The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 158 When Weep

I felt that there was nothing behind me, and I saw a blood-colored red shadow that had gone into the battle. The oriental centrifuge was slightly restrained, and the jade flute slipped out of the sleeves and spread to the lips. The quiet melody spread, penetrated into people's ears and wrapped them into their minds...

What a wonderful song...

Some relaxed people suddenly filled their movements, and even the clenched knives fell to the ground with a bang. Amber and Murong Xi and several people who got along with Dong Lihao knew that this was her killer, and the three of them gave Leng Xiuyan a wink sign to be more self-contained. In doubt, Amber pouted angrily to those who were fascinated and silently said to their mouths, "That's the end!"

As soon as the self-righteous hearing stopped, I saw Dongfang's red lips upturned. The original beautiful melodious tune suddenly became sad and low. Those who were brought into the music also began to cry with the song. For a moment, the sound of crying spread all over the forest. Some people even bent down to pick up the swords on the ground across their necks and were surprised by the three people in Leng Xiuyan. Without hesitation in his eyes...

Blood gushing from the neck. Looking at the people who fell to the ground and lost their breath, I saw a relaxed look on their faces, and a strange arc rose from the corners of their mouths...

Originally, Amber suddenly rushed over to cover her ears. When she saw those who wanted their lives to kill themselves one by one, she suddenly stiffened and looked at Dongfang Li with a gloomy face, and the corners of her mouth twitched and wanted to swear: Your sister, can you pull a little more!!!

There, some people have been sleeping in the suspended boundary set by Mu Yin, so they have not seen this surprising scene. Dongfangyin, more than ten meters away, was immersed in the familiar and strange dream by the dragon's legacy, thus avoiding this terrible phenomenon.

"Oh, when I cry..." Long Yu, who leaned aside to rest, looked at Dongfang Li's fierce eyes, and his eyes were slightly picky, accompanied by an imperceptible snorting smile: "Ah... It seems that it's really the most poisonous woman's heart."

When crying - the meaning of repentance before death!

On that side, Mu Yin, who had been in danger but was unharmed, heard Long Yu's smile and shook his head helplessly: "By the way, someone seems to have chased a poisonous woman for many years."

"!" Long Yu sat up straight like an electric shock and stroked his fist with Mu Yin's teeth with a smile on his face: "What's wrong with lifting the rosefinch?" The posture was ready to fight to the death, and finally watched the baby's fat little pink fist drop behind his back.

Sleep! The eyes are invisible and the heart is pure.

Looking at Long Yu, who suddenly pouted and sulked, Mu Yin laughed and said to himself: Obviously, he has adapted to his current identity, and why is there still awkward there?

turned his head and looked at several corpses and several people who covered their heads in pain. Mu Yin couldn't help wandering around: Do you want to give the girl one or two small things to defend herself? But he said he would let go by himself? If the girl suddenly died during this period...

No! It seems that we need to find a proper reason.

"Um~" Someone who had made up his mind to think of a strategy nodded with satisfaction, secretly immersed himself in his cleverness and completely ignored the sudden cold tremor.

At that time, Dongfang Li withdrew the jade flute on his lips, and Dongfang Yue rudely summoned his own butterfly to suck the cultivation and spiritual power of those people.

Seeing the person who was breathing painfully earlier, he suddenly died with fear as if he had been drained. And Fengdie's long and curly nose still does not let go of any opportunity to enhance cultivation and advancement - not even the dead body.

Dongfang Li couldn't help frowning in disgust: "I'm eager to be careful to go crazy."

And the reason why she reminded her so much was that she didn't expect the scene of the bladed concubine to appear on her. People who are immature and not enough to bear it, if they undertake too much death and painful evil for a while, it is easy to be enchanted...

Dong Ci and Murong Ling were shocked when they heard this and almost wanted to go forward to dissuade them. He was stopped by Dongfang Cen. Looking at Dongfang Yue, who was slowly reciting, shook his head and said this to stop the two worried steps: "She is merging and can't be disturbed."

"What? Scared?!" Feeling the ugly girl in her arms tremble, Amber looked like a big brother and scraped the bridge of her black face like a joke.

In his arms, Dongfang felt the warmth spewing from the breath of amber on his head, and his angry fist creaked. However, someone thought that her stiff body was caused by fear of Dongfangli and invaded the warmth in her arms.

I don't know that a stiff body is just a precursor to an outbreak...

"Bum!" Keep your head down and punch straight up.

Looking at the miserable appearance of Amber who fell straight to the ground covering her nose and humming, Dongfang squatted beside him with a harmless smile, shook her painful hand and said, "Emma's hand hurts so much! Therefore, the medical expenses, together with the nutrition expenses, the pain expenses and the later mental loss expenses, the temporary incapacity to work, are 1,000 taels.

Looking at the embarrassed shadow in the eyes of the little girl in front of her, Amber listened to the long list of her inexplicable expenses, and there was only one thought in her mind: God, give me a noodle and guide me to hang to the east~!

Looking at Amber covering the nosebleeds gushing from her nose, Dongfang looked up in a good mood and said to himself, "The weather is so good. I'm sure to make a lot of money today." Suddenly, he stopped walking to Mu Yin, looked at the shrinking amber, and smiled to remind him: "Oh, I forgot to make it clear that one thousand taels means a thousand taels of gold."

"..." Looking at the person who fainted again, Dongfangtou turned his head and left righteously. Anyway, he can't die, because he hasn't given himself 1,000 taels yet.

The three people, Leng Xiuyan, silently put this scene in their eyes and said that it was not shocking. Looking at Dongyue slowly rising from the ground surrounded by black gas, the phoenix butterfly wings above her head gently fanned and caused a strong wind to blow by, like a wind blade sweeping over her cheeks and pulling painfully.

Dongfang Li turned his head and walked to the stream in the depths of the forest. This way to improve her cultivation - she disdained!

Dongfang Yue in the dark glanced at the arrogant back that had left, and a touch of sadness on her face was covered by the sharp light in her eyes. Close your beautiful eyes and no longer be distracted, and you are sure in your heart: Good second sister, everything you disdains today will definitely become the strength when he destroys you!

Looking at the person who absorbed the fusion power by himself, Long Yu felt tasteless and yawned back under the tree: "The carriage has turned into powder. How can we get there?" The seemingly nonsensical question naturally made it difficult for the people to come back to their senses.

"Light Gong." Everyone is silent...

And these two brainless words, except for Gong Yaosen's second thought, Dongfang Tuo finally gave him a big white eye: light power? Do you think you are a plane?