God Stick Paradise

Chapter 16 The backyard caught fire

God of War. The back mountain of Billye College, at the top of Qiming Peak.

A man and a woman stand side by side on a peak, and further up is a cliff. The man looked far away in the east, which was the direction of the necromancer. His back seemed to see not a person in a trance, but a sword, a sharp sword that penetrated the ground and broke through the clouds, while the woman beside him was like a girl next door, with two ponytails, and a black dress similar to a suit made a sound of hunting with the wind.

The strong contrast between the two seems to tear the whole space in half, but it seems that even the furthest distance in the world can't be separated from them. If Yero was here at this time, he would definitely exclaim: "Director!! Baron."

These two people are the two most powerful people in Billy. One is the class director of Yero and the other is the principal of Billy. Self-proclaimed Baron of Purgatory.

Yero's class guide is very short, but sweet-looking, and it is even easy to misunderstand that this is a Lori, while the principal of the self-named Baron is like a sloppy but handsome middle-aged man, and even looks very charming.

They felt the violent elemental fluctuations just before the mushroom cloud rose, and they came here in advance to watch the whole process of the explosion.

"There is a fluctuation in the element holding method of that dead old man." Yero's class guide opened his mouth first, but his voice sounded as tender as a teenage girl.

"No, that's when it was mixed in later." The baron was sure.

The big man showed a strange look and said uncertainly, "Why don't you ask little Yero?"

The baron also showed a strange expression, hesitated for half a raise, raised his eyebrows and replied, "It's useless to ask."

Yero's class director showed a clear look, and then said excitedly, "It seems that there is another interesting topic"

The baron laughed and said, "You haven't started to study the last topic yet"

Yero's director looked confident: "I'm afraid that he can't run away. Even if he runs away, he can still catch it back. Besides, isn't there little Yero there?" Yeluo said with a rare gentle look in his eyes.

There was a gloomy look in the baron's eyes: "Bilie, we owe her too much" when he suddenly felt a little cold. Suddenly, they were hugged from behind, but it was Biriya. The two of them looked at each other and were speechless...

The capital of elements. Heli Oaks College, President's Office.

A beautiful woman in retro clothes looked at the scenery outside the window and muttered to herself, "Dead enemy, do you think you can deceive me again by covering it casually?" The sadness in the eyes can make the heart of any man who sees it aches

There was a knock on the door, and then an elegant middle-aged man came in. The beautiful woman's expression also returned to cold, as if she had changed into a person.

The middle-aged man presented a document, looked calmly at the woman in front of him, and said flatly, "This is the message just sent by Professor Filina from Matilleys College." Looking at the back of the woman in front of him, his calm eyes could no longer hide the fiery heat. But the moment the woman turned around, she lowered her head and covered the uncontrollable impulse.

The gorgeous woman took the information and glanced at it. Her expression did not fluctuate, as if she had known it for a long time, and said flatly, "Go out."

The elegant man also seemed to be used to this result and said, "Then I'll say goodbye." Then turn around and go out

"Chris" gorgeous woman suddenly shouted.

Professor Chris, who had opened the door, stopped when he heard the words.

"Don't miss Filina, she, one is waiting for you." The beautiful woman still couldn't help persuading.

Chris's body trembled a little, and then calmed down again. He said without looking back, "I'm also waiting for you" and strode away.

The beautiful woman looked at the door that Chris forgot to bring due to emotional excitement, and the coldness in her eyes suddenly collapsed. Only the deepest gloomy and thickening could not be opened. She said sadly in her heart, but I have been waiting for him all the time...

Dead City State. The backhill cemetery of Matilleys College.

A young man and woman sat on the tombstone.

The boy wore braids on the back of his head and wore a pair of gold glasses, which looked very elegant. At this time, he was constantly drawing something on the cardboard. The girl had short purple hair, but she wore a one-ey mask on her beautiful face that confused all sentient beings, which made people feel pity.

The girl said angrily when she saw the sven boy drawing drawings again, "Da Vinci, can't you do something else? I'm tired of it if you're not tired of drawing."

Leonardo da Vinci still painted, and the girl seemed to be used to ignoring him when he painted, and she didn't look angry. After half a meal, Leonardo finally stopped writing, looked at the pictures on the paper with a frenzy and satisfied look, and muttered, "What a desirable holy place." Then he turned his head to the girl and said, "Raphael, don't slander my art. This is my job."

Raphael curled his lips. Obviously, Da Vinci has said countless films of this sentence, but he asked softly, "Will it be her?"

Leonardo da Vinci pushed his gold glasses and affirmed, "Absolutely not. I'm afraid she can't even handle this energy-level element outbreak. I'm afraid it's powerful. Things have become complicated," he said with a playful expression on the corners of his mouth.

"It's really troublesome," Raphael said in a low voice, and Xuan'er asked again, "Do you want to go and have a look?"

Da Vinci suddenly became serious: "No, the matter entrusted to us by adults is more important. We have to go, and, isn't he still there?"

Hearing this, Raphael's left eyes showed a trace of sadness: "He? Don't you know how to live a happy life?"

Da Vinci was also silent about this and looked up, "Let's go quickly"

Raphael heard this and put away all his emotions and quickly flashed down the mountain like an inanimate puppet.

Da Vinci saw Raphael, sighed and followed...


College Library.

Since Liu Yunfeng had a whim in class that day, she has been out of control. Typically, she doesn't look back when she doesn't go to the south wall, and she has to break the south wall.

The elegance of the wind, the fourth-order wind element spell, and the advanced version of the second-order rapid spirit can greatly improve the agility and speed of the caste, and can be upgraded to the elegance of the seventh-order spell wind.

The power of bull, the fourth-order earth element spell, and the advanced version of the second-order giant magic can greatly improve the power and resistance ability of the caster, and can be advanced to the seventh-order spell dragon power.

Eye of True Vision, the fourth-order auxiliary spell, and the advanced version of the second-order Hawk Eye, can greatly improve the insight of the caste, have the highest effect on escape and illusion, and can be upgraded to the seventh-order spell Sky Eye.

The seventh-order spell can only be used by element law enforcers who break through the sixth-order. Elemental holders can cast the effect by causing the resonance of heaven and earth elements through the magic operation in the body, while elemental law enforcers can forcibly manipulate heaven and earth elements for their own use, which is not the same.

Well, at present, these three spells are the most practical. Go back and try them. I'm preparing to check the relatively unpopular element holding array.

"sor!" The voice is very sweet, and the key is the attributes of the schoolgirl.

Liu Yunfeng was about to check the relatively unpopular element holding array, and was immediately excited and excited by this senior. In the previous school, he was notorious, and girls would be scared to cry within three meters of his body, so the name "semi" had nothing to do with him, but he felt that he was a learner. Sister control.

"Call again" Liu Yunfeng closed his eyes and asked rudely with an intoxicated face.

The "sor" voice is still sweet.

"Call again" Liu Yunfeng continued to ask with his eyes closed.

"sor, you are so disgusting!" The voice is still sweet, but after all, she is not a Buddha. Even if the Buddha meets such a shameless person, he will directly surpass him.

With a bang, Liu Yunfeng's fantasy collapsed. "Uh, blue-haired girl" He finally woke up and turned his head with an exclamation.

The blue-haired girl blushed a little, "Why is this person not so ashamed? She is directly called a little girl on one side, but this person doesn't look like some hypocrites."

"Well, cough, I'm sorry, what can I do for you?" Liu Yunfeng immediately became a hypocrite again.

The blue-haired girl blushed even more: "It's so powerful, but it's not arrogant at all. It's really so modest..."

"I, my name is Tia, Tiya. Viros, how can I summon a contract beast like you? I also seem to want one. Can you change it to my contract beast? I will treat you well." Tiya finally said her purpose of digging the wall.

"Uh, huh?!" Liu Yunfeng stepped back a few steps and looked frightened. "Is this the legendary cultivation control? I'm in danger!!"

The sun is bright and warm as spring. Tia led a four-legged man to walk in the garden.

"Xiao Fengfeng, today is in the field cultivation stage. Come on!"


Obviously, this is another brain tonic of a weak protagonist Liu Yunfeng.

Liu Yunfeng shivered and shivered. I didn't like this. He said in a trembling voice to Tiya, "Ha ha, I really don't know about this aspect. I have something else. Let's go first. Bye-bye-!!" With a frightened ending, people have run out of the library as if they were running for their lives.

Tiya looked at Liu Yunfeng's fleeing back and stamped her feet and said with a grudgery face, "Is he that terrible? It's really annoying." Tia was hit. For the first time, she summoned up the courage to take the initiative to talk to a boy, but she got this result...

By the saying, Liu Yunfeng ran out of the library and made up his mind that he would never come to this place next time if he had nothing to do. Why are the girls in this world so horrible? What about the majesty of my brother's school in his previous life.

"Well, it's getting dark, it's going to be bad. There are still three people waiting to be fed at home... Is it possible that today, it's mine, life, death, disaster?!" Liu Yunfeng's face turned pale in an instant when he thought of this. He closed his eyes and a picture popped into his mind.

In the picture, Liu Yunfeng spit blood and flew out of the attic. Elia dragged a long sword dripping blood and Shiran walked out of the building with a red cross in her eyes. Approaching step by step.

The picture turned again. This time, Liu Yunfeng prepared the food and brought it back to the dormitory. He was about to open the door. A chainsaw went straight out of the door and directly cut it in half... But Ye Luo dragged the bloody weapon out the door...

The picture is moving. This time, Liu Yunfeng appeared in front of You Na. She saw the resentment in her eyes, which could move the sky. Yuna held the giant sickle high and said, "In the name of the curse, Feng, you can judge yourself." Liu Yunfeng's eyes showed unbelievable, but his hands still immediately projected a long gun, and did not hesitate to He passed by a bucket and fell to the ground, all over his body**. Reaching out his hand to the other party's sad wail, "Yuna--!! I, wrong..." The outstretched hand fell weakly on the cold floor, and his legs twitched and died. Blood flowed out from the ribs and stopped for a short time because of losing vitality.

The pictures kept rotating, and each rotation appeared differently. Hundreds of times, Liu Yunfeng tried all kinds of ways to struggle and escape, but in the end, he still died! Die! Die!

Liu Yunfeng suddenly opened her eyes and looked straight ahead. Cold sweat bleed from her forehead, and her whole body was cold. She muttered, "It's dead, dead..." She walked like a walking corpse to the dormitory...

Let's adjust the time back to two hours

In Yuna's bedroom

"Gu--!!" I don't know whose belly protested first. Three hungry girls silently cursed Liu. The resentment suddenly filled the whole room, and the picture in Liu Yunfeng's mind was brewing into reality step by step...

PS: In the list..................

Comrades, please count the tickets................................................................