The emperor of prosperity is too sinister

Chapter 403 When the love is strong

The upper is gradually clear, the plain hem, the silver-white belt with a wide palms around the waist, the silver-white alternation at the front of the collar, the light silver long-sleeved blouse in the night, and a light smile from the wind on the lips.

The East is stunned and a little familiar.

In the black projection, Bai Feiyin looked at the person who was suddenly stunned in front of unknown people at night, and she was a little annoyed and helpless. Knowing that she might guess a little about him, she stopped teasing her and stepped out a dark projection in front of her who couldn't stop her expression.

"The conscienceless girl just wanted to draw a knife at each other!" Looking at the stunned look on her face, Bai Feiyin finally couldn't bear to 'torture' herself so much and smiled bitterly: "I haven't seen you for a few days, alone... but I miss you tightly."

"It's you!" Originally, she planned to wait for someone to leave, but the illusory and warm smile on her face in front of her was full of soft missing words. Her throat seemed to be blocked by something and she couldn't speak, so she could only say this sentence in a daze.

"What about you?"

What? He was still in a state of distraction without normal work, and then he came to his senses and raised his eyes. He had already arrived in front of him. There is no time to ask him why he didn't say goodbye a few days ago, including nerds! Before I could ask him why he was here, he was embraced by the cold and warm embrace of the moonlight.

"Do you want to be lonely?" The originally stiff body slowly warmed up and didn't have time to see his appearance. His ears were wet and warm, and his hands trembled and grasped the clothes on his waist, and nodded like a demon.

Just as I wanted to stay in his neck for a while, a wet, warm and crisp smile in her ear was connected to her heart by the tremor of her chest, followed by a tremor...

Holding her shoulders and temporarily pulling away the hug, looking at him with some confused eyes, Bai Feiyin felt that the girl was really begging for a beating... so that he couldn't talk to her well. Then they sighed like surrendering. The two of them touched their foreheads lightly, the tip of their noses touched each other, and the distance between their lips was limited to such a drop...

"Is it so difficult to say 'you want to be lonely'?" His eyelashes trembled slightly, and it was a little itchy on her eyelids, and he also blinked. The warm breath sprayed on the lips with the spitting word by word, and it was still so crisp. His eyes couldn't help looking back and forth for something in his eyes. Anyway, he was happy.

A little, a little miss... this feeling.

"Three days ago, you left without saying goodbye with a nerd...?" As soon as she opened her mouth, she was taken the lead by Bai Feiyin, taking advantage of her opportunity to make trouble, and let her block all the conceivable chatter. The little intimacy between the two has also evolved into breathing and missing lips and teeth.

Feel the increasingly hot embrace, maintain a slightly clear mind, blush and pretend to be calm, and continue: "Do you know that I'm worried to death!"

It seems that she used the opportunity to breathe, but it's good. He raised his eyebrows and smiled, and in his unrestrained black eyes, he approached the red lips kissed by him and asked, "Who are you worried about?"

The East was stunned.

Bai Fei smiled, and the girl was stunned as soon as she encountered this problem. While the girl didn't push him away, she continued to kiss him.

He won't let her worry about whether he is still worried about Dongfang Yin, because he knows that he and Dongfang Yin are inseparable and a person. It's just that I'm bored and annoyed occasionally, and I will excuse to take out the girl in my arms to tease her.

At the foot of the mountain, the ghost looked at the star picking without saying a word and sneered: "Are you afraid?"

"What do you mean?" Unusually, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the underworld with the kind of eyes that had never seen people in front of the East. The distance between the two was just one foot, and their black eyes stained a black hole and silently devoured each other.

"There are dead people in Xiaoyao Pavilion." Yin Jie's laughter was very light and slow, and the ending was very long. The floating ghost seemed to not care about the implied threat of picking stars, and continued to say: "Twenty years ago, everyone said that Bai Ran died tragically in the far northwest, but no one knew that Bai Ran had died long ago and died in the Xiaoyao Pavilion. Unconsciously... No! It should be said that there is another person who knows.

"What do you want to say?"

Ying Jiejie's laughter stopped abruptly after hearing the hoarse beast roar behind him! The ghost looked at the sudden increase of a large mythical beast behind him. A front paw was stuck in his neck as if nothing had happened. It seemed that as long as the sharp claw of the Adam's apple moved slightly, it could scratch his throat and knot him.

"You hide really deeply." The ghost buzzed his bloodless lips and wanted to laugh, but his eyes couldn't help but notice that the lion behind him was licking his paws as if nothing had happened, and he didn't care how much the person threatened by it wanted to die.

"Do you dare to reveal what happened 20 years ago in front of your Lord, isn't it because of your puppetry? Now, your spell doesn't work, so what's going on? I didn't know that the star took two steps closer to him and stretched out his hand. I thought he was going to fan the underworld, but I didn't want to cross the white lion, the mythical beast that teased him.

He hummed coldly and hid his hand back in his sleeve: "I don't dare to show the white lion in front of Bai Feiyin and other mythical beasts in Xiaoyao City!" Otherwise, he won't give him a chance to breathe.

For the unknown brother who dominated the mainland 20 years ago, it is very simple to kill a person, but it depends on whether it is appropriate or not.

I don't know how to pick stars and sneer: "I won't kill you. Except for the current you, you are still useful, and it doesn't matter whether you dare or dare!"

After saying that, the coolness on his neck disappeared in an instant, and his heart trembled twice and returned to his position. Looking at the look of Star Picking's wanton smile, he couldn't help but have a kind of frustration of losing, which made him unable to come to the stage for a moment, and then took a look at the Star Picking again.

Fuxiu snorted coldly: "Tll tell me the person who witnessed the tragic death of Bai Ran 20 years ago, and I will wait for him to kneel down and apologize and beg me to shut up."

"Until then, you must take good care of yourself!"

In the night, there was no smell of floating underworld. The smile in his eyes gradually loosened. Without warning, he reached out into his claws and into the mountain wall behind him. The gravel instantly turned into powder in his palm.

On the mountain, outside the Xiaoyao Pavilion. The two were still standing at a close distance, and no one opened their mouth to break this precious moment. It was not until Bai Fei spoiled the tip of Dongfang's nose that she remembered tonight's business.

"How do you... why are you here?" You mean him and Dongfang Yin.

"Didn't you say that I'll wait for you here?" Bai Fei narrowed his eyes, stroked her red and swollen lips magically, and his words were like dreams and whispered. In short... he was absent-minded.

Pretended to calm down his restless hand and gave him an angry look: "Speak well!" Unexpectedly, this bright moonlight and affectionate glance is enough to make Bai Fei think about it for a long time.