Spiritual Path

Chapter 81 Power! Power! (, ask for votes)

Looking at the invable hillside in front of him, Jiang Chen had some emotions. No wonder this forest does not have a long history of growth. Even if it grows in the dark, so what? When it encounters a volcanic eruption, it does not return to the pre-liberation overnight. The breeze is not cool, and there are bursts of heat waves on your face. Coupled with the strong smell of sulfur in the air, everything is really close.

Although this is almost the highest place in Xiaoxiang Forest. However, the edge of the forest is still not visible.

Although it is an active volcano, it has not been heard of a major eruption here for almost hundreds of years. Although, there are bursts of heat waves around!" Jiang Chen looked around and felt the heat getting stronger and stronger. She couldn't help but have some whim, "If I erupt as soon as I come, it would be fun!"

This thing is more fun, but unfortunately, Jiang Chen can only play it once in his life. General earthquakes or volcanoes are not very dangerous for people, but real big volcanoes, the ability to destroy the world will make one of the most extreme masters feel desperate!

Jiang Chen will not choose a place where natural disasters are haunted to prove whether he is a illusory protagonist! There are too few protagonists in this world, and there are too many accidents!

Jiang Chen chose such a place. Although it was because of the fire in the heart of the earth, there seemed to be a voice in his heart telling himself that he wanted to come to a place. But the sound is vague like a feeling, and a feeling is still vague and can't judge the source!

Just as a voice telling himself what to do, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to walk to the shortest but deepest crater among the volcanoes.

"Young master, why don't you choose a higher one, like this." A man in black appeared beside Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is proficient in miscellaneous studies. Naturally, he knows that the higher the volcano, the more active it is, but among the volcanoes, the shortest volcano is the most dangerous. Because once it erupts, you have no chance to escape. There is boiling magma above and below!

"It doesn't matter. I just want to take advantage of the anger here. Just wait in this crater!"

In fact, this place has now been protected by some people in black, and the people and beasts outside can't enter here. However, this can't prevent people with cultivation above the holy steps. However, the most lacking thing in this Xiaoxiang Mountains is spirit beasts or elixirs. Which holy level will come to such a place boringly!

Jiang Chen went down without thinking about it. Behind him is a master, and there is no problem for him to go down.

The entrance of this shortest volcano is very spacious. Jiang Chen walked down, and a dark shadow quietly followed Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen also knew that there was a person behind him.

After a short walk, I arrived at a platform. There is almost a cliff in front of the platform, in other words, this should be the end of this crater.

"Because it is close to the ground, is this crater very shallow?" Jiang Chen said lightly and slowly walked on the forehead platform. Jiang Chen slowly looked at the platform and surroundings. Although it is a platform, it is not so flat. There are potholes everywhere, and there is a notch around it. Obviously, this place has been here before, and it is likely that more than one person is as simple. Jiang Chen thought for a moment and was relieved. Although there are some remoteness here, the energy of the fire attribute is very rich, and this volcano has not erupted for a hundred years. It should be a very stable and safe place for cultivation. Maybe some old monsters don't care about such a place, but the monks of the virtual and spiritual realm are just right.

"Zhang Lao, please take a look at the attributes here!"

Jiang Chen's vision is limited by strength, so he naturally dares not say anything to understand. However, Mr. Zhang around him is a capable person, and it should be more reliable for him to make an appraisal.

The dark shadow rose in the air, slightly closing its eyes and sensing the surrounding scene. Then in Jiang Chen's surprised eyes, he plunged into the cliff in front of the platform.

In front of the platform is a cliff. It may not be right to say that the cliff is, because the magma rolling below a height of more than ten meters keeps rolling, sometimes bubbles emerge, and then a smell of sulfur comes to the nose. For martial arts practitioners, the smell of heat or sulfur on the edge of the platform is too insignificant!

Jiang Chen did not feel any discomfort in the highly toxic sulfur gas!

"No danger was found. The fire attribute energy intensity of the edge is six!"

Strength 6 is already a very good strength. In this secular world that lacks aura, it can reach six, which is a very good strength.

"six degrees?" Jiang Chen lowered his head and thought about it. Six degrees should not be too strong for him. Jiang Chen no longer remembers that his body has been refined by Zhu Yan's black fire once, and the six degrees of fire should be mild to him.

The black figure seemed to want to say something, but finally his lips moved and said nothing. As a master above the Holy Level, you can naturally see that although his young master's body is not as good as his own, it is not far different. Jiang Chen's efforts over the past few years have secretly protected his young master and are also watching his young master's efforts. For ordinary people, those efforts are enough for an ordinary person to become a virtual world, but they only have some strength for their young master. These hardships may not be a big deal for a child in an ordinary family. But for Jiang Chen, there are some pasts. Jiang Chen can give up the most unforgettable glory of some big families, which is an unbearable burden in a teenager or a man's life. But he did not hesitate to turn the solid city into a historical site!

But the man in black also knew that in the past few days, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be some secrets in his young master's body. Because the young master can give people a momentum, which is not because of the identity of the young master, but a way! A martial arts momentum! And the young master, who has never experienced physical refining, is so strong that he feels some amazing!

Jiang Chen turned around, looked at the indescribable look on the black man's face and smiled, "Master Zhang, you know, this will be an opportunity for me to regain my power. Although it is a little dangerous, you know, it can make me have my real power."

Then he clenched his fist very hard and roared in a low voice, "Power! That's power!" A kind of will soared into the sky. Naturally, the old man familiar with Jiang Chen did not feel much surprise, but felt a little desolate.

The desire for power has become a brand, for Jiang Chen!

Then slowly walked towards the cliff! Jiang Chen saw the rolling magma and showed off his power to himself at his feet.

"Okay, you go out! Maybe I'll be here for a while." Jiang Chen said lightly that he may always be the young master. Although he is self-exiled, some of the instructions in his tone are still charming.

The old man in black said behind him, "I will protect the young master on the side."

Jiang Chen thought about it and finally agreed. In such a place, the old man in black will not rest assured that he will take risks alone. If something goes wrong, whether it is the old man's fault or not, it will be the old man's fault in the end. This is the rule of the big family. Jiang Chen can't change it, so he can only adapt to it.

"Then I'll go down!"

Jiang Chen peeled off his clothes, and his strong body stood on the edge of the cliff without a trace of scholarly atmosphere, thinking about some cultivation methods about the fire seal in the ancient seal of the phoenix. I don't know what's going on with my body. It seems that there are no impurities. In this way, my body can directly introduce fire energy and directly temper my body.

Jiang Chen slowly approached the edge and guided the hot energy from the pavement into his body. Jiang Chen closed his eyes slightly and guided the heat into his organs with his consciousness. At this time, this kind of heat is still very mild, and this kind of heat is very suitable for warming your abdomen. Most of the methods of refining the body are more from the outside to the inside. And this kind of refining method is similar to some methods of the demon clan. The demon clan uses its own body to meet the wind and frost sword. At the beginning, it may be more cruel and painful, but when its body gradually accepts that kind of blow, the body will slowly become stronger. The spirit body itself is a treasure, and no one can tell what is hidden in it, but there are some things that can be sure, that is, the spirit body is alive, even if only one cell of the spirit body has strong vitality. And one of the wonderful things about life is that when you encounter an external disaster, you will mutate, then get used to that kind of disaster, and finally get used to it. When you encounter this kind of disaster again, the disaster is no longer a disaster for you.

In the rumors of this world, the aura is so thin that all species cannot survive, finally extinction, and finally withdrawing from the historical stage. As the most developed human beings, the innate has become an insurmountable brium. However, the current aura is enough to support everyone like a dragon, all of whom are congenital.

However, this habit is the most primitive method. Jiang Chen already knew that if he wanted to take advantage of the real fire seal, his body must be like a steel and iron bone, not a gorgeous appearance and empty inside. Belly viscera is the most vulnerable place. That place is as fragile as the soul purple house protected by the skull cavity. The difference is that the soul purple house is protected by the skull, but not the viscera.

The fiery energy rushed into his abdomen, and that kind of suffocation and distress made Jiang Chen feel like he wanted to die. But this feeling that life is worse than death is quite long. Jiang Chen was already uncomfortable and seemed to explode, but he didn't want to retreat at all in his heart.

Jiang Chen knew that he could not use the cultivation method of the soul. He could not ascend like others, spiritual realm, virtual realm and holy realm. If others use the aura between heaven and earth, they can only use a strong body. The road to becoming stronger has been limited by my strange soul, and that's all I can take!

Power! Power! How can you let go of the only opportunity?