Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

103 Sea Battle 1

"It's really happy. After being pressed by these green brain shells for so long, I finally got a bad breath." Liu Xiao's adjutant kicked the body of the Tal people on the ground fiercely, and then waved his hand. A group of soldiers put the bodies together and burned them up.

An adjutant sighed: "Unfortunately, there are too few spiritual warriors on our side, and few spiritual forces are not as strong as others. Otherwise, we will have to be afraid of these green brain shells at all."

Liu Xiao also knows this situation, but he can't solve it, so he can only comfort him: "The current situation is indeed not ideal, but I believe it will get better soon."

That being said, Liu Xiao is very clear. According to the character of the Talxing people, this loss will definitely stimulate the other party. With the arrival of the next batch of Talxing soldiers, they are likely to attack other countries. If the other party really does this, the overall situation will be very bad. In order to suppress the Tal people's plan to continue to build the Stargate, I'm afraid he still took action, which is one of the main reasons why several women are familiar with the war.

At this time, the general was bursting into thunderous anger in the barracks of the Tal people.

Tens of thousands of people, since the Tal people entered the era of interstellar aggression, have never died in World War I, but now he has done it and reached a height that his predecessors have not reached, but this is not an honor, but a humiliation and a great shame.

"Bastard, I'm going to catch that damn Liu Xiao, smash him into ten thousand pieces, and turn him into a Marta beast's plaything, damn bastard." The general was so angry that everything about himself was destroyed and completely destroyed.

Originally, the general's intention was to rely on a great military achievement to make the First Parliament speechless. However, judging from the current situation, not only the First Parliament, but also the Second Parliament, which originally wanted to protect itself, will send itself to the military court.

Sure enough, on the day the military information department transmitted the situation back to Tal Star, Tal Star issued a corresponding military order to remove all positions of the general, and a deputy under the jurisdiction of the First Council temporarily manage the army, and only allowed defense before the next batch of infantry arrived, not to take the initiative. Hit.

The military order of the first part can still be understood by the people of the front finger. After all, the general suffered such a big defeat, and it is appropriate to remove his position, but the mother star actually asked the army to shrink the defense, which made the officers present feel incredible.

You know, since entering the era of interstellar aggression, Tal people have believed that attack is the best defense, so in their view, shrinking defense is undoubtedly a manifestation of cowardice and incompetence, so they have never disdained to do so.

But now, look at the order issued by the Tal Star Military Department is placed on everyone's desktop.

"This is a shame, an absolute shame." Every general shouted silently in his heart.

However, no matter how unwilling they are, these officers can only accept this fact. After all, soldiers take obeying orders as their vocation.

The general lying in the room sneered. At this time, he completely calmed down and thought carefully about every detail since the war on the earth from beginning to end.

It was not until this time that he suddenly found that he had been calculated by the other party.

The strength of the other party is actually not strong, but they pretend to be strong and contain their entire army in South Korea, and the other party's intention is to delay time.

As for why it is delayed, of course, it is to win more time for scientific research and research weapons specially designed to deal with Tal people.

If the general had figured this out a few days ago, he would have faithfully conveyed this situation to the military headquarters of his home planet, but now he has long been discouraged.

You know, he has made countless attacks for the second parliament, and even gave up two promotions and three titles for the benefit of the parliament.

But now, as soon as something happens, the Second Council immediately ignores itself and is eager to discard the relationship with itself. This practice makes the general who was originally loyal to the Second Council feel very angry.

Now his idea is very simple. Since the whole Tal Star has abandoned him, he naturally doesn't have to work for the damn parliament. Anyway, he is going to die, so let more people bury him.

I believe that when the first general who died at the hands of earth people appears, someone on the mother planet will make a comparison of their own affairs, which will let everyone know that it is not that he is incompetent, but that the earthman is really powerful.

After thinking about this, the general suddenly felt a sense of relaxation, and then lay ** humming a little song and fell asleep safely.

Just a few days later, the Stargate opened again. This time came a large number of underwater troops and a small number of airmen. At the same time, an extremely young general came, and he was Boyagodi, who was sent by the First Parliament to take over the army.

The main reason why Boyagodi was able to be such a young soldier in addition to his good military achievements is that he is the grandson of the chief member of the First Parliament.

If this Boyagodi's own military talent is not very outstanding, his grandfather, as the first congressman, has equipped him with a think tank composed of three outstanding military experts.

The first thing after Boyagodi arrived on earth was to come to the house where the general was imprisoned.

"General, we meet again." Boyagodi and the general had a deep grudge, but for some special reasons, he could not attack the general.

The general looked at Boyagodi, and a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face and said, "I guessed that the First Council really sent you here. In this way, even if I leave, I will finally feel at ease."

Boyagodi frowned and felt a little surprised, and at the same time, an extremely strange feeling in his heart flashed away.

For the general, Boyagodi can be said to know too well. He believes that what he just said is absolutely from the bottom of his heart, but it is because of this that he feels incredible. The relationship between the other party and himself can be described as water and fire, but he actually said that he was relieved when he came. What on earth is this? It's a thing

In fact, he doesn't know that in the general's opinion, the arrival of Boyagodi can be said to be the most he wants to see.

As the battle with the people of the earth became more and more fierce, the general clearly felt that the other party was not suppressed in the continuous defeat, but seemed to be holding his breath and waiting for an opportunity to fight back against the Tal Star.

This is also one of the reasons why the general has always been very anxious about dealing with the earthlings, but obviously, he has no chance to wait for the earthlings to fight back, but this is also good. At this unlucky moment, it is really good to give up to Boyagodi, his most hated second ancestor. However.

Boyagodi originally wanted to humiliate the other party, but now he actually said such a thing for Talxing's victory, which made him have to swallow what he originally wanted to say.

"Have a good journey." After saying that, Boyagodi waved his hand, and under the escort of the two Tal Star Guards, the general was sent to a single small return device.

A smile flashed on the general's face and said from the bottom of his heart, "It seems that the empire really value me. Such a valuable disposable device has been used for a prisoner like me. Those old bastards in the First Council are really eager to send me to the guillose."

The day after Boyagdi came to the barracks, a piece of information about the changes of military personnel of the Tal people was placed on the table of Liu Xiao and the military leaders of various countries.

"Boyagodi?" Liu Xiao looked at the name and couldn't help but look strange.

He is too familiar with the name Boyagodi. First of all, as a decryption document of the Tal Star people, one of the drafts on how to invade the earth was written by the famous young general Tal Star, known as the theoretical general.

The reason why this general is said to be a theoretical general is that many of his achievements are planned by the think tanks around him.

But it was this theoretical general who, after many victories, became inexplicably proud. You said that it was not your own ability. What are you proud of? But it was this one who disposed of all the people of the think tank after a disagreement with the think tank, and then He single-handedly attacked Melland Star.

The result was very good. In this war, due to Boyagodi's misjudgment and his stubborn and irresponsible attitude, the Tal people finally tasted the biggest defeat.

This history of defeat was turned into a black star by the Tal people, which means a dark and disgraceful history.

Of course, the famous theoretical general Boyagodi also lost his young life in that battle.

When the former Dr. T saw this history of Tal Star, he always felt that this Boyagodi was the biggest idiot in history and could really do something that broke his arm.

However, Liu Xiao and Dr. T have different views, because he is not a crazy scientist who only focuses on biochemical science, so the analysis is more considerable.

In Liu Xiao's opinion, the reason why such a thing happened must have a lot to do with Melland.

The reason for saying this is that Huaxia itself is a country that advocates military strategy very much, so in his view, the enemy must have tried the alienation scheme to make the General Boyagodi of the Tal Star people make such a serious mistake.

Liu smiled and said to himself, "No matter whether my guess is right or not, but your boy ran to the earth to cause trouble, then don't blame me for giving you a cruelty.

Don't you have a think tank? I'd like to see if you will kill them directly when you are in a stalemate with the think tank.

Liu Xiao's idea is very simple. Whether it is as he guessed or not, anyway, he intends to give General Boyagudi a trap and then a bigger trap to bury all these green-brained Tal people in the hands of the theoretical general.

Soon, Liu Xiao found several commanders.

"Give it, I think you have seen this information, right? I don't know if you have any ideas. Liu Xiao didn't say anything about the alienation for the time being. He wanted to hear the opinions of these military experts present and then talk about his thoughts.

The commander-in-chief put the information on the table and said, "First of all, we need to look at the new arms, underwater arms and airborne soldiers brought by the other party.

According to the judgment of the other party's arms, the other party is likely to want to attack North America or launch an attack on North*.

Liu Xiao was stunned and then looked at the other commanders, who nodded one after another and agreed.

Then, another deputy commander said, "I agree with the commander-in-chief and also say a little of my opinion.

General Boyagodi is very young. I'm afraid such a young general is also a second generation in Tal Star.

And according to intelligence, his three adjutants, which can be said to be his think tank, will also be one of the biggest threats to our planet. Therefore, I suggest that countries unite and play a play to let these green brain shells who only know hard work know what the real tactics are.

"Oh? So, Lao Li, do you already have a way? The commander-in-chief looked at the other party with a smile and asked with a slow smile.

Lao Li smiled and said, "I don't believe you didn't expect it, but since you asked, I'll say it brazenly.

What we need to use is a alienation trick to find a way to break this General Boyagodi's arm, and then invite you into the urn to try to eliminate a large number of the living forces of the Tal people, so that we will have more time.

"Good to say, but before that, as Lao Li just said, we still have to play an extremely defeated play." As the commander said, he turned over the information, and finally pulled out one from it, put it on the seat, and gently clicked it.

Then, another commander smiled and said, "Ouch, Lao Wu, don't sell it. Forget it, look at you, it's better for me.

According to the analysis, you can also see that the target of the Tal people is North America or North*.

According to our judgment, North America is likely to be the largest, because their real goal is gold mines.

Therefore, we will have more in-depth cooperation with the U.S. military this time. Liu Shao will trouble you to assist the U.S. military to intercept the troops attacking North America and eliminate the enemy as much as possible.

At the same time, our army in South Korea needs to stage the biggest defeat since the war.

However, this scene is not easy to play. If you lose the first line of defense, I'm afraid it will be difficult to fool the enemy.

Therefore, I'm afraid that we have to ask the chairman to send Lao Liu here. He is an expert in this matter.

"Lao Liu? Um... I'm afraid this old goblin will have to do this, but make it clear that he comes and doesn't care about this failed plan. As the commander-in-chief, Lao Wu is actually quite entangled. This matter is really necessary for Lao Liu, but if he really comes, don't make anything uncontrollable.

Liu Xiao was confused when he heard this. After the meeting, he found his adjutant and asked in detail about it. Only then did he know what these people said was.

It turns out that according to the analysis of various situations, the reason for the enemy's division of troops is likely to be for two purposes, one is for the gold mine, which has been mentioned before. As for why, Liu Xiao knows much better than others.

Another reason is probably to test the overall strength of the Earth Alliance.

As the general guessed, the parliament and the military also questioned the strength of the earth, believing that the army in South Korea was just an illusion.

Therefore, the three people in the think tank have formulated a strategy to split the attack.

But they didn't expect that their plan would be passed on at the first time, let alone that there was a group of old guys preparing to plan them.

It was these commanders who guessed the enemy's intention and made a plan, but they were completely with the ideas of those think tanks.

According to the thinkers of those think tanks, it should be a victory in North America, and South Korea's defense line will be firmly defended.

There are two reasons for this arrangement. One is to make the planner plan to go bankrupt, which will make the young general Boyagodi feel nothing more than that.

And the victory of the army under the command of Boyagodi on the other side will make Boyagodi even more proud, and let these close comrades-in-arms who originally supported each other plant the seeds of distrust in their hearts.

And all this is to prepare for the subsequent alienation.

At the same time, as analyzed by the generals of Huaxia in South Korea, in the small conference room of Tal Xingren, Poyagodi smiled, but listened to the analysis of the think tank in his heart.

"Master Boyagodi, our analysis this time is that all the strength of the earth is likely to be pressed on this front line called South Korea, so in order to test the reality, we will divide our troops to attack North America, and most importantly, this region produces gold, which is for our interstellar The casting of the door is very important. A member of the think tank team said slowly.

In fact, to be honest, these three think tanks have no good impression of this young master Boyagodi. Except for being a straw bag, they don't seem to be able to do anything at all. In the words of the earth, they just can't do anything and eat anything.

However, what makes these sighs is that it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that he comes from a good background and has a grandfather who is the first member of the first parliament, which makes him smooth. At the same time, he is destined that these three think tanks will have no chance to get promoted and make a fortune in his life.

That's the case, so these people can be said to be full of resentment against this young master Boyagodi, but they dare not show it or have any disrespect.

Of course, Bojagodi is a strawbag, but he is not a fool, so he clearly knows what kind of image he is in the seriousness of these three so-called think tank adjutants.

Boyagodi actually doesn't like to be a soldier. His greatest wish is to find a few beautiful girls, sing at night, and have a bridal chamber every day.

However, his immortal grandfather actually stuffed him into the military and became a small officer for the sake of the so-called family interests.

But this is good, but you always have to give me a chance to exercise. Don't always let me listen to the opinions of these think tanks and let me be a general. How nice and majestic.

But look now, he is obviously a general, but he seems to be a spectator.

"I don't think so. If we increase our strength to capture South Korea, take it as a springboard* at a time, and then use regional advantages to invade China, our interests can be maximized." Boyagodi said what he thought, but it was obvious that it was a stinky idea.

The three adjutants looked at each other and sighed secretly. Then an adjutant said, "Young master, although your idea is not impossible, in order to minimize the loss of our Tal people, we must avoid the enemy's elite troops, find a way to tear a cut in the weak link, and use everything. It is possible to collect gold and gold mine companions so that we can create a large Stargate.

Boyagodi is silent. After all, he has no real military achievements. Although he can be arrogant in front of others, he always has a feeling that he can't raise his head in front of these three people.

In fact, Boyagodi is still very smart. If the first congressman can only send a think tank to guide him, I'm afraid he may really become a qualified general.

It's just a pity that the first congressman's caution not only ruined his only grandson, but also ruined his character.

Personality is the key to life, and what Dr. T knows in another time and space is obviously caused by the character of Boyagodi and the outbreak of anger that has accumulated for a long time.

"In this case, you can arrange it. I will personally lead the front-line army and fight against the Korean defense line of the people on earth." After saying that, Boyagodi walked out of the conference room with depressed eyes.

The three adjutants looked at each other, finally shook their heads, and finally began to plan the next day's action.

Before dawn the next day, the underwater troops of the Tal Star began to go into the water one after another, riding underwater equipment like skateboards, moving quickly in the direction of North America.

At this time, Liu Xiao had already taken three women by plane and arrived at a U.S. military base off the coast of North America.

To be honest, the United States can be said to love and hate this young master Liu.

One of the reasons for saying this is that Liu Xiao's invention directly makes the status of the world leader of the United States unpreserving, which has to make the U.S. government feel itchy.

But on the other hand, if it hadn't been for this young man Liu Xiaoliu, I'm afraid that these real power factions in charge of the power of the United States at this time would have already become a corpse, and standing in their position are exactly the same as them, but one by one Puppet-like biochemical products.

Exactly, every time these powerful figures in the United States think of a biochemical person who looks exactly like themselves, and even DNA verification is 100% the same, they will wake up from their dreams and break out in a cold sweat.

"Liu Da Shao, welcome to my U.S. military base." As an American general, he knows exactly what Liu Da Shao has done in recent years, but the more he knows, the more he feels that this person is unfathomable, so his performance is more respectful.

"General Hawk, I've admired your name for a long time." Liu Xiao has been known for this General Hawk for a long time.

Hawke is a Chinese fan, so he also knows that he has always greeted him like this. As for whether he really admired the name for a long time, only God and himself know.

"The transformation master came again this morning. The enemy's troops have set out and the destination is the coastal area of North America. As for the specific location, we still don't know." General Hawke told the latest information as he walked.

Liu smiled and nodded and said, "Conventional earth weapons are useless for the Tal people's water army. I suggest withdrawing the fleet of the distant sea as much as possible, otherwise the loss will be great."

General Hawke frowned, turned around and discussed it with several others in a low voice. Then he did not reply, but asked, "Then can you tell me the reason, especially the equipment of the underwater troops of the Tal Star?"

Liu smiled and nodded and said, "I don't know the specific underwater equipment of the Tal Star, but they have an underwater single boat, which is about the same size as the common skateboard, but the thickness is relatively thicker.

However, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that this single boat is equipped with three weapons and communication jammers, which can interfere with a variety of communications. At the same time, it can also simulate these communications and transmit false information.

The other is underwater compression technology, which is similar to China's, but more advanced, because they do not compress water, but directly use water pressure to convert pressure. Its lethality may not be much different from our small * power, but the emission frequency is very fast, which can reach four rounds per second.

The last and most powerful one is the underwater biological controller, which can briefly control small or medium-sized fish or monomer underwater organisms and make them self-destruct.

Gentlemen, don't think this kind of self-detonation is not a big deal. The power of this kind of self-detonation is very powerful. They are based on biochemical technology. The principle is to condense all the remaining essence of life in one point and then release it instantly.

And this self-detonation, the healthier the life, the longer the remaining life, the more powerful it will be.

For example, if an annual carp blows itself up, it is estimated that it will have two-thirds of the power of your country's battle axe *.

Think about it, I won't talk about it if these guys get a shark to blow themselves up for you.

General Hawke and his generals closed the door and listened to this, and suddenly a cold sweat flowed down.

The power of the carp is about two-thirds of that of the battle axe*. Isn't the power of that shark almost catching up with one *?

In fact, they have entered a misunderstanding. In their subconscious, the amount of life energy is directly proportional to the size. In fact, this is not the case. Although it has something to do with it, it is not big.

However, the reason why Liu Xiao made such a metaphor is actually to make them misunderstand.

"Bidi, you immediately report this information to the White House and ask them to respond immediately whether to withdraw the distant sea fleet to port." Hawke does not have the power to make such a decision, but he believes that the White House will make the right choice.

President Rom listened to the report of his men, frowned and rubbed his temples, and asked the commander-in-chief of the U.S. military, "What do you think?"

"It's better to believe that there is something than nothing. At this time, anything can happen. However, in order to verify this, we need to send an unmanned ship and install underwater cameras under the ship. In fact, most of the people present believe what Liu Xiao said, but as the saying goes, seeing is believing, so they still need to verify it before they can rest assured.

President Rom nodded: "You do this. Let's see if this so-called 'fish bomb' is really as powerful as Master Liu said."

That night, dozens of surveillance equipment monitored the unmanned speedboat from different angles such as underwater and even satellites.

At this moment, a small sea snake suddenly swam over and immediately said to Liu Xiao, "Pay attention to see that sea snake has a fluorescent flashing feeling in its eyes. This is the characteristic of the cohesion of the essence of life after being controlled."

After listening to Liu Xiao's words, several underwater cameras aimed at the sea snake in an instant, and saw it swim quickly towards the speedboat, and then adsorbed to the bottom of the ship like a magnet.

Then, the sea snake's body suddenly expanded a small circle, and there was a faint halo on its body. Then there was a loud noise, and the underwater camera installed at the bottom of the speedboat completely lost the signal.

But everyone clearly saw that other underwater cameras captured the underwater explosion, and satellite and aerial cameras clearly saw that the speedboat was directly exploded by the sea snake and completely blown up from the middle to both ends. More importantly, the debris of these two smashed speedboats was actually detonated by a huge explosion. The explosion flew a distance of four or five meters.

Everyone present, especially those generals, swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

There is no need for such power, as long as the other party controls a small group of fish and wants to kill the American aircraft carrier, and more importantly, they have no way to deal with it, which is really frightening.

"Fortunately, all the fleets have been withdrawn, otherwise the loss will be great this time." Almost at the same time, such an idea rose in the hearts of all the management personnel. Of course, they would not say these words in front of Liu Xiao and his party.

This time, the water girl also came to the United States, while the flying knife, Niu Ren and the old Taoist priest went to other places because of other tasks.

"Next, I will block the underwater troops of the Tals at the bottom of the sea. It would be best if your American superpowers can dispatch some people suitable for underwater operations to encircle and suppress them." Liu Xiao said while hanging various small parts on the biochemical suit.

The people present are the core figures of the U.S. military. They are clear about the purpose of this battle, so the most ideal battle is to complete annihilate. In this way, the news of the United States with the help of China will naturally not be transmitted back to the barracks of the Tal Star. This is for the next plan, but It is extremely beneficial.

Therefore, the United States did not hesitate to immediately send 50 superpower members who could fight underwater for a long time, and divided them into several groups according to the situation, preparing to hunt down the Tal people who were likely to escape.

From the dock of the military, Liu Xiao and others jumped directly into the sea and swam quickly in the direction of the Tal people at the bottom of the sea.

"The target is found outside ten nautical miles. Note that we will have an encounter within three nautical miles. The other party has found us and is ready to fight. The communication will be too interrupted. After the battle is over, the teams in all areas will still keep in touch. Please note. After saying that, Liu Xiao took out the underwater jammer, turned it on, and threw it into the sea.

"Report to the captain, the local area has thrown interference equipment, and my communication equipment can only play a role in a small range. The contact with the headquarters is interrupted. Please ask the captain for instructions." The soldiers specializing in communications immediately reported the situation.

The general of the underwater force in charge of this operation tried the communication equipment and found that it was indeed as the soldier said, and then said, "Crack the frequency of local interference and contact the headquarters as much as possible. Others, prepare to fight.

After saying that, all the underwater equipment under the soldiers' chest and abdomen were converted to attack mode, and a special underwater biochemical weapon was taken out.


Without waiting for the opponent's attack, the laser gun in Liu Xiao's hand took the lead in launching the attack, and his target was the underwater equipment under the enemy.


The hit equipment exploded, and the Tal man lying on it was overturned by the heat wave. Then at the moment when his consciousness was weak, Liu Xiao's spiritual power suddenly penetrated into his body and completely killed his intelligence like a reamer.


A shock wave attacked Liu Xiao and others.

Liu Xiao waved his hand, and the ice walls quickly condensed in the distance in front of him. After breaking the two ice walls, he finally blocked the shock wave.

"Attack...shoot freely." With the order issued, the water pressure attack unfolded instantly.

A strong water pressure was converted into a powerful explosive force and attacked in the direction of Liu Xiao and others.

The water girl waved her hand repeatedly, and in an instant, another force formed in front of everyone, forming a hedge with the other party's pressure attack, forming two reverse currents on the seabed, rushing the two sides in the opposite direction.

Liu smiled and frowned. He did not expect that the impact generated by the pressure hedging could form such a powerful current, but this did not have a big impact on him. He only saw a few flashes and rushed into the enemy group.

As soon as the water girl saw that Liu Xiao was going to engage in a melee, she immediately used several gain skills, including the state of preventing the impact of the current and ignoring the state of pressure.

In fact, the water girl also stopped Liu Xiao and talked about the problem of water pressure. Recently, she has only recently developed an application method, so she did not estimate the strong strength of this hedging, which caused an embarrassing situation of washing away her own people away.

Then the water woman waved her hands again, and the two water dragons intertwined and swam forward, like a shrive, using the strong water pressure formed by high compression to attack.

The captain of the underwater force obviously felt the threat of the two water dragons and immediately issued an order: "Pay attention to those two water dragons when attacking and don't let them touch you.

Hit the man and attack, and I'll clean up the other women.

Sister Baihu raised her eyebrows, but before she could take action, Nie Lan took action first.

Nie Lan knew that she had not helped since she was with Liu Xiao, so this time she decided to do her best to do something for Liu Xiao, otherwise she would feel useless.


A burst of mental fluctuation swept over and pushed the captain of the advancing underwater force directly back.

Unlike on the shore, because there is no focus in the water, and the mental fluctuation is indeed a substantial existence, at the same time as the fluctuation attack, it also produces an extremely powerful current, pushing the other party directly out.

Nie Lan knew that she was not good at long-range attack, and at the same time listened to her sister's knowledge of her spiritual strength many times. Therefore, when she saw the water pressure hedging, she suddenly had an idea and thought of this possibility, so she tried it. Unexpectedly, as she imagined, there was a very strong current. Push the other party out.

With this effect brought by the spiritual fluctuation, Nie Lan's courage suddenly increased, and a spiritual arrow shot at the other party.

Tal star has an extremely strong ** for spiritual power, so although he saw the real arrow, he obviously felt that it was condensed by spiritual power, so he avoided it at the first time.

"Damn it, isn't the earth full of spiritual talents?" The captain of the underwater force thought so, and at the same time, the biochemical guns in his hand kept spraying, and ice bombs attacked Nie Lan crazily.

The white tiger sister's face changed, and her body immediately flashed in front of Nie Lan. She waved her hands constantly and blocked the ice bomb in a shadow of her hand. At the same time, she said, "Pay attention to the weapon in his hand. This bullet can penetrate the spiritual shield, which seems to be specially prepared for us."

Nie Lan and Ouyang Qing's faces changed. You should know that their biggest reliance is the spiritual shield. If the other party has a way to restrain the shield, their lives will not be as safe as before. It can be said that this is a very unfavorable news for them.