Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

89 Secret History

Liu Xiaoju is in a cup. I wanted to explain it, but how did you ask him to explain it?

But fortunately, Han Hongjuan, on the one hand, is also to show off to Nie Lan and other women, and on the other hand, it is also to knock Liu Xiao, otherwise she may get another one next time.

Liu Xiao actually understood what his mother meant, but he felt uncomfortable in front of a group of his women. What's more, his mother still scolded him and didn't even have a chance to talk back.

Fortunately, Han Hongjuan also knew that she could stop and stopped before eating.

It's the first time a group of women have seen Liu Xiao so embarrassed, but think about it. No matter how much you can stand it, if your mother wants to deal with you, it's not a matter anytime and anywhere.

One night, Liu Xiao received a phone call from Ding Yong.

Liu Xiao clearly heard from the phone that Ding Yong's mood did not seem to be very high, and he was a little embarrassed.

After some inquiry, I knew that something had happened to Zhang Yun.

The story is like this. On the day Liu Xiao left Shencheng for Changbai, a mysterious force sneaked into Shencheng. This force divided into several teams and attacked Liu's father, Liu's mother, Ding Yong and Wu Ping and their relatives respectively.

Fortunately, Liu Xiao's biochemical dogs are everywhere in Shencheng, especially there are so many biochemical warriors, so these invaders have not taken any advantage of it.

However, when she attacked Zhang Yun's family, Zhang Yun was hit by the enemy to protect her father.

Although it did not hurt her at that time, those people's weapons themselves were extremely poisonous, so Zhang Yun soon fell down.

Fortunately, the nutrient solution in Liu Xiao's culture tank can maintain Zhang Yun's life, but as time goes by, the situation gradually becomes not optimistic.

"Mom and Dad, have you been attacked?" Liu Xiao asked strangely.

Liu's father and mother were stunned, and then shook their heads: "No, who did you hear?"

It seems that the enemies who attacked Liu Xiao's parents have been killed without approaching them. However, what puzzled Liu Xiao is who came to China to assassinate his relatives and friends this time?

Liu Xiao did not dare to delay and came to Ding Yong's house as soon as possible.

Looking at the pieces of liquid like black ink in the nutrient solution in the culture tank, Liu smiled and frowned.

Releasing all the nutrient solution, Liu Xiao extracted a little ** from the black liquid in the nutrient solution, and then Liu Xiao extracted a little blood from Zhang Yun's body.

"I will rush back to the laboratory immediately. This nutrient solution can't be used. I will immediately replace it with a new nutrient solution, so that the maintenance time will be longer." After saying that, Liu Xiao didn't say much and immediately rushed back to the laboratory with something.

Back to the laboratory, Liu Xiao cultivated black** and toxins and germs in the blood at the first time, and soon he found a very bad phenomenon.

As Ding Yong said before, Zhang Yun herself is indeed highly toxic, and this highly toxic is actually an essential toxin extracted from plants.

However, these are not problems. The real problem is that a very complex virus is produced under the dual action of culture solution and toxins.

The living environment of this virus itself is a nutrient solution, and what provides it to grow is a toxin.

What's more tangled is that the virus itself can also warm up toxins and ensure Zhang Yun's life.

This strange effect gives Liu Xiao a feeling, just like a toxin that was going to kill Zhang Yun. With the help of the nutrient solution, a new and more powerful virus not only saved Zhang Yun's life, but also provided a powerful living environment for the toxin in order to continue reproduction.

A strange existence similar to the ecological circle, but Liu Xiao has to say that it is really a headache.

Due to the interaction between toxins and viruses, once this balance is broken, Zhang Yun's life will have a great crisis, so the only way now is to remove the virus and toxins at the same time and restore Zhang Yun's extremely damaged body.

The only thing that temporarily reassures Liu Xiao is that although Zhang Yun's situation looks very bad now, it is actually not life-threatening, which also makes him relieved. After all, it will take time to develop a solution, and I'm afraid this time will not be short.

Walking around in the laboratory, several extreme treatments appeared in Liu Xiao's mind, but then he threw these solutions out of his mind.

If you really follow that plan, although you can save Zhang Yun, there will be a big crisis in her and Ding Yong's future life.

As Ding Yong's brother, he naturally has to take pictures of his brother's good life. He will never make such a bad move unless he has to.

"Try it first." Liu Xiao said helplessly, and at the same time, he put the toxin and virus into two test tubes and injected different drugs to produce two completely different types of **.

One of these two is a fluorescent blue agent, and the other is a golden agent that emits fluorescence.

However, after some experiments, Liu Xiao is depressed, because the two agents themselves are cultivated from the previous toxins and viruses, so they have a strong anti-virus effect on individual viruses and toxins, but once put together, there will be a very strange situation, which is completely ineffective.

Liu smiled and frowned and did it quietly.

To be honest, this situation is still rare, but it is by no means not.

If Liu Xiao remembers correctly, this kind of headache event has occurred in history in Dr. T's memory.

As for the solution to that matter in history, I'm sorry. At today's scientific and technological level, it can't be completely solved at all.

Liu Xiao shook his head and walked into the bathroom and kept taking a shower.

This is his... No, it should be said that it is a habit of Dr. T. Once his thinking is deadlocked, he will take a crazy shower, so that he can think from a new perspective.

Sure enough, after taking a full hour's bath, Liu Xiao's mind flashed.

Since detoxification itself is not good, can people solve toxins and viruses by stimulating the immune cells of the human body itself?

This idea is indeed feasible in theory, but it is only limited to theory.

However, these are nothing to Liu Xiao, so he soon began to take action.

Liu Xiao's action was very fast. After using less than half a little, he prepared a blood-red soup.

After a detailed test through the instrument, Liu Xiao soon found several neglected problems and immediately corrected them. However, the color of the medicine became brighter.

Didn't dare to delay. Liu Xiao quickly drove to Ding Yong's house: "Brother, I've got the stuff. Let's see if it works first."

After saying that, the red ** was put into the injection slot of the culture tank. As ** was vacuumed in, a tube of bright red ** was injected into Zhang Yun's body.


After a while, Zhang Yun, who had no reaction, suddenly coughed and became more and more violent. Even several people could clearly see that they coughed out a light green sticky** from the respirator.

At the same time, there is a breath of ink-like ** oozing out of Zhang Yun's skin.

Liu Xiao's eyes lit up: "There is a way, change the nutrient solution quickly to ensure that the virus content in the nutrient solution is minimal."

Ding Yong and Wu Ping did not dare to delay. One was responsible for controlling the culture tank and the other was responsible for carrying the nutrient solution.

After changing 56 bottles of nutrient solution, Zhang Yun's skin color finally improved, stopped coughing, and breathing evenly.

"It seems that there is no problem for the time being, but the toxins and viruses in the internal organs are likely to be mixed and mutated. Although it is not deadly, it should not be underestimated. In this way, I brought a nano doctor robot to see if I could have a comprehensive examination of my sister-in-law's body. Liu Xiao said not for sure, because he didn't know whether it would work or not.

The reason why such a thing was made is to improve the strength of T technology. Of course, these are also from Dr. T's memory. However, in his era, this nano robot has actually become a kind of nano-level assembly toy for children, and its simplicity is as simple as today's four-wheel drive toy cars. Degree.

However, Ding Yong and Wu Ping didn't know this. They looked at a capsule that Liu Xiao took out with a shocked face that was not the size of soybeans and asked, "This... is a nano-robot?"

Liu smiled and nodded: "There are millions of cubic nanometer robots, whose function is to analyze and detect organs and tissues in the human body, as well as simple treatment."

Ding Yong and Wu Ping are a little dizzy, one cubic nanometer. It seems that there is no such technology in the world now.

Liu Xiao gave the capsule to Ding Yong, who fed it to Zhang Yun.

Taking this opportunity, Liu Xiao took out his notebook, opened it directly, and switched to the nano-robot monitoring interface.

Judging from the picture, the signal is very good. The video shot by the nano-robot is also very clear, and more importantly, it is still color.

However, the examination of the body is a very huge project, but Fortunately, Liu Xiao's computer has data of normal human organs and tissues, so as long as it is quietly analyzed, it will be fine.

The three brothers took turns looking at the inspection data of the notebook. Even Nie Lan and several women who heard the news the next day also came to Ding Yong's house, but the inspection was still not completed.


After three days and nights, the detection was finally completed. Looking at all kinds of data, Liu Xiao nodded. Sure enough, there was a mutant virus stationed in Zhang Yun's body. Although nothing can be seen now, once it breaks out, it will be a fatal blow.

At the same time, Zhang Yun's stomach and small intestine were more or less inflamed, and even the nano-robot cleaned Zhang Yun's blood vessels by the way and made a lot of sediment from them.

Of course, these are not what Liu Xiao cares about. What he really cares about is those nano-robitons that come out of Zhang Yun's mouth and carry mutant viruses.

Liu Xiao did not dare to pick up these nano-robots with a large number of viruses by hand, so he took out a container, installed the robots, and rushed back to the laboratory overnight.

Before leaving, he also specially explained to Ding Yong and asked him to have a good rest. Don't let his sister-in-law save him. He was exhausted, but he was a younger brother, and he couldn't explain it.

Ding Yong hesitated for a while, and finally looked at several women who were smiling, and finally agreed to have a good sleep.

Back to the experiment, Liu Xiao immediately extracted an appropriate amount of mutant virus from the nano-robot in the container and made a preliminary analysis of it.

This virus is strange and does not destroy the human body, but it will constantly absorb nutrients from the human body, giving people a feeling that it is not like a virus, but closer to parasites.

What makes Liu smile most entangled is that these mutant viruses are very strange. They seem to have primary wisdom and can distinguish the harmful components in their bodies and selectively ignore these harmful components.

This is not good news for Liu Xiao. The virus that can identify the ingredients is full of intelligent viruses. For him, he has to give up drug treatment, because in the current situation, drugs are probably the most unsuitable for this virus.

"No, why do you feel like you've seen this thing somewhere?" Liu Xiao stared straight at the virus on the screen and muttered to himself.

Suddenly, Liu Xiao patted his forehead fiercely and said with regret, "Damn it, how can I forget it?"

It turns out that in the future, in order to deal with the Tal people, human beings have developed a very special virus called parasitic virus. The characteristics of this parasitic virus are very similar to the virus in front of Liu Xiao, but they are harmless to human beings and can't even stay in the human body for more than three seconds.

However, they can stay in the bodies of Tal people and spread wildly.

What is more frightening is that once this virus resides on Tal, it will cause irreversible large-scale damage to the intelligence in its body, which can even directly lead to the death of the intelligence.

Of course, the one in front of Liu Xiao is not the parasitic virus in Dr. T's memory, but it can be said that this is definitely the first parasitic virus in the world.

With these materials, Liu Xiao naturally knew how to treat them. He quickly found several common biochemical agents, which were made into a soft paste after a complex process.

This paste must be applied to the patient's body to isolate the connection between the body and the outside world. At the same time, once this paste penetrates into the human body, it will completely adsorb those mutant viruses like magnets, and these wastes will be completely excreted out of the body with the excretion of the human body.

The result came out quickly. After Ding Yong applied it according to Liu Xiao's method, Zhang Yun ruled out a greasy gray-brown excreta in a coma.

Once again through the detection of nano-robots, everyone was pleased to find that Zhang Yun's data and health standards had been completely restored, and the only cause of coma was excessive physical energy consumption.

Originally, according to Ding Yong's intention, he wanted Zhang Yun to take the medicine to restore physical strength configured by Liu Xiao, but Liu Xiao stopped him.

In Liu Xiao's words, no matter what medicine it is, it is not as good as the natural recovery effect of the human body, so he suggests waiting for a period of time to let Zhang Yun recover naturally, which is the best way for her body.

Ding Yong nodded, and then called Zhang Yun's parents and told them the news.

After Zhang Yun's matter was dealt with, Liu Xiao had time to ask about the killers.

Ding Yong briefly described what he knew. Except for several killers who were caught committing suicide on the spot, he could hardly be said to have achieved anything.

Liu Xiao was very puzzled that neither the special forces under him nor the soldiers under his eldest brother Ding Yong could have seen such a thing happen.

asked his doubts, and soon he got the answer.

The other party did not die from poison, but died by a direct explosion. According to the old Taoist priest who was present at that time, it was a self-controlled explosive charm, which played a role.

Liu Xiao frowned and called the old Taoist priest: "Hey, old Taoist priest, I want to ask about the explosive charm."

The old Taoist priest was silent for a moment and then said, "I can only say that I don't know anything about this matter, but one thing is certain that these runes are not only like things from the runes door, but also a little different."

Huh? What does that mean? Liu Xiao was a little confused. What does it mean to be like or not? Isn't this a fool?

The old Taoist priest patiently explained, "In fact, many sects can make this kind of thing by themselves, but if so, how can our Fuyu gate remain until now? The reason is not that our runes are powerful and better than ordinary runes?

The Fu urn used by those killers when they self-detonated are very similar to our Fu urn door, but from the perspective of some fluctuations generated after the explosion of the Fu urn, they are far from each other, even comparable to ordinary Fu urn.

But this is exactly what I can't understand. Obviously, their craftsmanship can't reach that level, but why is their power so strong? This is also my doubt.

Liu smiled and nodded and said, "So, do you have any clue?"

The old Taoist priest hesitated for a moment and then said, "In fact, there is another sect that is also cultivated through Fuyu, called Lingfumen. They were created by a traitor who failed to practice in the past. We have been ignored it. I think this gang is more suspicious."

Liu Xiao was stunned and then agreed and asked about the location of the spiritual rune gate and its overall strength.

I have to say that the efficiency of the dragon group is fast enough. About a few minutes later, Liu Xiao's information has been uploaded to his computer.

Liu Xiao quickly browsed the information transmitted by the dragon group and found a very exciting thing. This spiritual rune door was actually in India.

"No way? India's A San also came to China to do three or four? Liu Xiao didn't believe it. You know, the Indian practice world actually disappeared as early as the period when their history was broken.

The so-called practice circles left by India today are either interpretations of some other countries who have defected, or some uninhibious third-rate monks, so in general, India is just slanguous. If it is really a real knife, with a few of them, they will never dare.

"Isn't it right? It won't be supported by the Tal people, will it?" Liu Xiao, who didn't believe it, suddenly realized that if it was themselves, they naturally did not dare, but if there was any powerful country or organization supporting them, they could not keep these Indian Asan rushing forward one by one.

The more he thought about it, the more Liu Xiao felt that there was such a possibility, especially when it happened around him, and it looked more like guessing.

Liu Xiao suddenly stood up from the sofa, kept walking, and suddenly stopped to call Niu Ren: "Brother Niu Ren, can you be sure that those escaped killers have left Shencheng?"

"It's hard to say, but I personally think it's more likely to be still in Shencheng. After all, Shencheng is like an iron bucket now. It's easy to come in and difficult to go out." Niu Ren was actually very depressed. Just because of this bad incident in Shencheng, his hard vacation was completely ruined.

Of course, Liu Xiao did not know about this situation. After hanging up the phone, he immediately launched a comprehensive search of all his biochemical dogs.

Although these biochemical dogs under Liu Xiao generally wander around Shencheng like wild dogs, once something happens, they are absolutely faster than the army.

Hundreds of biochemical dogs flocked to all corners of the city in batches, searching for every place that could hide the enemy while watching every suspicious person.

I have to say that this behavior of biochemical dogs really caught the government personnel and public security personnel in Shencheng off guard, but fortunately, they quickly got a reply from Guoan. This is an overall training for military dogs, and the public security system and government personnel do not have to panic.

To be honest, there is no technical content at all. Ten people know that they are lying, but what if they know, do you dare to fight against the people of Guoan?

Exactly like this, a strange and abnormal dog search was carried out quietly, and soon the semi-mechanical biochemical dog that had been transformed found a situation. Outside a farmyard in the eastern suburbs of the city, a pile of burnt residues with a strong bloody smell was found.

As soon as Liu Xiao got this information, he immediately led several biochemical soldiers over.

"Master, ask which one lives in this yard?" With that, Liu Xiao took out the certificate in his hand and gave a look to the passing old man.

In fact, the old man didn't know what was written on the certificate, but the old man replied happily, "Old Liu's house moved to the city last year. Now he is a rented guest and doesn't leave the house all day long. It's gloomy and scary."

The old man said that he still looked frail. It seemed that the people in this village were not satisfied with the residents of this family.

Liu Xiao's eyes moved and asked, "Sir, when did they rent the house and when did they live in? Can you talk to us in detail?"

The old man was obviously willing to cooperate with the government, and he seemed to think that the family was not a good person, so he nodded: "I'm thinking... If we remember correctly, the house seems to have been rented three months ago, and it seems that they lived in more than two months ago. At that time, they went out every day.

But this was not the case later. When I came back more than half a month ago, I seemed to see someone injured, and these people have never come out again.

Liu Xiao nodded and said, "Thank you, uncle. Here is a box of cigarettes for you to hold."

With that, Liu Xiao took out a box of cigarettes and handed them over, and the old man took it happily.

Liu Xiao made a gesture, and a biochemical dog took the opportunity to climb over the wall and shouted twice.

"Damn it, can't let people live? I said I can't live this downward. You just don't listen. Let's see, it's coming again." There was a burst of English in the room, but the tone seemed to be closer to the Indians.

"Don't fucking talk nonsense. It's not bad to avoid this disaster. Now it's our turn to choose." An Indian with a slightly fierce voice whispered.

"bu lun, go and have a look. If it really doesn't work, the broken dog will be slaughtered. Anyway, we can go out in a few days."

"Damn it, it means that you can't go and see it by yourself?"

Although that's the case, it was obvious that this guy opened the door and walked out by himself.

"Damn, I will give instructions all day long, and I don't know how to restrain it."


Just as the other party came out cursing, with a soft sound, Bren felt a whirlwind and lost consciousness.

The biochemical dog dragged Bren out directly, and then Liu Xiao and others climbed over the wall into the house one after another and touched the house.

The biochemical warrior quietly opened a corner of the door and gently threw a distant tube into it.

"Bun, where the fuck have you died? Get back quickly."

However, as soon as the voice fell, another voice suddenly sounded: "No, hypnotic tile..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell down with a "puff".

"Well, hypnotic gas, you underestimate the biochemical hypnosis pump." After saying that, Liu Xiao and others fished in and captured the unconscious people one after another.

The old Taoist priest received a phone call and rushed to the scene as soon as possible. He looked at the runes painted on these people' chests and said, "These prisoners are ordinary runes, and they are indeed the technique of the spiritual runes, but the dye is a little wrong. It seems that the power is here."

In this regard, the old Taoist priest was an expert, so Liu Xiao and others looked at it silently. The old Taoist priest gently scraped off the dye with a small piece of bamboo and put it into a small bottle and dripped it into a drop**.

The old Taoist priest looked at the changes in the bottle, his pupils suddenly condensed, and finally sighed and said, "Sure enough, it seems that the runes painted by these people are mixed with their own blood. This is a kind of blood runes, which is the biggest taboo of the runes."

Taboo? What's the matter?" Liu Xiao frowned, and the word taboo would never be a good thing for any sect or individual.

The old Taoist priest thought about it, sighed and said, "The origin of the matter is probably from my master's generation. At that time, a senior of Fuyumen accidentally found that he mixed his blood into the ink of making Fulu, which greatly increased his power when he could use it.

As soon as this method was invented, it was immediately respected by many disciples in Fuyumen. However, the good times did not last long. Many disciples who used this method, and even the elders who invented this method, have regressed their strength and even went crazy.

In the end, it was the master who was the head of the family at that time to stop these people and wake them up.

However, although the elder who invented the method of blood prohibition finally woke up, his soul was scattered because of his own blood.

At his deathbed, the elder launched an elder's order to completely seal the method of blood prohibition and regard it as a taboo for my Fumen.

By the time my master became the head of this matter, the method of blood prohibition had gradually faded out of the memory of Fuyumen. Only the elders of grief and resentment, or the disciples of Fufumen with greater power knew about this matter.

However, one of my brothers secretly opened the seal of the blood prohibition method at the end of the Qing Dynasty, stole it, and escaped without a trace.

But soon after, news came from abroad that my brother actually set up a spiritual rune gate overseas based on what he had learned, and generated them as the strongest sect of Fu.

I Fumen did not fight back against this, because of the domestic turmoil at that time, there was no one in mind to take care of those overseas affairs, which also gave the development of Lingfumen.

However, in fact, we don't want to deal with the spiritual gate at all. My brother is simply a master who wanders around with less than half a bottle. He didn't even learn one of the three unique skills of our Fu gate, so he ran outside to show off.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we also vaguely heard the news that Lingfumen seemed to be cooperating with some organization, as if it was a killer organization affiliated to a certain country, but we never cared about these, but we didn't expect that they dared to help outsiders come to China to make trouble. That's not my Fumen. I can stand it."

Liu Xiao clearly felt that although the voice of the old Taoist priest was stable when he said this, there was an obvious fire in his eyes.

It's not to blame the old Taoist priest for being angry. It's like a dog released. Why do you have to wag your tail twice when you see the old owner? But it's better for you to come up directly and take a bite, regardless of the old feelings. Isn't this a slap in the face?

Fuyumen is actually famous for its good temper in the practice world. Basically, it does not compete with anyone for anything, and the relationship with various sects is also very harmonious, so it is difficult to see people of Fulumen angry.

However, a good temper does not mean no temper. After this incident happened, the old Taoist priest felt that the matter was not simple, so he transmitted the news back to the sect. The elders in the sect immediately decided to let the old Taoist priest investigate fully. If it is found that this matter is really the so-called spiritual talisman, he must be eradicated in one fell swoop.

The old Taoist priest who received this order naturally has been searching for these guys, but his speed is far faster than Liu Xiao.

However, the old Taoist priest himself actually holds a fluke mentality, hoping that this incident will not have anything to do with the spiritual sect.

Anyway, both sides are a family. Although the ancestor of Lingfumen, that is, his brother, stole the method of blood prohibition, he did not do anything bad to Fumen, so it is better not to fight.

However, he never thought that this matter was still related to the spiritual rune gate. After all, the method of blood prohibition cannot be used by everyone. Only those who have practice the true skills of the rune gate must be able to make this kind of blood rune. Of course, after this kind of rune is made, it can also be completely used by others, as long as the person's fresh Blood will be fine.

Liu Xiao got the answer and quickly searched for relevant information in the minds of these killers, but unfortunately, there was no other information except a small store.

"What are you going to do?" Liu Xiao knew that the old Taoist priest was bound to take action, so he asked loudly.

The old Taoist priest sighed: "I can't help it. Let's go to India, but the environment there is more complicated, and the evil sect and the evil Buddha sect are both there. I'm afraid it will be a little dangerous."

Now Liu Xiao is not a novice in the practice world, and he still knows something about the evil sect and evil Buddhism. It is said that this evil sect is a sect that is based on human nature and must lead to more evil.

And the evil Buddha is even more horrible. They call themselves blood Buddhas. They think that if they want to become a Buddha, they can't have the kindness to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha. They must have the belief that they slaughter millions of squares to become Buddhas.

It is said that some of the views of the two sects are very consistent. In their view, both Buddha and Taoism are supreme, so people in the world are ants, and naturally they can kill and slaughter them.

And these two sects, the most famous in India, are hating all Chinese practice schools. As long as a Chinese practice sect takes a step into India, they will use all their strength to kill them by all means.

However, Liu Xiao doesn't care about these. Although his current strength can't be said to be invincible in the practice world, he can also be rampant.

Although the old Taoist priest is not as strong as Liu Xiao, don't forget that there are many charms. No matter how strong you are, you can't stand the war of attrition.

Because of this, as soon as the two of them calculate, it's better to hit the sun than to catch the sun, and it's today.

So, the two greeted the people in China and flew directly to India.

Flying knife and water girl and Niu Ren can't go to this matter, which is also a clear idea after consideration by the two.

The old Taoist priest himself has the art of escape. A thousand miles can be reached in the blink of an eye, and it is not a problem to escape at all.

And Liu Xiao's own spirit is strong and recovers quickly, and he is not afraid of any challenges at all.

So it is relatively safe for the two to go, but Niu Ren, Water Girl and flying knives are not good, because they are relatively lacking in self-defence, so the two of them also said hello and flew directly to India.

Niu Ren and others also understood what Liu Xiao and their thoughts were, and they did think that their ideas were correct, so they didn't complain about anything, but just said to be careful.

"Is India still so seriously discriminating against women?" Liu Xiao looked at the scene on the street and asked the old Taoist priest in a low voice.

The old Taoist priest shook his head helplessly: "It's much better. If this is before, hehe..."

Liu Xiao sneered: "How many talents do you think they have to lose with their attitude?"

Liu Xiao's words are by no means aimless. The words that women can stand up half of the sky are by no means empty words. You should know that since ancient times, even in feudal society, there have been many outstanding women.

Looking at today's European and American countries, as well as China and other countries after opening up, although there is also some discrimination, in the environment, many women have made great achievements that men can't imagine.

And with so many facts and so many examples in front of us, India actually hides the women in its own country and even prevents them from developing themselves. Isn't that equal to digging its own graves? No wonder their development has been so unsatisfactory in recent years.

The old Taoist priest smiled and said, "Forget it, that's their business. Why do we care so much?"

While talking, a thin monk walked slowly and passed by the two people.

Liu Xiao's mind moved, and his spirit swept over in an instant. He looked back at the monk, sneered, and warned the monk with his spirit: "Go back and tell you that we are here to trouble the traitor. It has nothing to do with you. Don't come out to make trouble."

The withered monk looked at a glance, and a stream of blood surged up, and then recovered. Then he turned his head and looked at Liu Xiao and the old Taoist priest, and then continued to walk slowly.

"Did you take action?" Although the old Taoist priest did not feel the spiritual fluctuation of Liu Xiao, he still felt the energy fluctuation of the dead monk.

Liu smiled and said, "I took action. Who let him have nothing to do?"

"Oh?" The old Taoist priest raised his eyebrows. Although he is usually a good man, no one can bully him.

"It's okay, it's okay. Let me sweep back with my mental strength. I guess I have to suffer some hidden injuries or something. Anyway, just teach me a lesson. Liu smiled and said.

"Uh..." The old Taoist priest was hit, but he also admired the young man.

In fact, there are not many people like Liu Xiao who are promoted quickly in the practice world, but basically 99% of them are unstable because they are promoted too fast, and they have become mediocre people.

However, Liu Xiao is obviously one percent, with no mental instability at all.

In fact, when you think about it, you also know that Dr. T himself is an old goblin who has lived for more than 500 years, and he is also a scientist. Do you think such a person may be unstable?

However, the old Taoist priest did not know this, so he felt both happy and a little puzzled for Liu Xiao.

Of course, Liu Xiao didn't know what the old Taoist priest was thinking. After he and the old Taoist priest found a small hotel to stay, they came to a small restaurant.

The purpose of Liu Xiao's trip is to find a small store called Styx. The things sold in this store are very messy, including hardware supplies, grain and wine, and even *pulled * strips, which can be said to be sold everything.