The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 304 I-I'm itchy

Seeing this, Yunjin Qingsang interrupted the two's selfless nonsense at the right time. Looking at other people's faces, he smiled softly: "Yunyin, don't worry, this time it was me and Yunren who didn't expect anything to cause these things to happen, and I will be punished. Also, little sister, Yun Ren asked me to inform you that the wound should avoid meat, fish and raw and cold food these two days..."

Looking at the chicken leg and sweet and sour fish that Dong Tang had no time to put down in his hand, Yun Jin wiped his face and said, "Forget it, I've eaten it all, but two days later, the wound will be itchy and unbearable. You can't be scratched by the wind. It's not a good thing to leave a scar!"

With a shrinking, Dongfang threw the greasy in his hand and gave him an angry look: "Why didn't you say it earlier!" She can't stand the itch just thinking that the scab can't be moved, but... leave a scar?

Absolutely not!

Yun Jin blinked silently, glanced at the remaining bones and fish bones on the ground, and said, "You are too hungry."

Oriental's body stiffened and blushed.

"Will there be anything wrong?" In a hurry, Dongfang Yin pulled Yunjin with a panic look, as if it was more painful than his own injury.

"Don't worry, my little sister is strong and healthy." Yunjin narrowed his eyes and smiled happily. In his words, Dongfang's body was as strong as a strong man. A small injury could not help her. Yunjin slandered in his heart and still smiled: "Just pay attention to these two days and don't do too much. At that time, I will tell Master Tianxuan to let you rest for two days. In addition, don't be too ashamed of the test in a month. In the end, my brother and sister and I will wait for you at the entrance of the false realm.

Xiao Wuyou raised his eyebrows and took a step forward with a strange hum: "Are you showing off or opening the back door for us?"

"Prince Xiao, I'm your brother now. Remember to call me before speaking. Also... I have enough capital to show off, so there is no need to waste saliva here. As for the back door... Sorry, when we first built the building, there was only the front door, regardless of the exit or the entrance, so the back door, I'm sorry, what kind of door is that?" Yun Jin spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders slightly. His face was innocent and his eyes were waiting for teaching, so that Xiao Wuyou couldn't answer for a moment.

Xiao Wuyou reluctantly smiled, but his face was black. It seems that I met my opponent, but I didn't expect that there was a mountain outside the mountain, and it was still a difficult wild monkey in the deep mountains!

Dongfang transparent spewed out all the hot dishes stuffed with her mouth, shrugged her shoulders and smiled secretly. She never found that it was everyone's nature to play with her mouth? In particular, Xiao Wuyou, a coquettish bunny, moved stones and smashed his feet and looked at the appearance of his palette!

I have learned a lot!

He secretly glanced at Dongfang, who didn't know what restraint was. Xiao Wuyou lowered his head with an upside-down smile to Yun Jin: "Brother Jin opened his eyes wide and looked carefully to see how I got the entry quota of the false situation!" Then stand on an equal footing and defeat you!

"There will be no shortage of big-talk talents at any time and anywhere. But I'll wait." With the deep meaning of his words, Yun Jin smiled and nodded to the crowd, and then turned away.

Seeing the last corner of Yunjin's clothes disappear at the door, the fists in Xiao Wuyou's clenched sleeve cage slowly loosened, and suddenly slapped the stone table next to him. There was a crack of stone cracks, and twisted cracks appeared on the intact stone table, spreading from under his palm to the edge of the stone table and stopping.

was scared by him. Dongfang subconsciously burped, turned around the stone table and looked at Xiao Wuyou, who replied to the past. He asked him, "How pervert are you? How can you control your strength so accurately?" The crack on the edge of the round stone table looks like a blooming ** from a distance. Close-by, the distance of each point at the end of the crack is a little difference, no more or less!

Unexpectedly, Xiao Wuyou just smiled charmingly at her and squeezed out a sentence from her teeth: "You can try it!"

A half-tonished and half-threatening smile made Dongfang wipe his nose and lose first. In terms of shamelessness, the coquettish customer won!

In addition to the parties, there is another person who is not happy. An unprepared Dongfang Tuo pulled behind him and opened his arms to protect Xiao Wuyou and shouted, "Your Highness, she didn't mean to bend, and... you are obviously bullying the little!"

Gong Yaocen raised his lips and whistled, and began to stir up trouble: "Your Highness, your behavior is the most shameful. Why does a little girl care so much... Oh, Hanyan, your elbow poked me?!"

Dongfang Tuo and Xiao Wuyou looked at Gong Yaocen, who wrinkled his face and howled, and then looked at the cold son who seemed to have been accidentally 'sought' by him. His eyes dark: "For good is that there is a brain, otherwise it will only end with blood tonight!"

Han Zijin just looked at the east full of shiny oil stains, frowned, and then waved his cuffs, and a black handkerchief was thrown on her face. With the light night breeze, he saw black peony embroidered with silver trimmed in the corners of the brocade pail, which was cold in the night, as if he was alive!

After taking down the golden handkerchief covered with the fragrance of peony on his face, he had turned around and disappeared in the courtyard. He had no choice but to wipe a greasy corner of his mouth and threw the handkerchief to the nearby Dongfangyin. He didn't see someone's sad look follow her all the way after wiping the corners of her mouth with someone else's handkerchief and throwing it to him. She saw herself rushing at Han Zi's room. He roared in the direction: "Stinky cold smoke, you are beautiful and amazing. You are still so rude to put on this stinky face all day long. I'm a girl!!!"

"..." Looking at Dongfang, who recovered his strength, other people chose to go back to their rooms to sleep after practicing all day's work, and were still a little tired.

"Do you still want to eat?" Seeing everyone slip away, Dongfang Yin asked helplessly someone who was furious like a teapot.

"I'm full of anger. Take it all to feed the pigs!" Dongfang didn't look at it, threw his buttocks at the table and gasped. As soon as I finished eating, I shouted at people, and now I only feel a little dizzy.

"...but, however, there are no pigs here. Really, I've seen it today. I really didn't raise pigs!" Seeing Dongfang raising her eyebrows and looking at herself, she just thought she didn't believe his words. Seeing that he was about to swear to the sky, Dongfang lay on the table and hummed silently: "Dumb, are you sent by God to annoy me to death?"

In the room, I saw Dongfang Yin's busy figure, lying on ** enjoying someone and looking at the top of the tent and sighed. Suddenly, he sat up from ** and scared Dongyin who came in with a copper basin.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Putting down the basin, Dongfangyin was a little rustling.

"Come here, idiot." With Dongfang's wave, he wisely chose to move over honestly: "What are you doing?"

Dongfangtou didn't answer, but crossed his hand to support his chin and nodded for a while, and then looked up at him in a daze.

Especially like now, what is she doing?!

Dongfang Yin held this pretty red handsome face and turned back. Before he could move, he would be held by Dongfang: "Don't move!"

"But bend, you poke around me with your fingers like this, I, I... are itchy..."