Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

87 White Tiger Girl

Liu Xiao is indeed very distressed. Many days have passed, and the cultivation of "Gene calcining" has not increased at all. Although there has been slow growth in the past, there has absolutely been no fixed cultivation and no progress.

"Ah... It's really depressing. What's going on?" Liu Xiao grabbed his hair crazily and looked depressed.

There is nothing we can do. In the fourth stage, 99 percent proficiency is just one step away, which makes Liu Xiao can't help but get irritable.

"Oh? It's hard to see you like this, brother? The old Taoist priest who came in looked at Liu Xiao curiously. After all, this guy gave people a very happy feeling.

Liu Xiao was stunned and then asked, "Why are you free today?"

The old Taoist priest sat down rudely and said, "Let's take a vacation. I'm really free these two days. Come and have a look."

"Didn't the awesome man and the water girl come with you?" In the past, these three people ran to themselves as soon as they took a vacation. Of course, the flying knife was an exception. This guy picks up girls as soon as he had time, and made himself a love saint, which made people have to be despised.

The old Taoist priest picked up the apple on the coffee table and took a bite and said, "Mr. Niu finally reunited with his girlfriend. It's the honeymoon period, and the two of them are tired of crooking.

The water girl is going through Jiji's admission procedures and adoption procedures. She is too busy to run to you.

"Oh, everyone is very busy. As an idle person, you don't think you are ashamed." Liu Xiao also picked up a fruit and ate it, and did not forget to damage the other party.

The old Taoist priest had no reaction to this: "Well, it's hard to take a vacation and have nothing to do. That's nothing to do.

By the way, why were you distressed when I came in just now? Tell my brother that maybe I can help you solve it.

Liu Xiao thought so. As the saying goes, one person is short. Anyway, the matter of spiritual power itself is not a secret, so he said, "Isn't this bothered by cultivation? The spiritual power in my spiritual sea is now completely liquid, but the Zheng family can no longer reach the limit. I just want to try it. Whether it can break through, but there is no progress, which is really depressing.

The old Taoist priest was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect that the other party was distressed by this kind of thing. He couldn't help laughing and said, "I thought it was something. It turned out to be such a small thing.

Don't stare in a hurry. I said small things are small things.

In fact, the cultivation and cultivation of spiritual power are similar. If you want to go further, you need to carry out a transformation of solid mental power, which is the same as condensing golden elixir.

You have to find a way to compress the liquid spiritual power until it is compressed into a solid spiritual power, which can be regarded as the morphological transformation of spiritual power.

And I learned some interesting things through the records. It is said that solid-state spiritual power has been cultivated to a certain extent and can open up something similar to Xumi space in solid-state spiritual power.

Of course, this is just a legend, and the method has long been lost.

What Liu Xiao needs to consider now is not the space. What he cares about now is the method mentioned by the old Taoist priest.

Although the old Taoist priest also said that the method he said was heard from the book and the old man, he actually did not know whether it was like that or not.

But Liu Xiao thought that it was likely to be like this, so as soon as the old Taoist priest left, he immediately began to practice.

This time, when Liu Xiao ran "Gene calcinomy", he did not guide the energy in the body, but instead guided the liquid spiritual power in his mind.

For the first time to practice like this, Liu Xiao did not dare to rush for quick success and quick benefits, but slowly operated the ocean of spiritual power.

About four hours later, the liquid spiritual power in Liu Xiao's spiritual sea was only the size of a fist at this time, which was mobilized by him, and there was a small whirlpool on the execution ground.

It's too hard. Although the spiritual power of the spiritual sea is a part of himself, it is really not easy to mobilize it.

But Liu Xiao still persists. With a little rotation of spiritual power and few rotations, he can attract a lot of spiritual power** to add to it.

At the beginning, this speed was too slow, so it took four hours, but Liu Xiao only condensed a fist-sized whirlpool, but as the whirlpool became larger and larger, the speed of the liquid spiritual power around it gradually increased.

About four hours later, the whirlpool in Liu Xiao's spiritual sea has been the size of a home court, crazily attracting the vast sea around it.

Liu Xiao can clearly feel that every time the liquid spiritual power is absorbed by the whirlpool, the density of the liquid spiritual power in the whirlpool will continue to increase. Only when the density reaches saturation will it continue to expand, and each expansion means that the density will continue to increase.

Under such circumstances, Liu Xiao practiced for six days, and finally on the seventh day, all the spiritual power in his body finally gathered into the huge whirlpool.

At this time, Liu Xiao's forehead began to sweat, but he still insisted on rotating, which was too tornado.

As the tornado formed by the liquid spiritual power in the spiritual sea turned faster and faster, a trace of black electric current flashed out of the spiritual tornado and continued to wreak around the tornado.

At this time, Liu Xiao was tortured to sweat and roared from his throat from time to time.

On the twelfth day of practice, the current on the tornado has reached its limit, and the inside and outside of the tornado have been covered with black lightning. What's more strange is that the liquid spiritual tornado has become dark due to a higher degree of cohesion, which makes people feel awe.


There was a crisp sound, and the rotation speed of the tornado began to decline, but at this time, the lightning around it had already stopped.

The spiritual whirlpool turned slower and slower, and finally stopped at 14 days.

At this time, the whole huge tornado spirit turned into a giant tornado like a black crystal, stopping in Liu Xiao's spiritual sea.


A crisp sound, the spirit of the giant black crystal tornado was broken, and then fell into the sea of Liu Xiao's spirit.

But this is not over. Liu Xiao's spiritual fragments began to fly to the sky, constantly rotating and fused with each other, gradually forming a diamond-shaped black crystal the size of a bean, suspended in his spiritual sea.


Liu Xiao suddenly woke up and couldn't help spreading out with the spiritual turmoil.

With Liu Xiao as the center, in a loud roar, there was a spiritual ripple around Liu Xiao, which rippled away at a very fast speed and swept the whole city in an instant.

With the roar, Liu Xiao slowly opened his eyes and saw four women who fainted on the ground at first sight.

Although he knew that Nie Lan and others were stunned by his roar, Liu Xiao still glanced twice with his spirit. When he found that the four were fine, Liu Xiao finally took the four to bed at ease and let them have a good rest.

Only after doing this did Liu Xiao began to check his own situation.

The situation is very ideal. The mental and physical strength have been completely balanced. The most important thing is that Liu Xiao has broken through to the fifth level. Although his proficiency is only 0.2 percent, the 0.2% of Xiaoxiao proves the success of solidification of his spiritual power.

The genetic strengthening of spiritual power is actually an alternative. If it is general absorption fusion, most of it will be used for fusion in one stage, and the other stage will be used to control its direction of variation. Only spiritual power is different. Most of its cultivation directions are gaseous to liquid and solid, and this solid state is the highest form.

However, the absorption and strengthening of this spiritual gene can actually be one level, but if it occupies the position of absorption and fusion at a too high stage, it is actually not appropriate. On the contrary, it may drag down the overall strength.

Therefore, Liu Xiao's choice of three and four stages to cultivate spiritual power is actually the most appropriate.

What is more gratifying is that entering the fifth stage means that Liu Xiao can now absorb all the genetic fragments at the prefecture level.

This is a little difficult for Liu Xiao, because in fact, when it comes to prefecture-level organisms, this level of genetic fragments is actually a little embarrassing.

Because of the gene fragments of the prefecture stage, in addition to the genes with strong potential of some normal animals and plants, they even include many gene fragments such as monster fox fairies.

However, if it is a genetic fragment of a monster or a fox fairy, its performance may not be too outstanding, or even bad.

Although those biological gene fragments at the prefecture level have good potential, it is a little difficult to give up the genes of those monsters and fox fairies.

After thinking about it, Liu Xiao decided to find a white tiger gene, the war mad gene.

The so-called war maniac gene is actually a gene that can make organisms more ** in battle. At the same time, this gene liquid can make people suddenly burst out of their strength in battle. Although it can only last for ten seconds at the beginning, with the continuous improvement of strength, the time can be longer and longer. Even when it reaches the ninth stage, it can maintain twice the strength output at any time, which is definitely the favorite of fighters.

Another reason why Liu Xiao chose the war mad gene is that once it reaches the sixth stage, when it can control the prefecture-level gene mutation, it can stimulate the genetic specialization and giantization of the ancient mythical beast white tiger.

Don't think that this giantization is just a bigger body. In that case, it's better to remain unchanged. After this giantization, the power defense speed will continue to rise with the growth of the body, which can be said to be one of the most favorite characteristics of fighters.

If you want to find the white tiger gene, you may not be able to find those ordinary white tigers in the park, but according to the memory of Dr. T's biochemical database, the abino tiger in the depths of Shennongjia, the kind of tiger whose tiger pattern is even white, has the gene left by the real ancient mythical beast white tiger.

I talked about my thoughts with Nie Lan and others. The four women thought about it and decided to take a trip to Shennongjia with Liu Xiao. Niu Ren and others who received the news had a completely different reaction. Niu Ren could not come back for the time being because he traveled with his girlfriend.

And flying knives can't come because of excessive wine and color in recent days.

In the end, only the old Taoist priest, the water girl and Kana, who lived in the water girl's house, went to Shennongjia together. As for the little girl Jiji who lived in the water girl's house, she asked Liu Xiao's mother.

At first, the little girl didn't seem to be willing, but after staying at Liu's mother's house for two days, she became good friends with Liu Yun, the eldest sister, and agreed to live there.

It is a very dangerous thing to go to the center of Shennongjia. Since it was discovered there, several expeditions have entered there, but since then there has been no news and nowhere to be found.

Therefore, the central part of Shennongjia was surrounded by the state's troops and carried out military control to prevent people from stray into it, and also to facilitate the country's scientific research.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Liu Xiao told the chairman about his going to enter the center of Shennongjia. At that time, the chairman was shocked and advised Liu Xiao not to take risks.

However, Liu Xiao was very resolute, so the chairman had to ask Hao* to send a Zhiwu and directly send Liu Xiao and his party to the outer area in the center of Shennongjia.

"There are fewer and fewer unpolluted, pure and clean environments like this." Liu Xiao looked at the fragrance of birds and flowers and the lush forest around him. Compared with the dusty city, Liu Xiao couldn't help sighing.

Nie Lan held an unknown flower in her hand, greedily sucked a faint fragrance, enjoyed the fresh and natural air, and said, "The air here is so fresh, much better than using air freshener at home."

Huo Qingqing, as usual, hugged Nie Lan: "Sister Lan, what are you talking about? How can air freshener compare with here? This is all natural and incomparable."

Kana has been a little unhappy since she knew that Liu Xiao had four wives, but Liu Xiao didn't notice it, but the water girl did see it.

"Dad, if you really like the little brother of the Liu family, just tell him directly, just his wooden head. If you want to wait for him to speak, you don't have to think about it in your life." The water girl whispered and Kana bit her ears and released a small boundary-like water film for sound insulation.

Kana shook her head: "He has four women. I can't accept it. Forget it."

The water girl curled her lips and said, "Come on, don't tell me that the people with some status in Britain are really monogamous. Which one is not a lot of lovers Xiaomi?"

Kana clenched her little mouth tightly, but she didn't say anything, but she also knew that the water girl was right. There were many such things in Europe and the United States, and some families in China had many wives and concubines, but she just felt awkward and felt that her husband should only love herself.

Kana's idea is actually not right. The woman in the world doesn't want to have a love alone, and that man doesn't want to monopolize a love, but some people often do this. You want him to develop like this, but in the end, he can only develop like that.

"Forget it. You're not in a hurry. What are you worried about? The emperor is really not in a hurry." The water girl was so angry that she clicked Kana's little head.

The old Taoist priest is different from them. At this time, he is holding something like a crystal ball and testing something.

"What's wrong? Old Taoist priest, what did you find? Liu Xiao couldn't help asking when he saw his strange behavior.

The old Taoist priest frowned and said doubtfully, "This place is really strange. Before entering the center, I can feel that the Shennongjia is full of strong aura, but as soon as I enter this area, I can't immediately feel the existence of these auras, and I can't absorb the aura, but the most shocking thing is This magic weapon specially used to test the concentration of Reiki told me that the concentration of Reiki here is even ten times that of the outside, so I feel very puzzled.

Liu Xiao frowned and couldn't help but say strangely, "You mean that the concentration of Reiki here is very high, but it can't be absorbed by practitioners at all? No way, if they can't be absorbed, these plants can't grow so lush.

Liu Xiao is right. The plants here are obviously much better than ordinary similar plants.

The old Taoist priest shrugged his shoulders: "Who are you asking me? I'm confused. Who should I ask?

"Forget it, why do you think so much? Hurry up and don't stay here anymore." Huo Qingqing couldn't stand it anymore and ran straight forward.

" hiss... squeak..."

The abide snake stepped on by Huo Qingqing spit out a letter at her, and then got into the grass and disappeared.

Huo Qingqing was shocked by the sudden situation, hurriedly ran to Liu Xiao, hugged the other party, and pointed to the direction just now: "Snak... There are snakes."

Liu Xiao patted Huo Qingqing on the back: "It's okay. It's okay. Isn't it just a snake? It's nothing great."

In fact, as soon as they heard that there were snakes, all the women present changed their faces. After all, most women are still afraid of snakes.

This time, Huo Qingqing was honest and no longer rushed to the front, but followed Liu Xiao and others to walk slowly.

Originally, Liu Xiao could walk quickly, but one was to take care of several women, and the other was also here where his mental radar was greatly disturbed, and the scanning range was reduced by at least 200 meters.


There was a wolf howl, and Liu Xiao quickly took everyone there.

In a small open space in the jungle, the white-flowered python and a snow-white giant wolf are facing each other.

The arrival of Liu Xiao and others shocked the two animals preparing to fight. They turned their heads and looked at Liu Xiao and others. Seeing that everyone had not done anything harmful, they immediately turned around and got into the forest without looking back.

Suddenly, the originally quiet forest suddenly burst out of countless animals. These animals were very panicked and ran to the depths of the forest, as if they were avoiding some flood and wild beasts.

Liu smiled and frowned, quickly gave everyone a spiritual shield, and then slowly continued to move forward with everyone.


I didn't go far. With the trembling of the earth, a huge roar came over.

Before Liu Xiao and others had time to hide, a huge five-meter-high abion orangutan slowly came out.

However, this is not surprising. What is really surprising is that on the shoulders of the huge orangutan sits the little monkey that has always been equally white.

Although the little monkey is also white and petite, looking at the orangutan's attitude towards it is absolutely obedient.

Obviously, the little monkey and the gorilla have found Liu Xiao and others. The little monkey kept jumping on the gorilla's shoulders and chattering endlessly, as if he wanted to say something to Liu Xiao and others.

However, it is a pity that no one present has the ability to communicate with animals at all, so they can only keep guessing.

In the end, the little monkey was really impatient. He jumped off the orangutan's shoulder, came to Liu Xiao's side, pulled his trousers vigorously, and pointed to the direction he came.

Liu Xiao was stunned and immediately asked, "Do you want us to go with you?"

The little monkey was very smart, so he immediately jumped two back flips in place happily, and then climbed up the giant orangutan, and the group slowly moved forward with the orangutan.

The road was still peaceful, but Liu Xiao didn't understand why so many animals were so afraid of the combination of gorillas and small monkeys.

Suddenly, the little monkey seemed to feel something and patted the gorilla's head nervously, and the gorilla immediately ran.

Liu Xiao did not dare to neglect and quickly followed. Fortunately, the speed of the orangutan was not fast, just enough for everyone to keep up.

In Liu Xiao's view, the little monkey and the gorilla obviously felt that a threat was approaching, so they accelerated their escape.

However, it is a pity that the gorilla and the little monkey dodged, but Suizhong still did not avoid the threat. It has always been a huge red white giant bear.

The giant bear is not smaller than the orangutan. As soon as it met, it seemed that it was ready to enter the battle, while the little monkey jumped on the branch not far away at the first time, waved its little fists, and kept screaming at the giant bear.


After the two giants confronted each other for five minutes, the agleri giant bear was the first to stand it. His upright body suddenly pressed down and grabbed the orangutan's shoulders to press it to the ground.


Obviously, the orangutan is not weaker than the abide giant bear. It suddenly hugged the other party's request with both hands and turned it over. Instead, it turned the abion bear eager to win on the ground.

The giant bear got up and then opened its mouth and bit the other party's shoulder fiercely.


The orangutan howled in pain, and then it loosened its hands holding the giant bear, opened its mouth, and bit the other party's shoulder as well, but this was not over. It raised its fist and punched the bear's soft ribs.

The moment the giant bear's soft ribs were attacked, he immediately opened his mouth and then slapped the orangutan to the ground.

Obviously, orangutans are absolutely not as powerful as giant bears, but orangutans know how to use tools.

Between the orangutan picked up a one-meter-long wooden stick with a thick arm (in fact, it was a small tree that was smashed) from the ground and waved it like a giant bear.

The giant bear couldn't dodge and was immediately beaten.

However, this attack obviously caused limited damage to the giant bear, but the orangutan ignored the bear, waved its stick and kept hitting the giant bear.

The giant bear was obviously shocked by the crazy attack of the orangutans, and kept roaring at the orangutans while looking for opportunities to attack.

At this time, the little monkey hiding in the tree slipped down from the tree, ran to Liu Xiao, looked at him with pitiful eyes, pulled his trouser legs desperately, pointed to the battlefield in front of him, and kept screaming.

"Are you asking me to help your partner?" Liu Xiao asked in surprise.

The little monkey nodded very well and kept screaming desperately.

Liu Xiao touched his head and said helplessly, "Okay, you stay here. I'll do you a favor."

Liu Xiao's figure flashed and came to the battlefield in an instant. He grabbed the forelimb of the giant bear, fell over his shoulder and smashed it directly to the ground. After that, there was another mental shock, which stunned it, and then clapped his hands and came back.

"It's done. Let's go. Let's see where you want to take us?" Liu Xiao is really curious about what the little monkey and the gorilla want to do now.

Under the leadership of the gorilla, Liu Xiao and others soon came to a huge giant tree.

The tree is so big that I can't even see a branch except the trunk that penetrates the clouds.

The little monkey crawled up quickly, and then looked down and barked loudly.

"You wait for me here and turn on the communicator." After saying that, Liu Xiao quickly climbed to the tree.

Soon, under the leadership of the little monkey, Liu Xiao passed through the clouds, but surprisingly, it was not the sky above the clouds, but a huge land.

"Zizi... Hey... Zi... Zi... Zi... You can hear... Zi Zi..." Nie Lan's voice came intermittently from the communicator, and the farther away from the tree trunk, the stronger the interference became, and the more difficult it was to communicate with the communicator.

Liu Xiao quickly returned to the trunk and said, "Hey, Nie Lan? Hurry up and get up. It's okay."

Nie Lan and others who received the message climbed up one after another, but when they saw the scene above, they were stunned by the strange scene here.

"Blessed..." The old Taoist priest was so shocked that he couldn't believe his eyes and said in shock.

Liu Xiao was stunned and then asked, "You mean this is one of the thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed places mentioned by your Taoists?"

The old Taoist priest calmed down and then shook his head and said, "No, this is by no means the classic thirty-six-hole sky, let alone seventy-two blessed places. This should be a similar place, which is a kind of existence similar to the mijing, but it should be more appropriate to become a small world.

As for the huge tree we came up, it should be the "ladder" leading here.

Of course, the so-called "ladder" is not really a ladder, but a general term for the passage to such a small world or a blessed place.

"It's so... incredible." Nie Lan and the women couldn't believe that there was such a thing in the world.

The old Taoist priest looked at everyone helplessly and said, "I said you are really good. Aliens can exist. Why can't this exist?"

Kana, who has never spoken, said at this time: "Our church has found similar places, but it is not as beautiful as here, even terrible, it is a hell in probability.

In fact, that place exists, but the devil can't get out through the exit.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help taking a breath. It seems that there are still many unknown crises in the world.

At this time, the gorilla also climbed up, so he began to lead the way with the little monkey again.

Soon, under the leadership of the little monkey, he came to a very dilapidated temple.


The little monkey pulled Liu Xiao's trouser legs into the broken temple, and then retreated by himself.

In addition to a colorful portrait, there is an emerald statue of a dragon in the broken temple.

Liu looked at these things puzzledly and gently picked up the emerald statue.

After looking over and over several times, Liu Xiao finally found an extremely inconspicuous small secret door under the emerald base.

With a gentle push, the door popped open, and two small bottles appeared in it.

Take out a small bottle and look. A small bottle contains blood like a burning flame, and a bottle contains fragments of scales.

Jiang Xiao bottle was placed on the platform, and then took out the last piece of cloth from under the platform.

There are a lot of himself on the cloth. First, he introduced his identity, as if he were a Shitian Emperor, a cultivation master who is about to break through to the four-dimensional space.

Shi Tiandi said that he was good at cutting off reincarnation and acting for days, and before he was about to fly up, he carried out the last performance, and the result was a chaotic and puzzled signing in troubled times.

Fortunately, there is a trace of light in this chaotic sign, but this light requires an important task and three equally important things.

This person is a strange man who came to this little bearded sky thousands of years later with a memory ten thousand years apart, and the three things are the descendants of the mythical beast white tiger, as well as phoenix blood and dragon scales.

And these two small bottles are filled with phoenix blood and dragon scales. As for the descendants of the white tiger, they are trapped in the sky.

Liu Xiao was so shocked by the content that he didn't know what to say. He didn't expect that there was such a power among his predecessors that he could speculate about what would happen thousands of years later. More importantly, he knew that he had memories of ten thousand years apart, which was too amazing, right?

And look at what this senior left for himself?

Phoenix blood, which is the owner's unparalleled heavenly genes and divine genes. Of course, this phoenix blood is estimated to allow Liu Xiao to absorb the heavenly use when entering the seventh stage, probably to let him absorb the ability of heavenly nirvana and rebirth.

After all, King Kong has the ability of the dragon gene in the ninth stage. I think that's what the senior should mean.

Looking at the sketch drawn under the cloth, Liu Xiao collected two small bottles, hurried out of the ruined temple, and took everyone all the way, feeling sleepy.

"Is there anyone outside? Can you help me open the sleepy array?" A voice came from the sleepy array, but surprisingly, it was a woman's voice.

"Are you the descendant of the mythical beast White Tiger?" Liu Xiao was a little surprised. Why did the senior catch a white tiger and was still a mother?

"Ah...are you the damn old man? Humph, I won't give you my blood. I will never give it. I will definitely not give it to you. I'm pissed off." The woman in the sleepy sky said angrily.

Liu Xiao and everyone sweated coldly. What this woman said before was good, but why did she play with a child's temper later?

However, everyone couldn't help but be amazed. Unexpectedly, the one trapped here turned out to be the descendants of the mythical beast White Tiger. It seems that Liu Xiao's promotion this time will be unprecedented.

"Cough... I said, didn't this elder sister just want a drop of your blood? As for you?" Liu Xiao didn't understand. He didn't draw hundreds of CC blood from you. Why is it so expensive?

As soon as he heard this, the tiger girl in it suddenly said, "As for that? Just to give you a drop of blood, I have been sleepy for thousands of years. I can't eat or play. Do you think so? Humph, I just won't give it to you. Let your aunt out quickly, or I will eat you all one by one."

Liu Xiao has a black line. This girl is too scheming and too violent. You are going to eat us one by one. Can we still let you out?

Nie Lan couldn't help laughing and said, "This elder sister, do you think this is okay? Give us a drop of blood, and we will release you out again?"

"Is there a woman? You are a woman, aren't you? Tigress seemed to be very excited and eager to ask.

Liu Xiao sweated coldly, had a bad feeling, and replied, "Well, my wife, what, do you have an idea?"

At this time, the weapons around the trapped array gradually dispersed, revealing the real face inside.


, dozens of huge stone pillars rose through the sky, without countless spells engraved on the stone pillars, and each pillar was connected with another distant pillar with iron rope, which was also full of spells on the iron cable. On the ground of the array, different runes and spells were painted, while in the middle sat a long tiger skin. A teenage girl with tiger ears and tiger tail.

"Wow, it's really a woman, and they are all beautiful women. Can you be my wife?" As soon as Tigress saw the six women, her eyes suddenly lit up and asked while wagging her tail.

"Excuse me, are you a man or a woman?" Liu Xiao is now a black line. He really admires that senior. If you want to catch a white tiger, can you catch a normal one? Unexpectedly, you can catch a lily.

Hu Niu snorted coldly: "Of course, aunt is a woman. Why can't women like women?"

"Let's go. It's too dangerous here." Liu Xiao, who was in a cold sweat, took Nie Lan's hand and turned away without nostalgia.

" let me go. The old Taoist priest said that as long as you come, you will let me go. You can't play tricks." Tigress is really anxious. She has been waiting for thousands of years. Will she wait for this day soon? Why did she leave?

"I didn't expect to meet such an idiot white tiger. What a miscalculation." Liu Xiao shook his head and sighed as he walked.

The reaction was a little slow. Kana, who was usually stupid, suddenly reacted at this time and stopped: "Ah... that... is the little girl just now the legendary lily?"

Everyone was almost knocked down by Kana's words, and Liu Xiao complained helplessly: "Please, sister, can you be more blunt?"

"Hey... Don't go, let me out. Can't I give you blood?" Tigress has to be soft. If she is not soft, she doesn't know which year and month she will be released.

"If you did this earlier, won't you?" Liu Xiao walked to the formation and shook his head and said.

"Hmm... I'm not afraid of you. I pity you, that's why I promised to give you blood." As soon as Liu Xiao came back, Tigress immediately said arrogantly.

"Yes...yes, I'm very pitiful. This elder sister, please give me a little bit of your blood." Liu Xiao is also too lazy to argue with her. This kind of arrogant woman, if you follow her, everything will be OK.

Sure enough, when Tigress heard Liu Xiao's words, she waved her tail happily and nodded and said, "Well... Well, I will pity you."

Liu Xiao was too lazy to pay attention to her and carefully checked the spell on the stone pillar to find a way to crack it.

Soon, Liu Xiao found a strange place. There was a palm print on a stone pillar.

Liu Xiao stretched out his hand and pressed it on it.

Then, a sharp thorn was pierced from the suddenly sunken part, which pierced Liu Xiao's hard skin like King Kong, and a drop of blood flowed into the stone pillar.

The surrounding stone pillars began to gradually turn red, followed by waves of fluctuations, and then a drop of blood suddenly dripped from the many hanging chains.

"Hmm?" Tigress, who felt something above her head, raised her head, and happened to have a drop of blood on her forehead.


A completely unrecognizable spell flew out of the array, part of which fell into Liu Xiao's forehead, and part of it into Tigress's forehead.

Then, Tigress suddenly let out a earth-shaking roar: "Bad old man, how dare you shade me."

As soon as the words fell, all the stone pillars stirred up a glide and gathered in the sky, reflecting the figure of an old Taoist priest in a Taoist robe and said, "Hahaha... stinky girl, we met again. I knew that for thousands of years, you would definitely scold me, so I will find a master for you and let him serve you with a whip candle every day to see if you are happy at that time.

Liu Xiao sweated coldly. How did this old guy know this? Is it the inventor of this heavy-flavor super sport?

"Well, what's going on with the master? Can you explain it?" Liu Xiao said his doubts.

Listening to Liu Xiao's question, Tigress sat on the ground and hummed her back to everyone angrily.

At this time, the old Taoist priest's projection said, "Hahaha... Boy, was your hand punctured just now? Don't think that a copper and iron bone can block the old man's attack.

As for the question you asked, it's very simple. This stinky girl knows the master. In the future, she will be your little slave. You can do whatever you want. There is no problem at all.

Liu Xiao was angry and said to himself, "Do you talk like this? Why do you think you are not a practitioner, but like a hooligan?"

The old man laughed and said, "Is it a psychological bad thing? Let me tell you, you're really right. My nickname is a hooligan Taoist.