Biochemical Maniac Urban Tour

105 irritated

"Are you an idiot? If those adjutants don't pass on like this, how can they be empty generals?


"Have you heard? In order to compete for merit, the three adjutants under the general actually said that we fell into the enemy's trap and gave it to us by the enemy.


"Hey, buddy, have you heard? In order to compete for meritorious service, the three bastard adjutants under the general actually spread rumors that we colluded with the earthlings to hand over the earthlings to the first line of defense.


Rumors are called rumors because they are becoming more and more outrageous and farther away from the essence of the facts, but people like to talk about it and believe it.

The three adjutants soon heard all kinds of rumors, but they didn't think it was from Boyagodi. After all, in their opinion, although the young master had some brains, he could never think of a plan to create such rumors.

"Despicable, it's really despicable to make these dazzling people." The fat adjutant said in an atmosphere.

The tall adjutant said thoughtfully, "Do you think this is a rumor created by the enemy?"

The other adjutant was stunned, and then the short adjutant nodded: "It's true. As soon as the victory, the rumor came out. It's really too coincidental."

At this time, the fat man also calmed down, sat down quietly, thought, and then said, "If we want to deal with this crisis, I'm afraid we can't clarify the rumors, otherwise it will have a counterproductive effect, and it will be more unfavorable to us at that time."

The other two nodded silently to show their understanding.

The short man seemed to think of something and suddenly stood up and said, "No, maybe we all think a little simple."

"Hmm?" The tall adjutant and fat adjutant looked at the dwarf with a strange face.

The dwarf kept walking around the house and then said, "I have a strange feeling that the enemy arranged this time probably because he wanted to get rid of us with the help of Boyagodi's hand."

The other two were stunned, and then their faces changed greatly.

As think tanks, of course, they understand the words of the dwarf. If it is really like what they think, not only the three of them are going to die, but I'm afraid that a bigger crisis will also be ahead of them.

"The people on earth are really insidious. It seems that if we want to win this battle, we must have a simple understanding of the people on earth." Before coming to the earth, the three adjutants agreed that the earth was as backward as the aborigines of the planets they had enslaved, and the degree of wisdom was not enough.

But looking at the current situation, they know that the earth is probably not as simple as they think.


There was a sound of gently tapping on the table, and the fat officer suddenly said, "Number birds with one stone. This is a change of an idiom of the earth fan, and the three of us are the first bird hit by the stone.

The second bird is the silly young master who serves the enemy, Boyagodi.

And this last bird is these Tal star warriors who stationed us in the first line of defense.

"Good plan, good plan. Being able to get along with such a scheme is really a rare military talent, but it's a pity that he is an enemy. The Sozi officer said coldly that there was an unsearchable light in Ono's eyes.

Naturally, it is impossible for the three adjutants to sit and wait for death, so they immediately let their confidants into the dense area of these rumors and try to find the source and find out the spies hidden in the barracks.

These trained special talents are really not covered. After just two days of events, they found the three people who had been drinking with Boyagodi.

After a secret inquiry, the strict-mouthed sergeant just shook his head and said nothing, but the other two big-mouthed forks immediately shook things out.

"How could this happen?"

The three adjutants were puzzled when they looked at the investigation in front of them. After all, this was much worse than their speculation.

"What do you think?" The thin adjutant turned his head and looked at the two and asked slowly.

The fat man gently knocked on the table and said, "It's not unstoppable. You can find a way to let those two people come out to clarify."

"What you think is too simple. If it's really just a few words, we don't need to gather here to discuss countermeasures.

Not to mention anything else, whether intentional or unintentional, the consequences of this matter may be much greater than what you and I analyzed before.

Let's talk about the situation of you and me first from the current situation.

With the gradual spread of these rumors, more and more soldiers will question us, and in this way, our prestige will become lower and lower, even to the point where everyone shouts and fights.

In this way, the real power departments we can control will gradually get out of our control.

At that time, Boyagodi, the damn boy, will not listen to our plan again. Once there is another relatively larger military operation, he is likely to lose the entire front-line vanguard force. The dwarf adjutant looked worried. After all, this matter is related to their lives, so they can't help but be careful.

"In this case, we have to stop the rumors for a while and then find a way." The thin adjutant said helplessly.

In the following days, the entire Tal Star barracks was shrouded in a shadow.

When all soldiers pass through the barracks, they will be extremely careful and alert, look at each other in a hurry, with some kind of information flowing in their eyes, and then pass by.

This atmosphere lasted for more than ten days. In these days, the Tal people did not carry out an active attack, and even rarely conducted military training except to deal with the counterattack of the earthlings.

However, what really worried these Tal Star soldiers was the hundreds of Tal Star soldiers who were arrested, but the reason why they were arrested seemed very strange: "Make rumors and disturb the hearts of the army."

Boyagodi naturally knew what had happened in the barracks recently, so he worriedly summoned the transformation master to his side and asked, "Now that this has happened, do you think our plan will continue?"

In fact, the transformation master did not expect that these three originally very shrewd adjutants would make such a confused move. Don't they know that asserting that the road is like a broken road?

But this is also good. When the Chinese military department formulated this plan, it envisaged several situations, the most ideal of which is now, so he pretended to think about it and said, "General, this matter is very good. As the saying goes, asserting that the road is like a broken road. Now they do this, which is obviously a manifestation of the road of self-broken life. As long as we operate more, I believe that our goal will not be hindered, but will be achieved in advance.

"Oh? Then immediately analyze it for me and how it should work. Bojagodi not only did not affect his plan, but also helped the implementation of his plan. He immediately sat up straight with his eyes and listened in detail.

The transformation master brewed a language and then explained: "General, now you can take this opportunity to attract some talents who are eye-catching, match your personality, or have excellent military minds, so that you can be invincible in the future struggle.

And the current situation is exactly the critical moment when the three of them lose power and you gain power, so we need to fight in a similar way.

Boyagodi himself is not stupid, so he realized: "Yes, now is indeed a great opportunity."

Boyagodi himself knows that he has no talents except three adjutants. The master of deformation is one, but a general has only one confidant, which is bullshit.

After figured this out, Boyagodi found the three people who had come to drink before again, but this time they did not drink, but seemed very formal. More importantly, as soon as the three entered the room, they saw Boyagodi, the general, who was sitting in danger and said something to apologize.

"Three brothers, Boyagodi is here to apologize to you. I didn't expect so many things to happen at a banquet, which really makes me feel ashamed of the three of them. Boyagodi showed his true feelings and apologized while inviting the three of them to sit down.

"General, what are you talking about? We have nothing to do. We are just asked to ask a question. How can we be wronged?" The three of them spoke in unison. After all, they did not suffer any harm, but they were psychological and had a little mind, but it had nothing to do with Boyagodi. Instead, they felt very bored with the three adjutants.

Boyagodi shook his head and shook his head: "You are welcome. I later learned that after I was drunk that day, I actually said what I shouldn't have said, which made the three of them wronged and caused the current situation."

The three were silent, and they naturally had a deep feeling about what was happening in the barracks.

Today's barracks are like the tranquility before the storm, which seems to be brewing an extremely huge storm, and what's more frightening is that the biggest contributors among them still have the shadow of these three.

Boyagodi looked at the expressions of the three people and then said, "Three, today I, Boyagodi, said something from the bottom of my heart. I'm really fed up with the domineering and invincence of those three, so I plan to completely isolate them and overshadow them.

I don't know if the three of you can help me fulfill this little wish?

It is actually a very simple thing for a general to want to empty his men, but it is that the general in front of him has to sneak out in order to achieve such a seemingly simple purpose, which shows how miserable he is.

However, the more so, the more excited the three are. You should know that the merits of the father and the successors are completely different.

If the three of them join the camp of General Boyagedi at this time, it will be a gift of charcoal in the snow, and they will never be able to talk about the same as the group of people who came later.

Thinking of this, the three looked at each other, and then strengthened their thoughts. They gave a standard military salute to Boyagodi and said, "I am willing to obey the general's arrangement and ensure that every task assigned by the general is completed."

Boyagodi was satisfied with the other party's reaction and then waved his hand: "Don't be so serious. Since the people present are all their own, it's easier in private.

Sit down, sit down.

Now I want to ask the three, if I let you attract a group of talents for our future career, I don't know if you have any candidates?

The three people thought for a while and then reported some names, all of which were small and medium-level officers, but the more so, the happier Bojagodi was.

Those senior officers, not to mention that they themselves represent some special forces, such as the First Council or the Second Parliament, is a very complicated question in itself whether you can control these officers.

These medium-level officers are different. Most of them do not represent any forces, but they directly hold part of the military power.

Although these military power does not seem to be large, as the saying goes, once the base of lieutenant colonel-level officers increases, there are absolutely no small number of military power to be controlled.

Boyagodi nodded and then ordered, "You secretly reveal some of my thoughts to these people to see if they are willing to join us. If you are willing and sure there is nothing to do, find a way to let them come over."

In this stall of the intrigue between Boyagodi and the three adjutants, Liu Xiao and others once again received information from the transformation master, describing the development of recent days in detail one by one.

Liu Xiao sat in the conference room and quietly listened to the analysis of these commanders.

"It seems that Lao Liu's performance is quite successful. It's not in vain to spend such a huge performance." Commander-in-chief Lao Wu said with a laugh.

Lao Li stretched out his hand and patted the copy of the information fiercely: "This General Boyagodi really cooperates with us. As the saying goes, it's impolite to come and not. He cooperates so well that we don't give big gifts to each other. It doesn't make sense at all.

"Oh? Lao Li, what's your idea?" Commander Lao Wang looked at Lao Li with a smile and asked with a smile.

Lao Li smiled and said, "What does it mean to be corrupt? I have a lot of tricks, okay?

Without talking nonsense, we must now find a way to let these green brain shells know that the army they sent to North America has been completely destroyed.

But there is a little attention. We must find a way to make them understand that there is no participation of our country in dealing with those troops, otherwise our plan will be in great trouble.

"What do I think it is? It's easy to do. Find a way to let the United States send a secret notice, and find a way to let the Tal people intercept these notifications, isn't it?" Lao Liu also stayed after commanding the battle, so he said his thoughts out loud.

The commanders present nodded and agreed, and then a secret proposal was handed to the U.S. headquarters.

Three days later, in the conference room of Tal Star Barracks, Boyagodi sent an at the three adjutants for the first time.

"Three, according to your plan, we have sent a small number of combat elites into North America, but how many days have passed, not to mention the perfect completion of the task, even the news has completely disappeared. Is this what you call a foolproof plan?" Boyagodi's face was full of anger, as if he was going to devour the three adjutants below.

The three adjutants looked ugly. Since they took the first line of defense, the conflict between the two sides seemed to have been completely intensified. The three of them were completely for the sake of the young master, but their good intentions were regarded as donkey liver and lungs, which made them look bad, and they spoke very unpleasantly.

Such an atmosphere made the officers at all levels present conclude that although the rumors of the past may not be true, they are at least * inseparable, so the conference room was suddenly shrouded in a very secret atmosphere.

"Young master, you can't say that. Any situation of war can happen. I believe they must have had some accidents and been delayed." The fat adjutant obviously couldn't calm down, so it was very rude to speak.

The thin commander's heart thumped, and he obviously felt that when the fat man said these words again, the officers around him obviously looked a little solemn, and many people seemed to be thinking about it.

However, the thin man didn't say anything. If it is explained at this time, it is equivalent to covering up. It's better to be so good for the time being.

But at this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and an information soldier stumbled in and shouted, "General, it's not good, general..."

Before he finished speaking, Boyagodi immediately interrupted him: "What's going on? What's going on?"

With that, Boyagodi took the documents in the hands of the information soldier, but when he saw the news above, he suddenly stood up in shock.

Everyone felt somewhat inexplicable, and then saw Boyagodi's tightly clenched hands hit the table fiercely, and then threw the notice to the general beside him and said, "Everyone, take a look at this notice. This is the good idea given to us by these three so-called think tanks."

When the three heard Boyagodi say this, they suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts, but they didn't say anything. After all, they still didn't understand what was going on now, so they had to choose to be silent.

However, when the notification reached their hands and looked at the news, I was silent again.

"This is impossible. The enemy must be exaggerating the results." The fat man absolutely did not believe that with the armament of the earth, he could kill the underwater troops and air flying regiments of their Tal people without the help of Liu Xiao.

They have analyzed in detail, and even the people in the Tal Star Army agreed that the power of the earthlings is all concentrated on the front line of South Korea, otherwise there would never be no army to attack the Japanese island.

That's why they boldly attack North America, and at the same time, with a little temptation.

However, in their opinion, this kind of temptation is at most a retreat. It is impossible for the whole army to be destroyed. They haven't even thought about it.

But what is this notice? It is a notice issued by the United States to various countries through secret channels.

Obviously, this notice itself has two meanings of showing off and celebrating, and it is also the main experience that the West can strengthen communication and explore how to deal with the Tal Star Corps.

"Ha ha, the three of them are really a good plan. They directly entered a team of underwater troops and flying corps. It's really amazing." Boyagodi's words were not ridiculed, but really angry.

No matter how they fight, no matter how incompatible they are, it's their own business, but the corps are the empire. These losses are weakening the living power of the imperial army. It will take several years to replenish them without a team. After all, the fertility of their Tal people is not excellent.

The fat adjutant seemed to want to refute something. The thin man pulled him down with a tall man, and then the thin man said, "General, this matter is really hard to believe. After all, even the people of the military department think that North America will not have the power to stop our Tal Star army, so I think there must be something wrong with this. Place."

Boyagodi laughed angrily: "Ha ha, well, very good. Since the people of the military department also think so, let's let the people of the military department see this war report.

Come and move the interstellar communication equipment to the conference room. I want to see for myself to see if the military department really thinks that their judgment is always right.

Looking at Boyagodi's temper, no one in the conference room dared to make a sound, and his soldiers quickly moved an interstellar communication device to the conference room and put it in the center of the conference table.

After connecting the communication equipment, a Tal star with a three-dimensional image appeared at the conference table: "This is the communications commissioner of the military department, the intelligence backup number."

"This is the Earth Command. I'm General Boyagodi, numbered Lorta 96." Boyagodi's face is blue.

The communication specialist operated for a while, and then said, "Confirmation is complete, and the connection begins."

After a while, a Tal star wearing a military uniform and looking very rigid appeared in front of the crowd and asked, "General Boyagodi, how is the earth's combat situation? Is it carried out according to the plan formulated by our military department?"

Boyagodi's face turned pale and said, "Ha ha, Commander, I think you don't reply to what I said. It's better for me to report to these three generals."

When Boyagodi said the words "man" and "general", he especially aggravated his tone.

The commander was obviously stunned, and then looked at the three adjutants and felt very incredible.

He knows very well that these three are obviously adjutants, but this young master Boyagodi actually called him a general, especially in that tone, as if their relationship is very bad.

More importantly, the general is put together with his men, which is really nondescript.

The thin man looked at Boyagodi, then stood up and saluted him and said, "Report, commander, our troops stationed on Earth have tested in full accordance with the plan formulated by the military department, but there was an accident."

In the end, his voice was obviously lowered. After all, he was not very confident.

The commander was stunned. Obviously, he was surprised. The plan formulated by the military department has always been unfavorable. Although there have been several failures, it was also caused by the mistakes of the commanders on the battlefield, so he asked with some unclear questions: "Oh? Tell me, what happened?"

The thin man gritted his teeth: "Report to the commander, we acted in accordance with the plan formulated by the military department and successfully won the first line of defense under the leadership of the general's leading soldiers, but the underwater troops and flying legions we sent to the coast of North America... then... the whole army was destroyed."

"What? The whole army was destroyed? Are you right?" The commander's eyes were extremely wide in an instant. Although the overall number of the two troops sent was not large, it was unimaginable that the whole army was destroyed.

Then, there was a moment of silence in the conference room, and then the commander calmed down and asked, "Have you confirmed it?" Is it really the whole army destroyed?

A trace of cold sweat clearly oozed from the thin man's face and said, "Yes, your Excellency, the army we sent to the coast of North America has been completely destroyed."

The commander's heart was full of huge waves at this time. He couldn't believe that a low-level civilized planet like the earth could kill all his team. It seems that the reason why the general destroyed the whole army was not because of his command error, but also because of the strength of the earth, not because of what we wanted. So weak.

However, the commander suddenly thought that it seemed that the battle was not without gains, so he asked, "Did you just say that the first line of defense of the earthlings was broken by General Boyagodi?"

"Yes, Commander, but our group of three believes that this matter may be strange, and it is likely that the defense line that the enemy deliberately gave up for some plans." The thin man truthfully reported his idea, after all, they have a clear conscience.

However, what they didn't expect was that they had a clear conscience, but others didn't think so.

Most of the officers present knew the previous rumors, and due to identity problems, they naturally tracked down, so they also knew the original content.

However, they don't believe it, because in their opinion, the three adjutants don't seem to have any benefit in doing so, so they just think that Boyagodi is a manifestation of dissatisfaction living in their shadow.

However, now in front of so many non-commissioned officers, they said it without hesitation, which obviously surprised them and began to rethink their previous rumors.

The commander nodded: "I'm afraid that our military can't analyze the specific situation on the earth now. The situation there seems to be much more complicated than we thought, so we will delegate power to the Earth Command, which is fully responsible for Earth operations, and the military will no longer directly participate."

The commander-in-chief can't do anything about it. The situation on the earth is far beyond their imagination, so they can only completely hand over the command, otherwise it will be extremely unfavorable to the normal earth battle.

The thin man sat down and was extremely depressed.

The reason why they were able to successfully implement various military plans before was with the support of the military department, but now the complex situation on the earth made Boyagodi regain military power, which made the three people feel extremely depressed.

In fact, they didn't care whether the military power was on them, but the problem was that Boyagodi was not a wise general, and his analysis of the war was very naive, so they were not at ease at all. After all, the first congressman handed over his precious grandson Naturally, they have to do their best.

However, some things are often counterproductive, just like the rebellious psychology of a young man. The more you suppress him, the more arrogant he is. The more you follow, the more obedient he is.

Boyagodi was so happy that he got military power, which means that he, as a general, is finally worthy of his name, and then his perfect plan can finally be implemented one by one.

"Hahaha... I didn't expect that we would have unexpected gains." Liu Xiao looked at the latest information and laughed.

Lao Wu nodded: "I didn't expect it. This is typical of someone giving pillows when he is sleepy. This decision of the commander of Tal Star is really timely. It rains in time.

is completely different from the mysterious atmosphere in the military camp of the Tal people, and the atmosphere on this side of the earth is quite lively and warm.

Originally, according to their expectation, it was step by step to induce Boyagodi and the three adjutants to completely break up, then there was a conflict, and finally resolved it by force, and then Boyagodi took power, so that they could realize this plan.

But now it seems that there is no need for it, because they themselves handed over the military power to Boyagodi.

In fact, in the opinion of Commander Tal Star, it doesn't matter whether the general's power is handed over to Boyagodi, because on Boyagodi, there is a first congressman pressing him, and I believe he dares not turn out any splash.

However, what he couldn't imagine was that Boyagodi had endured for too long. Once it broke out, not to mention the grandfather of his first congressman, the king of the empire, could not move him at all.

At this time, the three adjutants sat in the room. After a discussion, they made the biggest wrong decision, and even this decision eventually became the whole thing*.

"Your Excellency, the situation on our side is in danger of losing control." After some discussion, the three immediately contacted the first congressman.

The first congressman looked very old. After all, he thought he was an old man in his 200 and 90s, but his thoughts were still very clear, and his eyes were also very bright and asked, "Why, what's wrong with my good grandson?"

The three quickly told the whole story, especially the sudden decentralization of power by His Excellency the commander-in-chief at today's meeting.

The first congressman laughed and immediately said, "Nothing, it's normal. After all, is I still there? That little rabbit can't turn over the waves.

Okay, I'll talk about him."

After a while, Boyagodi, who was humming a little song, suddenly received a message that his old immortal grandfather actually came to communicate.

His face became extremely ugly in an instant, but he still connected the communication: "Grandpa, long time no see."

"Haha, good grandson, how are you doing on earth?"

"It's okay." Although he said this, he secretly slandered himself: "What a fart. With the three uncles you sent, it's strange that I can be good young master."

The first congressman exchanged a few more words, and then talked about the topic: "Xiao Boya, I heard about your recent affairs. Grandpa wants to criticize you. How dangerous it is on the front line. How can you run to lead the troops in person? You should know that Grandpa is the only grandson like you.

In addition, you should not conflict with Grandpa's three men. You should know that they are loyal to the family. With their assistance, you can become a high-ranking person as long as you don't do anything.

Listen to Grandpa, listen to their opinions on everything, and leave the war to them.

Boyagodi lowered his head and said nothing with a resentful and distorted face, but in the eyes of the first congressman, it seemed to be his acquiescence and consent. Of course, it was also because he did not see the terrible face of his own grandson at all.

Turn off the communicator and found the transformation master: "I thought everything was fine, but I never thought that everything had changed. As long as my grandfather's immortal pressure, there would be no chance for me to come out."

"In fact, it's not that there is no chance, but the general, you have not shown the strength corresponding to this position.

Imagine, if you have the strength to be a general, will the first congressman still send these three people?

The answer is yes. Obviously, it's not impossible, so the general must take advantage of this principle to show his real talent and learning, so that the first congressman can be impressed.

Boyagodi was convinced and nodded: "Yes, you're right. Although the immortality is my obstacle, he is really good to me, which can't be denied.

What should I do to show my talent?

Although the transformation master knew how to answer for a long time, he touched his chin and paced slowly in the room, as if he had fallen into deep thinking.

For a moment, while Boyagodi was waiting impatiently, the transformation master suddenly stopped and said, "I have two plans here, one is mild and the other is more intense."

"Oh? What is mild? What is fierce? Tell me about it." Boyagodi couldn't wait. He felt as if he was about to see the dawn of victory and see countless beauties on Tal Star cheering for him.

The transformation master did not hesitate and said, "First of all, it is gentle, that is, to force your three adjutants under house arrest and send people to guard them, and then attack the earth according to your intention and occupy the earth as soon as possible. In this way, your charge of house arrest of three adjutants is nothing.

As for the more intense, it is to find a way to arrange a great crime to kill these three adjutants directly, so that you will not have any containment and you can completely let go.

Boyagodi thought carefully and first felt that the gentle means were good. After all, these three were from the family.

But on second thought, it seems wrong. If these three guys bite back and say that I stole their plans, or something else, and then they can't eat it, it's themselves.

After thinking about it, he suddenly found that he really seemed to have only one way, so he made a decision and said, "I'll choose the second way. Let's talk about it. What's your good idea?"

The transformation master was happy, and then leaned over and muttered in Boyagodi's ear, saying the plan that had already been completed.

Boyagodi frowned first, then the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally slapped his thigh fiercely: "Okay, this strategy is very good."

That night, Boyagodi held another military meeting, and the most important issue was the attack on the second line of defense.

"In view of our recent rest time, I have decided to start attacking the second defense line tomorrow. As a general, I will lead a commando team to detour to the rear of the second defense line and launch an attack directly on its rear defense line. I hope that the troops will win enough for us in the front battle. Enough time." Boyagodi looked serious.

The generals present nodded one after another and thought it was true. After all, the delay has indeed been a little long, but everyone present was a little worried. After all, the last general also used this strategy, but obviously, he failed.

Boyagodi then said, "My three adjutants, you must act with me in tomorrow's attack. As my adjutant, there is no reason for me to charge, but you are drinking wine and playing with women in the barracks, right?"

The three adjutants looked embarrassed. Although they didn't really drink and play with women, in the last battle, they did watch the young master charge, but they just watched in the rear.

However, that night, the three adjutants had diarrhea collectively, so when they gathered and set out the next day, they could not go together at all.

The battle started like this, but completely different from what everyone thought, Boyagodi returned to the barracks in confusion two hours after leaving.

"Damn traitor, there must be a traitor between us. If it hadn't been for the early discovery of the general's flying corps, my team would have been finished, and even the general would have completely died in the hands of the damn earthman." Boyagodi became more and more angry and even roared and smashed the metal conference table.

"No way? Last time, we were also ambushed, but according to later intelligence, it was obvious that the other party was going to attack us, which happened halfway, but this time it was completely an ambush. Is there really a traitor? A general said thoughtfully.

Boyagodi sat down angrily and shouted, "Try it for me, be sure to check it for me." Let everyone gather in the square and send a personal guard to search all the rooms.