Holy Church

Chapter 937 Collision

The dragon soared into the sky, but still did not break through his timing, but the red moon broke through his boundaries.

This is a situation that has never happened, unless Wang Meng holds a higher-end power.

The red moon is empty, and time is in hand.

"You know, time also has time."

Wang Meng said that the light of the red moon shone on the world. Under this light, the time order began to collapse.

If it is only the existence of the small thousand world, no matter how it is against the sky, it is impossible to surpass the upper world, but the problem is that Wang Meng has the strongest inheritance of the big thousand world, step by step from the small thousand world to the middle thousand world, this understanding has surpassed too many ordinary monks.

It is difficult to crack the order of others, but it is too easy for Wang Meng to get rid of it, because his second god is independent order, which can invalidate other orders.

So even in an old and small order, Wang Meng still wants to exert his strength.

Time, you can take away the time.

In essence, it is an existence.

He is not old and retreats quickly to get rid of the light of the red moon, because this power will take away his own time. Once he loses time, he will return his soul to the loess.

But the light of the red moon soon faded.

Wang Meng did not mean to kill not old or small. This kind of confrontation can only be regarded as proof, and his fate is not of much value to Wang Meng.

In fact, like the Ming people, only the demigod is useful.

He stopped the decline and looked at Wang Meng. He was stunned for a moment. Suddenly, he shrugged his shoulders and licked the lollipop. "I don't play anymore. It hurts my self-esteem to play with a monster like you."

He was not old or small to admit defeat, which made the monks present lose.

It's not that he doesn't want to be old or small, but that he can't play with a madman like Wang Meng. This is a guy who dares to lead to research even the disaster. His understanding can't save his life.

At his level, he can't see the source and level of Wang Meng's power at all.

It's not that you are stunned. In this case, there is no comparison at all.

Instead of losing face in the end, it's better to be refreshed now, at least maintain a little image.

Wang Meng just smiled helplessly. It's also a problem to be too strong. Like not old or small, he can see some, but can't see through, so he doesn't dare to play directly.

The sanctuary is close to the top four, more and more insoluble, more and more and more evil.

Horrible Soming, unsoluable Zhou Qian, now there are more beast gods... Of course, there is also the unfathomable Wang Meng.

forms an invincible church.

Then it is said that this is only a small part of the church. What kind of sect is this?

Many people are mistaken, thinking that the temple is fighting for something in the world of cultivation. The vision is too low, and the strength of the church is not understandable.

Wang Meng looked around, and the people of the three congresses disappeared. Wang Meng was not worried. He was not afraid of anything, but he was afraid that it would be fine.

If he is most interested in it, it is the two bald heads.

The circus of rolling dice.

Can't afford to collide with Wang Meng's eyes inadvertently, but Wang Meng saw the light of provocation in his eyes.

This is a person who dares to gamble with heaven. There must be something interesting.

The church has completely defeated the immortal group of the years and established the most popular position now.

The half-dead and half-living group and the temple showed their hands refreshingly. Now it's the turn of the third group, the same evenly matched.

The bombardment team plays against the dice-throwing circus.

Obviously, this is also the highlight in everyone's heart.

These two taboo groups, no matter which one, have the first strength in the world.

At this time, when we collide, who will move forward and who will be knocked down from the altar?

The dancing fire stood directly and came to the center of the battlefield, leaving the breath of the strong fighting, which made her fighting spirit raging, and her body ignited flames.

On the side of the circus of rolling dice, Jingyun Jingkong and Jingkong were not present, only those who could not afford to bet with Jue.

I couldn't afford to touch my chin, and the words of the beautiful woman sent to the opposite side... "Jue doesn't gamble, you know."

Jue didn't gamble and shrugged his shoulders. It doesn't matter. Whether men and women are beautiful or ugly, in his eyes, they are just the same, and the red fen is just a skeleton.

Wuhuo looked at the eye and did not gamble, and the flame on his body slowly converged. This is condensing the power that can be used in every trace. Fire is wildly open, but only by restraining the fire to the extreme and then releasing it can the power of fire be exerted to the extreme.

The fire of dancing fire, the restrained law, and illegal means are not the law, but the echo of heaven in the underworld, as if the dancing fire is no longer a monk at this moment, but the messenger of the fire representing the fire of heaven.

"Spirit, God, Spirit Fire, God's Fire, Heaven's Fire, Spirit's Fire... Seven Fires in One, Plant Fire to purify the world."

On the body of the dancing fire, a spiritual praise rises. This is not a human voice, but a hollow sound naturally from the sky. The dancing fire is leading the world with the way of spiritual practice.

The way of heaven has the virtue of good life and the nature of destroying the world.

The reincarnation of nature, where there is life, there is destruction.

Fire is the extinction of the pure world and one of the most rooted forces of the heavenly way, and dancing fire, at this moment, summoned is the most original "fire" of the heavenly way, called fire, but its essence is beyond fire.


A colorless flame burns from the body of the dancing fire. The flame is transparent and colorless, but the spiritual power of heaven and earth evaporates under the colorless fire, so that people can see the scope and shape of the flame slightly.

Jue didn't gamble that his eyes moved. From the colorless fire, he felt an unprecedented threat, which was an infinite great power. In terms of strength, it could already cause fatal damage to him.

There is no other fire in the world that can surpass the ultimate fire released by the dance fire at this time.

I couldn't afford to frown. Jue didn't gamble. This time, I really met my opponent.

The Fire Emperor frowned even more. He had the most say in the power of fire. "The colorless extreme fire, and only the fire spirit can easily summon this kind of fire."

The Water Emperor Song nodded, "However, Jue is not weak if he doesn't gamble."

The cultivation of the five emperors is indeed not weak, but over the years, they have really been "givated and excellent". They are not as good as others, so they did not struggle in the previous battle. They have led these people out and have achieved their goals.

As for whether you can unlock the secret of the three congresses, you can only let it be up to fate.

Jue didn't bet and waved his hand, and a ray of light fell, "The beauty is easy to grow old, the bright light is Ran Ran, I'm the guardian."

In the spell, Jue's body gradually changed into a halo, as if it were homogeneous with the light. The whole person turned into light, the pressure of light, and confronted the fire of heaven.

Boom, a storm burst out between the two people.

From the beginning to now, the two of them have not really collided from beginning to end. However, the momentum has collided with each other for hundreds of rounds. Among them, the danger is that only the dancing fire and the jue who are facing each other do not gamble.

Suddenly, a red cloud surged up on the face of the dancing fire, but she suddenly stepped back two steps, and saw a white light suddenly flashing from her side. If she was still in the position just now, I'm afraid that the white light would pass through her chest and heart.

Light is ubiquitous.

Jue didn't gamble and exhaled a long breath, and the little finger of his left hand moved slightly. Suddenly, there were several white lights as small as a line, shooting straight to the fire.

"The fire in the sky burns everything, and the light turns into dust and disappears."

The dancing fire took a deep breath, not only that there was a colorless sky fire on his body, but also two light-like sky fires spewed out in a pair of charming eyes, colliding with the white light that Jue did not gamble.

Boom, completely against the truth, the light burned, and silver dust fell from the air. This is the light turned into dust.

Between heaven and earth, the rumble and shake, and light and fire fight in the air. This is the sound of the wailing of the heavenly way. The fine cracks are opened abruptly and destroyed by abruptly. The law of the heavenly way is completely reprimanded here, replaced by the power of dancing fire and the no gambling

There is fire on one side.

On the other side is the light.

Shu couldn't afford to move his eyes slightly, as if he had seen something.

On the other side, the corner of the sky's mouth was curved. I didn't expect that there was such a strange ability, the power of the holy light.

He blinked and said to the drunken scholar beside him, "The glorious body is the representative of the limit of the holy power. I didn't expect to be able to get along with Shu."

"Although the two monks are very strange, they also walk with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Fire Spirit and the Holy Light are not compatible with each other, which is more difficult to deal with." The old man doesn't believe it.

It is said that water is the mother of life, but light is the source of all things. The power of light is high in any plane and in any world. However, the higher the starting point, the heavier the restriction of heaven.

Wang Meng smiled and was brilliant. To put it simply, he had half of the Ming people.

However, even half of the physique is enough to dominate the wind.

In normal circumstances, in this world, of course, it is impossible to be promoted to the realm of the primordial spirit, and even if you want to be promoted to the peak of the divine realm, I'm afraid it will be a problem if there is no first-class adventure, but if it involves all kinds of secret forbidden places in the space of the

That's really all kinds of unpredictable fairy encounters. Even if you directly enter the fairyland from the space of the gods, it is not impossible.

It's just that Wanyao Guanghua's body is really too many constraints. If you want to reach the Yuanshen Realm, God knows how many adventures and resources you need to break the shackles of this heavenly way?

At this time, looking at the battlefield again, a burst of chills rushed up and surged into his heart. Jue did not bet that if it was really a glorious body, how many resources did he eat to be promoted to the current yuanjing?

You know, after all, Wanyao Guanghua is the supreme physique of hard bully. At the beginning of the divine realm, you can compete with the divine realm. When you transform the divine realm, you can barely compete with the strong in the primordial realm.

And now, what kind of power will the glorious body in the unprecedented yuanshen realm in this world be?

At this time, on the battlefield, there is nothingness, light and fire. The two forces turned the space into a forbidden area. No force can penetrate the distorted space of these two forces to see the battle situation between Jue's non-gambling and dancing fire.

(Second update, get up early in the morning, have breakfast, go back to sleep, and ask for a monthly ticket!) RS