Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 88: Guiyuanzong

"I said that I will follow you all my life. Don't treat my words as a joke. I'm serious." Bai Feng said seriously without laughing.

What else can Hong Lin say when he hears this?

"Big brother, big sister, have you seen my grandfather? And where is this? It's so high!" At this time, a child's voice broke the silence of Hong Lin, and Hong Lin knew that the little girl woke up.

Looking at the little girl's pink face, Hong Lin had a trace of pity and couldn't bear to tell her about her grandfather.

"Hee hee, little sister, what's your name!" Bai Feng said with a smile.

"My name is Chao Lianyi, big sister. Big brother can call me Lianyi, just call me Lianyi." The little girl said sweetly. After saying this, she asked about her grandfather again.

Hong Lin naturally knew that her grandfather was the old man in gray. After thinking about it, he finally decided to prevaricate: "Your grandfather has gone far away and give you to us first."

"Grandpa is far away!" When the little girl heard this, her eyes rumbled, as if she had encountered something interesting. Finally, her little body jumped and said happily with a smile, "Grandpa is going far away, grandpa is going far away."

Hong Lin couldn't help twitching a few times when he saw the corners of his mouth. He thought the little girl would keep making trouble. Who knew that the little girl actually became happy, but this was better and saved him a lot of trouble.

"My grandpa is away, so I can have fun. By the way, big sister, you play with me. I want to play at home! be a father!" After saying that, the little girl pointed to Hong Lin and said seriously with a clenched fist.

Immediately pointed to Bai Feng and said sweetly, "You are a mother, big sister, you see how happy you laugh. I know you like big brother! My eyes are amazing. Are you my big brother's girlfriend?

"Ah..." Hong Lin almost cramped the corners of his mouth.

Even Bai Feng almost fell from the ring bird, and said that such a smart little girl came from, but she could see this as soon as she met, and such a little girl knew everything.

"Well, I know what you are thinking. You must be wondering why I am so smart, or thinking that my intelligence does not match my age. I tell you, my grandfather told me when he was a child that my wisdom is very comparable. I am a genius as an alchemist, so my brain Zi is very smart and smart, and nothing can beat me. The little girl clenched her fist and said happily.

"This..." Hong Lin really didn't know what to say.

"Hey, let's not talk about this. Let's play at home. I'm a daughter, you're a father, and you're a mother. Let me tell you, home is fun. I've never played such a fun game!" When the little girl said this, she said in a secret tone, which made Hong Lin and Bai Feng laugh bitterly.


In the end, Hong Lin still didn't play games with the little girl and found an excuse to prevaricate.

You know that they are still escaping from the pursuit. Who knows when the crane-haired middle-aged man will catch up? How can he have time to waste it? Otherwise, it will not be enough for him to die after being caught up.

Fortunately, Honglin's aimless flight unexpectedly found a city. Honglin's consciousness swept away and found that this city was very prosperous and the area was large. In terms of degree, it was no lower than the capital cities such as Huangsha City and Baifan City.

In addition to Honglin's great joy, he quickly entered the city.

After Honglin inquired, he learned that the city was the Black Dragon Realm, the capital of Guiyuan County, Guiyuan City.

It is said that Guiyuan County is different from several other counties. You should know that the remaining counties have a lot of power distribution. For example, they have many cities and more power in Zhentu County, which can even be described in countless ways. Not only Zhentu County, but also Luofei County is similar, but in contrast, Luofei County is better.

But Guiyuan County is quite powerful. There is only one force in their whole Guiyuan County. The name of this force is Guiyuanzong. Guiyuanzong dominates the whole Guiyuan County. It can be said that it is extremely powerful and its strength cannot be underestimated. It can be said that this Guiyuan Sect can be said to be one of the best sects in the whole Black Dragon Realm. .

According to Hong Lin's exploration, the strength of Gui Yuanzong can even be comparable to the strength of their three real earth counties!

In his heart, he also had a general exploration of the strength of Guiyuanzong. He thought that Guiyuanzong was worthy of being as powerful as the whole Guiyuan County. It is estimated that the strongest in this sect is no worse than Bai Fan.


At this time, Honglin was walking leisurely on a road in Guiyuan City.

The little girl Chaolian Yiguo really had never seen the world. She was surprised to see everything. After a while, she turned around, and Honglin also let her play by herself. His consciousness was open, and she really didn't believe that anyone could take a person away under his consciousness.

Maybe someone can really hide his consciousness, but that kind of person is all a powerful strong man. Who will hold on and abduct a little girl? At least, Honglin really didn't see that there was anything strange about this little girl.

In addition to talking too much, there is only fun left.

However, at this time, Hong Lin was shocked and then disappeared in place. Bai Feng saw this and followed and disappeared.

Honglin's consciousness scanned and found that a car pulled by a monster ran rampant on the road, regardless of the people around him. When the people around him saw the monster car, they also avoided it one after another, but Hong Lin did not care about these. If the monster car went on, it would definitely hit Chao Lianyi. .

This is what Hong Lin doesn't want to see, and he has vowed to protect Chao Lianyi to the death!

Chaolianyi is playing excitedly, and she looks harmless, and she is popular everywhere. Many people greet her with a smile without malice. She has a lot of fun.

But at this moment, Chao Lianyi felt a strong wind blowing around her. The wind was very fierce. She couldn't help turning around and found that there was a big horse-drawn carriage in front of her at some point, running towards her at a very fast speed.

When Chao Lianyi saw this, he instinctively urged him to cry with fear.

When the people around saw this, they also sighed secretly and said that the little girl was so pitiful that she got into trouble with them...

Although they couldn't bear to see this scene, who dared to care about this kind of thing? But in the next section, they opened their eyes, because they found that the huge demon horse actually stopped. It was not stopped by themselves, but was cut off by a life. Feet.

Yes, this huge demon horse was actually cut off its feet at the moment of the neighboring little girl. With the exclamation of the giant horse, the carriage also tilted.

This young man is Hong Lin. At this moment, Hong Lin picked up Chao Lianyi and comforted Chao Lianyi. After all, Chao Lianyi, a little girl, ran to the huge horse and said that he was not shocked, which was false.

Thinking of this, Hong Lin suddenly felt a burst of anger in his heart. Not to mention Chao Lianyi, even if another girl encounters this situation, he will definitely save him. What he sees most is that he has to kill. He is not a good person, but he is not a bad person. He can't watch a person with no power to tie a chicken is killed!

Especially such a small person, who has such no conscience! Can't we treat human life as grass mustard?

"Who, who, who! Come out!" At this moment, a cold voice sounded, and a man came out of the huge horse-drawn carriage. He was a young man in gorgeous clothes with an arrogant face.

Looking at Hong Lin and said coldly, "Is that you? How dare you destroy my carriage? I will make you worse than death today!"

"Alas, someone has provoked the grandson of Elder Guiyuanzong. This grandson of Elder Guiyuanzong has been domineering for many years, and no one dares to provoke him. This little brother is mostly more or less auspicious."

"Shh, keep your voice down. If you say so, I hope that the little brother is a master. Look at the two feet of the giant horse with one hand. You think that the two horses are level 6 monsters, but the little brother doesn't even use weapons. He destroys the horse's leg with one hand. Even if this little brother is not a very high physical level. That character is definitely a super awakening-level strongman.

People say so, and there are many people who are in line with it.

"Look, let's do it!" At this moment, I don't know who said a word, and all the people also looked at Hong Lin and the gorgeously dressed man.

"Who did you just say that life is better than death?"