Spiritual Path

Chapter 68 Nebula Soul

The sky rotates with the yin and yang fish, and Jiang Chen also feels that he is constantly rotating, which is very strange. But think about it, it should indeed be like this. This sea of consciousness is his own, and it is the most important part of himself. How can he not turn?

"Master, what's wrong?"

Jiang Chen understood that this was not an evil ritual, but a series of mutations in his soul space. It's really sensational. This sea of consciousness belongs to Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen himself is not familiar with his own sea of consciousness. It seems that this sea of consciousness is not carried by himself, but hung by others. Jiang Chen did not know what happened to his soul when such a situation appeared in the sea of his consciousness. So Bai Ying couldn't help sighing faintly, "You don't know your own sea of consciousness. How can I, an outsider, know?"

Jiang Chen was very huished.

" calm down and feel what's going on!" After saying that, Bai Ying stretched out one of her hands and put it on Jiang Chen's forehead, "Listen to me, your body is relaxed!" Jiang Chen slowly relaxed his body and stopped looking at the yin and yang fish in the sky. Jiang Chen felt that he was completely in a stream of air and opened his eyes again, but he stood above a nebula-like starry sky. But what's more strange is that Jiang Chen suddenly felt that he was the nebula, and he could control the heavens in the nebula.

This is a mysterious feeling. Jiang Chen feels strange, but it is very novel.

"See, this is the sea of your soul. That's great. Your soul is like a nebula. The man in white appeared behind Jiang Chen and looked at Jiang Chen and said, "Although it is a nebula, your soul is still too weak."

Jiang Chen looked at the nebula in front of him and could not imagine that this was the origin of his soul. A whole nebula-shaped soul is constantly rotating in place.

"Master, I know that the nebula is moving, but why does the nebula move?" Jiang Chen asked that although there was no white figure around him, he knew that his master had been around him, and she must have heard her own questions.

"Look carefully at the center of the nebula!"

Jiang Chen heard the words and looked in the middle of his nebula. In the middle of the rotation, there was a very small yin and yang fish chasing each other. In the process of continuous pursuit, the Yang fish keeps devouring the yin fish, and the Yin fish keeps devouring the Yang fish, all of which are constantly disappearing and growing, but it is always impossible to say who will take advantage of whom. In the process of chasing each other, the yin and yang gas behind it is constantly trailing to form a big tail. In this way, the whole nebula keeps rotating. But how can such a situation be formed, and how can one's soul be born equal in yin and yang?

seemed to know what Jiang Chen was thinking, and a voice came.

"The question you are thinking about now is a little far away, and I don't understand that question myself. You have to find the answer by yourself."

Just finished speaking, the center of my nebula was hit by something. What can be faintly seen is a gray gas. The gray gas suddenly went straight to the center of the nebula. Jiang Chen suddenly felt a splitting headache, and his head seemed to have been smashed with a big vertebra. Then the transformed nebula was fixed in his head, a light flashed, and he was in his sea of consciousness, and the yin and yang fish now rotated faster.

There seemed to be something in my head, and those things were like a mass of gunpowder, igniting in my head, and then exploding, and my head was covered with paste.

"The Force?"

The white figure said in surprise.

"Who is so kind-hearted that he sent his own Force? Originally, there was an careless Zhu Yan, who is this now?"

If this sentence is heard by someone outside, he will not close his eyes directly! Who gave him the Force? What did he think? I was wronged to death. I was not only not received my own employment expenses, but also put some upside down. I was really wronged to death.

If that person is reluctantly dead, the following sentence will definitely make him die.

"Huh? Why is there another one?"

It turned out that another force rushed into the yin and yang fish, and the yin and yang fish turned more joyfully.

What's wrong with this Force?

At this time, something is roaring up to the sky somewhere.

"Thief boy, you'd better not let me meet you, otherwise, I will smash you into ten thousand pieces!"

"The robber!"

"I curse you!"

The so-called Force is the most original power and the embodiment of some heavenly forces. Among them, the chaotic fire that burns everything is one of them, and the power used by the virtual shadow is also a kind of the Force. Hongxi's force can be said to be cultivated by himself, and the force of that virtual shadow is born. Once deprived, it is basically a rooting!

Jiang Chen has completely fainted now.

If there was a small firecracker in Jiang Chen's head just now, then what detonated in Jiang Chen's head at this moment was the legendary positive and negative material energy bomb detonated in his head, and his head was completely covered with paste.

The yin and yang fish in the sky doesn't care about what their master is doing, and the consciousness space below is hit by the last force, and the whole space is constantly twisted and deformed.

The white shadow looked at the surrounding space constantly twisting, and the blurred face became a little ugly, as if it wanted to summon something, and there were some doubts.

"Pupil power! It's actually the pupil!"

A gray energy was thrown into the sea of consciousness by the yin and yang fish. I don't know what kind of law the white shadow used. The palms of the hand flipped between them, and the gray energy flowed to the front of the white shadow. The white figure looked gently and suddenly screamed. This is actually the pupil. My father is full of praise for this kind of power. This original power is actually the most mysterious and great pupil in the world. It turns out that this kind of force really exists.

Looking at the gray energy in the palm of his hand, the white figure looked at Jiang Chen who fell to the ground, looking a little complicated. In the end, he still didn't give the gray energy to Jiang Chen. He spit out gently, and the gray energy instantly penetrated into the body of the white shadow.

Bai Ying's body suddenly trembled, and his hands pressed his head fiercely, as if Bai Ying's head had been bombed by firecrackers. On the blurred face, at this time, a pair of divine eyes appeared, and those eyes suddenly looked like a yin and yang fish.

The white shadow was already uncomfortable and lay on the ground. At this time, a bead suddenly flew out from a corner of Haiti, black. In an instant, he arrived in front of Bai Yinger's body.

When Bai Yinger saw the bead, she looked strange and couldn't help but be overjoyed. She stretched out her hand, held the bead in her hand and sent it to her mouth.

After the beads were swallowed into the body, Bai Yinger's body became more transparent. Bai Yinger sat in place, her body turned red and blue, and there was a fog outside her body. Obviously, white is refining something.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe for a long time, maybe just for a moment, the yin and yang fish in the sky are gone, and the twisted sea of consciousness slowly restored. At this time, Bai Yinger also woke up.

Jiang Chen did not wake up, but Jiang Chen is quite strange now.

The ankle, the wrist is actually bound by the chain. The chain is incomplete, only a few sections, but the ring that locks the hand is golden!

Bai Yinger looked at Jiang Chen's appearance, thought for a moment, and couldn't help sighing, "It seems that you have got something that you can't control. However, your luck is really good. There is a Zhenyuan chain to protect you.

Then he touched his lower abdomen, where a bead was shining.

"It's really strange that dimensional beads have chosen you. Your body is really a little mysterious! Ha ha, but if that's not the case, how can it be causal with me?"

After thinking about it, Bai Ying smiled and said, "I don't want to. Now that the dimension pearl is back, I can borrow this Yuanzhu to practice. Think about it that the girl has said a lot of things she shouldn't have said and done a lot of things she shouldn't do outside!"

"Now, let's wake him up first!"

White shadow bent down. He put his hand on Jiang Chen's forehead, and a light rushed into Jiang Chen's head. As Guanghua entered, Jiang Chen's twisted face became soft and slowly woke up.

With Jiang Chen's situation, the chain also slowly disappeared. Jiang Chen touched his forehead, "It was terrible just now."

The moment Jiang Chen fainted, he seemed to experience what he was most afraid of in his heart, and instantly pierced Jiang Chen's soul. Then, I had to faint. But at that moment, Jiang Chen completely collapsed, but he didn't know what the horror was at that moment.

"It's okay. We should go out!"