The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 398 Dilemme!

How could Dongfang Tow not know what he meant and took out his own bead with a wry smile. The fluorescence reflected on the pale face, and there was a kind of thrilling unreality. I didn't know that the pupil of picking stars shrank slightly, and my hand unconsciously tightened the message beads.

"I won't choose." Looking at the star picking seem to fall into his own thoughts and looking at the beads, Dongfanglu still said to himself, "They all have a characteristic. Like you and ignorance, they all like to be more serious."

So they won't give her a choice.

And she is not necessary. No matter how Dongfang Yinbai Feiyin rejects another self and refuses to admit it, they are just one person.

A laughter broke the silence of the two.

Dongfanglu and I don't know how to pick stars were stunned. At the same time, they looked at the beads in their hands. If they heard it correctly, they just heard Dongfang Yin... Bai Feiyin was laughing, and the smile from the message beads.

Dongfang's body hiding in the quilt stiffened and his face was a little unnatural. Everyone over there should have heard what he had just said. I didn't know how to pick stars, but I saw that he was ready to see her jokes.

"Nerd?" Dongfang got up in a hurry and tried to ask the beads deliberately.

For a long time, Bai Feiyin's calm and dangerous breath came from the message beads, "It's lonely."

"So this bead can still be used as a phone?" Pretending to be surprised, Dongfang smiled, but he didn't know that she could see the cold sweat on her forehead.

"Don't change the topic. You should know, Gu and Dongfang Yin, who do you choose?"

Shouldn't have come or come...

"It's not shopping, what to choose?" Dongfanglu tried his best to rack his brains and laughed by the way.

"Who do you choose?" Like a repeater, this sentence only comes out of the beads.

For no reason, Dongfang felt the oppression close to her ear. She opened her mouth and answered "nerd".

The bead continued to be silent. After a long time in the East, I thought that after a year, the dangerous breath of Bai Feiyin was still lingering in my ears, and the ghosts did not dispel!

"Good. That orphan will never wake him up, so you don't have to choose him. Bai Feiyin doesn't know what he means, but for no reason, he feels uncomfortable!

It's all caused by this girl opposite the beads!

The sudden threat made Dongfang not know what to say for a moment. Can she say that she heard the smell of Bai Feiyin's jealousy? Can she say that his behavior is childish? Can she say that she wants to laugh at this moment?

The silence of Dongfang made Bai Feiyin a little panic, but he didn't know it, so he asked later, "What? Can't bear it?"

"That's not true." Dongfang came to his senses in the blink of an eye.

"What do you mean?" Bai Feiyin was a little nervous and looking forward to it. If Dongfang is in front of you, you will definitely feel a little familiar with this scene...

I don't know that it would be embarrassing to pick stars and stay any longer, so I went to see the situation of the two fake goods.

There is only one person left in the room, and his courage is slowly growing...

"I can't stop what you want to do, but I will be sad, painful, and lose my direction again." After a long silence, Bai Feiyin heard Dongfang's voice continue, "The person I identified was a nerd from the beginning, because he was here."

And the only difference between Bai Feiyin and Dongfang Yin is that the nerd will not and dare to threaten her, and Bai Feiyin has always been the arrogant and domineering existence. Threatening people is just a commonplace. To put it better, it is to look up to her and threaten her. If it is irrelevant, I'm afraid of watching. I'm too lazy to look at it.

Two temperaments are gathered in one person, and she doesn't want to choose in her own mind.

Bai Feiyin asked her with a false threat, so she didn't mind rebelling him, frustling his sharpness, and growing her selfish pride.

"I'm waiting for you in Xiaoyao City."

just brewed a little pride, because Bai Feiyin's meaningless sentence made the back of the east cold, as if he was saying, I'm waiting for you to die!


Originally scheduled to rest for one night, several people set off for Xiaoyao City. At this time, Fang continued to visit the inn with a sticker, saying that he would stay in the east for a day and promised to have a banquet in person.

On the day of the closing of the case, although he knew that they were not Xiaoyao disciples, he was uncomfortable for a moment, but at least he solved the case in his city and stabilized people's hearts, so he had to hold a banquet for them in person.

Moreover, from Xiaoyao City, be sure to ask him to bring a few words to them...

At the dinner table, the two fakes sat in fear, looking at the oriental and star-picking look from time to time. After three rounds of drinking, Fang continued to speak and wrapped his tongue around.

"You have only been in the city for a few days, but you probably don't know what's going on in Xiaoyao City?"

Dongfang frowned: "Is there anything in the city lord's words?"

Fang Xu listened and shook his head in a hurry and waved his hand: "No, the city sent a wanted notice saying that the two men had been a few days ago... Oh! It happened before you came." Fang Xu casually dismissed the people at the door and then said, "Those two people turned Xiaoyao City upside down and cut off the grain of a village halfway."

"So the city owner suspects that we are also one?" Dongfang smiled and asked slowly. But I was secretly annoyed. What tricks did the dragon's legacy play? Didn't you say that you waited until Xiaoyao City was talking about it? Why did you play 'the thief shouting to catch the thief' halfway?

I don't know how to pick stars.

Fang continued to shake his head indisputablely, took out the notice from his arms, spread it on the table, pointed to the two familiar people above and said, "I heard that there are two powerful characters who disturb the triennial disciple conference in Xiaoyao City! They also broke into their ancestral temple! After killing many disciples, he sat down on the mythical beast, and not to mention the injured people. Xiaoyao City ordered all towns to capture them!"

Dongfang pretended to be so honest that the two guys were so honest on the way into Xiaoyao Xianshan Mountain, and even deliberately dismantled Xiao Wuyou and the star-picking platform, so that Dongfangyin deliberately pretended to inadvertently heard the wind when he tested her mind. It turns out that it is to please in advance and make it a crime?

"What's the use if they cut off the food and don't take it away?" It seems that although their identities have been revealed, at least they have not been contacted.

"It is said that it is to make Xiaoyao City make a fool of itself, so that they can mess up. If you have any hatred, you should bear it. Don't you think it's too much?" Although Fang Xu is the lord of a city in Xiaoyao Fairy Mountain, although he is afraid of Xiaoyao City, he is also an informal person. He will not do anything to him by saying a few smearing truths.

"So... has the city owner ever heard of the ancient mythical beast in the world, and who is subdued by?" To be honest, Dongfang is a little nervous. If Fang continues to pretend to be stupid and cooperates with Xiaoyao City to give them an invitation to the urn, then her gain will not be worth the loss.

Fang Xu squinted his drunken eyes and couldn't find the north. He hummed, "I've heard that he was subdued by the daughter of a courtier in the Eastern Dynasty, and he also went upstairs to repair it for several years. After he came out, he shouted to kill in the world and caught more alive... Xiaoyao Xianshan's other unhappy news... The fastest!"

Dongfang pretended to be shocked and asked, "Since the city owner and Xiaoyao City know that we are Yi Rongcheng Xiaoyao's disciples, and they almost cut off the food and still cheated you to eat and drink here, you...haven't doubted us?" She is the first to believe it, and I'm afraid that the powerful tricks are still ahead.

When it comes to cheating food and drinking, the two fakes are a little wronged, but they dare not say. I don't know that picking stars is a little embarrassing, which is not what he wants.