Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 189: Defense Broken

This battle instantly changed. The original possession was dominated by the Holy Soul Master. However, at this moment, although Hong Lin and others did not say that they had the upper hand, they were evenly matched, and the autumn colors were almost the same.

More than a dozen emperor-level characters of the Anti-Soul League are regarded by the Soul Master League, which proves their unusualness. In addition, which one is the character captured by the Soul Master League several times. How can there be no means?

An emperor may be nothing, but at this moment, more than a dozen emperors joined hands, plus Chen Dongfang and Chen Nanfang's two brothers, unexpectedly delayed the quadruplets for a while.

The quadruplets are obviously very anxious, which also proves that the Holy Soul Master is anxious...

"Get out!"

"Hahahaha, if you want to break free from us, you can hold it for a few more years!"

While the two sides were against each other, they satirized each other, and Hong Lin added vinegar to the rear to create pressure on the Holy Soul Master and make waves in his heart. Don't underestimate this pressure.

It is absolutely impossible for the Holy Soul Master to be relaxed at this moment. While manipulating the four venerable men to fight, he has to worry about Hong Lin's words becoming true. Naturally, he can't feel better.

The control of the soul master is equivalent to sleeping. After all, the carefulness of this control is very high, and you can't be distracted for a moment. However, when anyone controls it carefully, someone will tell you that if someone wants to kill you later, who will focus on it? Even if you calm down, you must worry about the other side.

The combat effectiveness will definitely plummet.

Although the Holy Soul Master wanted to withdraw very much, it turned out that it was difficult for him to leave again.


The soul master who didn't know where he was scolded.

"Hong Lin, don't force me from your anti-soul alliance, otherwise, I will definitely make your anti-soul alliance have a hard time, especially you, Hong Lin, don't force me, otherwise, I will definitely make your life worse than death. The holy soul master is not a great soul master, and I can kill you even if I am far away!" The Holy Soul Master said.

This word came from the mouths of the four venerable people.

Hong Lin naturally couldn't be threatened by him and sneered: "If you have any tricks, Honglin, since I dare to come to the Black Dragon Realm, I have never been afraid of you!"

"Think about it. Don't force me. Although I don't know whether what you said is true or false, if you really provoke me, I will pay some price and kill you. Although I don't have the ability to kill these emperors, it's still more than enough to kill you!"

Hong Lin listened to these words, his face did not change, and his heart was like water. He said lightly, "If you really have the ability, just use it!"

How can Hong Lin be threatened by him at this time? Even if there is a real threat, he can't be timid. As the leader of the alliance, how can he be threatened by the Holy Soul Master? Again, he is the leader of the alliance, not a pawn!

"Then, don't blame me..."

The Holy Soul Master obviously believed Hong Lin's words and felt the crisis.


The venerable quadruplets, one of the venerable, suddenly turned black. No, it was not the face, but the venerable's skin turned black in an instant. This kind of black is not ordinary black, but to the extreme. At this moment, this venerable is like a black man!

"What's going on!"

Everyone looked at this venerable and didn't know what was going on.

"Is this the support this guy wants to kill Honglin?" Chen Dongfang gritted his teeth and said, "However, how can I let you kill Hong Lin!"

In his heart, Hong Lin is equivalent to his benefactor. After all, the other party saved his brother, his closest brother, the only relative in the world. How can he not thank him? Even if he pays all the price, he can't let the enemy hurt Hong Lin.

And Honglin looked at all this quietly and stood in the air with his hands behind his hands. Nothing raised on his face.

Although his strength is poor, in terms of calmness, no one is stronger than him in the whole anti-soul alliance.

It seems that his heart is calm and as quiet as a lake, but in fact, his heart has already rotated rapidly, but he is countless times calmer than normal people. Even in the crisis of frequent death, he can fully guarantee calmness, which is the benefit of understanding the true meaning of ice.

The cold extreme...quiet.

The quiet extreme...cold.

He is calm now, and nothing can shake his mind.

Time is just a moment.

At this moment, the skin changed to the black venerable and slowly opened his eyes. A pair of black eyes did not mean anything, but the whole pair of eyes were covered with black. At this moment, both his clothes and his body were covered with a layer of black.

There is even a layer of black smoke on his body, which looks weird and evil.

"Hee hee hee..."

The venerable man covered with black smoke smiled evilly. The sound made people's scalp tingle and gave rise to goose bumps all over.

Everyone looked puzzled. Looking at this changed venerable, they didn't know what was going on.

However, Hong Lin frowned and thought in his heart, and at this moment, he suddenly widened his eyes: "Holy Soul Master!"

"Hahaha, Honglin, go to hell. As long as I kill you, everything is over, everything is over hahaha!" The venerable shrouded in black smoke burst into laughter for a moment.

Immediately, a thin black line came out of his forehead. This thin line was like a snake. As soon as it appeared, it brushed and attacked Hong Lin.

"The power of the soul!" Chen Dongfang suddenly recognized what it was, and there seemed to be a big stone in his heart, rushing towards the power of the soul at a thousand speed.

But he was still slow for a moment. The speed of the power of the soul was too fast. In an instant, it fell into Honglin's eyebrows and entered Honglin's body.

And Honglin also trembled and was successfully entered by the power of this soul.

"The anti-soul power can't resist the power of the soul!" Hong Lin thought quietly in his heart.

In the face of this danger that can almost make him die, he can still keep calm. This is his support. All the rest, calmness in his heart, and all crises can be resolved.

"My heart is quiet, and there is no distance from the heart of the weapon soul. How can you find a flaw in the power of your soul..." Hong Lin closed his eyes and felt the power of the soul in his body. The power of this soul is a snake that rotates around in his body.

has been looking for a flaw. As long as he reveals a flaw, then the power of this soul will definitely not hesitate to break through the defense circle of his soul. Once so, he is really controlled by the holy soul master...

At that time, even if the other party let him die, he will die in an instant without any resistance.

"The power of the soul, break!" Honglin's heart is as calm as water.

"What?" The venerable man, who was shrouded in black smoke, was shocked.

However, after he was surprised, he did not show any panic. Instead, he laughed and laughed: "Do you think this can drive away the power of my soul? There is no isolation from the soul of the weapon in your heart. There is no flaw, but there is no flaw, and you can't enter without me. In the face of absolute power, Your defense has no effect! Be obediently manipulated by me, but commit suicide, hahahaha!"


Hong Lin suddenly felt a panic in his heart. The power of the other party's soul suddenly broke through his defense circle, like an invincible sword, and pierced into Honglin's defense circle fiercely. For a moment, Honglin actually felt that his body could not help but be controlled by himself...

"No, I haven't been manipulated by the soul master yet. The reason why he can attack proves that my heart and Shura are not close enough!" There was a thrill in Honglin's heart.

But the truth is so terrible that the soul power of the other party has been attacked.


At this moment, Shura's voice suddenly sounded.

Hong Lin'en gave a sound, and his soul looked at Shura and said, "Sura, what can you do?"

"There is a way, but this method may be difficult for you to accept..." Shura's words were heavy.

"It's okay!"

"Then I'll say..."

Hong Lin listened to what Shura said and felt that something was wrong. Although Shura would sell the key, it was absolutely impossible to drag the mud and water at this critical moment, and it was absolutely impossible to sell the key. Once the critical moment, Shura would definitely be anxious and roared, and it was impossible to be like before.

"It's fake!" This is Honglin's first thought.

At this moment, Shura's voice also suddenly sounded. The voice was gloomy and he shouted, "This way is to die..."

"This way is to die!"