Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 309: The Breath of the Underworld

"Of course, I was just nominally enslaved by you. If you treat me as a slave, just kill me!" Hong Lin looked at several people coldly. Of course, what he said was not in his heart, but to paralyze the other party and relax his vigilance!

"That's natural. I enslave you, but I'm just worried about you. It's human nature. To put it bluntly, if you join our wolf family, then our wolf family will naturally treat you badly. You can rest assured, hahaha!" Cang Tianjie laughed, but his heart was not the same as his mouth.

Cang Tianjie sneered in his heart: "Well, enslave you, but it's not what you can control. At that time, you are one of my dogs. I don't treat you badly, just talk about it. But now I still have to promise you that I will regret it after a while!"

This is just what he thinks. Honglin naturally can't hear it, but he can guess it.

"In that case, I swear!" Hong Lin raised his hand and pointed to the sky.

Cang Tianjie looked at this with a smile, and the saints were also relieved. They all thought that Honglin really gave up.

"Alas, it's a pity that a genius was accepted by the Wolf family. Unfortunately, it's a pity..."

"Well, I can't help it. If I had known that I had come here today, I would have brought more troops. Now it is difficult to resist the other party. A genius is going to be enslaved, and we can't control it. Although this is his territory, there is nothing we can do..."

The saints talked, but at this time, they were all shocked, because Hong Lin's swore hand suddenly drew down and wrote a word. This word was quickly written away, which was a word 'heaven'!

It is the second seal of the life and death Luo Tian seal, Taitian seal, which Honglin used the power of all the rules!

Even if it is Emperor Tianjun, it is only the Taitian seal that has been cultivated to the second seal!

He doesn't want to display the Taitian seal casually, because this Taitian seal consumes too much spiritual power and can even consume a light at once. The most important thing is that he is in the sky platform, and the Taitian seal cannot be used at will. Now he is forced to the extreme, and his mental power has been consumed a lot. This time, At most, it is just exhibition, and it can no longer continue the rules!

But now that I have been forced to the limit, there is no way but to use this Taitian seal!

Taitian, the world of desire! The spiritual power is all condensed and drawn into a heavenly character. This heavenly character contains infinite power, which is countless times stronger than the word "Emperor" just used by Honglin. Yes, it is countless times stronger. The two are not the same grade at all!

"What kind of Taoism is this? It's so powerful!"

"What a powerful..."

The saints talked about it, but the saints of the Lang family panicked. Hong Lin suddenly drew this heavenly character. They couldn't react at all. As soon as they reacted, the other party's heavenly character had also been written, and it contained infinite power. Standing alone in the sky, they felt infinite pressure. , the trembling of the heart...

"Hong Lin, you actually regret it!" Cang Tianjie sweated coldly and said coldly.

Hong Lin's face is pale at this moment, but he is wrapped in the Taitian seal. No one found his appearance. At this time, he heard Cang Tianjie speak and snorted coldly, "Cang Tianjie, you really think I will be enslaved by you. I, Honglin, have lived for more than 20 years. No one in heaven and earth is qualified to enslave me, not to mention you, even if you are a hegemon, emperor. , such a strong man as the gods are not qualified to come here, and since you have forced me to this extent, don't blame me for being cruel. This art is the killer mace for you!"

Hong Lin was indeed forced to the point. He used this Taitian seal. At this moment, his spiritual power has been exhausted. There is no spare power in the battle, and the power of the rules cannot be used. This is the reason why he does not want to use the Taitian seal. Taitian seal is certainly strong, but it is also consumed. It's so much that he doesn't want to use it at all until the critical moment!

But the other party forced him, and he didn't mind using it, but when he used this Taitian seal, his mental power was consumed all of a sudden. It was impossible to continue the power of the rules for him. He could only play an empty shell, but even if it was an empty shell, it was not what the other party could bear!

"Death!" Hong Lin roared, and the power of the Taitian seal was fully exerted. The Taitian seal is always the Taoist seal in the Luo Tianyin of life and death. The Luo Tianyin of life and death is praised by Shura as the first treasure of the whole awakening continent, and the heavenly platform is also an unquestionable treasure. Among them, the Taoist seal is a mortal thing!

This Taitian seal is an empty shell, but even so, its power is also unquestionable and powerful. A heavenly character, just opened, makes the saints feel pressure. A group of saints of the wolf family are in a hurry to fight against this 'heaven' character!

"Honglin, take advantage of it now, run quickly!" Shura shouted.

Hong Lin naturally knew that the best time was right now. The other party used Taoism to resist his Taoism. It was the best time for him to escape now. Thinking of this, he did not have any Tony to bring water and could not use rules to improve his speed, so he launched his divine power. He left here in an instant. He was not far from Shenwu Mountain.

The speed soared to the limit, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the crowd...

With another blink of an eye, I saw a figure entering the Shenwu Mountain...

"Damn!" Cang Tianjie naturally saw this, but he was unable to stop it. Combined with the saints, he resisted bitterly.

"Damn, his mental strength was absolutely exhausted, and he still escaped by him. You stupid pigs, if you react faster and use Taoism to resist his Taoism, will it still be like this, a bunch of idiots, stupid pigs!" Cang Tianjie was furious and wanted to eat the saint next to him.

And the saints around Shenwu Mountain were also happy to watch the play. When they saw the wolf family eating, they were also happy and comfortable. They talked one by one, which made Cangtianjie blush.

"Go!" Cang Tianjie rolled his sleeves and looked angry.

"The thief absolutely can't live. He entered Shenwu Mountain alone, and his mental strength was exhausted. He couldn't survive at all. He couldn't even stop the breath of the underworld rules. Not to mention the danger in the depths, Shenwu Mountain is not a place where he wanted to enter and come out. A group of saints He will fall when he goes in, not to mention himself..." The bloated man came forward and flattered.

"Get out!" Cangtianjie drank coldly.

He is extremely angry now. The bloated man doesn't know what he has lost the most. His wolf family can't accept Honglin. It doesn't matter. But they absolutely want to kill the other party. Even if the other party dies, they will kill it with their own hands. Only by killing it can it be regarded as regaining their face. But now the other party lives and dies without a body. It is said to kill thieves. Who believes it!

It is estimated that rumors will soon come out, saying that their wolf family can't help each other, and they can't help it, because they can prove it with anything. There is no way to prove that their wolf family can only lose the face!

Thinking of this, Cang Tianjie was even more angry, but there was nothing he could do when he thought that Hong Lin had entered Shenwu Mountain.


Hong Lin used his divine power to enter Shenwu Mountain. His spiritual strength had long been exhausted. As soon as he entered Shenwu Mountain, he fainted in it. He continuously displayed two huge Taoist seals, one Taihuang seal and one Taitian seal. Both seals need to consume a lot of spiritual power. His spiritual power Consuming at once is equivalent to physical overdraft.

Coupled with his thrilling entry into Shenwu Mountain at the last moment, he had already overdrawn to the extreme. Even if he consumed a little divine power, he would faint. It was very good for him to persist in entering Shenwu Mountain.

Shura was also unconscious with Honglin's coma. The two did not know the situation of Shenwu Mountain. Shenwu Mountain is a place with black strange smoke everywhere. This black strangeness exudes a strong evil to yin atmosphere, giving people the first feeling of cold, creepy, and... terrible!

These strange and terrible evil breaths are all around and will still wander. Many breaths are entangled around Honglin, but after a while, these breaths will automatically dissipate, as if there is some terrible breath in Honglin. If other saints know, I'm afraid they will be very shocked and jealous.

Because what they are most worried about when they enter Shenwu Mountain is nothing else. It is the dark breath of this Shenwu Mountain. This dark atmosphere is precisely these strange evil gases. This is what the saints fear most, but it is the dark atmosphere that these saints are afraid of, but they dare not wrap around Honglin. .

On the contrary, they retreated one by one, and within a hundred feet of Honglin seemed to have become a forbidden area.