The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 300 Yunjin's Proper Post

Cloud up the city.

For Dongfanglu, a person who has never seen an ancient prosperous city, just like the original evaluation of this place, people. The endless stream, and the traffic is so crowded that it is a drawback.

Yu Yunjin said, looking at the comforting smile on their faces, she only felt as if they had gestation the city upstairs. I couldn't help curling my lips and stroking my stomach to look at the two people who were still intoxicated and said, "I'm hungry."

The three came from the west of the city and turned a corner to the current Yunshang Restaurant.

In the simple restaurant, I didn't expect the business to be so popular. Looking at the posture of queuing and waiting for seats, Dongfang glanced at the elegant Yunshang Restaurant next door with infinite sadness: "Why don't we choose to go next door?"

Without Yunjin's explanation, a strong man lifted the curtain from the kitchen in two steps and heard Dongfang's complaints and greeted him with a loud laugh: "You little girl knows at a glance that you are not a local."

Dongfang saw the situation and subconsciously hid behind Yunren, who was comparable to him. Yun Jin wiped his nose, which seemed a little less enthusiastic about Dongfang's movements, but enthusiastically greeted the strong man and walked in.

Yun Ren took a look at the little dot behind him and shook his head at her with a so-called smile on the corners of his lips: "We are regular guests here. Li Fan is the master of this restaurant. He is good at cooking."

Keeping up with Yun Ren's steps, Dongfang Tiao listened to his explanation and secretly understood this small restaurant with his own understanding. It turned out to be a fast food restaurant, which tastes good. In the words of Yunren, it is economical and affordable. It is very suitable for passers-by and even residents or those who like a fast-paced life. The surrounding residents also see the benefits here. Every time they come to support him, they naturally become hot.

Follow Li Fan all the way to the kitchen and saw him bring Yun Jin into the small yard next to the kitchen. In the simple courtyard, there is a square table, the dishes on the table are steaming, and three pairs of bowls and chopsticks are arranged in turn.

Seeing this, Yun Ren just raised his chin to her and smiled: "I know you are very hungry, Yun Jin has made up early in the morning."

Dongfang squinted at him. She was asking her to thank Yun Jin. How could it be!

turned around and looked at the careless and careful Li Fan, and Dongfang came forward and bowed: "Disciple Yuntou, the new disciple upstairs. I didn't know Chef Li just now. It's rude.

Li Fan waved his hand and smiled with the unique smell of oil smoke and sweat in the kitchen: "It's okay. I believe the little sister has heard what Yun Ren said. I, Li, also went upstairs and was pressed down by the newcomer to work in this city to work in a small restaurant."

Seeing his strong appearance, his face flashed red. Dongfang knew that he could not say anything more and resolved the embarrassment on the grounds of hunger. For unfamiliar people, she has always been modest and polite, but Li Fan's boldness has forgotten the little alienation on her.

Seeing that the kitchen came to call someone, Li Fan complained and got into the kitchen in a hurry, and the fragrance overflowed for a moment.

After dinner, he looked at this single small courtyard, and the East nodded from time to time, which was very suitable for the simple life of the young couple.

"This is Li Fan's yard." Yun Jin seemed to know what she was thinking and said with a smile on the edge of the cup.

"I knew it early. However, thank you for this timely meal.

For her sudden strangeness, Yunjin raised her eyebrows and silently asked her what it meant. Dongfang also didn't explain. This is the old problem she brought here. Don't think she has a good face when she is hungry!

get up and look around the courtyard. On the right side is the trimmed landscape trees, and on the left side are some triangular elevateds with dried vegetables and herbs. If you want to come to learn from the clouds and go upstairs, Li Fan still knows these basically.

"Have you eaten yet?"

Turning around with his hands behind his hands, Li Fan was wiping his hands with the apron in front of him. To be honest, he didn't feel any incongruity when doing these things. On the contrary, he has a sense of down-to-earth. In response to his kind inquiry, Dongfang nodded with a smile: "It's delicious. Thank you, Brother Li."

Li Fan was stunned, hey! This girl is interesting, the same before and after meals. Looking at her calm and restrained appearance behind her hands at this time, Li Fan was happy. Since everyone called him brother, he seemed to be pretentious.

At that moment, he nodded and smiled: "I still like you to call me Li Dahao."

With such a simple sentence, Dongfang couldn't help laughing: "Indeed, it's very down-to-earth."

down to earth?!

"It's just a down-to-earth feeling, very friendly." Dongfang didn't want to open his mouth to solve the doubts of the three people: "Big spoon, disciple, there is nothing wrong with me, but I get angry when I'm hungry, so..."

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "What's the matter? I, Li Dashou, like you very much. In the future, anyone who comes down the mountain and is hungry will come. It's delicious and enough!"

"So, thank you!" No longer polite, Dongfang accepted this friendship.

The three saw her groping from their arms and took out a large pile of paper. Li Fan now understood that he came to the hall to clean up the only table in the courtyard. The drawings were spread on the table, and each of the four could see it clearly.

"What is this?" The strange pattern made all three of them have this question.

"This is an exercise device. Then make it and explain, big spoon, I'm going down the mountain this time to find a reliable blacksmith shop to see if I can cast a pattern on the paper?


I suddenly found that Li Fan was very curious, and he asked the point every time.

"It's a time-honored shop with excellent credit. I want to sell the ownership of this pattern at the right price. Of course, this is not something that can't be said. Do you have time now?

Li Fan slowly responded: "No problem. Other cooks can deal with it at lunch time. Are you going now?

Dong Tong nodded: "Tomorrow, I will go to buy something with my brother, and it will be half a day today." The last sentence was said by looking at Yun Jin, which means that she is good for their sake.

Yun Jin laughed, but still nodded: "According to you!"

The blacksmith's shop in the south of the city.

"Boss, is there anything wrong?"

Dongfang looked at it for a long time. Several people still sat in the side hall and looked at the blacksmith's boss frowning with tea. Dongfang subconsciously felt embarrassed.

"Brother Liu, if there is any difficulty, you can say it so that we can solve it together. Look, have you drunk two pots of tea and gone to the hut three times?

stared at Li Fan, who pretended to be impatient. Boss Liu stood up and stood in front of Dongfang, and the drawing trembled: "You made this?"

Dongfang lost his smile and got up to salute: "Boss Liu, this is the tenth time you have." There was quite a bitter smile in his words that he did not trust her character.

Boss Liu shook his head: "No, no, no, it's just that I've been fighting for decades. I've never heard of what you've done, so I just have this question."

"Is it difficult or not?" This is the heart of the East.