The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 113 Roof Drink

Also, is the 'evidence' he just kindly left behind is a mutiny? Mu Yin thought like this, and there was no guilt on his face, but with a smile. It's just that his master is too weak to practice how to live without recruiting some targets. You can't let the sloppy ghost of Longyu maintain the appearance of a child for the rest of his life.

Dongfang, who danced with Zhou Gong in the inn, couldn't help shrinking and sneezing in his sleep. Adjust the sleeping posture and continue to sleep... It was really cold at night in ancient times. Don't catch a cold tomorrow. This is what she thought at this time in her sleep.

On his side, Dongfangyin has been sleeping on his back. Suddenly, the airflow around his body inexplicably twisted, and intermittently flashed red light, like a heart beating, beeping regularly from time to time.

After a period of time, the strange airflow disappeared, and Dongfang turned out and moaned in his sleep. Each other's soothing breaths blew on the sleeping face, and the ink hair hanging under the sideburns danced lightly. And no one saw the scene just now.

Mu introduced into the city and flashed into a backlit dark alley. Then he lifted up and jumped to the roof, and several of them stopped on the roof of the inn. His intact right eye looked around the dark distance and the streets within sight of the city, looking directly ahead and suddenly said, "I see."

"Cut! It's boring."

Looking for the focus of Mu's attention, a figure appeared. In the middle of the night, it looked very strange, as if it was melted from another space. And because he was found to be a little unhappy, he stared at Mu Yin and curled the corners of his mouth and approached.

"The beautiful wife and concubine of the city owner are also eye-catching."

How could Mu Yin not know the thoughts of the dragon's legacy? Obviously, he has a strong power, but he can't use it. And even the standard figure that he has always thought is sexy has been suppressed, and he shows himself as a child. According to his flamboyant and flamboyant personality, he can endure it like this. In his words, Buddha once said that God has the virtue of life, which is a test of Master Long.

For Mu Yin's ridicule, the dragon's head curled and looked up and sneered, "Humph! Those vulgar fans can't get into the master's dragon eye. He looks like a tough and awkward little boy.

"What about the three people you know in Yipin Building today?"

"It's okay if you don't mention it." How could Long Yu not understand the other meanings in Mu's words? Ya's orientation has always been straightforward. Mu took a look at his little hand that he didn't care about, thinking about the disdainful words he had just seen and heard.

Mu Yin smiled and knew that his words were a little exaggerated, but he no longer asked anything. He threw something to Long Hei, who lazily raised his hand in front of him and grabbed it. The cool touch was fragrant...

It's wine!

Long Yu's eyes immediately sparkled, and then he sat cross-legged on the roof, rudely untied the mud seal and raised his head. The throat knot rolling up and down grunted into the abdomen and sighed contentedly. Mu Yin also sat down with a smile, and the two leaned on their backs. Mu Yin knew that he was good at wine and that he had been panicked during this period. So later, I bought good wine and wanted to appease him, and Long Yu also gave him the same face as he thought. He held the wine jar and smiled with satisfaction on his slightly drunken face.

The evening wind blew on their bodies more and more cool and comfortable, and their ink hair robes also swayed gently along the wind. At this time, all households gradually turned off their lights and slept, except for prostitutes, houses and some scattered casinos that opened at night. From time to time, the two people on the roof touched the wine jar and drank loudly.

The full moon is quiet tonight, and nothing happened all night...

As soon as the next day, the streets of Licheng, which had been quiet all night, began to be noisy again, and people gradually gathered in the streets and were busy. Looking at the city wrapped in the golden light of the first sun, which is no different from yesterday gives people an unreal illusion.

Yinhui Inn, the place where Dongfang and his party stayed.

The door was just opened by the clerk in the store, and the situation in the lobby was clear at a glance. Three or four guys did their own cleaning work, and the shopkeeper lifted the curtain from the backyard and appeared in the lobby. Looking at the attentive appearance of his subordinates, he nodded with a satisfied smile and walked out of the gate.

shua shua......

The shopkeeper stood at the door. A clerk swept the ground in front of the door and looked at the dust flying in the sky. The shopkeeper frowned and pointed to the sweeping man. He had a headache and said, "Five sons, the sky is dry. I don't know if you sprinkle some water to sweep first. The dust floated into the lobby. How did you work?

The man who asked the fifth son to stop the work in his hand and straightened up to take a look at his 'masterpiece', raised his arm and wiped the sweat on his forehead randomly. He smiled and raised his feet to get water in.

Suddenly there was a sound of something rolling past, followed by a crisp bang. A wine jar broke into pieces two steps behind the five sons.

Wuzi was shocked and hurriedly flashed over his body and suddenly sweated: If it hit his head, won't it bloom? In my heart, I was so happy and complained that I didn't know who was so immoral that he had a hard time early in the morning.

The shopkeeper was also shocked. Several passers-by also stopped to look at this side and pointed at the inn. The shopkeeper couldn't help but collapse. He pulled the corners of his mouth and arched his hand at the passers-by and said, "Hey, it's broken and safe."

The front swing of his robe bypassed what he thought was dangerous, and walked a little far away to look at the roof of his inn. Because of the scorching sun, he raised his hand to block the dazzling discomfort, and squinted his eyes but saw nothing.

When passers-by saw that it was just an accident, they dispersed. The shopkeeper did not have the leisure to stare at it. They just thought it was the good thing in the evening and forgot to go to drink on the roof. Looking at the five sons who were still stunned, he cursed at the same voice, "What are you doing? Do you want me to clean it up myself?"

The five sons, who were shocked by the roar, came to their senses, nodded and ran to the backyard to f for water. The shopkeeper glanced at the broken wine jar before entering the inn to do his own business.

On the roof of the inn, a figure lay on it and fell asleep. A child-like boy sped his lips from time to time, as if he had dreamed of something delicious. He turned over contented and was ready to sleep in a different posture. Unexpectedly, in his sleep, his hand on ** suddenly fell empty, and his inertial body rolled down and pressed on the tile to make a soft sound.

How can the bed rotate? - Long Yu in his sleep frowned and opened his sleepy eyes with some doubts and dizzy eyes...

"Ah--" When he finally realized it, he rolled directly to the ground with only one second's difference. He looked up at the tile eaves that he climbed with four fingers and secretly wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Looking at the body hanging in mid-air with some distance from the ground, Long had no choice but to swing his body back with ingenuity, and a back flip rotated and stood on the roof for several weeks.