separate T-core.

Lenovo was the first to negotiate the contract, and then a week later, the latest Lenovo TU series made a gorgeous debut.

Then, major domestic computer brands launched their own TU series, and for a while, the word TU had the momentum to occupy half of the country.

Foreign computer companies are also unwilling to show weakness and have gone to Shencheng to discuss related matters with T Technology.

As the saying goes, good things are in pairs. When Liu Xiao is happy to enter the computer industry, T Energy sent an exciting news.

Energy compressor, successful.

Of course, the so-called success here does not mean that it has been put into production, but that it has been able to carry out initial energy compression.

It is quite difficult and hard for these scientific and technological personnel to get to this point.

However, these truly scientific and technological personnel feel extremely proud and proud when they see their achievements, because they will promote history into a brand-new world.

Liu Xiao did not dare to neglect it. He immediately drove to T Energy and saw this successful energy compressor.

The current compression rate of the energy compressor is still low, and it has just been able to compress the energy of a No. 5 battery into a fist-sized energy block.

However, Liu Xiao was still very happy: "It's great. Although the compression rate is still very low now, the most difficult level has been overcome. As long as we continue to improve our technology, I believe that solid-state energy will soon be applied to the military."

Then, according to the advanced situation, Liu Xiao told some theories he knew about energy compressors, and then celebrated with all the scientific and technological personnel.

Chairman Gu looked at the energy block the size of his fist and said in a trembling voice, "Is this the first formed energy block?"

"Yes, Chairman." The secretary is also very excited.

Premier Wen reached out and touched the energy block and nodded frequently: "Okay, okay, we have finally reached this point. I believe that the era of new solid-state energy will soon come."

Hao* took the energy block, stretched out his tongue and licked it: "This thing doesn't taste good. It's quite good."

Chairman and Premier had a black line, and Hao * said shyly, "Ha ha, just kidding. Didn't I see you two too excited?"

The chairman ignored him and turned his head and asked, "How's it going? Is the status of the researchers okay?"

The secretary smiled and said, "Very good. Liu Shao's management is very scientific. I have seen the combination of work and rest. Now these researchers are much more energetic and physically than when they were in the research institute."

To be honest, these research institutes are almost the same as those otaku. They don't leave the house all day and stay in front of what they like and forget to eat. I really figure out this state." Hao* couldn't help nodding and applauded his remarks.

"I said Lao Hao, what's wrong with you today? Usually, you are the least joking. Why are you suddenly so interested? Premier Wen first found something wrong with the old man and couldn't help asking.

Hao* laughed and said, "Isn't omnipotent unhappy? Doesn't the emergence of this solid-state energy mean that our army is about to enter the era of super endurance?

With this thing, even without aircraft carriers, our planes can fly around the earth.

"Your words are a little exaggerated, but the meaning is roughly the same." The chairman nodded, but agreed with Hao*'s words.

The leaders are really happy, because solid-state energy is a roadblock ahead of rapid development. Now the research has been successful and only needs to be improved, which is nothing more than a stimulant for China, which is under heavy pressure.

"It finally succeeded. As long as it goes further, it can enter the stage of rapid development." Liu Xiao sat on the sofa and said to himself.

"Axiao, come out and pick it up." Suddenly, Nie Lan's voice came from the door, and Liu Xiao immediately got up and rushed over.

"Ah, parents, why don't you tell me in advance when you come back?" Surprised, Liu Xiao quickly came forward to help moving things, and at the same time, he couldn't help complaining.

Han Hongjuan said with high spirits, "You are so busy. Take more rest when you are free. Your father and I are not without arms and legs. Why should I pick you up?"

Liu Xiao put away the things and said, "Look at what you said. No matter how busy I am, I can find time to pick you up."

"Okay, let's all enter the room. Don't stand here and talk." Liu Weidong is very powerful and can't walk into the hall.

"Hey? What about Liu Yun's little girl? Didn't she go on a trip with you? Only then did Liu Xiao find that his parents had come in, but he did not find Liu Yun's figure.

Han Hongjuan sat on the sofa and enjoyed the massage of her daughter-in-law Nie Lan. She said, "Playing with Ding Hong and Dingxia outside. That girl is quite cheerful and has a good personality.

It's just a pity that Siqiang's child is away from home all year round for the Liu family, and there are too few opportunities to meet.

"Yes, my uncle and I haven't seen each other for a long time, and I don't know how he is now." Liu Xiao misses the days when Liu Siqiang took him around when he was a child. He was carefree. He doesn't want to think about it now and needs to be considered so much.

"Don't think so much. Taking good care of Xiaoyun is better than anything else. Ah, by the way, I have something to tell you. Your father and I have accepted Xiaoyun as a goddaughter. Don't bully her in the future, or I will make you look good. After saying that, Han Hongjuan seemed to be worried and stared at Liu Xiao fiercely. Then she squinted and continued to enjoy her daughter-in-law's filial piety.

Liu Xiao enjoys life here, but as the main defense force of T Technology and T Energy, has caught more than a dozen batches of spies in a row.

Except for three batches of 26 commercial spies, all of them belong to non-secular forces.

The country can't help this matter. After all, non-secular forces cannot be shown to the world, at least not at this stage.

Fortunately, Liu Xiao foresaw the coming of this day at the beginning, so he developed a special drug. The only effect of this drug is to limit the ability of the injector.

Although this drug will gradually lose its effectiveness over time, it is a little long, as long as 240 years.

Moreover, with this medicine, there is also a monitoring agent. As long as it is injected into the body, what the other party hears and sees will be transmitted to the satellite in the sky in the form of audio and video, and transmitted back to Liu Xiao's computer through the satellite.

The reason why this was invented is to understand the dynamics of the other party, and the other is to find the nest of the Tal people.

Nowadays, with the increasingly far-reaching influence of T technology and T energy, these two are just coming in handy.

On the night when Liu's father and mother came back, from the news passed back, it came to a surprising conclusion that Organization X was in contact with Japan.

Although he doesn't know the other party's intention, Liu Xiao dares to make a 120,000-point ticket. Tal Xingren's move is definitely aimed at China, even himself.

Information collected recently shows that the Tal people on Earth are called Organization X, and their spokesperson is called Mr. X.

Because of the last move, he accidentally knew that the famous green house in 51 District was prepared for Mr. X. Liu Xiao knew that as long as he stared at the United States, he could know a lot of information about the movements of Tal people.

Sure enough, Mr. X sent three representatives this time to directly contact important Japanese people, including the emperor.

This is a dangerous signal. Japan's ambition for China has never been extinguished since ancient times. More importantly, the Japanese are extremely servile. As long as they can give them enough benefits, as long as they are stronger than them, they will crawl on the ground like pug.

Therefore, what Liu Xiao is most worried about is that, as recorded in history, Japan has become the most loyal lackey and hitman of Tal.

Liu Xiao's worry is necessary, because important Japanese people gathered at this time to discuss the goodwill brought by Organization X.

"What do you think of Organization X's proposal?"

"We yin and yang masters will not agree. The pursuit of the way of nature is the fate of our generation. Those who violate the fate will definitely disappear from history."

"I will do whatever I can to achieve my purpose, which is my reason to endure the flow, so the strength of Organization X is what we must have."

"Without the power of the secular world, how could the war fail? With the help of X's technology, it is the only chance for us to make a comeback."

"Our Dahe nation has developed in the history of continuous pursuit of change. Now we have entered a bottleneck. If we want to pursue progress, the power of X is indispensable."


The discussion of Japan's power class this time is clear. The Onmyoji and the monks are firmly opposed, while all other people, whether ninjas or the army and politicians, agree with each other.

In fact, in the history of Dr. T's space, monks and yin and yang masters fought with non-secular forces from various countries when they invaded the earth, but eventually became the history of Japan because they were outnumbered.

The current time and space have undergone a thorough transformation because Liu Xiao has the memory of Dr. T. Differentiation actually appeared before the invasion of Tal Star, which also reserved the last vein of Japan and laid a tragic foreshadowing for this time and space.