The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 36 doesn't seem to be a big man

And Dongfangyin blinked his big eyes directly and stared at the black man flashing around on the stage. He seemed to be hiding something, but Dongfang Yue's flute became more and more rapid and chased after him. This is the picture seen by Dongfang Yin. And the East is almost the same. The shadow flashes too fast and my eyes are dizzy.

Because of the time limit, the ecstasy phantom was dissolved by him, and the silver blade could not be hit accurately, not to mention the whirlwind. Thinking of this, Dongfang Yue's silver teeth bit secretly, and the sound of the flute suddenly rose without warning, and the sharp flute pierced everyone's eardrums. A better martial arts can withstand it. And she and Dongfangyin were miserable. It was useless to cover them. They felt straight into the depths of their brains, and the blood surged in their chests.

Dongfangyin's whole beautiful face was entangled and shouted to me in a little pain: "Bend."

"Don't talk and concentrate on discarding distracting thoughts." Dongfang made a sound to stop it. Although he said so, he was not much better. When he felt a fishy sweetness in his throat, Mu Yin timely took action to convey the true qi to them. The true qi slowly injected into his body, just like a person who was on the verge of dying of thirst. Seeing a pool of clear springs, his mind was instantly clear, and the fishy sweetness between his throat was also suppressed. Slowly adjust your breathing and open your eyes.

After him, Mu Yin collected his work and adjusted his breath. He exhaled a turbid breath, slowly opened his eyes, took a look at the nerd, and saw his face recover as usual. Then he turned around and looked at Mu Yin, but saw that he looked as before and raised his eyebrows. His basic skills were good, "Thank you." Dongfang said with a smile.

Mu Yin shook his head and said, "It might be better if you could take action earlier." Dongfang suddenly said a cold sentence, which made him stiff for a moment, and then laughed: "Well, I overestimated you."

"You look down on me too much." She laughed at herself without care. Bend, are you all right?" The nerd broke through the oriental shoulders and looked at her from top to bottom like a scanner. Seeing that she was all right, he nodded to Mu Yin.

"Well, how are you? Is there anything wrong?" The nerd shook his head and signaled that it was okay. It was just training and almost took his life. I'm hardly interested in that person now. At this time, Dongfang Amber came from the other side and asked about the situation. She was relieved to see that it was okay.

And everyone is also recovering after adjusting the breath, and their eyes are focused on the stage, and their eyes suddenly wide open. What's the situation? Why is Dongfang Yue's soul weapon in the hands of the other party? Everyone is suspicious, but they are just waiting...

Lost! I raised my eyebrows in the east. It seems that it is really like what Mu Yin said. There is a soul weapon. Although the phantom beast is powerful, as long as the martial artist's cultivation is above her, there is still a chance of winning. And the aura of the black man is completely overwhelming.

"Is it your turn to go?" Dongfang opened his mouth coldly, but Amber didn't react and was stunned there: "What?"

"Oh... it's time for you to fight on the stage." Dongfang Yin laughed and reminded, "Didn't you hear what they said just now?"

"Well... Yes, there is still a "buzzing" sound in my head. Let's go first." Amber rubbed her ears and explained that she turned around and walked to the stage.

When it was quiet, Dongfang turned sideways and asked Mu Yin beside him, "What's going on?" Mu Yin, who could see the god, didn't understand and asked, "What's going on?" And the nerd also came over and asked, "What's the matter? What's wrong?"

"Don't pretend to me. You should have seen it just now." Dongfang said with certainty.

"Oh..., girl, I can't hide anything from you." Mu Yin laughed and the nerd scratched his head, but still didn't understand: " Well, it's just fast, accurate and gentle." Mu thought for a moment and concluded.

"understand." Dongfang frowned and said, "The man in black won the third lady with 30% of his strength." Mu Yin simply explained the reason why he helped her a little late just now.

Dongfang nodded clearly: "I don't see anything." Still looked at Mu Yin in a fixed tone: "Ha ha... Has anyone said that the little girl is too bad-hearted." Mu Yin was completely defeated by her and confessed to the situation just observed.

I'm very familiar with the body method. After I go back and check it carefully, I won't continue the topic. Looking at the battle between Oriental Amber and the man in black robe on the stage, the two stood on one side, and the large competition platform could not ignore their aura at this time. Oriental Amber stretched out her hand behind her, smiled with her teeth, and opened her thin lips slightly: "Please." Even without waiting for him to speak, he gathered on his toes and galloped towards him. Only some of the dust left by the energy turned over, as if to show the master's cultivation.

When the man in black saw the situation, doubts escaped from his lips: "Oh!?" Then he was silent and raised his breath. If you want to know how strong your opponent is, the most direct way is to do it! The palm wind quickly dodged and quickly met. Between you and me, Dongfang Amber crossed her hands to block a kick from the black robe man and slid to the edge of the platform. It was dangerous and stable. When she gasped, she met her again. She was really curious about the appearance under the wide hood. And that familiar feeling...

"It's him." At this time, Mu Yin put down the teacup and spit out two words faintly. Dongfang looked at him and smiled, "It doesn't seem to be a big man."

"Oh..., it's true, but it's enough for you." Mu Yin smiled and shook his head to deny my statement. At the same time, there was also a suspicion of boasting himself. Dongfang was speechless.

"Bend!" While Dongfang was chatting with Mu, Dongfangyin grabbed her hand and screamed. Dongfang looked stunned and asked urgently, "What's wrong?" When she turned her head, she saw everyone sighing, and Dongfang Amber was walking towards them with a depressed face. Dongfang's eyebrows were clear and looked at the unbelievable Dongfang Yin: "Dird. Next time you are so shocked, how can I throw you into the brothel?"

"Ah?!" Dongfang Yin immediately aggrieved: "I just want to tell you that Amber,,,,,," pointing to Dongfang Amber, who had arrived in front of him, stuttered anxiously.

"He lost. I know." Dongfang patiently opened his mouth for him, "Oh!!! How do you know?" Dongfang asked curiously with wide eyes.

"Because he looks like shit." Dongfang glanced at him disdainfully. Dongfang Yin was speechless, and the corners of Amber's eyes twitched and tried her best to resist the impulse to beat her: "I lost to him, I'm convinced." He looked at the people on the stage with his hair impatiently.

"Heluo." Mu Yin threw out a strange name before Dongfang asked the exit, He Luo? Who? Dongfang and Dongfang are full of doubts. At the same time, look at the two of them and wait for the next article. As you can see, he is already the last stage of [silver] martial arts, and now he is facing the bottleneck of advanced [mo purple] martial arts. Few people can persist in this long stage, and he is also a soul martial arts double practice. Mu's eyes are dark and open.

"What?!" Dongfang Amber stood up from the chair in shock and looked at Mu Yin, suspecting that she had heard it wrong. Soul martial arts double practice???