The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 316 Unnamed Tears

Nestled in the warm arms and warmed up without a cup of tea, Dongfang's back stiffened and broke out a cold sweat - isn't it?!

Full of warmth and softness, Bai Feiyin slowly closed his black eyes with his eyelashes, blocking the boundless grassland and the sound of the wind to peep at him, and his raised lips gradually expanded at this moment.

The lower jaw rubbed the girl's clean hair, and the clean fragrance made it a little difficult for him to let go. The gradually forming male throat knot suddenly moved, and his gently hugged arm suddenly tightened. Without waiting for him to say some touching 'Love Words' in this rare scenery, he felt stiff in his arms and broke away from his arms the next second.

The sudden break-off made him unable to calm down for a moment. He looked at Bai Feiyin in his empty arms and tried to move his empty fingers. A burst of coldness blew, and the warmth on my chest became cold.

Raising her eyes again is the girl's sober alert. That it to collect demons?

With a sneer, Bai Feiyin was suddenly shocked by her and her own thoughts. For many people, he was indeed a 'demon'... However, in her eyes - never allowed!

The warm eyes turned cold and stepped closer. Forced to be cautious, she smiled coldly: "Are you afraid of me?"

The East was stunned. Is this fool crazy? He was so gentle just now, but now he is cold? And the warm voice of him in her memory was also cold and stiff, and as soon as she opened her mouth, she felt that he was hurt now?

Perhaps, Bai Feiyin on his head did not feel that his impression of Dongfanglu was so different. She was forced to retreat.

In his opinion, Dongfang is afraid of him.

"Why am I afraid?!" Inexplicably, which eye of him was scared when he saw her! Bai Feiyin couldn't hear the slander in his heart, and his cold expression softened instantly after hearing her similar coquettish retort.

And this change shocked Dongfang - what a rich and connotative look~! It's absolutely right to enter Oscar!

At the same time, the east's nose is penitty and sweaty.

The breath of others has been overwhelmingly forced to her nose port, and she is still in the mood to have a belly crosstalk?!

Suddenly happy, Bai Feiyin stopped his tight figure, stopped and looked at the strange expression, looking like an elf girl, shaking his head and laughing. It must be strange again!

However, he did not forget his dissatisfaction just now. Although he did not mind, it did not mean that he was relieved. He coughed angrily and suppressed the smile in his voice and asked, "You are not afraid, so why do you retreat?"

After listening to his questioning, Dongfang Tuo only found this man funny, and then took it for granted: "I won't retreat and wait for you to bump into him!"

Bai Feiyin was stunned and didn't expect this answer at all. After a long silence, he found his voice and joked with her: "But are you still guarding me?"

I don't know why he calls himself 'lone' for everyone, but of course he leaves this girl from the ranks of 'everyone'. He doesn't like a word title to separate their distance.

The blush suddenly appeared on the face of the East and stammed, "Just now, I mistakenly thought you were a nerd... I was enchanted. Now it seems that you just look the same." He curled his lips, and after sensing that Bai Feiyin was harmless to her, Dongfang moved his arms with a very sensible relaxed and alert look.

A man muttered: "I don't know if this is the so-called sea of consciousness of Long Yu... But why do I look at this place with a very familiar feeling?"

Bai Fei raised his eyebrows, and his glued eyes did not leave the figure in place. He was curious about her familiarity!

"It seems that... it is also an boundless grassland, but the grass at that time was knee-deep. Now... just hasn't passed the instep, and... at that time..." He turned his back to Bai Feiyin and looked him up and down before saying uncertainly, "It seems that there is also a teenager in white looking at me like this?"

Seeing that Bai Feiyin's face was changing again, Dongfang changed his words in time: "Of course, the clothes you wear are different, and the ages are different... and... you are not him." This is the point, although the vague memory is to affirm that they are not the same person.

Well, she didn't know why she panicked as soon as she saw his change of face, but she felt more and more confused. He carefully peeked at Bai Feiyin's expression and saw that he was just confused and meditated. Dongfang subconsciously stroked his chest and gasped.

Suddenly, her body was stiff again. Why did she explain and why did she look at his face still scared?!

"Who is he?!" Bai Feiyin asked indifferently

Ah? What?" Dongfang is inexplicable, who is it?

For the slow tone of the East, Bai Feiyin frowned. He admitted that when he heard her compare himself with another teenager in white, he was very dissatisfied, angry and blocked!

So, reason can be ignored in some dangerous situations now.

"You said you have seen another teenager in white in this familiar environment?" In order to ask about the unknown 'threat' to him, he didn't mind patiently 'in leading' her back to the right path!

"Yes." He nodded stupidly and scratched his head. "It's just that I was floating in the air at that time. He stood farther, and I didn't know what he looked like. There was a faint elegance all over his body... However, he seemed to be looking at another person through me. Maybe I looked more like his old friend."

Looking at her frown and trying to recall the serious look described by the words, Bai Feiyin only felt that her eyes were full of real and attractiveness. The unconscious girl in front of her didn't seem to find it at all.

She has no touching posture, no dazzling appearance, and no so-called temperament... However, she is fascinated by the unpretentious truth.

"The old man?" Bai Feiyin was puzzled. Even he felt a little incredible in his relaxed tone. Perhaps it was the girl's description of the young man in white and his feeling of 'old friend' that made him eliminate the crisis and murder that just emerged.

"Hmm. The sadness of the maggot of the tarus has a kind of regret and bitterness and helplessness. I..."

"Woth, why are you crying?" Sensing that something was wrong with the girl who buried his memory, he gently raised her jaw and was shocked that her tears were somehow * his hand.

With a slight blink, Dongfang felt a slight coolness on his cheeks, and was covered with warmth without waiting for the drops.

Under the haze, Dongfang tou has choked and can't open his mouth. In my eyes, there is only vague but clear heartache and that sound - why are you crying?

She didn't know why she cried. She seemed to feel the sudden chat with the young man in white, and the feeling that she deliberately ignored when she met the young man in white, but now she is clearly lifted and spread out by the gentleness in front of her.

The inexplicable tears flowed down so that she couldn't make a sound.