The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 372 Block Peach Blossoms for Nerd

Xuehua Palace belongs to the palace of Bai Ningxin, the concubine of the four concubines.

Looking at the temple full of white tea powder camellia, although the fragrance was light, I still felt a little tired. I couldn't imagine what kind of scene it was like inside. Dongfang immediately retreated the drum and pulled Xiao Wan and said with a smile, "Xiao Sixteen, look, I sent you back. The old man who picked you up just came out, so I will retire. 'Go back.'

When he caught a glimpse of Xiao Quan's squirming lips, Dongfang Yin also felt that it was late today and ran around to other palaces. The emperor remured, but it was not conducive to what they had to do. Immediately, he suddenly fell from the palm of his hand with a star-like rhinestone and pressed the pendant, and the silver tassel looked very pleasing.

"16th prince, this is a pendant designed a few days ago. Does it look good?" Handing it to Xiao Qian's hand, he looked at his disappointed face getting better and his head as if he liked it very much. The two looked at each other and smiled.

"When the clothes are made, you will definitely be more beautiful than all princes and princesses when you decorate them." Dongfang didn't want him to be disappointed.

"Well, I'll go to your place to see the clothes in a couple of days. Madam White won't disagree." He turned around and trotted to hold her hand, turned around and waved behind him. His smile was as dazzling as the swaying pendant in his hand.

Dongfang couldn't help sighing: "It's good to be young~."

"Bend, are we very old?"

"Who said that the good years are just beginning to bloom now. Let's go! Go back to make clothes." Thinking of the clothes-making lady of Jinhua Bureau's various bad faces against her in the past few days, Dongfang was a little sad.

can make clothes. It can't be said that she was a colleague 800 years ago, but in fact, she is not so hostile to her. At most, it's enough to guarantee that they will never rob their clothes.

Xiao Huangbei's birthday is set in the Chaolu Hall. Because of his small birthday, other countries only sent courtiers. The red carpet extends all the way from the gate of the palace to the Chaolu Hall, and the courtiers led the ministers to hold congratulatory gifts and talk and laugh with people all the way.

The inner hall is the place where all the women's family members sit, and most of them are 'own families' in the palace. After entering the hall, everyone's eyes are focused on the prince's children of Xiao Huangbei.

"Seventh Princess, your clothes are so beautiful that I have never seen them before?" As a woman like Shao Guiren, the harem concubine took a look at Shao Guiren's clothes and then at Xiao Chuiyun, who entered the hall alone. Her words were very sour.

"If you like it, you can also ask the oriental girl to make a set for you." Xiao Chuiyun gently brushed the skirt with his hand, showing the coldness in his eyes.

Yu Guiren, the concubine position is the same as Shao Guiren, but the appearance is the opposite. The amorous feelings at a glance make people have a kind of illusion. It is a material for being a concubine!

After her, Dongfang heard all their words, and she also saw Xiao Chuiyun's last faint glance. Although the seventh princess was smiling, she clearly felt the same disdain and coldness as the love of the East!

After listening to the words of the seventh princess and talking to people, she blushed and became more angry. Dongfang is more sure that this girl is different from Dongfang's love. Her offending arrogance and Dongfang's arrogance are not at all the same level.

Although the jade nobleman wanted to, but it had something to do with the emperor, she did not have the courage. After a birthday banquet, she swallowed angrily and almost accumulated food.

"Little girl, why didn't the fourth young master of the East who was with you see anyone else?" A minister's daughter was invited by other princesses to whisper around her. From time to time, she looked at the girls who were in love in the high position opposite her, and her eyes were getting narrower and narrow.

Because it was only a public, the minister's daughter asked this question. Dongfang looked sideways and smiled, "A Yin was invited by His Majesty Xiao to have a banquet with the prince in the front hall. Is the girl going to find him?"

"This?!" As soon as the minister's daughter listened, the meaning was wrong, and her face was difficult. "That's not necessary. I only heard the maids say that the fourth young master of the East was like heaven and man for the first time, and he treated people with humility. I'm just curious..."

"Curious?" Dongfang raised his eyebrows and said, "A Yin is good-looking, but how can those palace maids understand that they are humble and polite?" It's like talking to himself, and it's like talking to the minister's daughter.

looked at the minister's face, and Dongfang nodded secretly. Although she didn't mind the nerd's appearance, it didn't mean that he didn't mind that someone ' coveted' him.

What are you kidding! The person she developed herself will never give up to others!

"Miss Liu, you and Liumei are not talking about the fourth brother in the Minnu family, are you?" Carelessly, Dongfang Yue's ears followed the wind, and suddenly calmed down the retreating minister Liu Nu, making Dongfang's calm heart unhappy.

"Little Yue, we..." Although she was a very young woman, she was so straightforward that the minister's daughter was a little embarrassed and finally nodded.

"What's so shy about this? My fourth brother's character and appearance are all good, and he is also the emperor's relative, and he went upstairs with the prince and others." Looking at Dongfang Yue's rare praise in a hundred years, Dongfang was not happy and finally listened to her conclusion, "Miss Liu has a good vision!"

In the end, the minister's daughter was really unable to say it, so she had to return this shame to the other princesses who asked her to come. Finally, she admitted that this was not her intention and was entrusted by others...

Dongfang Yue sneered at Dongfang Tuo. She was natural, but what she wanted was to make it difficult for Dongfang Tuo. When she thought of Dongfang Yin's nerd having a banquet with the prince's brother, she had an atmosphere.

After more than a month, Dongfang Li evolved from the previous few words to silence. She drank quietly, and someone came forward to talk to her.

"Miss Liu?" Just now, the minister and woman whispered with the woman who was close to her, and heard a soft call from the top of her head and looked up in surprise, "Miss Xiaotou?"

"I just talked to the girl and didn't give you a toast." He raised the cup in his hand and laughed: "This first cup is atonement."

The minister's daughter was a little frightened and didn't understand what it meant, but then she drank a cup and waved her hand to warn her not to pay attention.

"Second cup, for A Yin, I'm a little flattered by your attention to him, and I'm not afraid to tell you something about it." Some frivolous tone has no obscene meaning in today's short dress.

"What?" With her signal, the minister listened to her. Dongfang took advantage of this gap to throw a provocative smell to the table of Dongfang Yue.

"You like the prince." In a word, it is no less than thunder on the ground. Shocked, the minister's daughter was extremely shy and couldn't answer for a long time. Dongfang Tuo said in the end with the good intentions of beating the iron while it was hot: "Yes, there are few men who are as excellent and elegant as the princes rich and noble in the world, right?"

"What does Little Too want to say?" The minister's daughter is not a fool, but inexplicably becomes a ball and becomes a plaything of women from the two schools of the Oriental family. Although she is not happy, she still wants to hear what she says about the prince.

The minister's daughter did not deny that her thoughts were guessed by her.

"It is said that my sister has known the prince since she was a child and is very close to each other, and they are called brothers and sisters..."

"What?!" The minister's daughter came to her senses and found that this shocking questioning was not her mouth, but the voice of several other women next to her.

Looking at the women staring at Dongfang Yue and Dongfang Li, Dongfang is a little afraid. The women who eavesdrop on gossip are really terrible!

"What's so difficult to have a good impression on the prince? What's difficult is that I can't stand it." Dongfang was not afraid of staring and ruthlessly suppressed these women.

Dongfang Yue nodded and said, "A person is not qualified because of his own ability. It's nothing to look at people behind his back!"

Dongfang nodded. She admired the two sisters and ignored the woman's anger and feasted herself.

As soon as the words fell, I heard the eunuch report that the queen arrived, and listened to the Empress Dowager's chat with the young man and didn't appear. At the beginning of the banquet, there was a scene of Queen Shangguan's earthquake on her head. Everyone stopped saying anything. Although it was tasteless, it could not be denied that what they talked about was not the nonsense just now.

Dongtou is not familiar with the form of the palace, nor is it strong. He just looks at the concubines who followed the queen, and happens to look at the women in pink camellia palace clothes. They are a little familiar, as if they have met them in kilometers a few years ago.

Then he thought of Xiao Yu, and then he found that the two looked similar and smiled. Is that Xiao Yu's mother?