Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 303: Cleaning up the vein

His rule field is scattered, and he knows that the family power nearby can do it if he wants to do it. The family he found is the largest family in the north and the high-level family of the clan alliance. Although it is in such a remote place as Tiancang County, it has unquestionable strength.

This family occupies most of the resources of the whole Tiancang County, and Hong Lin has taken a fancy to this. Since you have a lot of resources, it's nothing to get a little!

Hong Lin has no good impression of these families that dominate resources. You know, this family is completely for its own interests and has never thought about others. If you think about others, the saints in the sky platform are far from having only these, and there will not be so many great venerable people stuck in the saint's level. Others don't Dare to provoke this family, but he dares to provoke.

This family is called the Wolf Family...

The wolf family is all over the whole north. They occupy eight regular stone veins. These eight regular stone veins produce a large number of regular stones every year. Most of these regular stone pale wolf families will not be collected, not that they do not want to take them, but that the regular stone veins are very strange, and some regular stones must be left. As the foundation, if it is not taken at once, this regular stone vein will definitely be scrapped, and the regular stone will not be produced from now on.

Hong Lin has already arrived at a regular stone vein, and naturally knows this.

He not only knows this, but also knows that the more regular stones in this regular vein, the more regular stones will be produced each time. Therefore, the Wolf family will only collect it every 30 years. In the past 30 years, eight veins will produce a large number of regular stones. As for the quantity, no one can figure it clearly.

Hong Lin is lucky. This is the 28th day when eight veins have been accumulated. In the 288, there are still two years left before the Canglang family collect this rule stone, but Honglin has been satisfied. If it has just accumulated for two or three years, it is embarrassing. If it has just been collected, it is even more lucky.

At this moment, Hong Lin hid in the dark and looked at the thousands of people of the wolf family guarding the mine.

"The wolf family is really a great deal. There are thousands of people guarding the mine, and they are all great respects. Among them, there are two strong saints. It can be seen that the wolf family attaches great importance to this vein, and one vein is the same. For those eight veins, the wolf family will send more than a dozen saints. That's it." Hong Lin secretly observed that the eight veins occupied by the wolf family were not in one place.


In this vein at this moment.

"Look at it all. This vein is the hope of our family, and it will be time to collect it in two years. At this stage, many stone thieves will come here to steal it. Be sure to watch it. If one rule stone is missing, it will reduce ten of your rule stones. If ten stones are missing, it will be reduced by 100 of you!" In front of the vein, a bloated man said to a group of great respectable people around him.

The great venerable is indeed nothing in the sky platform. Perhaps on the awakening continent, the great venerable person is a figure standing at the peak, but on the sky platform, it is no different from a pawn. Even if he is a saint, it is hard to say that if he is a saint who understands the low rules, he is just an elite pawn, unless he understands the medium, High rules are elites.

"These two saints should not be powerful saints. They are used to support their facades. Otherwise, even if they can't detect me, I should have been here for so long. They should be two saints who understand the low-level rules." Hong Lin analyzed that he was not in a hurry to take action, but slowly observed his surroundings.

He believes that the wolf family will not be so stupid and will not rely solely on a layer of venerable defense to protect the whole vein. It is estimated that some prohibition will also be set up in the vein. Once someone enters, the prohibition will definitely play the role of a siren, so he was not in a hurry to take action, but slowly determined the prohibition in the vein, no But when it was stolen, I didn't even know how it was found.

Hong Lin is waiting for half a month. For Hong Lin, this time is just a shake, which is nothing.

But in this half month, he has observed a lot of things!

"This wolf family is really cruel and stingy. It can't expose any oil and water. The whole vein is full of prohibition. Unless they are familiar with this prohibition, they will have no problem getting the rule stone. If they are not familiar with it, even if they are a little unfamiliar, they may fall into the prohibition, but for the rules of life and death Then, what's the use of this ban!"

This prohibition is of no use in front of him. He understands the rules of life and death, the power of life and death, and all laws must be broken. Whether it is creatures or dead, there are life and death. He masters the circle of life and death. Under this forbidden idea, he also needs to die silently and be scrapped, so this prohibition has no effect in front of him.

The only thing he was worried about was some secret prohibition. He didn't find it. Of course, he couldn't do anything in this half month. He explored the prohibition of the whole vein clearly, and he even scanned every corner. Hong Lin's principle is to do everything perfectly!

Since it is stolen, it can't be found. If it is found, what is it called stealing?

"Hong Lin, I think you can change your job as a Jiangyang thief. Looking at your skills, it's a loss not to be a thief!" Shura smiled sinisterly.

" Come on, it's not your idea!" Hong Lin rolled his eyes.

"Ye, we can't chat anymore. Now is a good time to sneak in!" As soon as Hong Lin said his last sentence, he found a loophole the next moment. This is a good time to enter the vein. Not only because it is dark at this moment, but the most important thing is that the two saints actually took a few rule stones to understand by themselves.

Of course, this is a good opportunity. If you miss it, it will be gone. He originally wanted to sneak in little by little, but when he saw this, there is no need for him. How can those great honored people watch him?

"In!" Hong Lin's thoughts flashed, and the next moment, it floated into the regular stone vein like the wind.

Although it is not silent, it can be regarded as silent in front of that group of great venerable people. If it is not at the level of saints, it is estimated that a mosquito will fly by and this great venerable person can find it, but what is Hong Lin, a strong man at the saint level, and has understood the strongest rule of life and death, and wants to prevent this group of great venerors from being found. , it's not easy to get to the extreme.

At this moment, Honglin has entered the vein. No one found that the first moment he entered the vein was to open the rules of life and death, breaking all the prohibitions around him, and looking at the surrounding walls, inlaid with rule stones on the ground.

"There are dozens of rule stones in this place alone. If you go deep, there will be more. There is no way to compare the poor and the rich. The poor wear trousers, and the rich and the rich can't run endless oil!" Shura laughed.

Indeed, there is no way to compare these poor and rich people. For example, those powerful venerable people have sold some treasures accumulated over many years, and they have sold scattered rule stones, all of which are defective content and low-level rules. After countless years of accumulation, they have accumulated some quantity, and they should also be careful not to be afraid of being Even so, the chance of successfully entering the saint level is extremely small.

But this rich man, 30 years after a vein, the rule stone is not an astronomical number, but also a lot!

"So many regular stones have all been collected. Although they are all inferior, there is a place to use them in the future!" Shura laughed.

Of course, Honglin will not be polite to the Canglang family. With a wave of his hand, dozens of regular stones with defective content have all entered his pocket.

After cleaning up this wave of regular stones, of course, he continued to move forward for no reason. Of course, he could not cross tens of millions of miles in one step. Although this vein is large, for the saint, it is just a large area of regular stone pile...

Along the way, Honglin searched for more than 4,000 rule stones. Although they were all defective, he was far from entering the depths. As for those prohibitions, they were all easily cleaned up by his rules of life and death. There was no big problem. It was not so easy for those people to find him.

"Hey, if the people of the wolf family don't have the habit of checking mineral veins from time to time, they will definitely spit blood and die after two years, hahahaha!" Shura laughed.

Even if it is Honglin, he can't help but smile at this moment. This time, what they did can indeed make people angry, silently, leave no clues, and easily clean up other people's veins.

"Honglin, although this wolf family has not done anything good, it also needs to leave some capital for people to steal. Don't cut off the back road of other people's veins. You can't clean it all at once, otherwise this vein will be directly scrapped. From now on, no section will leave one or two for them." Shura said.

Before he came, he inquired that the wolf family had indeed done nothing good. If it was a low-key family that did not do bad things, he would not steal. As for the wolf family, he did not mind stealing.

"I know!" Hong Lin nodded. Although the wolf family had not done anything good, he could not dig up their ancestral graves, and the back road was cut off by others.