The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 3


"Miss, we have proofed." The owner of the bar came over and told us gently.

"Okay." While watching Nie Qing cry, I was drinking peanuts. It was not my cold-blooded, but the main reason was that she was too able to cry. For two hours, it was intermittent, with ups and downs and small segments.

"Thank you."

The owner of this store is so beautiful. I took a special look when I went out. He has a pair of beautiful eyes and dimples with a smile. I like this. How cute it is. Cheng Guangliang also has small dimples. I really want to pinch...

Bah, ah!

What do I want this grandson to do? He quickly shook his head and pulled Nie Qing away.

Master, when will you give me the key? Liu Dazhi sent a message.

Humph, damn thing, help people pimp and still want me to see him. Besides, the key is still useful. I deleted it by the way, but I didn't expect another message to follow: ** I like it very much. In order to greet you, I have taken over the plan of Dacheng Home for you. Cheng Guangliang.

"Ah! Cheng Guangliang! I swear I will not be at will with you!" I shouted at the street lamp and ran straight away.


"What's wrong with the plan of the big city?" The first thing I did when I returned to the company the next day was to call a meeting.


"I wasn't there yesterday."

"The meaning of the top..."

Everyone began to push around.

"I beg you, can you be professional? I can't hold on to everything. If it's okay to go home like this, go home and take the children, or just go as a white face. Do you know what competitive consciousness is? Ah? Aren't you as good as those idiots next door?!" I patted the table and shouted all morning, which made me so angry.


I sat on the chair. I may be too excited in the morning and a little panicked. It was all Cheng Guangliang. He couldn't get along with me every day and robbed my customers. But when I calmed down and thought about it, it didn't matter. Anyway, my performance had already surpassed him this month, and the two big orders I received were ten times higher than him. Really, what did I do with him?

"Ding Ding, I was wrong today. Let's ask everyone to go to KTV in the evening. It's my treat." I pressed the phone on the secretary's desk and heard cheers five minutes later. This group of people are fooling around. Forget it. Who told me to be wrong today?

"Whose pig is this? Is it the wrong nest?" I saw Cheng Guangliang sitting in the rest area of Group A in the water room. I originally wanted to get a cup of coffee, but I was psychologically unbalanced if I didn't educate him.

Cheng Guangliang didn't say anything, just looked at me, stood up at the table, and was ready to go to their side.

"What's wrong with you?"

Looking at him, he may have had a stomach problem. Cheng Guangliang's stomach has been not good and can't eat anything too cold. I heard that they went to eat Japanese food today. Everyone invited them to go there. A group of people swayed at my door for a long time. At that time, I wanted to wait for a stomachache and toss you to death. Well, the world will come.


"You go first. I have something else to do. I'll come to you later." I watched Ding and the others leave happily and opened the door of the water room. Cheng Guangliang was still lying there without changing. Huh... If you can't eat, don't eat. I picked up the car key and pulled Cheng Guangliang to walk together.

Along the way, Guangliang didn't say anything. He usually talked a lot. He must be: Oh, I'm sorry, I robbed your customer. Really, why do you think this unlucky customer has to like my things so much? It's strange, isn't it? Today, I will be honest. This person owes education. It's time for you to be honest.

"Stay, I'm going back." I took Cheng Guangliang medicine, changed my clothes, and then covered the quilt.

He didn't open his eyes like a dead body. His grandson also learned to be embarrassed. I was ready to take things and leave. People with big tickets in the KTV were waiting for me. Now I'm not happy to shout.

When I stood up, I found that my coat was pressed by Cheng Guangliang and couldn't hold it for a long time. I knew that he didn't fall asleep, and he could still be so energetic when he fell asleep.

"Such less hooligans, get up!" I couldn't push him. Like a dead pig, I said it was time to lose weight. I didn't listen to him. I couldn't help it for a long time. In fact, Cheng Guangliang was like a child sometimes. When he broke up, he refused to agree. He rolled around for a long time. Later, I was determined to agree. Nie Qing and Zuo Xiaojie both said that I was stupid. Liu He's daughter-in-law and my man did not meet at all, and the breakup was purely my money.

"Wow..." While I was thinking nonsense, Cheng Guangliang fell asleep by himself, gently lifted the quilt, and found that the corners of my clothes were in his hand. True grandson, I said in my heart, how I couldn't pull it.

"Liangzi, eat less raw and cold things in the future. You deserve it when you are full. Next time you don't care about it, it will hurt you to death." I took out a leather band and braided Cheng Guangliang, rushed to the sky, and then tweaked the corner of the quilt.

You guys play. I'm tired. Go home.

I sent a text message to Dingding and turned off my phone. I sat in the car listening to music. I don't know what's wrong with the radio station. Eight of the ten stations reappeared yesterday, and the past scenes began to sway in front of my eyes.


At that time, we lived together for the convenience of going to work. The two of us ran together every day and went to the locker room to change professional clothes. Every day was not sweet, but it was also full of fragrance.

I like to read books at night. Cheng Guangliang reads with me, but I often fell asleep when I watched it. It was also very interesting to snoring. When I first moved home, I was very uncomfortable. No one in my family snores. Liu He used to do it, but later he moved out famously and his room was changed. It has become my study. Every time he comes back, he can only set up a wire bed. Thinking about it, this time he has been sleeping in the study for almost a week. On the surface, he wants to go home for dinner. I know he wants to accompany me.

I looked at the amulet hanging on the rearview mirror, which was asked for by Cheng Guangliang. I don't know why I was unlucky when I hung it. It was either deducted points or crashed the car, but it made me angry. I pulled it off and pulled it on Cheng Guangliang's face. That was the first time we fought, and we began to become a family in the back.

When my finger scratched the amulet, my finger scratched it, and the blood immediately flowed out, which was very painful.

"Damn, damn, I knew you were not a good thing..." It hurt me so much that I quickly flipped over the Band-Aid. Cheng Guangliang often prepared a box in the car. I don't know if I can find it now.

Stupid girl, cut it, it's time! Tell you to bully me every day.

Cheng Guangliang wrote this sentence on the Band-Aid. Really, just like a child, when I go home and change the Band-Aid, paste your photo on the toilet, no, in the dog toilet!

I suddenly couldn't stop laughing at the Band-Aid.


"Big lose, what are you doing? Waiting for me?" When I enter the door, I watch the dog wait at the door. This dog is good. Knowing things, it will hurt people. Unlike Cheng Guangliang, he can do nothing but make me angry.

"Baby, did you just come back?" Liu He stretched out his head from the study.

"Go and ask your daughter-in-law to go." I want to throw my shoes at him.

"Come here, let's have a drink." He was not in a hurry and kept calling me.

When I entered the study, I found that Liu He had made a table of small dishes waiting for me. In the past, he was a cook. There was no need to say that he always cooked for us. After becoming famous, he didn't care. He could only arrange my mother to start a new job, but to be honest, I prefer his cooking.

I ate with Liu He in the evening and ate until dawn. We talked a lot. He didn't understand why I had to get along with Cheng Guangliang, and I didn't understand. Maybe... I still want to be together. Cheng Guangliang is really good at taking care of people. I am a relatively stupid person. Sometimes I often forget to bring things. He is always the same as my secretary. Prepare everything and serve it every day. Sometimes he says that I am your paid nanny. In addition to serving the master's meal, I also have to serve the master's needs so that I can't shirk it. I look at the wine in the glass and look at the lamp. If I call you now, will I be on call?

Liu He said that he asked Cheng Yingying to force her home. This woman is too good at packing. Now he can't even find his underwear after taking a shower. He is looking around naked. It's especially erotic. He doesn't know that he is exhibitionist. And now the tabloid reporters are so powerful that they dare to pretend to collect waste products. He is afraid that others will give it to him. He installed a camera and went back to his hair on the Internet. What's the he doing with such a good hype?

Yingying is a good man of the family. When she was in her, everything was neat and tidy. As soon as she went on a business trip, Liu He turned the house into a pig's nest. The two of them called for this every day, and Cheng Yingying was sometimes a little paranoid. Liu He forgot to close the toothpaste cover and she could make a phone call to chase her, and hated Liu He. Liu He was too close to the actress, especially when shooting a scene. He said that he could not shoot a kiss scene, because Cheng Yingying stood beside him and watched, which made him lose many opportunities to kiss beautiful women. Fortunately, Cheng Yingying watched it, otherwise he would be a hooligan on the set.

Their marriage is quite hidden. Liu He's company said that he couldn't say it, so he kept saying that Cheng Yingying was just a good friend, which also contributed to their divorce. Yes, they didn't dare to say when they got married. They had to hide everywhere for a meal. When they took a picture of their face, they said they had a break-up meal with their girlfriend. If they didn't take a picture of their faces, they said they would end another marriage. Xinhuan, when I took a picture of a buddy having dinner with, I dared to say that Liu He was gay. I thought Cheng Yingying was great and divorced early. What's the matter? It's like a nameless.


When I was at work, I saw Cheng Guangliang in the elevator. He was dressed very avant-garde today. His hair had been facing up, and the roots were clear. At first glance, he wanted to put some gel water to press it down, but his hair was hard and there was no chance. I laughed against the elevator. If I had known that I had braided it, I deserved it.

Cheng Guangliang looked at me with his eyes and covered his hair with his hand. He must want to strangle me now.

"Yo, new hairstyle?" Cheng Guangliang's arrival made everyone very excited, mainly because his hair was too handsome.

"Go away." Cheng Guang ran into the office in a fiery way and didn't come out all morning.

In the afternoon, the boss asked me to go to the conference room. Cheng Guangliang was being scolded in it. He heard that he miscalculated the data of the big city's plan and made something missing. Later, the printing factory felt that something was wrong and called us.

The big boss is a Cantonese. Although he is five-three thick, Wunon's soft voice is sweet. I saw him turn around and insert his waist, as if the old hen wants to lay eggs. Suddenly, the big boss lost his temper and patted the table hard: I don't tell you, you have to reflect on it...

I almost laughed out. This small voice was tender and could get goose bumps. As a result, I stared at the big boss fiercely. What's so funny about you?

The big boss handed over the plan of the big city to me again, but as soon as I came out of the conference room, the more I thought about it, the more wrong it became. Everyone has done it for so many years. How can they make such a low-level mistake? Cheng Guangliang has been crazy recently? Did you eat and twist it? Or... is he letting me?