Life and Death Awakening

Chapter 363: War Again

"In this case, the three of us also introduced our understanding of our own rules into Brother Hong's mind, but we only have one rule that transcends the limit. Although the rest of the rules are okay, we dare not bear it and study..."

"I understand this..." Hong Lin nodded.

The four agreed that first of all, Ying Tianming began to teach the understanding of the rules. It was not difficult to transmit the understanding of the rules. Soon, Honglin got a lot of understanding of the rules. These were the understanding of the gods, which were very profound. All came to Honglin's mind. With his understanding ability, after a while, some easy rules , is successful understanding.

"There are ten rules..." To Hong Lin's surprise, this should have understood ten rules, but naturally he would not mind the benefits and slowly understood them.


In a flash, it is three Yue. Three months can change a lot of things. Although there is not much change on the eighth floor of the Sky Platform, many gods are very eager, because they all want to prove one thing... This matter is that the three people, Ying Tianming, Changde God and Hundred War Gods, to Can the bottom be enough to break through the limit!!

Before March, Honglin first made a deal with the three gods, but then he helped the three gods exercise their bodies. The time to exercise their bodies was very long. After that, it was March, and there was no movement...

But at this moment of silence...

"Haha, for countless years, how many years have passed, I finally broke through my body and can carry other rules!!"

"Hahahahaha, me too. Over the years, my body has finally broken through!" This is not a voice, but three voices. There are three gods, Changde gods, and hundreds of war gods. At the same time, they broke through and rushed to the sky to feel the feeling of physical breakthrough. At the same time, they stole the rules and used the rules for themselves.

Hong Lin is also standing in the sky at this moment. Not only have the three of them benefited a lot, but he also got a lot. Each of the three gods has given him a lot of rules. Now, he has more than a hundred rules. Although the number is far less than Fu Hong, who has lived for countless years, at least in this short time , a lot of rules have been added!

"It's been three months... My child, it's almost time to be born!" Hong Lin's heart hurts, but he has no choice but to strengthen his strength in a short time and rely on a famous god.

At this time, when the gods saw Ying Tianming and others break through the limit, they also rushed here and rushed here to help Honglin break through the body. After all, the breakthrough of the body was crucial. They were all very eager, regardless of face, and ran quickly one by one. At this time, we can only arrive first.

"First come, first served!!"

"Ha, don't worry, everyone. I can help everyone break through the body together. There are not many people. There are only dozens of people. Come together..." Hong Lin said with a smile. Compared with time, he is more anxious than anyone else. After all, there is another person waiting for him in the distance, even though Ye Xiaohui thinks he is dead. But he didn't die...


Honglin helped the gods break through the physical realm together, and the gods also gave Honglin the rules of their understanding without hesitation. Honglin understood them one by one and integrated these rules into the world. Once the world passed, it was a year... For a whole year, although he helped the gods break through together, the time was consumed more than the previous one. Much more. This time he also did his life, just in a hurry to pick up his wife's time...

One day a year later...

"My body has broken through!"

"I have also broken through and exceeded the limit!" The gods rose together and were full of joy. Their bodies were honed to the realm of divine by Hong Lin. Although it was very painful during the training period, most of them will forget the pain after success. After all, their goal has been achieved...

"Brother Dihan, thank you very much!" After the gods were happy, they did not forget to thank Hong Lin.

Hong Lin responded one by one, but at this moment, his heart was not concentrated in this place. At this moment, he looked at his own world and looked at his own rules. There were as many as 600 rules, and most of them were high rules, and a few were medium rules. Super strong people such as gods did not see the low rules. Upper eyes.

"Six hundred rules, very strong, but I don't know if I can still fight that day!" What Hong Lin wants to do most now is to see who is strong and weak, and what he wants most is to meet his wife...

"Xiaohui, soon, I won't see you soon..." Hong Lin thought to himself.

More than 600 rules have greatly improved the power of his world. If compared with the past, now he can kill himself in an instant without any pause. If he has to set a time, he estimates that one breath is enough, because what the world needs most is still rules and regulations. The more, the stronger the world, the stronger the world, and the stronger the power of the world!

However, he is still under pressure, because he knows that the gap between himself and Fu Hong is still very big, just as if he is at this moment, just like himself a year ago, the gap is still very big.

However, this could not stop his eager heart. He stepped out step by step and walked to the sky. After a short time, he came to the top of the sky.

When all the gods saw this, they knew that Hong Lin was going to break through the gate again.

"Di Han is going to break through the sky again..."

"We and others have benefited a lot, but Hong Lin is the biggest beneficiary. He has helped all of us and obtained the rules of all of us. This is the most needed force in the world. I guess he has far surpassed us now..."

"I can't help it. The three supreme rules are too difficult to integrate. I really don't know how Honglin collected the three supreme rules!"

The gods said a word, but my eyes focused on the sky, focusing on the small but powerful figure. At this moment, Honglin has reached the top of the sky. Everyone knows that when they reach the top, it will appear that day...

"It's you again. I just broke through the sky a day ago. Do you still want to break through today..." The majestic voice of the general resounded through the world.

"Yes!" Hong Lin's simple answer.

"That's good..." A thunder-like voice, accompanied by the sky's slow emergence of a right foot from the clouds. Next, the whole body slowly fell from the clouds, revealing its powerful body and a long gun. The whole body stood in heaven and earth without anger. The body alone made people tremble all over and couldn't help it. Trembling.

This is the general of the eighth floor, who is the strongest in the sky...

"Challenger, you have a chance to regret it!" The sound of mechanization sounded.

But Honglin snorted and didn't say a word. The Shura sword in his hand appeared and directly vacated the power of the world, all concentrated on the eighth level of heavenly generals. The power of the world transformed into a nine ghosts, burned on the chest of the generals of the sky, and suddenly exploded. The sound was like thunder, and the power was extremely powerful. After the explosion, Tian general's body actually leaned back!

shocked everyone. Since ancient times, only people have been beaten by the generals and can't fight back, but really no one has beaten the general back!

Although it's just a back, it depends on who happened. If it is an ordinary person, no one will say anything, but this is a heavenly general, a heavenly general. Since ancient times, no one can shake it at all, but at this moment, there is one. Although it is unexpected, it does shake a trace of general.

However, it only shook a little. After tilting his body back, he returned to his original state and there was no injury on his body!

"This general's defense is really strong enough..." Hong Lin's scalp was a little numb, and others may be shocked, but he is still not satisfied. He took action unexpectedly and just made Tian Jiang's body move without any injury.

"Challenger, you have become stronger. You are the first person in history to cause so much damage to me. Although I am not injured, it is not bad. You have the potential to reach the ninth level, but I will still stop you..." The sound of thunder sounded again.

After he said this, the long gun in his hand suddenly shook the ground, and the world trembled!

Everyone knows that this day is about to be powerful!

"Sky Gun!" The sky will operate the huge volume of the sky gun and begin to wave directly from the sky to the earth. It can block the area in an instant and sweep everything in this area, so that the enemy of the battle can only resist and cannot escape!