Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 361: Infinite Limit

This sound can only be regarded as a weak voice in the day when the gun swept the world...

However, the power is far from that simple. Once the Taiji is printed, the power of the world is instantly exerted to the limit, with the word 'extreme'. As the power of the extreme world that Honglin can now use, one word responds to heaven and earth, one word to block the sky gun!

The word resisted the sky gun sweeping the sky and the earth.

Not to mention the rules of gun sweeping that day, its strength alone can break the rules and sweep across the mountains and rivers. It can be said that the rules can be broken. What's more, there are powerful rules in it. The strong people at the level of the emperor can't resist each other. In history, many strong men at the peak of the emperor have retreated with a gun on this day. There is nothing we can do. Only a few people are lucky to carry it.

But all these people are the best at the peak of the emperor...

"Isn't that the third seal of Luo Tianyin of life and death? He actually got it!!"

"There is no way. We can't get the seal of life and death in the awakening continent, and you can clearly use this third seal. It's useless for us to get it now, but the seal method in the seal of life and death is beyond doubt. It's so powerful that it can't be changed. Let's take a look at Honglin's Sanyin, can it be enough to resist the sky gun that day?"

"I resisted!!"

"I resisted!"

The gods exclaimed, because Hong Lin unexpectedly resisted this sweeping shot, endless energy spread to the world, for a circle, from the place of resistance, the long hair of the gods fluttered for it, feeling the endless pressure, if it is not for the protection of rules, most of them will be hurt at this moment.

"It's so strong!" The gods couldn't help exclaiming that the confrontation just now, they could feel powerful fluctuations thousands of miles apart, and the battle between the two was earth-shaking.

At this moment, Honglin is bitterly defending a shot sweeping the world, saying that there is no falsehood. The eighth level of heaven is too strong and too strong. It is difficult for him to resist this first shot alone. If he does not understand the Taiji seal, he can't be the opponent at all by the power of the world alone. Honglin finally knows that at this moment. Why does Fu Hong have that kind of confidence?

This day is clearly the limit of understanding the rules. Even if he came here in his previous life, he will only be half a catty with this day at most.

Although he is strong now, he is not as strong as his previous life, and he can't beat this general!

"Taiji printing, explosion!" Hong Lin took a deep breath and played the Taiji seal to the top. At this moment, he flashed all over and drilled into his own world. His Taiji seal is already his limit. If he continues to fight, he will definitely not be an opponent. If he can't beat it, he will naturally run!

After a few blinks, Hong Lin disappeared into the sky and successfully escaped from the hands of the sky.

Everyone was stunned. At the last moment, Honglin was still in the sky. In just a few blinks, he escaped from the hands of the generals. He realized that the rules of time and space could not be so random. The powerful rules can completely block time and space, making the rules of time and space impossible to escape, but Honglin jumped back, the first in history The character who escaped without paying any price in the hands of the generals.

"It's too horrible to generate the world..." This idea rose in the hearts of all the gods.

With the world, it is estimated that no one can take Honglin alone. Unless they go together, even if the other party can't beat him, he can retreat completely. Moreover, he is silent at the time of the sneak attack. He is the most troublesome enemy, and the gods also have a strategy in their hearts. This Hong Lin will not provoke him.

And you will see Hong Lin escape with a gun. Without any expression, your body trembles and enters the clouds. After a while, it will completely disappear in front of everyone's eyes. The eighth level of heaven will not kill people. If the challenger escapes, the heaven will not chase after him again. Everyone is not surprised.

Instead, they saw that Honglin was not injured and showed surprises one by one. They were worried that Honglin would be injured, and their way to get physical strength would be postponed. If they didn't want to postpone it, they would have to pay some price. But at this moment, Honglin was not injured, so the matter of trading the method of physical strength can naturally be held now. They are all happy.

"Brother Dihan, can we have an idea about our affairs?" Ying Tianming came forward and said with a smile.

"Please follow me..." Hong Lin nodded and disappeared into the original place and came to an ancient mountain.

This ancient mountain is occupied by no one. When he came to this ancient mountain, he occupied this ancient mountain. The gods have no objection. Anyway, the area of the sky platform is very large. No one will say anything if he wants to occupy an unoccupied territory.

And Honglin came to the ancient mountains and created rules, creating some charming landscapes and some buildings. After all, he didn't know how long he would stay on the eighth floor of the sky platform. He always had to find a quiet place to live, and the conditions could not be too bad. For this condition, Hong Lin naturally came at his hands. It was originally a boring ancient mountain. Soon, the flowers and plants suddenly changed, and the river flowed, which was extremely beautiful.

The gods followed here and saw this, with surprise on their faces. With this hand alone, they can't do it. The power of the rules is neither invincible nor omnipotent. Unless there is a rule of creation, it is difficult to create these flowers and trees at will. It is possible to destroy them, but creation is extremely troublesome.

"Please sit down!" While Hong Lin was talking, he created some seats in a cave house that was opened at will. The peak of the gods were all sitting down at will.

Hong Lin looked at these and said, "Everyone should know that this physical exercise is very difficult. It is not advisable to have great perseverance, and it cannot be refined without intention. Every realm of physical forging represents every degree of difficulty, like a heavenly level, one difficulty layer by layer, one difficulty layer by layer, and I What I want to say is that the rules can break through the limit, so this body can still be!"

"What, is there a limit to the sanctification?" The gods were surprised and doubted.

They all have rules that go beyond the limit and redraw the rules by themselves, but they didn't expect that this rule could break through the limit, body, and also break through the limit? What is another level of breaking through the limit? The gods looked at each other and didn't know what the realm was and how to break through the limit.

"In this world, the so-called limit is just a plan. Let's start with ten flesh. From then on, we have broken through our own limits step by step, but the limit at that time is very easy to break through. We didn't notice this difficulty, innate In the world, getting used to acupuncture points and changing bones into sanctification are all a breakthrough of the limit. When it comes to sanctification, our bodies are perfect, without any flaws, and even the fur is extremely hard... However, is it really perfect? Honglin shook his head with a smile.

Everyone was thoughtful and waiting for Hong Lin to speak.

"This sanctification is just a big limit. We all think this is the end, but in fact, it is not. In this world, there is no limit, never there is no limit, and the strength of the body is endless. You can exercise, exercise, and exercise again at will. I can clearly tell you that there is stronger than sanctification. The physical realm!"

"Brother Di Han is right, but how can I prove it?" Although the gods are looking forward to it, they still don't believe it.

After all, Honglin has just entered the eighth floor, and he doesn't care. He laughed and said, "If you don't believe it, then you don't need the power of the rules. I don't use the power of the world. We only use the strength of the body to fight. Of course, you can choose four or five together. Maybe I may not be your opponent on the scene to fight alone, but if It's physical, but I'm still a little confident!"

Hong Lin's words are modest and not modest, but there is not much secret.

"That's good!" After the gods nodded and looked at each other, the strong men at the peak of the three gods stood up.

"This place is not enough to be extravagant. Brother Ying Tian, Brother Changde, Brother Bai Zhan, and the three brothers come with me!" Hong Lin strode out. This time, he did not use any rules and the power of the world. The simple speed is not slower than the speed of the gods using the power of the rules!

Hong Lin's physical body is strong and extraordinary. His physical body exceeds the limit and reaches the realm of communication. Later, he has the cultivation of immortals to exercise his body in his previous life. He can't even figure out Honglin's strength, but Honglin feels that even if three thousand rules are added to him, he is not afraid and is fully capable of carrying it.

When the gods saw this, they all took a breath. Hong Lin's simple physical speed was so fast. Isn't his physical defense and strength stronger? However, he didn't believe it all for a while. It was a mule or a horse that he didn't know until he fought.