The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 11


I don't know what Liu He said to Cheng Yingying, but my family has become a fruit distribution center. Liu He almost wrapped all the fruits in Cheng Yingying's family, and then lied Cheng Yingying into saying that he had bought it. He paid a lot of money in total. Don't mention the smell of fruit at home. I'm very glad that Cheng Yingying didn't enter durian, otherwise he wouldn't do it. The method is alive. Now I feel that my body is full of spoiled fruit. The mangosins are dry. I have to hit them with a hammer to eat, and the door frame can't be crushed. You know, in the past, my family used to grind walnuts with door frames, which broke all of a sudden. Later, it was really hard to eat. We invented it for dogs, and we didn't even care about dogs.

After returning to the company, Nie Qing called and said that he had broken up with the man. The atmosphere was so strong that I heard her shout loudly for the first time.


Originally, Nie Qing had been in the United States. After so many years of drought, it finally rained, otherwise the crops would have been killed. Nie Qing has prepared for this dowry for many years. That luxury camp is simply incomparable.

That man is a reporter from a newspaper. At the beginning, there was no problem communicating with Nie Qing, but gradually Nie Qing found that this person was a little stingy. At first, he didn't feel it, but later he was exposed during a meal. If he was the second stingy in Beijing, I don't think he can find the first stingy. It's too legendary. I I admire how this person has lived to this day.

Several times, Nie Qing has been chatting with this person by text message. Everyone was very speculative and didn't know what to say about eating. The person told Nie Qing about his experience of eating buffet last time. He seemed to ask for a small ingredient from another person, and then ate it separately. Because the small material was collected, Nie Qing was stupid to talk to him. Laughing, she probably thought it was a joke. This matter is a complete education for us. Some things need to be obedient, not casually laughing, otherwise the consequences will be very depressed.

One day after work, everyone made an appointment to watch a movie. The movie was very good. I heard that the new film was very good. In that month, Nie Qing seemed to buy one and get one free with his teacher's certificate, which was half price, so the man happily went there. The two of them were still in the cinema. Half an hour later, it was time to eat and it was time to collapse.

At first, they came to a Japanese restaurant. I used to go with Nie Qing. The main reason was that the set meal was particularly affordable and there were many things. At the door, the man hesitated, but he still went in. His face was a little unnatural and he didn't say anything. After sitting down, Nie Qing ordered what we often ate. The man didn't say anything, and She said that she was not hungry and didn't eat. Drinking water was enough. Nie Qing was not so naive. She knew that men were reserved and didn't know what she thought. She had been reserved for so long. She was the master and ordered a fixed meal for the man.

In the middle of eating, the man suddenly caught a glimpse of Nie Qing's newly bought bracelet. He looked at it for a long time and asked how much it was. It was bought together. It was engraved with the name on it. Zuo Xiaojie also had it. Everyone agreed to be friends all the time as a friendship memorial. Now the word friend is rare, so we all spent a lot of money to buy it in the man's eyes. The heavy money inside doesn't matter to us. Nie Qing looked at the sisters and said that they bought it together. 480 was not expensive. The man breathed and his face turned green and exclaimed that it was so expensive! Nie Qing was so scared that he almost filled the mustard with sushi.

Nie Qing later asked me to recover for a long time. It turned out that tears flowed down. I wiped it and told Nie Qing that she had a cold. She narrowed her eyes and shed tears, but I knew she didn't believe it at all. When she came home, she really went to the cake room. I bought 2 0 pieces of cheese cake, the same as at that time, I didn't know why I bought so much. Nie Qing thought I was crazy, but in fact I was very sober.


In fact, cheesecake can't be kept for a long time. This is a lesson. At that time, I was busy taking care of Cheng Guangliang and completely forgot about the cake. Later, Cheng Guangliang finished and began to enjoy the cake. As a result, the cake was broken unconsciously. I only took a bite and stayed in the hospital for a week. Cheng Guangliang It hurts a lot. Of course, what he loves is people, not cakes. The best of Nie Qing is not everywhere. It can be regarded as a lonely foundation. How precious it is.

20 yuan is indeed a little too much. I only ate one piece, and the rest was handed over to Liu He to destroy and let him eat it as breakfast. Liu He almost vomited. Up to now, I'm still afraid of the cake, because I said he dared to throw him to death. Who told him to get so many fruits back when he had nothing to do? He couldn't throw it away blatantly. We had to throw it secretly. , for fear of asking Cheng Yingying's acquaintance to see it, my father went out to throw it several times at night and asked the security guard to cross-examination for a long time. I guess he thought he had lost the body, but he didn't think about it. Did he send a half an old man to throw dead people into the dustbin? He thought it was shooting a blockbuster, whimsically.

But later, Cheng Yingying knew about this matter, and I don't know who owes it. He said that our family always sends fruit to our neighbors when they have nothing to do. I guess it's the jealousy that can't be taken advantage of. Do you say a few boxes of fruit? What kind of world is this? What kind of thing is it? What's not enough to take advantage of? Then Liu He ran out to film overnight and play. I'm also scared at work these days. In case Cheng Yingying can't catch my brother, he will never end with me.

Sure enough, Cheng Guangliang had to give me 100,000 yuan. He said that he would die if he didn't want it. He also said that the interest would arrive in a few days, or Cheng Yingying would send it to my office in person. To be honest, I was a little afraid of Cheng Yingying, mainly because she was too majestic. Her face was enough for 15 people to see half a month, and then I was very Inhumanely reported the location of Liu He's filming. Cheng Yingying knew that he would drive with the money. Cheng Guangliang and I were also relieved.


Zuo Xiaojie said that those big men have blown all. None of them are reliable. They are completely for the sake of the body. They are not serious at all. On weekends, she held me and told me that men are not things. Sometimes I agree with this, but it is not for all men. Although Cheng Guangliang is abhorrent, it is essentially still A good thing.

It turns out that Zuo Xiaojie's first boyfriend was her agent. There are too many people in this circle who have an affair with the agent, mainly for convenience. Generally, after the relationship reaches such a close relationship, the agent will grab any opportunity. Who can make his own people suffer? Most of the advertisements on TV in those years were There is Zuo Xiaojie's share, but what kind of vision is it? What kind of characters appear together? Gradually, Zuo Xiaojie felt that she was at a loss. She could make a big movie next to her agent. No matter how bad it was, it was also a big-produced advertisement. How could she be an extra actor here? Later, she managed to climb up to Gao Zhi. Son, the agent's boyfriend is really good. He completely understands Zuo Xiaojie's wishes. The two broke up calmly, but he spoiled her too much. Zuo Xiaojie sometimes said that if he scolded her or beat her at that time, he would have married early. What's not famous? Go to his uncle.

This agent's boyfriend sends a bouquet of roses every year on Zuo Xiaojie's birthday. He has never been interrupted. He hasn't called or met. He is so persistent and makes people feel sad. I always tell Zuo Xiaojie that you are a goblin who specializes in doing evil. It's good to find this man. She insisted that she told me that a good horse would not turn back and said that she could not be looked down on by the former people. What kind of logic is this? I think she is also convulsed.

However, Zuo Xiaojie doesn't need to go on a blind date. She has never had a lot of peach blossoms. In the past, she heard that she hugged her back when she was in school. Wherever she went, countless people were listening to her school number, and then wrote letters. There are all kinds of things, including evil customs, but one of her writing is beautiful, and Zuo Xiaojie is still reluctant to give up. I have to throw it away. I have read it. The poem was written like Xu Zhimo. I heard that I went abroad later, so I didn't have much contact you. But don't contact me as soon as possible. Who knows what the hell it looks like now? This is unbearable to look back on the past.

Nie Qing encountered this bad luck.