The rest of the people, let's go on a blind date!

Chapter 129


This time, I spent a lot of effort. Li wanted to communicate with an army for a long time. He took Bai Lang to shoot a feature film with us. Zuo Xiaojie also helped a lot to open up the relationship and get a pass for me. This is too crazy. I think this is the biggest thing to do.

"Is the young man good? Do you have a girlfriend?" What I admire is that Liu He is really a good actor. He acted like a real person, and even I believed him. He pulled Cheng Yingying's boyfriend around and began to introduce him to his boyfriend. "Such a good young man can't be without a good girl, right? I'll introduce you to the girl from our TV station later." Liu He patted him on the shoulder and blinked at me quietly.

"How's it going?" I called Zuo Xiaojie. Liu He just called Zuo Xiaojie's phone number to the officer. In less than five minutes, he began to send messages to Zuo Xiaojie to meet. Zuo Xiaojie immediately agreed and then made an appointment to meet.

"Don't worry, no problem, this is a trivial matter." Zuo Xiaojie's voice was full of excitement. I haven't planned such a detailed thing for a long time since I stopped making trouble with Cheng Guangliang. Li wanted to tell me that you are really a natural advertiser after listening to my plan. You are too smooth to make up. Why don't you write a novel?

The following things went well. The officer made an appointment with Zuo Xiaojie to meet. Zuo Xiaojie's beauty was unmatched. That day, Zuo Xiaojie was dressed in a dress, and the officer he hooked up with had straight eyes. He also heard that Zuo Xiaojie was from the TV station. The city's household registration was very excited. At that time, he couldn't wait to make a private appointment with Zuo Xiaojie. For life, worship immediately.

After that, he wanted to watch Cheng Yingying. After receiving the news, Cheng Yingying began to ask an officer to watch a movie or something. Unexpectedly, he was rejected. It was ridiculous that he still wanted to enjoy the blessings of others. He hid it. Later, Cheng Yingying was forced to hurry. The officer simply ignored her and sent a text message to break up. But it's not over yet. We can't let this scum just let it go. It's a disgrace to the soldiers.

"That's good enough. There will be a new goal so soon." Cheng Yingying looked at the officer in the park and said.

"Who is this?" Zuo Xiaojie also looked at this and asked.

"I, I don't know. Let's go." This man was really in danger and took Zuo Xiaojie away, but Zuo Xiaojie shook his hand.

"Why don't you even know Cheng Yingying?" Zuo Xiaojie looked at the officer and smiled.

"What are you talking about?" I panicked.

"I didn't say anything, young man, isn't the girlfriend introduced to you?" Liu He put his hand on Cheng Yingying's shoulder.

"Poor, it's not so easy to fly to the branches and be a phoenix, especially for people like you." I took Zuo Xiaojie and looked back at him and said to him, "Brother, do you think there is nothing in the woman's mind now?"

"Learn hard!" Liu He patted the officer's chest with his backhand and whistled away.


"Cheers!" We had a celebration party at Li Xiang's bar in the evening.

"Thank you so much, or I will get on the thief boat again." Cheng Yingying drank a bottle of beer.

"It's okay. I love to do this to eliminate harm for the people, and I almost laughed several times." Zuo Xiaojie was so excited, "But don't say it, it hasn't been so exciting for a long time!" It turns out that we are facing Cheng Guangliang..."

"Yeun! Zuo Xiaojie, go to the toilet with me. Nie Qing put the cup on the table.

Li Xiang smiled and went to the kitchen to get something to eat, and I quickly chased after him.

"That..." I didn't know what to say at the kitchen door, mainly because I didn't know what Li wanted to think.

"What are you doing?" Li wants to come out with pizza.


"Stupid virtuous, eat yours. I didn't think about anything. You've done a lot of damage before. What haven't you done?" Li wanted to give me a brainstorm.

"Go, I'm not so immoral." I was suddenly relieved and instantly felt that the stone in my heart had landed. He finally believed me and would never worry about the mouse shit again. I knew that this pot of soup could not be broken.

After that celebration, everyone drank a lot, but Cheng Yingying failed in the end, and Liu He sent them back. I still laughed when they took a taxi away. Don't look back and don't know how to go home. As a result, Liu He really didn't know how to go home and lived with Cheng Yingying. Everyone is an adult. Everyone can imagine what happened later. It's just that it's not convenient to say that it's suspected of pornography.

Nie Qing was really worried that he had committed Taisui. In the early morning, he went all the way to Baiyunguan, worshipped all the Taisui, sent out a lot of incense money, and then bought a charm to go home and put it under the pillow. However, with the last lesson, Nie Qing did not dare to believe it too much, but it is not that he can only say that a woman's heart is the most difficult to guess. She kept saying that she was just looking for stability, but she took out the charm to bask in the moonlight every day, saying that she wanted to suck some aura for herself, which made me directly think of the old goblin absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon.