Holy Church

Chapter 622 Salted Fish Turns Over

The preparation of the "Big Boss" Five-ection Mythical Beast Festival will officially begin from tomorrow. First of all, please bless the auspicious Qiqi beast, and a family of main sacrifices will be selected to be responsible for supporting Xiangrui.

The auspicious unicorn beast is the symbol of Wangcheng, and the city emblem of Wangcheng is the unicorn beast.

At the beginning, Wangcheng was just a small town. It was precisely because of the appearance of this five-turn unicorn beast in the Taibai Mountains that the real beast of Taibai Mountain opened the market, and Wangcheng quickly developed from a small town to the eighth largest city of the current Great Week. The annual mythical beast sacrifice, this five-turn unicorn beast, is regarded as auspicious, and can be provided for the auspicious family. In the mythical beast sacrifice, it is not only a great glory, but also reflects the status, and there is no shortage of competition every time.

"In previous years, Xiangrui took turns to support the four major families. This year, it should be the turn of the Kun family." The white fat man said.

Just when Bai Pangzi and Wang Meng introduced the origin of Wangcheng Xiangrui-...

In the moat of Wangcheng, a painting boat is wandering around. This was originally a place for a romantic chief, but now, there are four men sitting in the painting boat!

Sitting to the east, it was Mo Chengkong, who was cut off twice by Wang Meng!

Sitting on his left is the young master of the folding family, who has no tears, while on the right is Kunyaoyang, and on the opposite is Wu Yuan, the genius of the Danxian League.

Mo Chengkong, no tears, Kun Yaoyang, Wu Yuan, these four people who are absolutely impossible to sit together, are now gathered together.

"Ha ha, brother Zhe, we don't know each other. There was a little misunderstanding in the past, and it's over after a drink."

Wu Yuan did it first, and it's not good not to give this face without tears. What's more, he is a winner after all, although this victory makes him feel like eating a fly.

Zhe Wu Tears also did it. His face softened a little. When things passed, he also calmed down. This matter was led by Kun Yaoyang. There is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests. In the face of the momentum of the Bai family, they have to think about it. Especially recently, Wang Meng's performance is really too dazzling. Folding Shame on him, although they won't admit that they are not as good as others.

, 'Everyone is a friend' After the Five-ection Mythical Beast Festival is held, Wangcheng will only grow stronger and stronger, enough to feed us, but if the Wang family intervenes, it will have no share for us. Kun Yaoyang said with a smile.

Obviously, they felt that it might be a conspiracy of the Wang family and sent Wang Meng to break the situation.

Mo Chengkong was teased by Wang Meng in public with a dark face, which was more uncomfortable than killing him!

Wang Meng? Oh, what a fierce thing! It's a waste in Hejing. Do you become a master when you come to Wangcheng? Oh, no, create a golden soul and a silver soul. That's a master-level field. This waste really dares to act!

, 'Brother Mo' heard that Wang Meng attributed the whip he made to the Artifact Pavilion. Kun Yaoyang turned his eyes, and in the face of the intervention of the great forces, the Kun family had to change its strategy.

"Well, that can never be made by him!" Mo Cheng snorted coldly.

"That's natural. If he had the strength comparable to that of a refiner master, how could the Wang family expel him from his family?" Kun Chengkong smiled secretly and didn't expect Mo Chengkong to be so excited.

said again, "But this Wang Meng is really generous. A golden soul and silver whip comes down to the artifact pavilion."

"It's just a prodigal son. I want to see how many things he has to lose. It's enough to pretend to be a master, pretend to be a master? There is no shame!" Mo Chengkong glanced at Kun Yaoyang and smiled coldly, "Kun Yaoyang, if you find us, you won't just tell me this, will you?"

Kun Yaoyang laughed loudly, "No way, a few of you are busy people. This time I'm here to discuss the matter of our union."

"Cooperation with you?" Mo Chengkong stood up and said, "I'm very busy!"

How can Mo Chengkong pay attention to these guys in his bones?

Zhe Wulei also stood up and said, "I have something to do, so I won't disturb your happy time."

I'm reluctant to come this time. I have to cooperate with the Kun family. Isn't this a ghost? Kun Yaoyang is a typical cannibal who doesn't spit bones.

Xiang Ruiju, this is the residence of Danxian League.

The Danxian League has a special status in Wangcheng. The biggest factor, in addition to the battle between the Artifact Pavilion and the Yuling Association, is the auspicious Kirin Beast, which has always been the responsibility of the Danxian League.

The Qiqi beast is a symbol of the prosperity of the city, and only the Danxian League can provide enough excellent living for the unicorn beast.

Every year's mythical beast sacrifice, Xiang Ruiju, who feeds the unicorn beast, will welcome the representatives of the four major families. Discuss which main family should offer the unicorn beast for this mythical beast festival.

In addition to the four families and the Bai family returning this year, there are also three congresses, Wu Yuan, the representative of the Danxian League, Pang Hong, the representative of the Artifact Pavilion, and the representative of the Yuling Association is Zhan Yingge.

The white fat man who returned to this occasion was a little nervous, especially the boss's goal this time made the fat man a little worried.

As soon as the Bai family returned, they had a chance to grab the unicorn beast?

To be honest, the white fat man felt very happy that he could sit here, and the Qiqi beast never thought about it.

"According to the usual practice, it should be the turn of our Kun family this year. Haha, it seems that the feng shui of our Kun family is good, just in time for the Five elements of the Beast Festival. Everyone, please give in." Kun Yaoyang said proudly.

"Who said that according to the usual practice, it is your Kun family. Since the Bai family is back, it should be included in it. In order, it should be the Bai family's turn this year."

He said faintly without tears. He couldn't see any depression from his expression, and it seemed that he had completely recovered.

"Bai family, no tears, aren't you funny anymore, white fat man, you want to fight with me!" Kun Yaoyang stared at the white fat man, as if he could lose weight in one bite.

The white fat man shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "Brother Kun, according to the usual practice, it should indeed be the turn of our Bai family. The next one is your Kun family. If you give Kirin ** to our Bai family, the Bai family will try their best to take good care of the auspicious mythical beast!"

"Go all out, just you, dream, it must be our Kun family this year!" Kun Yaoyang suddenly slapped the table and said angrily.

"Kun Yaoyang, you don't have the final say in this matter. Since it is controversial, it's up to everyone to discuss and decide!" Muhe Xiaoyu's voice sounded, and Muheland Dao was not there. Muhe Xiaoyu was in charge of the power of Muhe's family. If Muhelan Dao was there, Kun Yaoyang would not be so bold. It was really easy to be ignored if Muhe Xiaoyu did not speak.

Kun Yaoyang was stunned. The Kun family never touched the interests of the Muhe family, and he didn't expect that Mu He Xiaoyu would break in at this time, and his nephew could not have an attack for a while.

"Xiao Yu is right. If Brother Landao is here, he will do the same. Since it is controversial, let's vote whether it is the Bai family or the Kun family." Jiang Jiedao said.

Kun Yaoyang's face turned gloomy. Who would have thought that the Bai family had become a spoiler and ignited the anger of other families. This was obviously disgusting to the Bai family.

"Cough, this is not good. I have been preparing for this mythical beast to sacrifice to the Kun family for a long time. Suddenly, something happened. I think it's not good for the unicorn beast. I'm worried that the Bai family can't provide enough conditions at all. The Danxian League still insists on the Kun family." Wu Yuan is now completely standing on the line of Kun Yaoyang. At this time, he may not watch the Bai family sit up.

"Brother Wu, that's over. How do you know that the Bai family can't do it? Our Artifact Pavilion supports the Bai family." Pang Hong is firmly on the side of the Bai family.

Obviously, Mo Cheng didn't come, which shows that Yang Qi's authority in the Artifact Pavilion has been stabilized through what happened last time, and the lonely fox life star has to give in on this matter.

Zhan Yuluo, who had always been careless, felt the eyes of everyone and then raised his head. "I, I have no problem, but I have lived in the Bai family during this period. The conditions are good. The little fat man is quite careful. It's not a problem to take care of the Qiqi beasts."

Everyone was stunned. Didn't Zhanling come to trouble Wang Meng?

Where did you sing this again?

The white fat man was full of tears. These days, the careful service finally broke out at the critical moment. The boss was really wise and powerful, and he was sure that such a situation would happen.

"In this case, let's raise our hands to vote. If you agree, please raise your hand." Muhe Xiaoyu said lightly.

As a result, only Wu Yuan supported Kun Yaoyang.

When it was the turn of the white fat man, Jiang Jiedao, Zhe Wu Tears, Mu He Xiaoyu, Zhan Yuluo Luo, Pang Hong, all of a sudden four votes.

The result can be imagined that the Jiang family and the Zhe family obviously can't miss any opportunity to attack the Kun family. It is also good to make such a pawn as the Bai family and make the Kun family disgusting.


Kun Yaoyang's table was smashed. Kun Yaoyang's expression was ferocious. Obviously, he didn't expect such a change. "White fat man, remember it!"

After saying that, he threw himself away, extremely arrogant, but the white fat man looked innocent and was already happy in his heart.

The efficiency of the Danxian League is still very fast. An hour later, the five-turn unicorn beast is really coming!

When he stood at the door and saw the five-turn unicorn beast, the white fat man was stunned for a long time and then cried.

In the words of the father who has passed away: It's not promising!

However, the white fat man is too excited. If he is not promising, he will not be promising. He just cried. The man is not without tears, but before he bursts into tears. Now is the time for the white fat man.

This is the glory of the Bai family. Now it is finally back. The Bai family has been resurrected, and it is also a significant five-ection mythical beast sacrifice!

Looking at the white fat man crying, Wang Meng patted the white fat man on the shoulder.

"Big boss, I... have nothing to say...--, come on, welcome Xiangrui! For auspicious!" The white fat man straightened up, although he was not straight no matter how fat he was.

After a set of complex and solemn maintenance etiquette procedures, the white fat man welcomed the auspicious unicorn beast into the Bai family.

Everyone in the Danxian League got the reward money and gave the beast elixir needed for daily life of the Kirin Beast, and then left with satisfaction.

The whole Bai family is still a little bad. I think it's a dream.

Li Xunhuan pinched his neck and said, "Master Bai, I'm a little difficult to breathe. Isn't this a dream?"

"Have you ever had such a beautiful dream in your life?" The white fat man punched Li Xunhuan.

"It hurts..."

"The pain is right! Not a dream! If it's a dream, I'll kill you."

Li Xunhuan shrank his head and giggled, "It's not a dream."

The Bai family fell into great ecstasy.

(I'm hungry, ask for a monthly ticket) (To be continued