Spiritual Path

Chapter 74 Pupil, Tiantong

When the world first opened, there was no such thing as perception between heaven and earth, but only loneliness. The ancient creator did not know what loneliness was. When something loses its comparison, then it has no value to exist. Heaven and earth will slowly evolve, and creatures will gradually become rich. The opening of heaven and earth brings not only three thousand avenues, but also the consciousness of the opening of heaven and earth. The essence of this consciousness is a true spirit. When a true spirit gradually disperses, there are many true spirits between heaven and earth! With the true spirit, no matter what the external environment is, there will always be creatures between heaven and earth! When the world first opened, everything between heaven and earth was the most primitive. There are no mountains, rivers and mountains, no sun, moon and stars, only dense spirits! These spiritual children slowly formed clusters of nebulus in the process of crossing each other. A long time later, the nebulus slowly condensed into clusters and formed stars. The outline of the universe slowly formed. I don't know whether it is a mutation or a gradual change. Some creatures began to appear between heaven and earth, and no one knows how it came from. It doesn't matter what they want, but they slowly gave birth to this kind of consciousness! With creatures, there is civilization. When the universe first opened, the civilization between heaven and earth was actually very monotonous. After hundreds of millions of years, heaven and earth are still like newborns, and the so-called civilization has only become a name for later generations. The evolution of creatures is very slow at the beginning, but those creatures without complex ideas will not care about the time or the era at all. The shortest civilization history has only lasted hundreds of thousands of years, but this original civilization has experienced billions of years! Nothing can stand the polishing of time. Although the speed of mutation is slow, it is still mutating, and some high-level creatures slowly appear between heaven and earth. Wisdom has become higher, and power has begun to vent. At this time, civilization still belongs to the previous civilization era. There is an obvious dividing line between every civilization. This side of the line is this shore, and that side is another world. Creatures are becoming more and more developed, and intelligent creatures will explore. At that time, the exploration was to explore with their own sea of consciousness. After an unknown amount of time, there has finally been another change between heaven and earth. This change is that creatures can use a receiver to receive information in the universe without exploring the sea of consciousness. Sea of consciousness detection is a direct detection, so although it is accurate, the range that can be perceived is still very short. But looking at it by indirect observation means, although what you see will not be very real, it is the most useful between heaven and earth, because it can be seen farther. So the man who didn't know who it was built a bridge between the soul and the body! The bridge made at that time was the eyes! The appearance of eyes suddenly made the creatures continue to explore outside, and the creatures also continued to develop. When giving creatures a world that can be looked at from afar, it brings a great opportunity to the development of creatures. Because the eye is something that appeared in ancient times, it contains the road inherited from ancient times. However, the creatures gradually developed and found that the eyes were enough to see things. They did not need such a powerful power at all, and some of them diluted the power of the eyes. But some other creatures found the secret of their powerful eyes and slowly inherited it. When there were powerful changes between heaven and earth, they found that the hard-earned martial arts were not as good as the power directly inherited at that time! At this time, another group that cultivated the power of pupils changed, and the whole person became an eyeball. The expedition relies entirely on the power of this eye, and they have completely changed into another creature. They are slowly called Pupil Demon! In that era of frequent battles, the most powerful warrior was the weak pupil clan. But the power of pupils varies, so the probability of surviving in war is also different! However, this balance has been broken, because some people have found a way to extract other people's souls to enhance their own souls, and can also directly extract the power of other people's eyes to enhance the power of their own eyes. The man who found the news had completely killed his relatives and friends in one day, and he also obtained the pupil of the creatures he killed. After the experiment, he found that the so-called pupils could fuse with each other, because this relationship was originally only intermediate pupils. After obtaining the pupils of relatives and friends, his eyes actually found mutations and turned into devouring pupils! No matter which world you have a strong force, you will not only be respected but also be coveted. Soon after, this man died in the battle, and his empathy tos and turns and has no place to stay. I don't know what happened later, but this pupil slowly disappeared from everyone's sight. Because there are some amazing pupils in the pupil demon family. The pupil of replication, the pupil of destruction, the pupil of reincarnation, the pupil of seal... and so on have appeared in the race of the pupil demon. Children keep killing in order to get stronger eyes!

But those eyes are not the most powerful. Legend has a kind of eyes called Tiantong, which contains the most powerful force in the world. If you want to get it, you will put all your eyes together. Only by putting all your eyes together can you push back to the original eye's original force, which includes the power of heaven and earth! With the development of killing, human knowledge has gradually become stronger. Although we don't know what the power of heaven and earth is, everyone knows that it is a great power, so everyone chases it! But this is just a legend, a legend that caused internal narrism among the pupil demon family. Although it is a legend, some people believe the legend at some time. No one knows if others are like this, but a child believes it.

Children have no name but only sad experiences! His power once broke a record of changing more than thousands of masters in one day! Originally, it was only power, but in less than a thousand years, this one has been stained with the mark of hundreds of thousands of owners! Although it is a powerful force, basically no master has time to fully release the power of the swallowing pupil. I don't know if it's because there are too many soul marks, or because of talent, this eye suddenly opens up intelligence. This kind of thing is not a fantasy now, let alone in a more strange world.

Although he has gained strength, his appearance as the pupil of devouring is too obvious. Even if he has intelligence, he is the object of being plundered all day. Before I opened my eyes in a pupil's eyes, I immediately became someone else's eyes!

Putong has had enough of this wandering life! I really can't stand it anymore!

Pupil demon is just a conscious spirit body, and it is also a conscious spirit body. Why does it become the power of others? When he thought about it, he just needed a strong and stable master. He is just a pair of eyes. Even if he is conscious, it is still just a pair of eyes. A pair of eyes should have a human conductor!

A small wish of pupils finally turned into a bubble! He also understands that he will not become strong if he becomes independent, because his soul is weak. When he understood that there was a power in the world called pioneering the world, he suddenly felt that as long as he got the pioneering power, he should be able to give himself a good body!

This idea is very simple!

Because of this simplicity, the pupil will become particularly cruel in the future. He wants to collect the pupils all over the world!

When he really got all his eyes, he knew that it was just a scam.

Lich and God, no race dares to provoke the pupil demon, that is because the power of the pupil demon is an inescapable power. For masters, it can be avoided, but for ordinary people, pupil power is a life harvester. Such a power is too unbalanced, and such a power should not exist in this world!

That legend was told by the emperor. The emperor wants to create a road of co-prosperity for human race and even the creatures of the world, but who knows that there is still a kind of unbalanced thing in the world?

When this conspiracy was obtained, Tong also completely understood what Tiantong was!

But when the pupil understood Tiantong, his body had been tied by a huge chain. Tong suddenly felt that this chain was a restriction and did not allow him to get the power of Tiantong.

When fighting with races such as human races, he said that he had a town chain. Fuxi, the emperor, told him that this was just a rejection of space to power. When you are in a space, that space has a strange adjustment. When the power reaches an indicator, the space will seal your power. This kind of seal comes from a skymark.

In the continuous battle, Pupil found that his power was really mixed. Although it was powerful, this kind of power became weak in front of several emperors.

"Because you have no root and no destination!"

root? Homecoming?

What is this?

"You are always just a force. Even if you master consciousness, you are still a force. The reason why you control consciousness is that you control the luck of the pupil demon family. The pupil demon family should not disappear between heaven and earth, but you are the only one left. Although you are not the pupil demon, this kind of luck can only be added to you!"

"As an emperor, I hope that this kind of power will be gathered on a person, rather than a race. The pupil demon family is too ferocious, and I won't let them go. And I can't banish this family! I can only seal it!"

Seal the power of the clan, and there will be only one person left in the final battle! Even if the pupil is willing to hand over the pupil, the final fate will still be repeated!

"If you become Tiantong, you will be able to find the return of the power of your clan!"


The final return of power?

The pupil smiled? What I hadn't figured out for 90 million years, when my consciousness slowly disappeared with the soul of chaos, I suddenly understood.

"I am just a force! I just need to control my own hand!"

"How far can Tiantong see? What can be more powerful in front of Tiantong, a power envied by heaven!"

Pupil understood and destroyed his consciousness at ease. With the extinction of consciousness, the Zhenyuan chain completely disappeared!

The Zhenyuan chain is not to block the power, but to block a living consciousness! Ban the upward will one by one!

"Tiantong, but it's just the force of the nine wills transmitted from the beginning of heaven and earth!"

"Shenluo Tianzheng, Wanxiang Tianyin, Yan Tianyan, Senluo Tianhuan, Jian Tianfeng, mixed Yuan Tianfen, reincarnation is born..." The voice became smaller and smaller, and finally slowly returned to silence!