Holy Church

Chapter 930 The Four Emperors join hands

In the ultimate top eight, several families are happy and some are sad, and there are indeed earth-shaking changes.

Holy Church, Three Congresses, Time Immortal Regiment, Half-Death and Half-Live Group, Hongtian Group, Four Emperors Group, No Chaos Group, Circus of Rolling dice.

Except for the three congresses and the four emperors, which are well-known to the monks of the thousand worlds, the others are all the latest rising forces and occupy half of the country.

The major alcoholics are full of life. This is the world of the sanctuary. There is only one topic that the monks talk about, which is the first Taoist temple.

The top four match table has come out, and just looking at it makes people excited.

The half-death and half-living group against the temple of the four emperors against the immortal group circus of the years against the three major groups of the bombardment group, the half-dead and half-living group and the four emperors are absolutely evenly matched. Both sides are advancing all the way and invincible.

There is no doubt that the Holy Church is the top priority against the Immortal Group of Time. Wang Meng showed the incredible power and dispelled all doubts. It is impossible to guess what the Holy Church can do and what else can do. The Immortal Group of Years is the most mysterious and powerful of the taboo group. It has entered the top eight After the separation, the immortal group led by the age is absolutely the highest level.

After the Dead Group, the Holy Church met a powerful opponent again. Since the battle, the Immortal Corps has only appeared as one of the most scholar.

The circus fights against the sky group, and the victory or defeat is still in the number of five or five. The sky is as powerful as an invincible victory. It can beat the mythical beast into a dog, which breaks the inherent view of countless monks. The mythical beast is invincible.

The situation of the circus is almost the same. No one knows the strength of the comfort. All he knows is that he has fought against three major disasters, but even such a horrible bald head has to be obedient, and the strength of the comfort can be seen.

This is another horrible confrontation.

The last game is probably the only one that is inclined. The power of the three congresses obviously has an advantage. Although it is not good not to be chaotic, no one believes that it will be cold. The artifact fairy just took away the opponent at a glance, which is unparalleled and domineering.

This is the most lively event in the history of the Central Thousand Realms. Although the Ji family, as the founder, also feels that the dynasty is about to change, they will also stay in the history of the Central Thousand Realms forever.

The first dojo is out of control, and the fate of the imperial power is not in his own hands, but the winner of the first dojo.

If the three congresses finally win the championship, the power of the three congresses in the thousand worlds will reach the peak and become the actual ruler, from top to bottom, no one will resist, and the Ji family will suffer the greatest blow.

If the taboo group wins the championship, it depends on luck. The best situation is to ignore it and keep it as it is. Of course, it may also turn into chaos.

Of course, this problem does not need to be considered for most monks.

Drunkard Jiudang is also divided into levels by Wang Shifeng. It is represented by the golden spirit stone logo. It has to be said that Wang Shifeng is quite good at this aspect. He is especially good at catching the hearts of nobles. He wants drunkards. Now it is basically the residence of the taboo group, and ordinary idle people can'

Since they were killed, no one has dared to make trouble with alcoholics. Now the terrible strength shown by Wang Meng and the Holy Church, frankly speaking, it is enough for them to burn incense without making trouble with others.

In this power, the church is different from other taboo groups. It is more enthusiastic, more open, and never avoids anything.

Zhang Yang was very happy, and his life has been going well recently. Ni Yong and others have joined the church one after another, and the person in charge of the new generation of the church is Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang's infinite emotion.

His eyes are no longer the first dojo, because he learned from Wang Meng that there are still great worlds in this world!

Small world, middle world, big world, think about the past, it is simply a frog in the well!

And Wang Meng is the person who broke the taboo. In the past, the existence of the three major worlds was limited to the bondage and routine of laws, which was basically known to few people, but when it came to Wang Meng, it had no effect.

Since he borrowed the super artifact Yuanshen to come to the small world, even for a moment, Wang Meng has seen a new hope.

That's right, he wants to get through the three worlds!

There must be a way!

Zhang Yang has always thought that Wang Meng is similar to him, but he is more lucky. Now he knows what kind of person he is following.

This is the person who is fighting against the way of heaven, and there is no one before!

The power of the Holy Church in the Middle Thousand Worlds is just in the construction stage. Zhang Yang, Zhan Yiluo and Pang Hong are the first batch of the Holy Halls in the Middle Thousand World.

In the near future, there will be more holy places from the small world to the middle thousand, from the middle thousand to the big thousand, and finally occupy the divine world!

This is what Wang Meng wants to do.

When Xue Zhongnan created the temple, he just wanted to provide a road of Datong cultivation for the monks, but now what Wang Meng wants to do is to make the church the cultivation road of the three worlds.

The concept is the same, but the realm does have a qualitative rise, and Xue Zhongnan can close his eyes.

The royal palace has unconsciously become a sacred and mysterious place, and Wang Meng is a legend.

Wang Meng is really not idle now. The construction of simple laws cannot be done out of imagination. For him, he is most interested in how to find a way to use super artifacts.

Everyone is for me, and I am for everyone. This is the Holy Church. Wang Meng believes that this is the most powerful power. No matter how strong a person is, there is a limit. When the courage and strength of countless people gather together, the power generated by that belief can definitely go against the sky!

There has been a completely different road in front of Wang Meng's eyes. No one has ever walked through it. Even if it's a god, even if it really exists, I'm afraid I haven't thought about it!

The power of the super artifact is not all made up on Wang Meng. Wang Meng obviously found that even if it is nourished by Shuangyuan God, the power of the super artifact is also very slow, but if Ma Tianer and others are here, the effect will be much better.

In addition, Wang Meng was most pleased with Zhao Lingxuan. As expected, he was right. Zhao Lingxuan's persistence and understanding, and even said that fate was the best. After the war against demons, Zhao Lingxuan had matured a lot and could best adhere to his will to strengthen the sanctuary. His idea was only once in the lower world, and he was Hou, Zhao Lingxuan actually found a way to respond.

Without Zhao Lingxuan's response, he will definitely not be able to penetrate his strength to the lower world again, let alone come.

It's just that there is still no way in the big thousand world. Hu Jing may realize that the big thousand world is not a small thousand world. The small thousand world hall dominates the world and can use its own ideas, but in the big thousand world, Hu Jing and others must first face the survival problem.

Wangtian... Maybe he is quietly waiting for his arrival.

At the current level, Wang Meng already has some wonderful foreboding. Although there is no reason, he knows that this is a consciousness that has been formed for a long time, and it does have a certain predictive effect.

Wangtian... Mingren... At the thought of this, Wang Meng was a little hot or interesting in the world. He couldn't wait!

It's just that what Wang Meng didn't expect was that Mingren did not intend to give him this opportunity.

Hokjing, since the dead group took off the dead black robe, its popularity has soared, especially among the nuns, it is very handsome, although the dead group is now missing!

The immortal group of the years is a little depressed. After the news of their enmity with the dead group was exposed, it became a contrast in the eyes of the girl.

Drunken scholar is a little uncomfortable. Is the skin so important?

"Alas, only handsome people have youth." The old man completely devoted himself to youth.

Zui Shusheng wants to say that he is also very handsome, but Ling Ling's eyes are a little fierce. After thinking about it, let's forget it. What about being handsome? Is he powerful? It's not a group of men mixed together. He also has Ling Ling. Except for being a little fierce, everything else is fine. Thinking about it, not only is it balanced, but also has a sense of superiority.

He shook his head and still put his mind on the first dojo in the world. He didn't expect to meet the Holy Church. He felt tricky for the first time. Before watching all kinds of performances of the Holy Church, he was very happy. Now it's his turn to touch the Holy Church...

Alas... sigh, when it comes to this topic, the most sighs are drunken scholars.


"I'm afraid of being bombarded when I go to the alcoholic stall."

Drunken scholar now doesn't drink ghost wine all day, and his hands are itchy.

Winning the Holy Hall, of course, there is no problem. The wooden emperor has just entered the realm of the yuan god. In a short period of time, he will obviously not take action. Even if he takes action, he will obviously not be their old opponents.

Thor is very fierce, but this kind of pure strength is the best opponent for them. Even if the opponent is bombarding, they will never be timid.

As for Wang Meng, this guy is too domineering and troublesome, but it's just troublesome. I just hope that Wang Meng will not force them to use the final kill card.

All walks of life were surging, and finally ushered in the second day, the first decisive battle of the top four, and the four imperial regiments fought against the half-dead and half-living regiment.

This is a highly anticipated battle. Before the first Taoist field in the world, the four emperors were all strong people standing at the peak.

Now, in front of the taboo group, does the fourth emperor still have the qualification to be the peak?

Some people doubt, but, after all, everyone grew up listening to the legend of the four emperors, and the four emperors have not let anyone down until now. The four emperors are the four emperors.

This time, the opponent is a half-dead and half-living group. Those who believe in the four emperors all think that this is an opportunity for the four emperors to prove their strength. Let everyone see that the taboo group is rampant, and the four emperors are still at the top of the world.

On the battlefield, the tempt boy came on the stage and said, "Let's go together."

As soon as the lame man opened his mouth, the whole dojo was shocked. Does the lame want to choose the four emperors alone?

I feel a little arrogant.

However, the fourth emperor was very cautious. When the lame said this, the breath emanating from his body was the smell of the melting of life and death.

"You... are different from yesterday."

A sharp golden light flashed in the eyes of the golden emperor, and he saw the last thing he wanted to see on the lame body.

The lame nodded silently and said again, "Let's go together."

The face of the fourth emperor is grim, and the lame is a little difficult to target. Now... After the transformation, the lame is full of unfathomable breath. I'm afraid no one has confidence to fight alone.

However, if we go together... The four emperors will never be cowardly to anyone. Between the four emperors, there is a set of joint attack arrays, gathering the power of four people. I dare not say that it can destroy the sky and the earth, but it should not be a problem to kill a few strong people in the yuan realm.

Yuan Mang nodded. For the crim, no means is superfluous. Hand in hand is a means of integrity.

(To be continued