Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 301: Rule Stone

"If the Hong brothers don't dislike my southeast valley, the little sister can take the Hong brothers to visit more and let them see the scenery of my hometown. This is the place where my ancestors grew up, brewing a lot of scenery and water colors. To be honest, it is rare to see the scenery of my southeast valley in this sky platform." Nishanglan was not modest and said with a smile.

Hong Lin nodded. It is also a good choice for self-cultivation in this place. The scenery is picturesque and dotted with many styles. If you rest here, it is also very good. He also needs to be quiet and rest...

"Take me to see more. Anyway, I won't stay in your southeast valley for a few days. I will leave soon. Why don't you take this opportunity to see more of this scenery..." Hong Lin said while looking at the scenery around him.

When Nemanglan heard this, she immediately showed her joy. Next to Honglin, Fei Yuncai did not leave and was with Honglin. As for Chu Tao, she was secretly driven away by Nemiaolan. Obviously, she wanted to provoke Honglin and hurt Honglin's Yaxing.

Hong Lin walked all the way and watched a lot of scenery, most of which he had only heard in books, but he had never seen it.

"Is this... a waterfall?" Honglin looked at a mountain with flowing water like long hair in surprise. The mountain was not high, but there was water falling all the way down to the mountain. As for how to describe it specifically, he could only sigh that the waterfall was indeed beautiful. Most importantly, he had never seen it.

There is almost no such waterfall in the awakening continent, and he has never seen it.

"Ha, I think there are not many waterfalls in the mainland. These waterfalls are naturally generated without a trace of artificial production. They have existed in this southeast valley for countless years and are older than me. Our people in the southeast valley call it a flowing waterfall. It is precisely because of its flowing water, like long hair that we call it a flowing hair. Waterfall." Nei Zhanglan introduced.

Along the way, Ni Shanglan took Honglin to see many places, which were all scenery that Honglin had never seen on the awakening continent, such as clear stream fish, the flowing waterfall, and some other scenery, which made Honglin never get tired of.

This is seven or eight days.


Hong Lin, it's time to leave. He just fulfilled his promise to stay in this southeast valley for a few days and can't stay for a long time. He has his business and can't stay in this southeast valley for a long time. Moreover, he is not the kind of person to stay. Maybe he will have a quiet rest.

But that's just a moment. It can't be a long time. He is not a person who can be quiet for too long.

"Is the senior really leaving?" Fei Yuncai's eyes are reluctant.

When Honglin saw this, his heart was complicated, but there was no strange color on his face. He shook his head and said nothing. He left the southeast valley at his speed, not to mention Fei Yuncai. Even if it was the Neon orchid, he could not stop him!


Honglin left the Southeast Valley, one step by one thousand miles, and the surrounding scene changed like a picture. Although the Southeast Valley is a place of people, Tiancang County is originally a remote county with few people. After thousands of miles, Honglin did not find too many people. Even if some people were found, those people were weak. I don't pay much attention.

"This is the 23rd day we came to the sky..." Hong Lin lay on the ground and rested for a while.

With a sound of Ron, it has been 23 days since they came to the sky platform. It has not been long, but they have spent years on the sky platform. At least, it is also the sky platform, not the awakening continent.

"The sky platform is really big. I haven't walked out of Tiancang County for so long. How big is this Tiancang County? A single county is countless times larger than the awakening mainland. Even if it is narrowed to the south, it can't be done. He has walked for so many days and has not walked out of the so-called south of Tiancang County.

"The sky platform is so big that the saint is just a person waiting for at the beginning in the sky platform. It's nothing. When you reach the level of the hegemony and the emperor, the sky platform is not big. When you reach the gods, the sky platform is actually not big. In terms of these, it is all based on your strength. If you are weak now, you naturally think that the sky platform It's big." Shura laughed.

Hong Lynn gave a rest for a while and left here again...


Tiancang County is a very large place. Among them, the south is a remote place, desolate and not many people live there, while the north is the most prosperous area in Tiancang County. Although Tiancang County itself is in a remote area, it is relatively good in the north.

At this moment, Honglin stepped into the north. He walked for half a month before he crossed straight into the north from the south. The north is really not comparable to the south. Even if the south goes thousands of miles, he can see a smoke, and the north can be seen.

Although it is still not many people, it is much better than the southern region. After all, Tiancang County is also a sparsely populated county, and there is nothing we can do.

"In a hundred miles around here, there is a saint-level..." Honglin's rule field was swept away and a saint-level strong man was found.

However, he didn't care. There were a lot of saints in the sky. It was not a rare thing to see one. He didn't care. He began to walk again. His goal was to bring down the Soul Master Alliance. Naturally, it was impossible to waste time in such a place.

He drove all the way and almost did not stop. In just a few days, he walked a large circle in the north and came to the most prosperous area in the north. This area is called Boshuitai, which is the most prosperous area in the north. There are many people. Many people in the south, east and west of Tiancang County will rush here. It is precisely because of here Prosperous and full of people...

After all, Tiancang County is sparsely populated. There are many people together, leaving a lot of trouble.

At this moment, Honglin walked to the boiling water platform. There were many people. Honglin walked in the crowd without attracting attention, like an ordinary person. From time to time, he heard some shouts, which made Honglin find the feeling of awakening the mainland. Moreover, here, the strong man of the awakening of death is such a general Tong.

Some emperors are shouting at stalls. If they have just awakened the mainland, it is definitely a shocking thing. You know, the emperors who awakened the continent are very precious. No one will come out to shout at stalls, but in this sky platform, it is so common, and no one will say anything.

Not only the emperor, but also the venerable, the great venerable, but also shouted, selling their treasures one by one, hoping to sell them at a good price.

Hong Lin looked at these strange things and couldn't help attracting curiosity. He came up and looked at the items sold by a great master. With his experience and vision, he couldn't find too much. They were all extremely mysterious. He had just entered the sky platform, but he really couldn't distinguish them.

"Well, brother, what do you want to buy!" When the great man saw Hong Lin coming up, he quickly asked with a smile.

"Let me take a look first..." Hong Lin did not say what he wanted to buy, but carefully played with one of the seemingly plain wood blocks, which seemed to be plain, but Hong Lin could observe a trace of rule power from it. The power of this rule is not huge, but there is a trace, and it is very secret, which makes Honglin Some interest.

"How many divine stones!" Hong Lin asked.

"God Stone?" When the great man heard Hong Lin say this, he immediately looked at Hong Lin like a ghost, and his eyes seemed to be a fool.

"Brother, when I do business, we can't make trouble. This is a treasure that saints can't figure out. If you buy it with a divine stone, it's simply insulting me. This is not a matter of the divine stone at all. If you want to buy it, three regular stones, don't bargain!" The great man who set up the stall rolled his eyes and looked like a country bumpkin.

This surprised Hong Lin, but he is a smart man. The next moment, he understands that the rule stone mentioned by the other party is mostly the trading currency of this sky platform. Although the divine stone is also the same, the target of the whole sky platform is a saint, and naturally it is impossible to measure it by the divine stone.

The rule stone is the trading currency of this continent.

"What is the rule stone?" Hong Lin doubted that he naturally could not expect the great venerable to do nothing to tell him. While talking, he had already opened the power of the rules and invisibly oppressed the great venerable.

The great man is also a smart man. He immediately reacted, but he answered the question and said, "Senior, spare my life. How offended the younger generation is. I hope the senior will not blame him. The younger generation will be confused for a moment. I hope the senior will not remember the villain and forgive the villain!"

"I asked you what the rule stone is!" Honglin frowned.