The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 103 Licheng

At the gate, Mu Yin stopped the carriage and asked Dongfang to go to the inn first. Dongfangyin woke up and got off the carriage together. Dongfang looked at the way. They didn't seem to have kept up yet, so let's go shopping first.

"I'll go to the city to set up an inn and meet at the restaurant later." Mu pointed to the restaurant that could be seen as soon as he entered the city and drove into the city first.

Dongfanglu, Longyu and Dongfangyin walked all the way from outside the city to the city. Behind him, Dongfang Amber and other talents came late. After wandering with Dongfang Tuo for a while, they entered the first building, a restaurant previously agreed with Mu Yin.

It seems that this restaurant is really the same as the previous one in Lingyang, whether it is the pattern or business model. And the reason why it can be chained across the country is probably because of the exquisite dishes and expensive prices. It's just that it's no different from other restaurants in Dongfang.

Before Dongfangtou reacted, Long Yu flashed to the counter and said to the shopkeeper, "Give me a first-class room and make a table of the best dishes here."

"Uh... Brother..." The shopkeeper was really shocked by the sudden situation. Looking at these children, some question whether they can afford it.

"You can rest assured that I am already poor and only have money left." With that, he took out half of the gold bars in front of his chest and put them on the counter. Totally prodigal.

"Oh~!" Dongfang looked sideways at the dragon heritage that heard her doubtful eyes dodging.

"Yes, yes... You leave a name on it first, and I'll ask you to take you to the third floor." The shopkeeper smiled kindly, called the second child, and told him to take Long Yu and his party to the 'Ren' room on the third floor to serve them carefully.

"What is this?" Looking at a notebook placed by the shopkeeper in front of him, Long Yu didn't understand.

"Any VIP room that has been set in this building will make a record and give the guests a silver piece. In the future, as long as you eat and drink in the branch of this building, you will get a discount. And no matter which bank deposits money into this piece of silver, it can replace the cash money to eat and drink in this building. The shopkeeper's words were full of pride.

"Oh~!" Dongfang listened to the shopkeeper's explanation and made another choice: Isn't this the VIP card service in the world? Interesting. Without saying a word, he picked up the pen and wrote down the word dragon legacy, but...

The crooked words are really hard to compliment, and there are some animals on the shopkeeper's face. Long Yu roared: "Don't write my uncle's name in such ugly words!!!"

Dongfang Yin smiled bitterly.

The shopkeeper presented the silver card and the dragon heritage and was intercepted halfway by Dongfang. The beautiful name is: I am the master and you are the servant. Do you want to exceed the rules?

Long Yu bit his sharp teeth and stroked at the back of the east. The shopkeeper was speechless and quickly asked people to lead them upstairs.

Xiao Er nodded and led them upstairs sideways. Finally, Long Yu added to the counter: "When a big man wrapped in a black robe comes, tell him that we are on it."

"Okay, is that all? There have been a lot of people wearing black recently." The shopkeeper is a little embarrassed.

"Hmm... Oh, he has one eye." The shopkeeper clearly saw a sense of narrowness flashed in his eyes. I had no choice but to remember this unspeakable feature in my heart. I took a look at several one-eyed strong men in the lobby and sighed silently.

Upstairs, as soon as Dongfang entered the VIP room, three luxuriously and elegantly dressed young men went straight upstairs. Behind them, the little men and shopkeepers all put down their affairs and saluted them: "Sir."

"Hmm." First, one person answered faintly and went upstairs.

As long as the diners in the lobby have a little wink, they will know who they are. The man's envy and jealousy, the woman's spring heart is rippling, and their faces are full of shame to let the three people's slender and elegant bodies disappear at the corner of the stairs.

"Who are they? Good-looking?!" An outsider whispered to the people beside him, and his face was full of surprise.

"Are you an outsider? All three of them are great figures in this city. The first person in the light robe was Leng Xiuyan, the son of the city owner Lengchi, and this grade building was opened with the royal family.

"So awesome! What about the two people behind him?

"The two are the three sons of Han Zijin, a salt merchant on the rich side of Licheng, and the beloved son of the silk family palace. The name of these three people can't be compared with the head of 'Xiang Yingxiu'. The woman who seemed to be from Licheng snorted disdainfully.

The shopkeeper who was immersed in the calculation listened and only groaned coldly: Woman! If the lord of his family hears that someone compares his son with the woman in the brothel, it is estimated that he will not be able to survive in this city.

Just when the shopkeeper was not ashamed of the tongue-chewing diners, several young men and women came in from outside the building with bright faces. First, she slapped the counter with the palm of the woman in red, looking proudly down at the shopkeeper who was much taller than her and said, "Find a quieter seat and serve us a table of good dishes."

"Oh, okay, girl, go over there and have a rest first. What you want will be ready soon." The shopkeeper saw that the woman in red had an arrogant look but not at all. He unconsciously remembered his daughter, who was almost the same age as her, and gently invited the children to lead them to the window seat.

"Wait, two children and several children of our age came here just now?" Dongfang Yue reached out to stop the little two who came forward and asked the shopkeeper.

"Yes. They are in the VIP room on the third floor. The shopkeeper still remembers the very rich little boy and the girl who was like him. At present, he nodded and guess he didn't think much about it if he was an acquaintance.

"Then give us the same room as them." Dongfang Yue gave the order as a matter of course.

"Okay. Please write your name here. The shopkeeper also handed the board to Dongfang Yue, but this time it was relatively smooth. After receiving the silver card handed over, Dongfang Yue did not ask much. The shopkeeper casually came to Xiao Er and said, "Come on, take a few people to the 'he' room."

The first floor is in a 'mouth' pattern. The first floor is an ordinary lobby, the owner's leisure and entertainment, and the third floor's main VIP treatment. There are only four rooms, facing the east sky, south, Xiren, north and four directions respectively. The East 'Tian' room is not open to the public.

In the 'Ren' room on the third floor, Long Yu first threw his buttocks at the big ** for people to rest. Dongfang and the four of them sat at the table and drank tea.

"It's really a big deal to have a first-class building." Oriental Amber touched it and sighed.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a wide landscape screen between the window and the table. On the left side is a luxurious mahogany soft bed carved with mandarin ducks and koi swimming, and the front of the bed hangs down to the smooth marble floor. Various potted plants are decorated everywhere, making the room more elegant.

On the right side is a small study separated by hollow carved mahogany. Opposite is a desk. Behind it is a row of bookshelves full of all kinds of books. The wall is also full of paintings made by famous artists. There is a red case by the window with a kite on it. In the golden incense burner next to it, cigarettes slowly steam up. It makes people feel comfortable. There is also a special bath on the inside of the bed, which is separated from the outside with silky silk cloth.