Holy Church

Chapter 786 Not Alone!

The moment it exists, it is to guard here. In fact, it doesn't make sense to block or help.

Why is it?

At least at this moment, Shouyuzhishu wants to help Ma Tianer fight.

With the help of guarding the tree, the situation has obviously improved a little, but there are too many virtual beasts, and all you can do is defend and delay the time.

Ma Tianer and Somin also took out the effort to press the bottom of the box. Zhenyuan is constantly consuming. This consumption method is no longer the consumption method that they plan to go back, but they have encountered too many situations.

In the endless space, Wang Meng is still motionless, as if he were asleep, but the consumption of the yuan god has not stopped.

The goddess frowned. Something was wrong. According to this consumption, the halm should have died long ago, at least the death. Why does the other party's halm still show no sign of weakening?

Wang Meng's yuan god is still in a full state. The yuan god with 99,91 life has also consumed more than 20,000 yuan, but for the critical point of the middle thousand world, it is far from it.

It's just an infinite consumption, and Wang Zhenren is still going to be finished.

But Wang Zhenren has never cared about the problem of the end. He has completely taken the opportunity to be in the reverse god pattern. What did Mo Shan understand?

He is known as the first evil practice in history. What kind of law does he master?

In the memory of the remnants of Mo Shan and Wang Tian's war, it is actually not the peak, because before that, the two had been fighting for a long time, and what they showed in the end was quite weak.

Wang Meng can't understand that he is the dominant and the right law. If he wants to directly cut into the reverse law, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Wang Meng really wanted to thank the Void Crocodile God. Without it, Wang Meng would die. Because of the existence of the Void Crocodile God, Wang Meng experienced the reverse world.

In the growth of monks, experience is the most important part of practice. Only after experiencing it can we understand that the main direction of human practice is experience, and spiritual beasts are inheritance.

The existence of the Void Crocodile God opens up Wang Meng's understanding of the reverse world, so Wang Meng wants to be in your atmosphere, and then understand the reverse god pattern.

As soon as this idea came out, the reverse god pattern in the Yuanshen emitted golden ripples, which spread to the endless space.

Every ripple is making the world fade away. The ripples are getting stronger and more fiercer, and finally burst into a dazzling strong light, just like the exploding of the sun.


The whole broken void has been rippled clean, revealing the original nothingness.

There is only Wang Meng and the goddess left in the space.

This shows that this goddess does come from the power of the upper world.

The goddess showed a shocked expression. It is absolutely impossible for a mortal, and it is not allowed to master the two forces of positive and reverse.

Wang Meng was also a little surprised. He just thought it right. He didn't understand the meaning of the divine tattoo at all, and the endless space was cracked.

Or, it's just a balance.

Mastering the two orders of both positive and inverse at the same time is simply invincible.

Any solution, once it rises to the level of positive and reverse order, it becomes a solution, but in fact, it should not exist.

Even Wang Zhenren is a little embarrassed. It's a little too bullying... God.

"What are you!"

Wang Meng shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "A lucky mortal, but it will give you a headache. If you have any other tricks, just use it."

Projection is encouraging. God leaves it in some way, but it will definitely be cut off. The projection will faithfully execute the preset purpose until the end.

Of course, if the projection disappears, there will be a sense on God's side, but Wang Zhenren is not afraid at all, and occasionally the law of the road is also a little useful.

The goddess can feel the condescending self-confidence of the other party, "The third song, the dream is destroyed."

The goddess's light was shining, and the sound of the piano suddenly became high-pitched, with almost endless power and pressure.

Wang Meng was really stunned,... Damn, it's too shameless. Isn't this self-exploding!!!

He thought he could have a deeper experience, but he turned out to be like this.

Suddenly, the light of Wang Meng's yuanshen was shining, the power of the goddess was suppressed, and the sound of the piano stopped abruptly.

Wang Zhenren was about to vomit blood. The previous understanding really made him very excited, but he still did not let the breakthrough understand the god. He hoped that the goddess was giving him some "help", but as a result, he began to play the unskilled death.

Is the donkey's skill poor?

The goddess obviously also found this point. The yuan god shines brilliantly, and this power is the limit.

"You are that... the existence of the sky!!!"

Wang Meng was stunned, followed by an evil smile. After so many years, he was finally found. It seemed that the higher plane had been looking for him, but he didn't expect that the plane above the big thousand world also knew him.

"How dare you know me!"

There is actually fear and awe hidden in the eyes of the goddess's projection. Any god is born with the sky, abide by the law, understand the law and control the law, and for the first time in millions of years, a real existence was born, and it is alive.

Countless anti-sky possibilities have been strangled. It is too impossible for only this one to survive. No life would do that. Who would have thought that there would be such a strange thing as Mo Shan.

However, there is a more strange person like Wang Meng.

The combination of the two has created the current Wang Meng.

"You... are afraid of me!"

Wang Meng has come to the front of the goddess projection step by step. The goddess projection is just a complete 30,000 life, and Wang Meng has the power to surpass her!

And the attack that a projection can master is just two moves. The third move is self-explosion without skill.

Wang Meng didn't allow it.

"You are... the devil!"

Looking at the fear of projection, Wang Meng didn't feel that God would also be afraid. The projection was just a simple reflection of the ontology's thinking.

It turned out that God was afraid of him. This feeling made Wang Zhenren very happy and secretly happy!

The Yuanshen is shrouded, and the projection is like a collapse. This is a rare tonic. At this point, there are not many things in the middle thousand worlds to block Wang Meng, which makes Wang Zhenren breathe through the breath that has just entered the middle thousand world, and the rest is the enemy's turn to have a headache.

The Yuanshen unceremoniously absorbed the fate of the goddess projection, which was indeed a big supplement. Wang Meng planned to complete the opposite god first, but... Once there was something to eat, Wang Meng's fate immediately established the connection between the two fates and began to share the fate.

Wang Zhenren shrugged his shoulders helplessly. This guy... Shit, it seems that he really can't scold. Isn't he scolding himself?

As a result, after the reverse god's grid was added to one grid, the rest were swept away by Wang Meng's second life grid. At this time, the god's grid automatically gave in. This is an instinct that meets both needs. Wang Meng said that it is still very heavy.

Wang Meng believes that although his stubborn fate is different, he suddenly became one. Each case has absorbed so many life, but it is just a little bigger and the color is a little darker, but there must be something extraordinary.


This is him, Wang Meng's fate!

This is an unbelievable fate!

The void is shaking and shrinking a little.

Wang Meng suddenly smiled. It was really cruel. There was no entry or exit of this broken door. It turned out that God was also such a petre.

Outside, Wang Meng's body stood up, really taking Wang Zhenren's understanding of space as a fart.

The two fates established a "bridge", and Wang Zhenren crossed the void in one step, and the yuan god appeared.

The battlefield outside is one of the condensation.

The guard tree was stunned, "Why did you come out? Why didn't you become a god?"

"It's just a little trick, how to become a god, but there is still help. The world is going to collapse."

Wang Meng and Ma Tianer returned to Wang Meng. The yuan god created a strong barrier to block the virtual beast, and the virtual beast also felt panic.

"Shou Yu Yu Shu, get out of here with us and start a new life!" Ma Tianer stretched out her hand.

As the wooden emperor, she has many ways to keep the tree alive.

But the guarding tree shook his head and looked at Ma Tianer with a smile, "I won't go. I was born here. No matter what, I will perish with the world. This is my fate."

"Fate can be changed. If you don't try, how can you know!" Wang Meng said.

The guard tree looked at Wang Meng, "You are a very strange existence, but not all lives are willing to change. In this way, it's good to die."

Suddenly, Wang Meng also understood that the tree of guarding the king originally existed because of this world. When the world dies, the value of its existence is gone. Helping Ma Tianer is equivalent to helping others destroy himself.

This kind of understanding, obviously Ma Tianer doesn't know. Wang Meng can't say it. He knows that if Tian'er says it, he will definitely blame himself.

There are some things that men can bear.

"You go. If you don't go, it will be too late." Shouzhishu said eagerly.

Wang Meng's yuan god opened the door of space. Only in this way can he use the strongest power at will. "Soming, Tianer, let's go."

Ma Tianer stopped talking and shook her head at the guarding tree.

The world is collapsing, and the darkness is eternal. Ma Tianer gritted her teeth and entered the space channel with Soming. Wang Meng's body also followed, and the Yuanshen was a little behind. Looking at the guarding tree, Wang Meng also had some feelings in his heart.

"Goodbye, my friend, and thank you."

Wang Meng left.

Endless virtual beasts flock to the guarding tree, the whole broken void, leaving only the only small piece of pure land where the guarding tree is located, which is also constantly getting smaller.

The leaves of the guarding tree are rustling, which is a farewell.

It is because of joy, anger, sorrow and joy that there is life.

Perhaps, a magical road that has never appeared is moving forward.

Important, not alone!

No loneliness!

The gorgeous performance of the Holy Church also made the world's first Taoist real beast battle enter the hot stage in the trial. Obviously, the performance of the armored dragon beast greatly stimulated other powerful strengths.

Just as the church defeated the White Bone Sect and even abducted the dragon turtles that taught the Zhenyuan beast, the Liang family also began to storm away.

Now it is a continuous cycle of elimination, which is grouped according to the previous lottery.

The voice of defeating the White Bone Sect from the Holy Church reached the battle platform of the Liang family's signing group, especially the news that the taboo groups had appeared there one after another, so that the Liang family, the first in the real beast in the world, obviously also wanted to express it.

"Master, thunder robbery fire phoenix plus armored dragon beast, the lineup of the Holy Church cannot be underestimated, and it is very popular."

Liang Xiansheng, the owner of the family, smiled faintly and ordered in person: "In the next game, let the Dilong activity and let them know what is really powerful." RS