Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 162: Killer Family

In the past seven days, the wind and clouds have surged.

Throughout Yueyang, the group doors went out, one after another.

Their goal is similar, that is, to go to a big city in Luofan County, Wuhuang City, which was captured a few days ago, and now there is only one force, the Anti-Soul League.

In a few days, it will be completely created and the alliance creation ceremony will be started.

Then invite all the powerful sects, clans and six emperors in Yueyang to sit in power. Few people don't buy face, but each sect fights with different minds!

And now, the establishment of the Anti-Soul League has spread the whole Yueyang Realm, which can be said that everyone knows it. Even after the child who has just learned to speak can call his parents, the second one is the Anti-Soul League!

It can be seen that the statement of the Anti-Soul League has spread to everyone's bone marrow.

These are all in Honglin's calculation.


The tallest building in the unparalleled city.

Hong Lin lay on the eaves, thinking about things.

"Honglin, your plan is foolproof." Shura laughed.

"It's impossible to say, but it can delay some time. In order to resist the soul master alliance, they can only do so. Otherwise, the soul master alliance is strong. The first time they are the soul master killed me, the second is the soul master, and the third time is the great soul master. The fourth time, maybe even the legendary soul master may be Come out, I can't resist it." Hong Lin said with a wry smile.

Sura said, "But this plan is really awesome. When did you become so smart?"

"As you said, I'm already very smart, but I've been relying on you too much." Hong Lin smiled faintly.

"Haha, indeed, I still remember that when I entered your weapon when you were a child, I designed to fool you without success, but was put on by you." Shura laughed.

Hong Lin shook his head. These were things that happened many years ago, but in retrospect, they still have so charm.

"But tomorrow is the day when the Anti-Soul League is established." Hong Lin lay on the eaves and muttered to himself.

He fell into thinking, and Shura also closed his mouth very consciously.

And Honglin's thoughts are also getting better. He is thinking about the flaws. Although this plan has no loopholes in people's eyes now, the loopholes cannot exist. There is no perfect plan, but no one has seen that flaw, and the soul master alliance is powerful. He must be prepared for both sides.

Be prepared to live and be prepared to face danger.

Gradually, Honglin is thinking about the future policy. What he is thinking about now is not himself, but the whole anti-soul alliance. His thinking is to make the greatest security of the anti-soul alliance.

However, at this time, Hong Lin suddenly opened his eyes and felt an inexplicable crisis, which was very strong and horrible. This is the first time he has encountered such a strong crisis since he was born.

It's just that he scanned his consciousness, but he didn't find anyone's existence.

"Is it an illusion?" Hong Lin thought quickly in his heart, but even if it was an illusion, he was trapped in the world with his heart at this moment.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, and the figure directly turned into a black line and rushed to him at a very fast speed.

"Dangerous!" Shura roared.

This person's speed is extremely fast, almost indescribable in the blink of an eye. It is almost as fast as Honglin's nine-star line. This speed can only be described and interpreted by horror.

Even with Honglin's high-speed reaction ability, he was slightly stunned, but at this stunned moment, the dagger in the figure's hand deeply penetrated Honglin's body.

However, this Honglin turned into a magic powder and disappeared in the whole sky with the wind...

The number of countless phantoms in the whole sky, 100, 200, 300, 400, 400, are all condensed by Honglin. At this moment, with the improvement of the strength, the phantoms of Honglin's ghost steps can reach thousands, but different numbers and consumption are also different.

Hong Lin saw the appearance of this figure clearly at this moment.

Young and weird, shrouded in black, he can't see his true face clearly. He only knows that he is a man in black.

"Sure enough, it's a ghost walk that has been lost for countless years!" The man in black snorted coldly, and then the dagger in his hand turned into a straight line and disappeared. No matter how much he wanted to find it, he couldn't find it.

Even... I can't even find the sound of the wind.

"There is no smell, no sound, and the speed is so fast that it can't be observed by the eyes, but how can I not observe you when I look at the world with my heart." Hong Lin thought to him.

But what shocked him was that the man in black broke out of hundreds of phantoms and attacked him straight at him.

"I can find my existence from countless phantoms!" Hong Lin's eyes were extremely shocked.

But he didn't have any hesitation, and his eyes instantly changed from black to gold!

The man in black, who was not far from Honglin, trembled violently at the moment he was stared at by the golden eyes. At this time, a black bright wheel suddenly fell from the sky and hit his head. From head to to toe, there was no trace of scum left.

The body of the man in black was completely destroyed by Honglin.

"It's a pity that you can't leave the body..." Hong Lin shook his head helplessly, and at this moment, his face couldn't help sweating coldly.

Breathing is also very short. Almost every moment, the killer was enough to kill him. It was also the first time he encountered such a battle. If he hadn't used ghost steps at the moment he found it, and hundreds of phantoms made the black killer unable to find the real body for a while, he would have really died. .

And the next moment, the black killer can find his real body in 400 phantoms in an instant, making him wonder what kind of killer he is...

"Hong Lin! Are you all right?"

At this moment, an eager cry came, which was Zhou Yanran and the baby emperor.

"It's okay!" Hong Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Yanran looked around and looked around. She frent slightly and gently opened her lips: "I just observed that there is a powerful divine power fluctuation here. Looking here again, you seem to have been assassinated..."

Hong Lin sighed that Zhou Yanran's experience was really rich and nodded and said, "Indeed, the killer is dressed in black, and his strength is only the first awakening of death, but his strength lies in his strange speed, speed in a short distance, faster than breathing, and silent. , there is no sound of harmony with the wind, and I can't smell anything from him..."

"What!" The baby emperor was shocked.

Zhou Yanran also covered her chest and said, "What kind of killer is this? He is silent, tasteless and faster than breathing. What about him now? Most of them have already run away!"

"I killed it, and there is no body left, otherwise I will die." Hong Lin spread out his hands.

"What!" The doll emperor and Zhou Yanran were shocked at the same time.

You should know that it is silent, tasteless, fast and faster than breathing, so people's consciousness and eyes absolutely can't observe this speed. It's simply a perfect killer. It's okay to say that there is no assassination, because the killer doesn't feel the chance of success, and he will run away immediately, which is simply more refined than a rabbit. How can he be killed?

"It was indeed killed by me, well... there is still a little clothes residue..." Hong Lin pointed out.

Zhou Yanran couldn't help rolling her eyes, but she still picked up the clothes and looked at it carefully.

However, Hong Lin secretly communicated with Shura. He must know the specific information of the man in black. If he wants to know, he can only pass the thousand years of experience of Shura.

"Ninety-nine are the people of the killer family. Only the people of the killer family are so perverted, silent and tasteless, and faster than breathing. People's consciousness and nothing can be observed. Unless they look at the world with their hearts, they can only wait to be slaughtered. It's just..." Shura stopped talking.

"Just what?" Hong Lin is eager to know.

"It's just that this killer family was killed by the forces of the awakening continent countless years ago." Shura said helplessly.

Hong Lin was surprised. He didn't expect that the killer family would be destroyed countless years ago, but the killer family was destroyed. Who is this person? Do you have a grudge against him?

Hong Lin couldn't help but wonder.

"The workmanship of this dress is fine, and there is no light in the sun, and there will be no friction and electric effect, and there will be no smell left on this dress, as if it were from the killer family..." At this time, Zhou Yanran also muttered.